Государственная программа развитие лесного хозяйства реферат

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Evgeny A Shvarts at Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Рис. 4. Объемы заготовки древесины по преобладающей модели освоения лесных ресурсов в субъектах Российской Федерации на

Карта лесов Российской Федерации, окрашенная по преобладающим группам пород деревьев и сомк нутости древесного полога

  • С А Барталев
  • Д В Ершов
  • А С Исаев
  • Др

Барталев С. А., Ершов Д. В., Исаев А. С. и др. Карта лесов Российской Федерации, окрашенная по преобладающим группам пород деревьев и сомк нутости древесного полога. М., 2004. 1 с.

Проблемы ведения лесного хозяйства в России -рас четная лесосека // Современные наукоемкие технологии. 2010. № 9

Каракчиева И. В. Проблемы ведения лесного хозяйства в России -рас четная лесосека // Современные наукоемкие технологии. 2010. № 9. С. 144-147.

Требования к нормативам для экономически обоснован ной модели лесопользования / Интенсивное устойчивое лесное хозяйство: барьеры и перспективы развития / Сб. статей под общ

Романюк Б. Д. Требования к нормативам для экономически обоснован ной модели лесопользования / Интенсивное устойчивое лесное хозяйство: барьеры и перспективы развития / Сб. статей под общ. ред. Н. Шматкова;


Environmental ratings of extractive industries in Russia and its dynamics

• Can voluntary mechanisms and international standards in environment responsibility field have significant influence and impact on oil and gas and mining sectors, comparable with international vol untary standards /certifications of soft commodities (timber, marine biological resources, beef etc)? • Are there significant differences in environmental responsibility of different groups of oil companies (state owned vs private; Russian vs international) . [more]

Green Silk Road Economic Belt: the environmental risks and challenges

China is moving ahead with the Silk Road Economic Belt, an ambitious infrastructure development agenda with the distinct promise of regional and sub-regional economic development. However, the init iative will create new environmental risks across the entire Eurasian continent, especially in countries with predominately poor records of environmental governance, including the former Soviet republics and Russia. Concurrently, on the domestic front, the Chinese Government has launched a new policy paradigm, “ecological civilization,” to dramatically improve environmental regulations, reduce pollution, and transform industries by adopting new green technologies and higher environmental standards. But does China’s intention to go through a “green shift” domestically resonate with these new transborder infrastructure development mega-projects? . [more]

Green Silk Road

Environmental Policy, competiveness of economics and voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility

Некоторые причины кризиса лесного сектора и пути выхода из него. Устойчивое лесопользование, 2018, №.

Evgeny A Shvarts

Alexey Yaroshenko

Myths and problems of forestry reform in Russia. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost', no. 3, pp. 3.

Evgeny A Shvarts

Situation analysis demonstrates that several forest management models coexist in Russia. One of them is the model set by the Russian Forest Code (2006), it is likely to sustain at areas leased for large logging companies for the long term. Some initial signs of more intensified forest management are visible there. Another model is a typical extensive model – ‘wood mining’. This system evolves . [Show full abstract] back to the one used to exist in Soviet times. There is an ambition to revitalize state-owned forest management enterprises or / and the state-owned all Russia wide corporation responsible for reforestation and logging at areas which are not leased for private companies. Forest data is largely absent and existing one is unavailable for state or public control. Funds available for forest management are misused. Federal forest management bodies ignore the fact that lack of available timber resources is due to lack of effective reforestation. Reforestation methods in use and those used in the past do not ensure the establishment of economically valuable forest stands to replace those logged or burned. Reforestation is focused on the production of plantlets and planting with no weeding and thinning of planted or natural young stands. Criteria to assess the success of reforestation based on species composition are not developed and not established. Imitation of reforestation does not help to solve the problem of economic values degradation of secondary forests, including those on the most productive zone – Central European Russia. Authorities ignore exceptional values of intact forest landscapes for the preservation of biodiversity and global climate change prevention. In 7 years since the Russian Forest Policy has been approved not a single National Forest heritage site has been established to contribute to the development of the fund of forests to be preserved from economic development. Authors conclude that despite strategic documents approved in 2013–2018 forest management authorities continue supporting extensive forest management and make no substantial steps towards a transition to more intensified forest management. One of the first steps should be the calculation of rent fee based on rented areas, but not on a volume of logged timber. Keywords: intensive forest management, extensive forest management, forest management effectiveness criteria; forest regeneration effectiveness criteria, annual allowable cut, thinning, federal project “Preservation of Forests”.

Нужна новая экономическая модель лесного хозяйстваТочка зрения Древесное сырье (Forestry needs in a.

Evgeny A Shvarts

On the new Strategy for development of forestry complex in Russian Federation until 2030

Evgeny A Shvarts

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