Conversion in english реферат

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Conversion in modern linguistics is defined as "the way of word formation without the use of word-building affixes. It is a kind of transposition at which the transition of a word from one part of speech to another happens so, that nominative form of a word from one part of speech is used without any material changes as representative of the other parts of speech. Some authors use the terms as “affixless” or root word formation. In the derivative and original conversion following changes occur:

- There is a derivative word semantics change in comparison with the original basis; for example, the adjective, turning into a noun, no longer designate an object tag and begins to express the subject;

- Changes the compatibility of derivative words; so, the noun can be used in any position in the sentence, and, going into the class of adjectives, it is used only before a noun;

- the paradigm of the word changes; passing word takes all the grammatical features of the new part of speech; for example, a noun, moving into the category of adjectives stops changing on cases, numbers and category of possession as adjectives. On this issue A.I. Smirnitsky writes: "Conversion is, this kind of derivation (word derivation), in which the word-formation means is only the very paradigm of the word." O.S. Akhmanova in determining the nature of the conversion advances and grounds the concept of paradigm. She writes: "Conversion - is the formation of new words by passing the base to another paradigm of inflection."

The phenomenon of conversion came to the attention of grammarians relatively early. English grammarian John Greenwood noted that many nouns and some adjectives (and sometimes other parts of speech), using instead of the verbs become verbs. For example, a noun from a verb house arises to house, from nouns fish and oil - verbs to fish, to oil. He was one of the first English grammarians who drew attention to the syntactic feature of this phenomenon. Attention to the affixless (conditionally) way of word formation was highlighted the works of George Buchanan and John Ward, following John Greenwood. The work of another English grammarian William Heyzlitta raises the question of the direction of Derivatives - one of the most complicated even in modern linguistics for the first time in English grammar.

"Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether substantive occurred from the verb or vice versa. In general, however, it can be assumed - he writes - that substantives, expressing the action come from the verb ", and those who express "things or objects", can be seen as "the roots of verbs related to these objects ". Thus, he also puts in the forefront the semantic criterion for determination of the derivative. At the same time, comparing the verbs to love, to sleep with nouns love and sleep, W. Heyzlitt emphasizes that they are different, "not in content, but in form and manner of expression."

The last quarter of the nineteenth century represents an important milestone in the development of the doctrine of the conversion of the English grammatical tradition. A significant contribution to its development was made by well-known British linguist G. Sweet. It is believed that he first coined the term conversion in English grammar. Conversion of G. Suita is two-forked. On the one hand, he did not reject the idea of ​​syntactic multifunctional words, on the other hand, the conversion was treated by him as syntactic and morphological derivation process. It begins and ends with syntax morphology. Such an approach to the conversion gets further widespread.

Conversion, according to G. Suita has similarities to the derivation, although not always a new lexical unit arises as a result of conversion. He believes that the use of the word in the functions of other parts of speech is not ground to consider it as belonging to the other parts of speech. So, the word silk in the phrase silk thread is counted by Mr. Sweet as a noun. The converted word, the grammarian emphasizes, must acquire formal features (inflection, etc.) of that part of the speech, to which it has passed. "The question of what part of speech the word belongs, - he writes - is, therefore, a matter of form, not meaning."

Mr. Sweet introduces the concept of partial conversion for the first time among the English grammarians, the essence of which he sees in the fact that the word is characterized by formal indicators of two parts of speech. Analyzing the sentence The good are happy, he concludes that the word good, on the one hand, functions as a noun, using a definite article, on the other hand, - as an adjective, as it has no plural suffix. With regard to the word Goods in the phrase goods and chattels, it is a case of full conversion of the adjective into a noun.

An important conclusion is represented by G. Suita that in the conversion index of the converted word is its grammatical form. It considers not only the syntax compatibility with other words, but (as done later by Smirnitsky A.I.) also the paradigm of derivative words. The grammarian draws attention to the fact that although the converted Word retains the original value, however, in the future there is a semantic difference between the two.

Based on the experience of previous generations of linguists, Mr. Sweet has compiled a wealth of materials that has been accumulated in the English grammatical tradition on the issue of conversion.

So the object of my investigation is the words, formed by means of conversion and the subject is the productivity and activity of conversion in present-day English. The principal method of investigation is the analysis of Immediate Constituents (IC), which helps to determine the ways in which lexical units are relevantly related to one another and thus revealing the hierarchical structure… Читать ещё >

Пополнение словарного запаса английского языка на современном этапе путем конверсии Conversion ( реферат , курсовая , диплом , контрольная )


  • Пополнение словарного запаса английского языка на современном этапе путем конверсии (Conversion)
  • Contents
  • I. ntroduction
  • 1. Definition of conversion, its synonymous terms
  • 2. Different approaches to conversion
  • 3. The historical development of conversion. Diachronic approach
  • 4. Conversion in present-day English. Synchronic approach
  • 5. Criteria for primary/derived member in a conversion pair
  • 6. Conversion of nouns and verbs
  • 7. Substantivation and other cases of transposition
  • 8. Stone-wall combinations (nominative binomials)
  • 9. Sound-(stress-) interchange
  • 10. Productivity.Traditional and occasional conversion
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

No vocabulary of any living language is ever stable but is constantly changing, growing and decaying. The number of new words that appear in the language is so much greater than those that drop out or become obsolete, that the development of vocabularies may be described as a process of never-ending growth.

There are two ways of enriching the vocabulary:

1) Vocabulary extension − the appearance of new lexical units. New vocabulary units appear mainly as a result of: a) productive or patterned ways of word-formation; b) non-patterned ways of word-creation; c) borrowings from other languages.

2) Semantic extension − the appearance of new meanings of existing words which may result in homonyms.

Productive word-formation is the most effective means of enriching the vocabulary. The most widely used means are affixation (prefixation mainly for verbs and adjectives, suffixation for nouns and adjectives), conversion (giving the greatest number of new words in verbs and nouns) and composition (most productive in nouns and adjectives).

Of great importance and interest is one of the types of word-formation called conversion. Conversion, one of the principal ways of forming words in Modern English is highly productive in replenishing the English word-stock with new words. It is a characteristic feature of the English word-building system.

The main reason that conversion is so widely spread in present-day English is the word-forming process of conversion itself. Due to the limited number of morphological elements serving as classifying, marking signals of a certain part of speech, word-formation executed by changing the morphological paradigm is very economical and efficient. The majority of conversion pairs (more than 60%) in Modern English are the result of conversion.

So the object of my investigation is the words, formed by means of conversion and the subject is the productivity and activity of conversion in present-day English. The principal method of investigation is the analysis of Immediate Constituents (IC), which helps to determine the ways in which lexical units are relevantly related to one another and thus revealing the hierarchical structure.

Conversion, one of the principal ways of forming words in Modern English, is highly productive in replenishing the English word-stock with new words. Compounds and free word-groups, classification of compounds. Shortening and word-building processes.

Подобные документы

Definition and features of word-formation, productivity. Types of word-formation: affixation, conversion, shortening, composition, secondary ways. Justification their value and effectiveness. Main results of practical research, analysis and value.

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The principles of the word formation process in the English language. About affixation in linguistics. Structural and semantic types of compounds. Word-building shortening. Blending reduplication and back-formation. New abbreviations and acronyms.

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Classes of morphemes: roots and affixes. The lexical meaning of the word. Create new words and functional morphemes with grammatical meaning (kinks). The study subgroups polymorphic words. The most productive ways of word formation in modern English.

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Composition as ancient way of word formation in the English language. Features of the process of word formation in modern English. Replenishment of vocabulary, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech in connection with the formation of words.

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The concept of derivation and its main issues, the possible ways of solving them, and value. General characteristics of word formation. The morphemic structure of English language: prefixes, suffixes, compound words. Minor types of word formation.

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Word formation as a linguistic discipline and subject of its research. Types of word-formation: аffixation, сonversion, сomposition, shortening. Minor types of word-formation: reduplication, blending, initialism, neologism, onomatopoeia, backformation.

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Word and morpheme as a basic units of language. Minor ways of word-building, structure of Lexical Meaning. Types of synonyms, neologisms, learned words and official vocabulary. Slang, origin of the English words. American English and denotation.

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Conversion By _________________

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Conversion By _________________

Conversion By _________________

language is not a product of activity, but it is activity itself V. Humboldt

language is not a product of activity, but it is activity itself V. Humboldt

Introduction The object of this work is the phenomenon of conversion in Engli.

Introduction The object of this work is the phenomenon of conversion in English. The subject of this work is the study of the main features of converse in English.

Conversion is the process of creating new words in different parts of speech.

Conversion is the process of creating new words in different parts of speech without a word-formation element, when the original form of etymon and derived words coincide.

Introduction The topicality of this problem is due to the fact that the needs.

Introduction The topicality of this problem is due to the fact that the needs of the language lead to the enrichment of the vocabulary by various means. Conversion refers to this process. The purpose of this work is to review the conversion process and study the ways of conversion in modern English.

Historical development of conversion Conversion has been the subject of a gre.

Historical development of conversion Conversion has been the subject of a great many linguistic discussions since 1891 when H. Sweet first used the term in his New English Grammar. Various opinions have been expressed on the nature and character of conversion in the English language and different conceptions of conversion have been put forward.

Historical development of conversion The fact that the Scandinavian and Engli.

Historical development of conversion The fact that the Scandinavian and English languages were akin made communication much easier for them: the roots were mostly alike and differences were in affixes and inflexions. Old English lufian (v), lufu (n) – Modern English love (n, v), More rarely, it is the prefix that was dropped: Old English zemynd –Modern English mind. Words borrowed from other languages underwent the same process, for example, French borrowings: Old French eschequier (v), eschec (n) – Modern English check (n, v)

Shakespeare epoch The non-suffixing formation of verbs from nouns, adjectives.

Shakespeare epoch The non-suffixing formation of verbs from nouns, adjectives and even adverbs was applied much more widely than later, that is, in late New English. Therefore, Shakespeare has the following examples of such education: “will you pleasure me?” this day gentle of his condition. Because of this development, the non-suffixed verbal pronouns occupied a significant place in the language system along with those that were formed with the help of suffixes.

Conversion in present-day English In the 20th century, scientists considered.

Conversion in present-day English In the 20th century, scientists considered conversion as a kind of functional transposition, as the process of moving a word to another class of words without adding an affix. Often conversion is associated with metonymy. Scientists argue that metonymy should be considered as a symbolic, semiotic operation, during which one sign can act instead of another sign

6 ways of word formation

6 ways of word formation

the main types of conversion N> V to badge, to bridge, to mail, to vacation;.

the main types of conversion N> V to badge, to bridge, to mail, to vacation; V> N a call, a command, a guess, a spy; Adj> N a creative, a crazy, a daily, a regular; Adj> V to dirty, to empty, to better, to open

Conclusion Great contribution to the study of the phenomenon of the conversio.

Conclusion Great contribution to the study of the phenomenon of the conversion was made by such scholars-linguists as E.S. Kubryakova, O. Espersen, H. Sweet, V.N. Yartseva, L. Bauer, G. N. Babich, I. V. Arnold et al.

Summarizing We can conclude that the set at the beginning aim of the study ha.

Summarizing We can conclude that the set at the beginning aim of the study have been reached in the course of this work. In the process of writing this work various sources of theoretical and practical material were used, which gave us detailed information about the subject and the object of this work. Therefore, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the subject and the object and drew appropriate conclusions.

Краткое описание документа:

(Слайд 1) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’d like to present a work about conversion: Historical development of this phenomenon, the process of Conversion in present-day English and Basic conversion models in English language.

(Слайд 2) It has long been known that language is in a state of continuous development. V. Humboldt also pointed out that “language is not a product of activity, but it is activity itself”. Vocabulary is one of the most mobile layers of the language. New words appear, many ways of word formation exist for this. In English, the most productive way of word formation is conversion.

(Слайд 3) The object of this work is the phenomenon of conversion in English. The subject of this work is the study of the main features of converse in English.

(Слайд 4) Conversion is the process of creating new words in different parts of speech without a word-formation element, when the original form of etymon and derived words coincide.

(Слайд 5) The topicality and the purpose of the work you can see on the slide.

English learners need to know about the existence of a conversion. Otherwise, you can come to a standstill when translating simple English phrases.

There are numerous examples of conversion:

(Слайд 6) Conversion has been the subject of a great many linguistic discussions since 1891 when H. Sweet first used the term in his New English Grammar.

(Слайд 7) After the Scandinavian conquest, due to the fact that the conquerors and the conquered were people of the same origin, same cultural level, customs and traditions and their languages were akin, Scandinavians and Englishmen could easily communicate.

(Слайд 8) Features of the language in the epoch of Shakespeare are also described on the slide.

The next prerequisite for the emergence of conversion was the so-called “reverse word formation” (“backformation”), which played a huge role in the development of the new method than the above factors.

(Слайд 9) The vocabulary of modern English has developed in different historical epochs with the help of various word-formation means. The leading process in the development of the vocabulary of the English language at all its stages was the formation of new words from the available material with the help of those word-building tools that have developed in the language.

(Слайд 10) Currently, in English, 6 ways of word formation are recognized as the most productive: 1. Affixation; 2. Composition; 3. Conversion; 4. Reversion; 5. Contamination; 6. Reduction.

(Слайд 11) Conversion is characteristic of the English language because of its analytical structure. Thanks to this method of word-formation, language acquires morphological freedom, since the same word can be used as different parts of speech, and therefore it can also have a different syntactic.

(Слайд 12) In conclusion let me remind you that conversion in linguistics is called as the method of word formation, in which from one part of speech emerges another without any changes in the external form of the word.

It is also important to note that the conversion phenomenon came to the attention of scientists in relatively early times, but the issue is still not explored to the fullest.

(Слайд 13) In addition to that we can conclude that the set at the beginning aim of the study have been reached in the course of this work. In the process of writing this work various sources of theoretical and practical material were used, which gave us detailed information about the subject and the object of this work.

(Слайд 14) Thank you for your kind attention. I’ll be glad to answer all your questions.

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