Comparative analysis of antivirus means of information protection реферат

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!



Rapid development of automation processes and the penetration of the computers in all fields of life have lead to appearance of a range of peculiar problems. One of these problems is the necessity of providing effective protection to information and means of its processing.

A lot of ways to access information, considerable quantity of qualified specialists, vast use of special technical equipment in social production make it possible for violators practically at any moment and in any place carry out the actions, which represent a threat to information safety.

Particular role in this process has been played by appearance of personal computer (PC), which has made computers, software and other informational technologies available to general public. Wide distribution of PC and impossibility of conducting effective control of their use have resulted in the decreasing security level of information systems.

In the current situation, data processing has moved the problems of information security forward to the rank of most important problems of national economy. Solving the problem of poor information security presupposes a complex of measures. First of all, such actions of government as development of classification system, documentation of information and protection methods, data access regulations and punishing measures against information security violators.


a. State informational sources

Formation of state informational sources is carried out by citizens, state authorities, organizations and social unions. Documents, which belong to a person, can be included in the state structure of informational sources, of course, if the person wishes. State informational sources are open and generally available. Documented information with limited access is divided into state secret and confidential information.

b. Citizen information (personal information)

Personal data refers to confidential information. The collection, storage, use and distribution of private information are not allowed. The information, which breaks personal and family secret, secret of correspondence, telephone, postal, telegraph talks and other messages of a person without his/her permission, is also confidential.

Personal data may not be used with purpose of causing damage to person’s property and reputation, difficulties of realization its right. Collected data must be limited to necessary information. The information, which carries strong probability of causing damage to a citizen’s interests shouldn’t be collected.

There are some categories of personal information:

secret documents;official department rules and instructions;information, which is not to be made public in accordance with legislative acts;confidential business information;information, which touches private life of a person;information of financial institutions;

c. Development and production of informational systems

All types of informational systems and networks, technologies and means of their providing compose a special branch of economic activity, whose development is defined by the state scientific, technological and industrial policy of informatization.

State and non-state organizations and, of course, the citizens have equal rights in terms of access to the development and producing of informational systems, technologies.

Owner of informational systems

The informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can be the property objects of juridical person, non-juridical person and state. The owner of informational system is a person, who purchased these objects or got as a gift, heredity or by any other legal way.

The informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can be considered as a good (product), if the producer rights are not broken. The owner of informational system determines the using conditions of this product.

Copyrights and property rights

Copyrights and property rights on informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can be belong to different persons. The owner of informational systems has to protect copyrights in accordance with legislation.

Informational systems and databases, intended for citizens’ and organizations’ informational service, are subjected to certification according to the established custom.

The organizations, which work in the field of making design, producing the means of information protection and personal data treatment, must obtain licensees to conduct such activity. The steps for obtaining license are defined by the legislation.

Computer systems and protection of information

a. Problem of information protection

The problem of information security is relatively new. Not all problems, connected with it have been figured out and solved up to now. The fact of great number of computer systems users means the definite risk to security because not all clients will carry out the requirements of its providing.

The order of storage mediums should be clearly defined in legal acts and envisage the complete safety of mediums, control over the work with information, responsibility for unsanctioned access to mediums with a purpose of copying, changing or destroying them and so on.

b. Legal aspects

There are some legal aspects of information protection, which can appear due to not carefully thought or ill-intentioned use of computer technics:

legal questions of protection of informational massifs from distortions;security of stored information from the unsanctioned access;setting juridically fixed rules and methods of copyrights protection and priorities

Данная тема актуальна, так как компьютерные вирусы во
всем мире наносят громадный ущерб, как большим компаниям,
так и отдельным пользователям, на меры профилактики и
защиты затрачиваются огромные денежные средства. Рядовые
пользователи имеют возможность придерживаться мер
безопасности и использовать антивирусное программное

Изучить типы антивирусных программ;
Привести обзор популярных антивирусных
Проанализировать причины использования
того или другого вида антивируса.

современное антивирусное
программное обеспечение
анализ рынка современного
программного обеспечения
в России и за рубежом

Компьютерный вирус – это небольшая
саморазмножения (то есть добавления своей
точной или несколько видоизмененной копии
к другим программам, документам, системной
области диска, загрузочному сектору или
оперативной памяти), а также выполняющая
без ведома пользователя различные действия,
обычно нежелательные. При этом копии

8. Распространенные виды вирусов

10. Антивирусные программы

Для обнаружения, удаления и
защиты от компьютерных вирусов
разработаны специальные
программы, которые позволяют
обнаруживать и уничтожать
вирусы. Такие программы
называются антивирусными.

11. Типы антивирусных программ

NOD 32 Antivirus System от Eset Software
безупречную защиту персональных компьютеров и
корпоративных систем, работающих на платформах
Microsoft Windows /2000/2003/XP/7/Vista, UNIX/Linux,
а также для почтовых серверов Microsoft Exchange
Server, Lotus Domino и других.
преимуществом NOD32 является его быстрая
работа, невероятное низкое потребление системных
ресурсов и не раз доказанная способность ловить
100% вирусов.

14. Norman Virus Control (Норвегия)

15. Kaspersky Anty-Virus (Россия)

технологическим достижением "Лаборатории Касперского" в
области защиты домашнего компьютера от вирусных угроз.
Помимо обычных антивирусных функций, в Антивирус
компоненты, позволяющие пользователю отслеживать все
происходящие на компьютере изменения и контролировать
поведение документов в формате MS Office, обеспечивая эти
документы дополнительным уровнем безопасности. Антивирус
компонентов, некоторые из которых были ранее были доступны
только для корпоративных пользователей программных
продуктов компании. Теперь все эти средства антивирусной
борьбы доступны для домашнего использования.

Основные характеристики Avast!: Высокий уровень
выявления вирусов, троянов и червей. Резидентный
(в режиме реального времени) и обычный сканер.
Сканирование архивов. Проверка входной и
исходной электронной почты. Глубокая интеграция в
систему. Проверить тот или иной файл можно
непосредственно из проводника Windows, щелкнув
по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выбрав надпись
"Сканировать. ". Карантин Avast! изолирован от
операционной системы, что обеспечивает большую
безопасность работы. Ни один файл, сохраняемый в
карантине не может быть запущен. Бесплатное

McAfee Anti-Spyware Enterprise - это простое в
установке, управлении и мониторинге средство,
уникальными требованиями компаний любого размера.
Данный продукт поддерживается одной из ведущих
антивирусных исследовательских организаций в мире McAfee® AVERTTM, и обеспечивает всестороннюю
защиту от шпионского ПО.

В последнее время стремительно растет популярность
антивирусной программы - Doctor Web, которая относится к
классу детекторов - докторов, но в отличие от многих других
"эвристический анализатор" - алгоритм, позволяющий
обнаруживать неизвестные вирусы. Важной функцией
является контроль заражения тестируемых файлов
резидентным вирусом( ключ /V ). При сканировании памяти
нет стопроцентной гарантии, что "Лечебная паутина"
обнаружит все вирусы, находящиеся там.
Тестирование винчестера Dr.Web-ом занимает много
времени, поэтому не каждый пользователь может себе
позволить тратить столько времени на ежедневную проверку
всего жесткого диска. Таким пользователям можно
посоветовать более тщательно (с опцией /S2) проверять
принесенные извне дискеты.

Panda Antivirus— это антивирусное решение,
небольших организаций и профессионалов.
Программа защищает компьютер и от вирусов, и
от хакеров. Благодаря таким встроенным
функциям, как межсетевой экран и блокиратор
скриптов, Panda гарантирует защиту от вирусов,
хакеров и других опасностей, связанных с сетью
Интернет, в рамках единого и простого в
использовании продукта

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Computer viruses and anti-virus programs

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Computer viruses and anti-virus programs

Computer viruses and anti-virus programs

Computer viruses and anti-virus programs The personal computer plays lives of.

Computer viruses and anti-virus programs The personal computer plays lives of the modern person an important role as it helps it almost with all areas of its activity. The modern society is more and more involved in the virtual world of the Internet. But with active development of global networks the information security question as their getting networks viruses can break integrity and safety of your information is actual. Protection of the computer against viruses is that problem, to solve which it is necessary all users, and especially as that who actively uses the Internet or works in a local network.

First "epidemic" of a computer virus has occurred in 1986 when a virus by nam.

First "epidemic" of a computer virus has occurred in 1986 when a virus by name of Brain (English "brain") "infected" diskettes of personal computers. Now some tens thousand the viruses infecting computers and extending on computer networks are known. HISTORY OF COMPUTER VIRUSES

What is the virus? And than the biological virus differs from the computer? E.

Computer virus – specially created small program capable to self-reproduction.

What the general between biological and computer viruses? Ability to reprodu.

What the general between biological and computer viruses? Ability to reproduction. Harm for health of the person and undesirable actions for the computer. Reserve since viruses have the incubatory period.

After infection of the computer the virus can become more active and start t.

After infection of the computer the virus can become more active and start to carry out harmful actions on destruction of programs and the data. Virus activization can be connected with various events: Approach of certain date or day of week Program start Document opening … THAN THE COMPUTER VIRUS IS DANGEROUS?

CLASSIFICATION SIGNS Inhabitancy The operational System Features Algorithm of.

CLASSIFICATION SIGNS Inhabitancy The operational System Features Algorithm of work The destructive Possibilities

The loading INHABITANCY The file The network macro

The loading INHABITANCY The file The network macro

On destructive features viruses can be divided on: Harmless, i.e. not influen.

On destructive features viruses can be divided on: Harmless, i.e. not influencing in any way for computer work (except reduction of free memory by a disk as a result of the distribution); Harmless which influence is limited to reduction of free memory by a disk and graphic, sound and so forth effects; Dangerous viruses which can lead to serious failures in computer work; Very dangerous in which algorithms of work procedures which can lead to loss of programs are obviously put destroy the data, erase necessary for work of the computer the information which has been written down in system areas of memory, and even as one of unchecked computer legends says, to promote fast deterioration of moving parts of mechanisms - to enter into a resonance and to destroy heads of some types of winchesters.

Protection methods

Protection of local networks Use distributive ON Reserve copying of the infor.

Protection of local networks Use distributive ON Reserve copying of the information Use of the anti-virus Programs Not to start nepro - веренные files

Anti-virus programs

Criteria of a choice of anti-virus programs Reliability and convenience in wo.

Criteria of a choice of anti-virus programs Reliability and convenience in work Quality of detection of viruses Existence of versions under all popular platforms Speed of work Presence of additional functions and possibilities

The use firewalls to create a demilitarized zone to protect the servers from unauthorized access. The versions of creation of virtual private networks that can combine some geographically distant networks in one network using global information space.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
Вид статья
Язык английский
Дата добавления 27.07.2016
Размер файла 285,8 K

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