William of normandy conquers england кратко

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

In 1065 the king Adward (who was the descendant of the Anglo-Saxon dynasty) died. As he had no children the King’s Council of wise men offered the crown to Harold (he was a relative to the dead king). But William, the Duke of Normandy, also had claims to the English throne, as he was related to the Edward dynasty. These two pretenders to the throne began preparations to a war to fight for the Crown. The battle between these two pretenders was at the town Hasting (south of Eng­land). During the battle Harold was killed. William’s victory made him the king of England. Later, he was called William the Conqueror. He ruled England for 21 years (1066-1087).

Normandy – was dukedom of France, in the north of it. The Normans were Scandinavian Vikings who settled in France. They lived among the French people. They learned to speak French and became like the French themselves. They adopted the manners, the customs and the way of life of the French people. So the Normans brought French lan­guage (Northern dialect of French) to England. After the Norman con­quering the church power and the temporal power was in hands of the Normans.

Anglo-Saxon military nobility perished or left England for France. The population of villages was enslaved. They were the Anglo-Saxons. Town-dwellers were the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans.

The Norman Conquest put an end to the dominating position of the West Saxon literary language. In the 12th and 13th centuries all English dia­lects were on an equal footing and independent of each other. In some of them, especially in the North, Scandinavian influence on the vocabulary became more pronounced. Under such circumstances, with two languages spoken in the country, they were bound to struggle with each other and also to influence each other. This process lasted three centuries - the 12th, 13th, 14th. Its results were twofold:

1) the struggle ended in favors of English;

2) the English language emerged from this struggle in a considerably changed conditions; its vocabulary was enriched by a great number of French words.

Many words adopted at the time denoted things and notions connected with the life of the Norman aristocracy. Alongside these, many everyday words penetrated into English, which denoted ideas already having names inEnglish. As a result of borrowing, pairs of synonyms appeared in English, and a struggle between the synonyms would ensue. The outcome of the struggle would be different in different cases. We may state three main possibilities:

1. The struggle ends in favor of the French word; its nativeEnglish synonym disappears.

2. It is the native word that gets the upper hand; theFrench word, after existing in English for some time, is ousted again.

3. Both words survive, but a difference in meaning develops between
them, which may be either purely semantic or stylistic.

Many French words, as was stated above, were connected with the life of the ruling class, the French nobility. We can state here several main semantic spheres of French words:

(1) Government, the court, and jurisdiction: prince, boron, noble, governen, government royal7 court, justice, judge, сопdетneп, аcquinten (MnE acquit), sentence. However, the words king and queen survived and were re­placed by their French synonyms.

(2) Army and military fife: werre (MnE war),army, bataille (MnE battle>, regiment ,lance, mail, castle, banner, harness, siege, victory, defeat.

(3) Religion and church: Religion, saint, frere.(MnE friar), preyen
(MnE pray), sermon, conscience, cloistre, chapel.

(4) Town professions: bocher (MnE butcher), peintre (MnE painter)
However, words of OE origin are used to denote country professions:
miller, shoemaker, shepherd, smith.

(5) Art notions: art,colour, figure, image, column, ornament.

(6) Amusements: plesir (MnE pleasure), leysir (MnE leisure), ese
(MnE ease) soper (MnE supper), resten (MnE roast), deintee (MnE dainty).

Many other words were also taken over, which were not connected with any specific semantic sphere, such as: air, place, coverer, river, large, change, and a number of others.

When both the native and the French word were preserved in English, there arose a differentiation of their meanings. A well known example of such differentiation is quoted in the first chapter of Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe.

This concerns names of animals. The native word is used to denote the living animal while the French word denotes the dish made of its flesh: oxbeef, calfveal, sheep – mutton, pig - pork. The living animal was denoted by a term from the Anglo-Saxon shepherd who took care of it, while the dish was denoted by a word from the language of the French nobility who used it at their dinners.

VIII. Chronological List

6 th – 3d B.C. – The Celts invade Britain and overcome the Iberians.

55 B.C. Julius Caesar lands in Britain.

54 B.C. The second invasion of the Romans.

43 A.D. The Romans begin to conquer the South of Britain.e

1 st – 5 th centuries A.D. - Britain is the Roman province.

407 A.D. The end of Roman rule in Britain.

5 th cent. A.D.- The Anglo-Saxons begin to con­quer Britain

(except Scotland, Wales and Cornwall).

597 A.D. Christianity is being introduced by the Roman monks.

825 A.D. - Wessex becomes the leading kingdom of Britain..

871..A.D. - The Danes begin to conquer north-eastern part of Britain

1016 A.D. - The Danish king Canute proclaimed as a ruler of

England, which becomes part of his short lived empire.

1066 A.D. - The Norman conquest of England un­der William I.


1. Origin of English.

2. The periods of the English language history.

3. The Iberians and the Celts as the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles.

4. Traces of the Roman rule in Britain.

5. Anglo-Saxon period. Vocabulary of the Anglo-Saxon period.

6. Scandinavian conquerors. The Scandinavian traces in the British vo­cabulary.

7. The Norman Conquest. The nature of the French influence on English.

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The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066 with the battle of Hastings, where the English fought against the Normans. The conquest was complete in 1086.
Who were these Normans who conquered England?
They were Vikings or 'Norsemen', men from the North. Some 150 years before the conquest of England they came to a part of France, opposite England, a part which we now call Normandy.
What did the Norman Conquest do to England?
It gave it French kings and nobles. The Normans also brought with them the French language. After the Norman Conquest there were three languages in England. There was Latin, the language of the church and the language in which all learned men wrote and spoke; the kings wrote their laws in Latin for some time after the Conquest. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and which many people wrote. Finally, there was the English language which remained the language of the masses of the people. Some men might know all these languages; many knew two; but most of the people knew only one. There were some people who understood the French language though they could not speak it. Rich people who owned land, the landowners, often knew French and Latin. But poor people, the peasants did not understand French or Latin. They understood only English.
In time, however, came the general use of the English language. About 1350 English became the language of law; and at that time lived the first teacher who taught his boys to read and write English and to translate, not from Latin into French, but from Latin into English.

Нормандское завоевание Англии

Завоевание Англии Норманнами в 1066 году началось со сражения Гастингса, где англичане боролись против норманнов. Завоевание было завершено в 1086.
Кто были эти норманны, которые завоевали Англию?
Они были викингами или 'скандинавы', людей с севера. Около 150 лет до завоевания Англии они прибыли в часть Франции, напротив Англии, частью которого мы теперь называем Нормандии.
Что же делать, чтобы Норманнского завоевания Англии?
Он дал ему французских королей и вельмож. Норманны также принесли с собой французский язык. После Нормандского завоевания были трех языков в Англии. Там была латынь, язык церкви и язык, на котором все ученые мужи писали и говорили; цари писали свои законы в Латинской течение некоторого времени после завоевания. Потом был французский, язык, на котором цари и бояре говорили и которую многие люди писали. Наконец, там был английский язык, который остается языком масс народа. Некоторые мужчины могут знать все эти языки; многие знали два; но большинство людей знали лишь единицы. Там были некоторые люди, которые понимали французский язык, хотя они не могли говорить на нем. Богатые люди, владеющие землей, помещики, зачастую знали французский и латынь. Но бедные люди, крестьяне не понимали французского или латинского. Они понимали только по-английски.
В время, однако, пришли к общему использованию английского языка. Около 1350 английский стал языком закона; и в то время жил первый учитель, который учил своих мальчиков читать и писать по-английски и переводить, а не с латыни на французский язык, а с латинского языка на русский.

The Norman conquest of England began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy. William became known as William the Conqueror after his victory at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October 1066, defeating King Harold II of England. Harold's army had been badly depleted in the English victory at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in Northern England on 25 September 1066 over the army of King Harald III of Norway. By early 1071, William had secured control of most of England, although rebellions and resistance continued until approximately 1088.

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The Norman conquest of England began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy . William became known as William the Conqueror after his victory at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October 1066, defeating King Harold II of England . Harold's army had been badly depleted in the English victory at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in Northern England on 25 September 1066 over the army of King Harald III of Norway . By early 1071, William had secured control of most of England, although rebellions and resistance continued until approximately 1088.

The Norman conquest was a pivotal event in English history . It largely removed the native ruling class, replacing it with a foreign, French-speaking monarchy , aristocracy , and clerical hierarchy . This, in turn, brought about a transformation of the English language and the culture of England in a new era often referred to as Norman England .

By bringing England under the control of rulers originating in France, the Norman conquest linked the country more closely with continental Europe , lessened Scandinavian influence, and also set the stage for a rivalry with France that would continue intermittently for many centuries. It also had important consequences for the rest of the British Isles , paving the way for further Norman conquests in Wales and Ireland , and the extensive penetration of the aristocracy of Scotland by Norman and other French-speaking families, with the accompanying spread of continental institutions and cultural influences.

Завоевания Англии норманнами началась 28 сентября 1066 с вторжения в Англию Вильгельма, герцога Нормандии. Уильям стал известен как Вильгельм Завоеватель после его победы в битве при Гастингсе 14 октября 1066 года, победив короля Гарольда II в Англии. Армия Гарольда были сильно истощены в английском победу в битве при Стэмфорд Бридж в Северной Англии на 25 сентября 1066 над армией короля Харальда III Норвегии. К началу 1071, Уильям добился контроль над большей частью Англии, хотя восстания и сопротивление продолжалось примерно до 1088.

Норманнского завоевания было этапным событием в английской истории. Это в значительной степени удалены родной правящий класс, заменяя его иностранными, франкоязычные монархия, аристократия, и клерикальной иерархии. Это, в свою очередь, привело к преобразованию английского языка и культуры Англии в новую эру часто называют Норман Англии.

Собрав Англии под контролем правителей, происходящих во Франции, норманнского завоевания связаны стране более тесно сотрудничать с континентальной Европой, скандинавскими уменьшили влияние, а также подготовить почву для соперничества с Францией, что будет продолжаться с перерывами в течение многих веков. Она также имела важные последствия для остальных Британских островов, открыв путь для дальнейшего завоевания Норман в Уэльсе и Ирландии, а также обширные проникновения аристократия Шотландии Нормана и других франкоязычных семей, сопровождающих распространение континентальных институтов и культурных влияний.


One of the most obvious changes was the introduction of Anglo-Norman , a northern dialect of Old French , as the language of the ruling classes in England, displacing Old English. French words entered the English language, and a further sign of the shift was the usage of French names instead of English ones. Male names changed first, with names such as William, Robert, Richard, becoming common quickly. Female names changed more slowly. One area where the Norman invasion did not change naming practices was in placenames, which unlike the earlier invasions by the Vikings and Cnut, did not change much after the Norman Conquest. [60] This predominance was further reinforced and complicated in the mid-twelfth century by an influx of followers of the Angevin dynasty, speaking a more mainstream dialect of French. Not until the fourteenth century would English regain its former primacy, while the use of French at court continued into the fifteenth century. [ citation needed ]

By this time, English had itself been profoundly transformed, developing into the starkly different Middle English , which formed the basis for the modern language. During the centuries when the elite spoke French, a large proportion of the words in the English language had disappeared and been replaced by French words, leading to the present hybrid tongue in which an English core vocabulary is combined with a largely French abstract and technical vocabulary. The grammatical structures of the language had also changed dramatically, although the relationship, if any, between this transformation and the neglect of English by the elite resulting from the c

Одним из наиболее очевидных изменений было введение англо-нормандский, северном диалекте старофранцузского, как язык господствующих классов в Англии, вытеснив Старый английский язык. Французские слова вошли в английский язык, и дальше знак сдвига использование французские названия, а не английские. Мужские имена изменены во-первых, с такими именами, как Уильям, Роберт, Ричард, становится обычным быстро. Женские имена изменены более медленно. Одной из областей, где вторжение Норман не изменил практики именования был в топонимы, которые в отличие от ранее нашествия викингов и Кнута, не претерпела существенных изменений после нормандского завоевания. [60] Это преобладание было подкрепляется и сложной в середине двенадцатого века приток последователей династии Анжуйский, говоря более распространенными диалект французского языка. Не до четырнадцатого века английский бы вернуть былое первенство, в то время как использование французского языка в суде продолжались и в пятнадцатом веке. [Источник?]

К этому времени, английский сама была глубоко трансформируется, превращаясь в совершенно разных Ближнем английского языка, который лег в основу современного языка. В течение столетий, когда элита говорила на французском, большая часть слов в английском языке исчезли и были заменены французские слова, что привело к настоящему гибридные язык, в котором английский словарь ядро в сочетании с основной французской абстрактной и технической лексикой .Грамматических структур языка тоже изменились, хотя отношения, если таковые имеются, между этой трансформации и пренебрежение английский язык элиты в результате завоевания является неопределенным

НОРМАНДСКОЕ ЗАВОЕВАНИЕ АНГЛИИ 1066 ГОДА - во­ен­ное втор­же­ние в Анг­лию ар­мии гер­цо­га Нор­ман­дии Виль­гель­ма За­вое­ва­те­ля, при­вед­шее к ут­вер­жде­нию на английской пре­сто­ле Нор­манд­ской ди­на­стии и пе­ре­ме­нам в по­ли­тическом и со­ци­аль­но-эко­но­мическом уст­рой­ст­ве Английского ко­ро­лев­ст­ва.

Отдельные вос­ста­ния про­тив вла­сти Виль­гель­ма За­вое­ва­те­ля про­дол­жа­лись до 1071 года (в Западной Анг­лии с цен­тром в г. Эк­се­тер, в об­лас­ти Фе­нов с цен­тром в монстыре Или и др.). Круп­ней­шим ста­ло вос­ста­ние в Северной Анг­лии (ле­то 1069 года). Его под­дер­жал флот, при­слан­ный ко­ро­лём Да­нии Свей­ном (Све­ном) II (1047-1074 или 1076 годы), так­же пре­тен­до­вав­шим на английскую ко­ро­ну, ос­но­вы­ва­ясь на сво­ём род­ст­ве с Кну­дом Ве­ли­ким. Од­на­ко Виль­гельм с вой­ском зи­мой 1069/1070 года со­вер­шил по­ход на се­вер, раз­бил вос­став­ших и опус­то­шил зна­чит. тер­ри­то­рии в Йорк­шире, Нор­там­бер­лен­де и граф­ст­ве Да­рем (т. н. Ра­зо­ре­ние Се­ве­ра). Уча­ст­вовав­ший в вос­ста­нии Эд­гар Эте­линг бе­жал в Шот­лан­дию, а в 1074 году сдал­ся Виль­гель­му, при­не­ся ему ом­маж (це­ре­мо­ния за­клю­че­ния вас­саль­но­го до­го­во­ра) и при­знав за­кон­ным пра­ви­те­лем Анг­лии. Сим­во­лич. за­кре­п­ле­ни­ем вла­сти Виль­гель­ма над Анг­ли­ей ста­ла зе­мель­ная пере­пись, в ре­зуль­та­те ко­то­рой бы­ла со­став­ле­на Кни­га Страш­но­го су­да, а так­же при­ся­га ему всех сво­бод­ных дер­жа­те­лей земли (т. н. Сол­сбе­рий­ская при­ся­га 1086 года).

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