Вторая мировая война кратко на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Each B-52 can deliver a nuclear bomb load of 50 megatons. equal to 16 times the total explosive force of all the bombs. and shells used by all the armies in World War II.

Чтобы вы предпочли, быть бродягой, с пятипроцентной вероятностью получения наследства от богатого дядюшки или быть Гитлером за два года до окончания Второй Мировой Войны?

Would you rather be a hobo with a five percent chance of getting inherited by a rich guy or be Hitler two years before the end of World War II?

Conway's grandfather was a Navy chief warrant officer who fought in the Pacific theater of World War II.

I'm just saying, we're dropping into the middle of World War II here, and you're not exactly a wartime consigliere.

The year is 1943 in Rockford, Illinois, and World War II has threatened to shut down Major League Baseball.

Специальное японское военное подразделение, которое в годы Второй мировой войны проводило эксперименты над людьми и вело разработку биологического оружия.

Special Japanese military unit during World War II that performed human experimentation and biological warfare research.

Кох никогда не раскрыл место сокрытия самой крупной художественной коллекции сокровищ, похищенной во время Второй мировой войны — Янтарной комнаты

Koch never revealed the whereabouts, of the biggest art treasure lootedduringthe II World War — the Amber Room.

вторая мировая война — second world war

через 70 лет после его показа, и увидеть те мысли и чувства, которые испытывало то поколение вставшее на путь нацистской диктатуры, которая привела ко второй мировой войне

70 years after its screening, and see the thoughts and feelings of the generation that embarked on the path of the Nazi dictatorship, which ultmately led to the Second World War.

"This entertainment, set on the eve of the Second World War, does not claim to be a study of manners.

Мы хотим предотвратить повторение тех сцен, что шокировали весь мир по окончании Второй Мировой войны,

We want to prevent these scenes from repeating Those scenes that shocked the world after the Second World War

Генерал Паттон был достаточно противоречивой фигурой, сделавшей карьеру в ходе первой и второй мировых войн, и недавно назначенной командующим Третьей армии США.

вторая мировая война — world war ll

Полковника Маркуса за работу во время второй мировой войны. в области планирования и военного управления, послужившую англо-американскому соглашению по многим вопросам,

To Col. David Marcus, for his able work in World War ll in the fields of combined planning and military government which paved the road for Anglo — American agreement on many complex problems His Majesty is glad to bestow the rank of

Общее количество мужчин в этих семьях, взрослых достаточно для того, чтобы служить во Вьетнаме, Корее или на второй мировой войне — четырнадцать.

Всего через несколько дней после сброса бомбы на Хиросиму на борту этого линкора был подписан мирный договор. Так закончилась Вторая мировая война.

Days after we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima Japan surrendered on the Missouri's deck ending World War ll.

Эти события совпали не только с окончанием Второй мировой войны, но и с низкими проектами, проводимыми Нацистскими учеными и военными преступниками, которым была обещана безопасность в этой стране.

These incidents coincided with not only the end of World War ll,___ _.but an ignominious project which brought Nazi scientists and war criminals. _.to this country to exploit their knowledge.

вторая мировая война — world war two

что я честно и верно служил своей стране во Второй мировой войне. и был награжден Морским Крестом за действия в защите моей страны . что я никогда не был арестован или обвинён в каком-либо преступлении. что нет доказательств моего участия в каком-либо преступном заговоре. называлось ли это "Мафия" , "Коза Ностра" . или каким-либо другим именем, каким бы вы это не назвали. что когда-либо было известным.

That I served my country faithfully in World War Two and was awarded the Navy Cross for actions in defence of my country. That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime. That no proof linking me to any criminal conspiracy, whether it is called Mafia or Cosa Nostra or any other name, has ever been made public.

Я всегда представлял, как это расти в Германии, а затем вдруг осознать что случилось во Второй Мировой Войне.

I've always wondered what it was like to grow up in Germany and then suddenly realise what happened in world war two.

Во время второй мировой войны именно он вел радиопередачу "Говорит Лондон" и рассказывал американцам о боях в Британии.

When World War Two broke out his voice brought the battle of Britain home to us through his "This Is London" radio series.

Японские охранники концлагерей во время Второй Мировой войны всегда убивали одного из новоприбывших пленников.

The Japanese camp guards of World War Two always chose one man to kill whenever a batch of new prisoners arrived.

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Great Patriotic War

Великая Отечественная война

The 20 th century was full of cruel and tragic military conflicts, but the World War II and the Great Patriotic War, its main part, are the most global and memorable among them. The fight between Nazi Germany with its allies (Italy and Japan) and the anti-Hitler coalition countries, including the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the USA, France, and others, lasted from 1939 to 1945. The Great Patriotic War began on the USSR territory on 22 June 1941 and finished on 9 May 1945, with the conquest of Berlin and the collapse of the key Nazi forces. The occupied by the Nazis countries of Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Pacific and Atlantic islands were saved.

XX век был полон жестоких и трагических военных конфликтов, но Вторая мировая война и Великая Отечественная война, её главная часть, – самые глобальные и памятные среди них. Борьба между нацистской Германией с союзниками (Италией и Японией) и странами антигитлеровской коалиции, включающей Советский Союз, Великобританию, США, Францию и др., длилась с 1939 по 1945 гг. Великая Отечественная война началась на территории СССР 22 июня 1941 г. и закончилась 9 мая 1945 г., с завоеванием Берлина и падением ключевых нацистских сил. Оккупированные нацистами страны Европы, Азии, Северной Африки, острова Тихого и Атлантического океанов были спасены.

However, this war has become not only a victory but also a disaster: according to different estimates, from 50 to 85 million people dead. For the Russians, as well as for other nations of the former USSR, the Great Patriotic War is the turning point of history. Almost every family has a member who sacrificed his life or health for the motherland. Fierce battles of the Great Patriotic War (the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Siege of Leningrad, the Operation Bagration that liberated Belarus, etc.) changed the destiny of the world. Besides, millions of men, women and even children labored for the army in the rear, despite the hardest conditions and famine.

Due to courage and patriotism of our ancestors, now we can live in peace and freedom, out of Nazi slavery. It is important not to forget about their heroic feat.

Благодаря отваге и патриотизму наших предков, сейчас мы можем жить в мире и свободе, вне нацистского рабства. Важно не забывать об их героическом подвиге.

World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war. It took place between 1939 to 1945. Most of the world's countries, including all of the great powers, fought as part of two military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The war was fought as a "total war", meaning all resources a country had were used in the war, even those that didn't belong to the army, such as factories. It involved more countries, cost more money, and killed more people than any other war in human history.[1] Between 50 and 70 million people died.[2][3] The mass bombing of cities, The Holocaust and two atomic bombings of Japan are three events which killed many civilians.

The start of the war is usually said to be the Invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939, but some sources count the Japanese invasion of China on 7 July 1937, as the start.[4] The United States reacted to the Japanese invasion of China by placing an embargo on Japan. France, United Kingdom, and most of their colonies reacted to the German invasion of Poland by declaring war on Germany. Germany expanded its territory greatly in Europe. By 1941, most of Europe was under German control, while only Britain remained fighting against the Axis in North Africa, Mediterranean, and the Atlantic. In June 1941, the Axis Powers invaded the Soviet Union, starting the largest theatre of war in history. This would harm the Axis military power greatly. In December 1941, Japan attacked Western colonies in the Pacific.

The Japanese victories were stopped in 1942, and the European Axis victories were also stopped by 1943, both in North Africa and in the Soviet Union. After that, the Allies started to fight back from all sides. The Axis lost North Africa and, starting in 1943, were forced to defend Italy. In 1944, the Allies invaded France, heading towards Germany, while the Soviets kept closing in from the East. Germany surrendered in May 1945. Japan formally surrendered on 2 September 1945. The war ended with the Allied victory.

After the war, the United Nations was set up to develop support between countries and to prevent future wars. The Cold War took place between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, but they did not fight each other in an actual war. Decolonization of Asia and Africa, where those countries controlled by European countries were given their independence, happened as well. This was because European power was weakened from the war. Economic recovery and the political integration (the process of uniting countries) were among other results of the war.

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A Brief history of the Great Patriotic War


"The Motherland calls!" 1941. Author Irakli Moiseevich Toidze.

The Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941- May 9, 1945) – the war of the Soviet Union against the invading Soviet territory Nazi Germany along with its allies ( amidst of which were Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Croatia).

The Great Patriotic War is the most important part of the Second world war – the bloodiest one if we look across the history of mankind, and stands above all the previous wars in cruelty. It ended with the victory of the USSR over Germany.


The main periods of the Great Patriotic War.

The first period is considered to be from June 22, 1941 till November 1942, because that was the time when the German attack on the Soviet Union happened. It includes the initial period of the war, the collapse of the blitzkrieg, the battle for Moscow, beside the failures and defeats of the summer of 1942.

The second period: from November 1942 up to December 1943. A fundamental change in the course of the war: a s from victories in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, plus in the battle near the Dnieper.

As for the third period, in accordance with the history it lasted around 16 months: since January 1944 – untill may 9, 1945. Aside from the exile of the enemy outside the territory of the USSR, the soviet troops liberated the occupied countries of Europe. As a result of these operations the fascist bloc was smashed. As regards Berlin operation, it led to unconditional surrender of Germany.

Besides it should be noted that the Soviet-Japanese war is considered as a logical continuation of the Great Patriotic War.

But before talking about the Great Patriotic War, it should be mentioned that on August 23, 1939, a non-aggression treaty was concluded between Germany and the USSR, better known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

Apart from the treaty there was a secret additional protocol on the delimitation of spheres of interest in Eastern Europe in the event of "territorial and political reorganization".

Concerning Poland, an interesting fact is that the protocol contained a clause regarding the division of Polish territories in favour of the Soviet Union and Germany.

Despite this, on September 1, 1939, the Nazis attacked Poland. Owing to the fact that the country was completely unprepared to defend its lands, it was conquered very quickly.

In less than a year, Germany, thanks to the blitzkrieg (waging a lightning war), captured Norway, Denmark, France down to the Benelux countries.

As a result , the German leadership developed the plan "Barbarossa", through which Germany planned to capture the USSR, like the other countries, as soon as possible. It was with Hitler's plan "Barbarossa" that the Great Patriotic war began.


Preparation of the USSR for war

In this regard , previous to 1939 the USSR began to develop a 5-year plan of preparation with the purpose of defending its territory in the future global confrontation.

In the face of the future war, military factories, railways, heat and hydroelectric power plants were actively built in the Soviet Union. In compliance with the political situation the country embarked on a large-scale militarization.

In addition to it, factories that produced a particular product could, within a few hours, be converted to the production of military equipment or ammunition. Also in the Soviet republics, oil was intensively extracted, and coal and mineral mines were developed.

In a short time, improved weapons and military equipment appeared in the country. Having regard to such an important task some specialists worked in factories almost seven days a week.

Every Soviet citizen had to have a special education independently of age. In the case of the slightest violation of discipline, a person could receive a serious reprimand or incur more serious responsibility.

At the beginning of 1941 ordinary workers worked 11-12 hours a day, instead of the required 8 hours. Notwithstanding all this the Soviet leadership did not manage to implement their plans.

On June 21, 1941, Stalin ordered the mobilization of all types of troops, but his order was too late, since following this day on June 22 the German-fascist troops treacherously invaded the USSR without warning. From this day the Great Patriotic War began. It lasted as far as May 9, 1945.


According to the Barbarossa plan, Germany intended to seize the Soviet Union as soon as possible.

In line with his successful military company against many European countries, Hitler thought that he could conquer the Soviet Union in 6 weeks. However, as time showed, the Fuhrer of the Third Reich overestimated his strength.

In general, Hitler's troops were superior to the Red Army, although in a small measure (the number of tanks and aircraft of Germany was unlike that of the USSR: it was less).

On the first days of the war, as compared with the following periods, the USSR suffered serious losses and withstood them at the expense of great efforts.

At first, Iosiv Stalin made every effort to fight beyond his own territory or, at least, close to the state border, but contrary to his intentions, this proved impossible.

Within a month after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army left behind the territory of 6 Soviet republics, lost about 100 divisions. Compared with these losses Hitler's troops suffered less but still except for about 100,000 soldiers they lost more than a third of the tanks.


Due to the incredible courage of Soviet soldiers, the USSR was able to stop Germany and thwart the plan " Barbarossa " in spite of its initial success (read about the incredible feats of Soviet children in front of mortal danger).


"Sentry. Childhood canceled by the war." Tolochko V. I.

In relation to the battle of Smolensk, during this operation the Russians managed to move from defense to attack.


Then in the autumn of 1941, the Red Army, by means of tremendous efforts, did not allow the enemy to capture Sevastopol.


"Defense of Sevastopol". Deineka A. A.

During this period, Hitler, along with the German generals, was engaged in the development of operation Typhoon with the object of attacking Moscow.

Let us briefly consider the main battles of the great Patriotic war.

Battle for Moscow



Artists Nikolai Zhukov and Victor Klimashin "Defend Moscow". (1941)

The battle for the capital was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War. On September 30, 1941, German troops began a rapid advance on Moscow. At first they were successful. The Germans advanced and captured about 700,000 Russian soldiers.

In the next 2 months, failing to stop the Germans in consequence of unsuccessful defense the soviet soldiers had to fight at a distance of less than 100 km next to Moscow. In view of deadly threat in the USSR, the commander-in-chief of the Western front was appointed Georgy Zhukov, and under his command our army was able to stop the German attack.

On November 7, a parade was organized in Moscow on Red Square, from which the soldiers immediately went towards the front line.

Soon the enemy again began to attack the positions of the Red Army, but it managed to survive, as they fought for the sake of their motherland. On December 5, the Soviet troops received reinforcements on the part of the garrison of the far East so they were able to go on a counterattack.

During the rapid repulse, the Soviet troops managed to destroy about 40 enemy divisions and regardless of immense difficulty forced the enemy to retreat.


"The enemy is stopped." Osipenko F. P.

The obtained victories helped the Soviet people to believe in their own strength and perk up. At the same time, the anti-Hitler coalition was almost completely formed, which consisted of 26 states: the Big four (the USSR, great Britain, the United States, China) and other countries.

The battle of Stalingrad is considered one of the bloodiest in the history of mankind. Since Stalingrad was named after the leader of the peoples – Iosiv Stalin, the Soviet soldiers did everything possible for the purpose of preventing the enemy from capturing it.


Before launching an active offensive on Stalingrad, with a view to occupy Crimea and part of Ukraine, the Germans were able to seize the Kerch Peninsula, Sevastopol, Kharkiv and Donbass.

On July 28, Stalin gave the order to hold Stalingrad by all means and not to retreat a step back.

For almost 4 months, the soldiers defended Stalingrad from the attacks of the German troops. It was only on November 19, 1942, that the Red Army launched an active counterattack.

A number of successful operations were carried out , and in connection with this on February 2, 1943, the Soviet soldiers completely defeated the fascists.

Throughout the battle of Stalingrad, almost 3,000,000 people were killed on both sides, and the number of units of various military equipment destroyed were hundreds of thousands.


The battle of Stalingrad radically influenced the outcome of the Great Patriotic War. From that moment on , the strategic and military initiative was on the side of the Soviet Union.


The battle of Kursk


"On The Kursk Bulge". Krivonogov P. A.

Stalingrad was followed by the battle of Kursk, which involved about 2,000,000 people and tens of thousands of tanks and aircraft. The battle of Kursk is considered one of the largest battles in history. The German side has developed a military operation "Citadel", trying to destroy the Soviet army.

In turn, the Soviet leadership managed to successfully carry out several military operations. As a result of the battle of Kursk, which lasted a month and a half, the Soviet troops were able to win over the Germans.

Wehrmacht forces lost more than half a million soldiers. Within a short period of time, the Red Army liberated a number of Russian and Ukrainian cities.

Defence of Leningrad

The defense of Leningrad is one of the most heroic and difficult events of the Great Patriotic War.


Artist Vladimir Serov, 1941

The siege of Leningrad began on September 8, 1941 and ended only on January 27, 1944 when the city was cut off from any sources of food.


Diorama "The Siege of Leningrad". Korneev, E. A.

The only way to save the people of Leningrad was the so-called "Road of life", which ran along the surface of frozen lake Ladoga.

Thanks to this route, about 250,000 tons of food were delivered to Leningrad, and about 1 million people were evacuated. It was worth noting that the " Road of life " was constantly bombed. However, this was the only chance to have a connection with the city.

The blockade ring was broken on January 18, 1943, so that the city began to be supplied with more food and weapons.

In general, the residents of Leningrad had to experience severe difficulties and hunger for 872 days, constantly being on the verge of life and death.

According to historians during the siege of Leningrad from 600,000 to 1,500 000 people died.

In the period from June 23 to August 29, 1944, the Red Army conducted a key operation on the Belarusian front called "Bagration". The Soviet troops were faced with the task of restoring dominance over the occupied territories.

Eventually, the USSR managed to liberate Belarus, Lithuania and part of Poland.

At that time, it was clear that Hitler's troops were no longer a serious threat to the USSR. The Soviet leadership began to develop a number of operations aimed at the liberation of European countries.

On may 9, 1945, the German capitulation Act was signed. This joyful news became a real holiday for all residents of the USSR and their allies.

Our land has seen many good and bad things. People got used to help each other and support.

The day when all people of our country became one thing was The Great Patriotic War. It started in June 22 in 1941. It was a warm and sunny morning and nobody expected any troubles. Granny says we were not ready for War and many people had been killed.

My family remembers this tragedy very well. We lost many relatives and friends. Of course I don’t remember them, but we keep all photos in our family album.

Yes it was sad and difficult time, but that was the moment when my grandparents met. My granny was a nurse and she helped to the soldiers and my grandad was an officer. She saved his life and after few days my grandad proposed her. I want to say that our people even in difficult moments can believe in bright future.

My granny says that there were many interesting stories that had happened.

Very often at school we speak about The Great Patriotic War. Every pupil in my class has some interesting facts about the family. When we discuss the reason of that war, nobody can give the exact answer. It’s difficult to understand politics, why people are fighting and why do we want more then we have.

The important thing is today we must understand our mistakes and learn the lesson. I do believe that we can help each other to prevent all these events.

The war finished in May 9 in 1945. It was a great and memorable day. All the country was celebrating. Million of people were died, because of guns, diseases and lack of food. I want to believe that today people are more smart and responsible. I hope that we will never make the same mistake but will remember the past tragedy.

Великая Отечественная война

Наша земля повидала много всего хорошего и плохого. Люди привыкли помогать друг другу и поддерживать.

День, когда все люди нашей страны стали единым целым, это начало Великой Отечественной войны. Она началась 22 июня в 1941 году. Это было тёплое и солнечное утро и никто не ожидал проблем. Бабушка говорит, что никто не ожидал начала войны, поэтому погибло много людей.

Моя семья помнит об этой трагедии очень хорошо. Мы потеряли много родных и друзей в то время. Конечно, я не помню их, но мы храним фото в нашем семейном альбоме.

Да, это было сложное и печальное время, но также это было моментом, когда встретились мои дедушка и бабушка. Бабуля работала медсестрой и помогала солдатам, а дедушка служил офицером. Она спасла его жизнь, а через несколько дней дедушка сделал ей предложение. Я хочу сказать, что даже в тёмные и трудные времена, наш народ верит в светлое будущее. Таких интересных историй огромное множество, - так рассказывает моя бабушка.

Вся суть в том, что мы должны понять свои ошибки и усвоить печальный урок. Я уверена, что мы можем помочь друг другу, чтобы предотвратить подобные события.

Война закончилась 9 мая в 1945 году. Это был замечательный и памятный день. Вся страна праздновала. Миллионы людей погибло от оружия, болезней и недостатка еды. Хочется верить, что люди сегодня гораздо умнее и ответственней. Надеюсь, мы никогда не повторим совершенных ошибок, но запомним минувшую трагедию навсегда.

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