Великий пожар в лондоне на английском языке с переводом кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

5 сентября 1666 года великий пожар в Лондоне, который продолжался в течении четырех дней, закончился. За это время сгорело 13 200 домов, и более 80 церквей и много общественных зданий. В пепел обратились Ратуша и Королевская биржа – финансовый центр Лондона. Самые страшные бедствия нанес пожар Собору святого Павла. Примечательно, что в пожаре погибло всего несколько человек.
September 5, 1666 the great fire in London this had been continuing for a four days, it ended.
For this time 13 200 houses were burn and more 80 churches and many public buildings. In the ashes returns a town hall and royal stock exchange – the financial center of London. The most disasters
the fire renders Cathedral saint Pavla. It is remarkable that in the fire was lost all a little some persons.

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September, 5, 1666 the great fire in London which proceeded during four days, was finished. For this time public buildings have burned down 13 200 houses, both more than 80 churches and many. In ashes the town Hall and the Royal stock exchange - the financial centre of London have addressed. The most terrible disasters were put with a fire sacred Paul's to Cathedral. It is remarkable, that in a fire was lost all a little bit(some) person.

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September the 5th,1666, was the last day of The Great Fire of London that had been raging for 4 days. During that time 13200 houses, more than 80 churches and many civic buildings were burned down. The fire reduced to ashes City Hall and The Royal Exchange - the financial center of London. The most serious damage was caused to the St. Paul's Cathedral. It's remarkable that only a few people perished in the fire.

On September, 5th, 1666 the great fire in London which proceeded in a current of four days, has ended. For this time has burnt down 13 200 houses, both more than 80 churches and many public buildings. In ashes the Town hall and the Royal stock exchange - the financial centre of London have addressed. The most terrible disasters were put by a fire sacred Paul's to Cathedral. It is remarkable, that in a fire was lost all some person.

Вот так тоже правильно

September the 5th,1666, was the last day of The Great Fire of London that had been raging for 4 days. During that time 13200 houses, more than 80 churches and many civic buildings were burned down. The fire reduced to ashes City Hall and The Royal Exchange - the financial center of London. The most serious damage was caused to the St. Paul's Cathedral. It's remarkable that only a few people perished in the fire.. The most disasters the fire renders Cathedral saint Pavla. It is remarkable that in the fire was lost all a little some persons

On September 5, 1666, the great fire in London, which lasted for four days, ended. During this time, 13,200 houses burned down, and more than 80 churches and many public buildings. Town Hall and the Royal Exchange, the financial center of London, turned to ashes. The most terrible disasters caused fire to St. Paul's Cathedral. It is noteworthy that only a few people died in the fire

В 1666 году в Лондоне произошел самый крупный пожар за всю историю города, его еще называют Великим лондонским пожаром. Тогда большая часть города (примерно 60%) в течение 4 дней была охвачена пламенем, огонь уничтожил более 13 тысяч строений. Интересно, что по официальным данным в пожаре такого масштаба погибло лишь 8 человек. Восстановление города продолжалось несколько десятков лет.

In the year 1666 in London occurred the largest fire in the history of the city, it is also called the great fire of London. Then a large part of the city (approximately 60%) during 4 days was covered in flames, the fire destroyed more than 13 000 buildings. Interestingly, according to official data, in a fire of this magnitude only 8 persons were killed. Reconstruction of the city lasted several decades.

In 1666 in London, there was the largest fire in the history of the city, it is called the Great Fire of London. Then most of the city (about 60%) for 4 days was in flames, the fire destroyed more than 13,000 buildings. Interestingly, according to official data, in the fire of this magnitude only killed 8 people. Restoration of the city lasted several decades.

2.The fire started in a tiny bakery and burned down most of London. It was called the Great Fire of London because it was so huge. -- Пожар начался в маленькой пекарне и сжег большую часть Лондона. Его называют Великим Лондонским Пожаром потому что он был очень огромным.

3. The fire lasted four days, and burned down over 13,000 homes. - Пожар продолжался четыре дня и уничтожил более 13 000 домов.

4 In 1666, many houses were made from wood and straw which burned easily and they were also built very close together. - В 1666 году многие дома были сооружены из дерева и соломы, которые легко возгорались, дома также были построены очень близко друг к другу.

5. We know what happened during the fire because people back then wrote about it in letters and newspapers, and the artists of that time painted pictures of the fire. -Мы знаем, что происходило во время пожара, потому что люди тогда писали об этом в письмах и газетах, а художники того времени рисовали картины пожара.

6. People whose homes had burned down lived in tents in the fields around London. - Люди, чьи дома сгорели, жили в палатках на полях вокруг Лондона.

7. Sir Christopher Wren designed a monument to remember the Great Fire of London, which still stands today. - Сэр Кристофер Рен создал памятник, в память о Великом Лондонском Пожаре, который сохранился до наших дней.

The Great Fire started on Saturday, 2 nd of September 1666 in the house of
the king’s baker, near London Bridge. There were no big fires in London
until 1666. The fire was terrible. It burnt for four days and destroyed 80%
of the city. More than 250 thousand people didn’t have home any more.
The fire was so strong because of the weather and because the houses in
London were made of wood and they often were near one another. There
was a strong wind from the river. The houses were on fire one after an-
After the Great Fire people built a new city. It became larger and larger.
By 1830 there were more than one and a half million people in London.
The railways came and London became richer and richer, but it didn’t be-
come nicer. The city became dark and dirty and people lived in bad

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