The three strangers by thomas hardy кратко пересказ на английском

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Three Strangers Audiobook By Thomas Hardy

Slicktube Sean Grotz Sonny

Capriccio In La Maggiore Per Violino Solo Op 1 Amoroso Presto Salvatore Accardo

Der Freischütz J 277 Act 2 Wie Nahte Mir Der Schlummer Leise Leise Fromme Weise Hildegard Behrens Helen Donath René Kollo Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks Rafael Kubelik

Variations For Cello Piano In F Major On Mozart S Ein Mädchen Oder Weibchen Op 66 Variations X Xii Daniel Grosgurin Jun Kanno

Thomas Hardy - The Three Strangers and Other Stories

On a stormy winter night, a stranger knocks at the door of a shepherd's cottage. He is cold and hungry, and wants to get out of the rain. He is welcomed inside, but he does not give his name or his business. Who is he, and where has he come from? And he is only the first visitor to call at the cottage that night. In these three short stories, Thomas Hardy gives us pictures of the lives of shepherds and hangmen, dukes and teachers. But rich or poor, young or old, they all have the same feelings of fear, hope, love, jealousy.

Лучшая подборка с книгой

Oxford Bookworms Library

John Escott - Dead Man
Rosemary Border - Drive into Danger
John Escott - Girl on a Motorcycle
Maeve Clarke - Give us the Money
Джанет Харди-Гулд - King Arthur
 - Last Chance
Helen Brooke - Mystery in London
Jane Cammack - The Mystery of Manor Hall

2 сентября 2016 г.

Год издания: 2013

Oxford Bookworms Library 3
Retold by Clare West
Paperback, 80 pages
Word count 11,680

Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
Three friends: George, Harris and Jay (short for Jerome) to take a pleasure dumyvayut boat trip up the Thames. They intend to fine entertainment, a break from Lon don its unhealthy climate, and merge with nature. Three friends and co Tank Jay fox terrier Montmorency, leave the house and at first in a cab, and then get on the commuter train to the river.
On the thread of the narrative of the journey down the river by strung as beads, everyday scenes, jokes, funny adventure.
When you have to pull the boat in tow, Jay, did not conceal his indignation, Vysk shows what he thinks about the waywardness and cunning rope, which, being just stretched again unthinkable way confuses Xia and quarrel all those trying to bring it in more or less ordered ground state, for it touches. Then they get up for a while pulling the boat too strictly to and after that, stopped and put her aground. True, young people, shrinking for the night on a boat canvas, are not inferior to them in the original performance. So, George, and Gar rice wrap in canvas, waiting to unleash Jay from captivity.
Harris is taken to prepare breakfast, but of six eggs, miraculously still caught in the pan, spoon is a burnt mess. For dessert after lunch to eat canned food friends intend ¬ pineapple for fixed, but it appears that the opener left the house. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to open a jar ordinary knife, scissors, edge gaff and mast, and the obtained result of these inclinations wounds, irritated Travellers dependents zashvyrivayut Bank, acquired by the time the incredible view, mid-stream.
Then they sail under sail, and dreaming, with a sweep of incision are in punt three respected anglers. Friends have very real hatred for the arrogant and insolent boats whistle. So by all means try to hang out as often as possible in front of their noses and give them as much hassle and trouble.
When they reached Oxford, the friends stop in there for three days, and then pulls back. All day long they had to row to the accompaniment of rain.
The next day, these nature-lovers can not stand the test bestowed upon them the weather, throwing the boat into the care of Pengborne boatman and the evening arrive safely in London, where the excellent dinner in the restaurant brings them to life, and they raise a toast to his wise last action.

трое мужчин отправляются в неспешное путешествие по реке Темзе, пообещав друг другу лучший мужской отдых и никаких женщин. Там они постоянно встречают трех девушек, совершающих подобное же путешествие. Ну и само собой они все влюбляются, но до последнего пытаются не нарушить своего обещания. По ходу рассказа происходит много комичных ситуаций.

The dog was weak and hungry, but he did not let them touch him and ate the food they gave him when they went away.

When the dog was strong again, he disappeared.

A few months later, when Smith was in a train, he saw his dog.

The dog was running along the road.

Smith got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat, caught the dog, and brought him home again.

There he was tied up for a week.

At the end of the week Smith tied a metal plate to the dog with the words "Please, return to Smith, Ellen, California", and set the dog free.

He disappeared again.

This time he was sent back by the train, was tied up for three days, was set free on the fourth day and disappeared again.

As soon as he received his freedom, he always ran north.

The dog always came back hungry and weak and always ran away trcsh and strong.

At last the dog decided to stay with the Smiths, but a long time passed before they could touch him.

They called the dog 'Wolf'.

One summer day a stranger came to the place where Smith and his wife lived.

As soon as the dog saw him, he ran to the stranger and licked his hands with his tongue.

Then the stranger said :

"His name isn't Wolf.

"Oh, " cried Mary, "you are not going to take him away with you?

Leave him here, he is happy.

The stranger then said, "His mother died and I brought him up on condensed milk.

He never knew any mother but me.

Do you think he wants to stay with you?

"I am sure of it.

"Well, " said the stranger.

"He must decide it himself.

I'll say goodbye and go away, if he wants to stay - let him stay.

If he wants to come with me, let him come.

I will not call him to come.

For some time Wolf watched the man.

He waited for him to return.

Then he ran after the man, caught his hand between his teeth and tried to stop him.

The man did not stop.

Then the dog ran back to where Smith and his wife sat.

He tried to drag Smith after the stranger.

The dog wanted to be at the same time with the old master and the new one.

The stranger disappeared.

The dog lay down at the feet, of Smith.

A few minutes later the dog got up and ran after the old master.

He never turned his head.

Faster and faster the dog ran along the road and in a few minutes he was gone.

One day the Smiths found a weak and hungry dog.

The dog ate the food they gave him and disappeared.

That happened several times but at the long last the dog decided to stay with the Smiths.

They called him Wolf.

But one day the dog's old master came to their place, he wanted to take the dog back.

He let the dog decide if he wanted to stay or go away.

It was a difficult decision for the dog, he loved both masters.

But at last he ran after his old master and never returned.

Make up a plan of the fairy tale?

Make up a plan of the fairy tale.

Retell it A Dog and a Bone.

One day a dog found a Bone.

I"m very glad to have a bone.

I must take it home to my dog house, said the dog.

He took the bone and ran home.

His home was on the other side of the river.

On the way across the river the dog looked down into the water.

He saw another dog in the river.

That dog had a bone, too.

I see another dog.

He has a bone too.

I"ll take his bone.

I want to have two boness, he said.

The dog opened his mouth, and his bone fell into the water.

Now the dog had no bone at all.

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ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО) Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы : A driver who was going in his car at a great speed through the country road saw a man crossing the road and a dog following him.

As the car drew near them the dog suddenly stopped, was hit by the car and killed.

The driver stopped his car and came up to the man.

"I am very sorry for what has happened, " he said.

"Will 50 dollars be enough for the killed dog?

" — "Oh, yes, " said the man, "50 dollars will be quite enough.

" The man put the money in his pocket and when the driver disappeared in the distance, looked at the dog and thought, "I wonder whose dog it was.

" 1. Did the man feel very unhappy that the dog had been killed?

2. Why was he happy to get 50 dollars?

Запишите вопросы по тексту One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them?

Запишите вопросы по тексту One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them.

It was a long way to go.

The man passed by a long river.

When he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired.

The man saw a large tree.

He decided to rest under it.

As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree.

The manhad his lanch, then lay down and soon was asleep.

When he woke up, he could not find the caps.

"Where are my caps?

He could not find them anywhere.

What could he do?

Suddenly he looked up.

And what did he see?

He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man's cap on its head!

"Give me back my caos!

But the monkeys could not undertand the man.

They laughed, jumped and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn't understand him.

They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys.

He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried : "If you want my caps, you may take this one, too!

And do you know what the monkeys did?

They took off the caps and threw them on the ground!

That's how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad.

He quickly took all his caps and went away.

Activity 6 Copy and complete the sentences with : вставьте эти слова вместо точек : for a walk, look after, Sunday, bones, pets, fish, corn, feed, cat?

Activity 6 Copy and complete the sentences with : вставьте эти слова вместо точек : for a walk, look after, Sunday, bones, pets, fish, corn, feed, cat.

Alisher goes to his granny in Samarkand this .

. He asks his friend to .

. He has got a dog, a cat, and hens.

The dog two times a day and take him .

Every morning and evening.

Раскройте скобки , употребляя правильную форму речиThe Lion and the Mouse The lion was the king of the forest and he was the(1) (strong) animal?

Раскройте скобки , употребляя правильную форму речи

The Lion and the Mouse The lion was the king of the forest and he was the(1) (strong) animal.

One day he had a rest after dinner.

While he was sleeping, little mouse(2) to play near him.

Suddenly the mouse(3) (to jump) on his back and the lion woke up.

He caught the mouse.

The mouse said to him, "Let me go.

I will help you if you(4) to need) my help".

Как переводитсяOnr day a man went to the cinema?

Onr day a man went to the cinema.

In front of him, he saw a woman and her dog.

When he came out of the cinema, he said to the woman,

as a joke : “Did your dog like the film?

” she answered, “But he thought the bokk was much better!

The hungry little dog?

The hungry little dog.

Once upon a time, there was a hungry little dog.

He had no home no name and very often no food Sometimes he was so hungry that he ate like things paper bags!

He walked around the houses with a hungry look and kind people usually gave him something to eat.

Sometimes the little dog was so excited that he knocked things over People thought the dog was mad, but he was mad.

He was just a very special not dog One day, a man watched the funny little The man was very surprised dog.

"I've got an idea said the man.

"This dog is a great actor The man took him home and gave him a name, Lucky.

Now, Lucky had plenty of food and a good home Lucky was a great actor and soon became famous.

Of course, he made a lot of money for his master, and he was never hungry again.

He ate what he liked for dinner went out when he liked, and stayed in bed late in the mornings The little dog was very pleased with himself.

" I am not a hungry little dog now I AM A FILM STAR.

Перевод пожалуйста переводчик не правильный.

What did the dog do when he was excited?

What did the dog do when he was excited?

What name did the man give to the dog?

What happened in the end?

Ответить на вопросы.

Once upon a time, a little hungry dog.

He had no home, no name, and very often no food.

He would hunt around dustbins, and eat the most surprising things - like plum stones and paper bags, but he never had a pain .

. for really he was a very special dog.

When people were having meals, he walked around the houses with a hungry look, and the kind people nearly always gave him something to eat.

Sometimes the little dog felt very excited, and for no reason at all he would rush over the fences and knock over everything that came in his way.

People thought the dog was mad, but he was not mad, he was just a very special sort of dog.

One day a gentleman watched these strange goings on with surprise.

Then he, too, jumped in the air and danced for joy - for he had an idea.

"This dog would be just right for the films, " he said.

"He is JUST what I have been looking for.

As the dog looked hungry, the film director took him to the butchers.

So the little hungry dog was hungry no more.

He had plenty of food, a good home, and his master was the kindest man any dog could have.

The little dog was a born actor and his antics on the screen made everyone clap their hands and laugh until their sides ached.

Of course, he made a lot of money for his master, and more did he have to search in dustbins for his food.

He could choose just what he fancied for dinner, go out when he liked, and stay in bed late in the mornings.

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