The organs of speech and their work кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are two major classes of sounds traditionally distinguished in any language – consonants and vowels. В любом языке звуки делятся на два главных класса: гласные и согласные.

Name the smallest unit of the phonetic sounds.

Phoneme – is the smallest unit of the language existing as a speech sounds.Фонема–этомельчайшаязвуковаяединицаязыка. Фонема помогает нам различать одно слово от другого, или отличать по грамматической форме. Phoneme helps us distinguish one word from another, or one grammatical form from another form of the same word. (man – men, advice – advise).

Allophone – is a variant of the phoneme – pronounced speech sound. Аллофон - Реализованнаявречиформа. В отличие от фонемы, является не абстрактным понятием, а конкретным речевым звуком. аллофон, свойства которого минимально зависят от позиции и фонетического окружения

Thedifferencedependsonthepositionofneighboringsoundsandotherphoneticfactors. ( eight (alveolar)– eighth(dental))

What is the principle difference between consonants and vowels?

Consonants are known to have voice and noise combined, while vowels are sounds consisting of voice only. From the articulatory point of view the difference is due to the work of speech organs. When we produce vowels the stream of air faces no obstruction. When we produce consonants the stream of air faces some obstruction.

Положение органов речи. При гласных речевой канал открыт, так что выходящая струя не встречает на своем пути препятствий. При согласных на пути выдыхаемой воздушной струи всегда образуется в определенном месте речевого канала преграда той или иной формы. Различие в напряженности органов речи. При образовании гласных наблюдается разлитое напряжение всего произносительного аппарата. При образовании согласных напряжение имеет место только в определенной точке речевого канала: иными словами, гласные характеризуются нелокализованной (несфокусированной) артикуляцией, согласные – локализованной (сфокусированной) артикуляцией.

4. How are the vowels classified according to the position of the bulk of the tongue and the length of the vowel?

Всоответствии с позицией массы языка, гласные делятся на:

1) fully front vowels (переднегоряда) : ([i:], [e], [æ] + [eә], [ei]

2)front-retractedvowels (гласные переднего отодвинутого назад ряда) :[i]+ [iә], [au], [ai]

3)mixedvowels (гласные смешанного ряда) [ә], [ә:] + [әu]

4)backadvanced (гласные заднего продвинутого вперед ряда) [u], [ʌ] + [uә]

5)backvowels (заднего ряда): [u:], [a:], [ɔ], [ɔ:], [ɔi]

В соответствии с длиной гласных:

1) long ( [i:], [a:], [ɔ:], [u:], [з:] )

2) short ( [ɔ], [i], [e], [ə], [ʌ], [ʋ], [æ])

What is the principle of dividing consonants into occlusive and constructive?

По типу шумообразующей преграды согласные подразделяются на смычные, при произнесении которых в ротовой полости образуется полная преграда, и щелевые, при артикуляции которых в ротовой полости образуется неполная преграда.

Смычные согласные: [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [m], [n], [ŋ], [t∫], [dʒ].

Щелевые согласные: [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [∫], [ʒ], [h], [w], [l], [r], [j].

Если в процессе звукообразования согласного преобладает шум, то возникают шумные согласные, если музыкальный тон – сонанты.

Смычно-щелевые (occlusive-constrictive) – affricates. [tʃ], [dʒ] – после полной смычки образуется щель.

What is the sort of sound is diphthong? Name the diphthong belonging to the front type.

Дифтонги– это гласные звуки, при артикуляции которых наблюдается плавный переход из одного уклада органов речи в другой, так как дифтонги состоит из 2 элементов, представляющих одну фонему. Первый элемент дифтонгов называется ядром (nucleus), второй – скользящим придатком (glide). Ударение падает на ядро дифтонга. Всего 8 дифтонгов. [ei], [ai], [oi], [au], [әu], [iә], [eә], [uә].

Front: [ei], [ai], [au], [iә], [eә]

Mixed: [әu]

Back: [oi],[uә].

Name the triphthongs you know.

Трифтонги – сложные гласные звуки, состоящие из 3 гласных звуков, объединенных в 1 слоге. Первый элемент всегда под ударением, на 2 месте – третий элемент, средний звук – самый слабый компонент. Трифтонгов 5: ɑiə, ɑuə, əuə, eiə, oiə.

Name active and passive speech organs.

Активныеорганыречи: (5)губы, язык (кончик – tip, передняячасть – blade, middle part – срчасть, задняячасть – back part), мягкоенебо (soft palate), язычок (uvula), голосовыесвязки (vocal cords)

Пассивные : (4) верхние и нижние зубы, верхняя челюсть (upperjaw), альвеолы (alveolarridge), твердое небо (hardpalate)

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This modification demonstrates the articulatory difference between the allophones. Allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context and can not differentiate the meaning of the word.

According to Vasilyev theory the phoneme is realized is speech in the material forms of speech sounds of different types. Various speech realizations of phoneme are called allophones. In other words, phonemes are realized in speech in the form of allophones. The difference between the allophone of the same phoneme is due to the position in various phonetic contests. The allophones belonging to the same phoneme are not identical in their articulation though remains some phonetic similarities.

Phonemes occur in the same phonetic environment. They are functional units that means that being opposed to other phonemes in the same phonetic environment they are capable of differentiating the meaning of morphemes or words.

For example, said-says, bath-path, light-like

Sometimes the meaning of the whole phrase:

For example, he was badly heard/he was badly hurt.

To distinguish the sound types from the allophones in written two types of brackets are used:

- slant for the phoneme proper;

- square brackets for their allophones.

[стр.28 + стр.30-32 до (Table 1) + стр.36 IV]

As we deal with the sounds of speech, it is necessary speak first about the organs which produce these sounds, organs which are active directly or indirectly in the process of speech sound production.

In order to speak we need breath. The process ob breathing consists of two phases:

1) breathing in (inspiration);

2) breathing out (expiration).

In ordinary breathing we take about the same time to breathe in as to breathe out. But in speech inspiration is quick and up; expiration considerably is slowed down as most sounds of speech of all languages are made with outgoing breath from the lungs on the face of expiration.

Breathing begins from the lungs. The air-stream released from the lungs through the windpipe [дыхательное горло] comes into the larynx [гортань] which contains the vocal cods. On coming out of the larynx the air passes through the pharynx [глотка] and comes directly into the mouth cavity with the organs which it contains or the nasal cavity. Under the pressure of the air these organs perform a number of movements which is called articulation. As a result different sounds are produced. All these organs of speech are divided into active (mobile) and passive (immobile) in the process of forming speech sounds. Active organs or mobile in articulating sounds occupy one or another in respect to passive which are immobile. Immobile don’t change their position in the process of forming speech sounds.

(1) the power mechanism;

(2) the vibrator mechanism;

(3) the resonator mechanism;

(4) the obstructor mechanism.

(1) The power mechanism regulates the air-stream exhaled from the lungs.

pthe diaphragm [‘daɪəfræm] - диафрагма,

pthe lungs - легкие,

pthe bronchi [‘brɔŋkaɪ] - бронхи,

pthe windpipe [‘win(d)paip] - дыхательное горло (or trachea [trə'ki:ə] - трахея),

pthe glottis - голосовая щель,

pthe larynx - гортань,

pthe mouth cavity - ротовая полость,

pand the nasal cavity - носовая полость.

The lungs produce variations in the intensity of speech sounds. Syllabic pulses and dynamic stress are directly related to the behaviour of the muscles which activate this mechanism.

The vocal cords are two horizontal folds of elastic tissue. The vocal cords can take three positions:

„they can be wide apart [a];

„they can be brought close together [b];

„they are held loosely together [c].

[a] When the vocal cords are wide apart, the glottis is open thy don’t vibrate and the air passes between them easily, so the sound which is produced in this position, is called breath and this occurs when we pronounce voiceless consonants.

[b] When the vocal cords are brought close together, the air can’t pass between them, because the glottis is closed. Under the pressure of the air the glottis opens suddenly and produces an explosion resembling a short coughing noise. This sound is called the glottal stop. It is an exceptional sound in which there is neither breath, nor voice during its articulation.

[c] When the vocal cords are held loosely together, the air passing by makes the vocal cords vibrate; thus produce a musical sound called voice. This occurs when we pronounce vowels or voiced consonants.

(3) The resonator mechanism.This mechanism works as a resonator.

pthe pharynx - глотка,

pthe larynx - гортань,

pthe mouth cavity - ротовая полость,

pand the nasal cavity - носовая полость.

The shape of these cavities modifies the note produced in the larynx thus giving rise to the particular speech sounds.

(4) The obstructor mechanism. The task of this mechanism is to make obstructions to the air-stream thus producing different speech sounds.

pthe tongue (1-blade with the tip (передняя часть с кончиком), 2-front (средняя часть), 3-back (задняя часть) or dorsum (спинка языка)),

pthe lips (lower, upper; they may be kept together, rounded, open, spread, kept apart; they may be in contact with upper teeth),

pthe soft palate with the uvula - мягкое небо с язычком (the palate is divided: soft is very mobile, hard is less mobile),

pthe hard palate - твердое небо,

pthe alveolar ridge - альвеолярный отросток.

It studies the organs of speech which take part in producing different sounds.

This modification demonstrates the articulatory difference between the allophones. Allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context and can not differentiate the meaning of the word.

According to Vasilyev theory the phoneme is realized is speech in the material forms of speech sounds of different types. Various speech realizations of phoneme are called allophones. In other words, phonemes are realized in speech in the form of allophones. The difference between the allophone of the same phoneme is due to the position in various phonetic contests. The allophones belonging to the same phoneme are not identical in their articulation though remains some phonetic similarities.

Phonemes occur in the same phonetic environment. They are functional units that means that being opposed to other phonemes in the same phonetic environment they are capable of differentiating the meaning of morphemes or words.

For example, said-says, bath-path, light-like

Sometimes the meaning of the whole phrase:

For example, he was badly heard/he was badly hurt.

To distinguish the sound types from the allophones in written two types of brackets are used:

- slant for the phoneme proper;

- square brackets for their allophones.

[стр.28 + стр.30-32 до (Table 1) + стр.36 IV]

As we deal with the sounds of speech, it is necessary speak first about the organs which produce these sounds, organs which are active directly or indirectly in the process of speech sound production.

In order to speak we need breath. The process ob breathing consists of two phases:

1) breathing in (inspiration);

2) breathing out (expiration).

In ordinary breathing we take about the same time to breathe in as to breathe out. But in speech inspiration is quick and up; expiration considerably is slowed down as most sounds of speech of all languages are made with outgoing breath from the lungs on the face of expiration.

Breathing begins from the lungs. The air-stream released from the lungs through the windpipe [дыхательное горло] comes into the larynx [гортань] which contains the vocal cods. On coming out of the larynx the air passes through the pharynx [глотка] and comes directly into the mouth cavity with the organs which it contains or the nasal cavity. Under the pressure of the air these organs perform a number of movements which is called articulation. As a result different sounds are produced. All these organs of speech are divided into active (mobile) and passive (immobile) in the process of forming speech sounds. Active organs or mobile in articulating sounds occupy one or another in respect to passive which are immobile. Immobile don’t change their position in the process of forming speech sounds.

(1) the power mechanism;

(2) the vibrator mechanism;

(3) the resonator mechanism;

(4) the obstructor mechanism.

(1) The power mechanism regulates the air-stream exhaled from the lungs.

pthe diaphragm [‘daɪəfræm] - диафрагма,

pthe lungs - легкие,

pthe bronchi [‘brɔŋkaɪ] - бронхи,

pthe windpipe [‘win(d)paip] - дыхательное горло (or trachea [trə'ki:ə] - трахея),

pthe glottis - голосовая щель,

pthe larynx - гортань,

pthe mouth cavity - ротовая полость,

pand the nasal cavity - носовая полость.

The lungs produce variations in the intensity of speech sounds. Syllabic pulses and dynamic stress are directly related to the behaviour of the muscles which activate this mechanism.

The vocal cords are two horizontal folds of elastic tissue. The vocal cords can take three positions:

„they can be wide apart [a];

„they can be brought close together [b];

„they are held loosely together [c].

[a] When the vocal cords are wide apart, the glottis is open thy don’t vibrate and the air passes between them easily, so the sound which is produced in this position, is called breath and this occurs when we pronounce voiceless consonants.

[b] When the vocal cords are brought close together, the air can’t pass between them, because the glottis is closed. Under the pressure of the air the glottis opens suddenly and produces an explosion resembling a short coughing noise. This sound is called the glottal stop. It is an exceptional sound in which there is neither breath, nor voice during its articulation.

[c] When the vocal cords are held loosely together, the air passing by makes the vocal cords vibrate; thus produce a musical sound called voice. This occurs when we pronounce vowels or voiced consonants.

(3) The resonator mechanism.This mechanism works as a resonator.

pthe pharynx - глотка,

pthe larynx - гортань,

pthe mouth cavity - ротовая полость,

pand the nasal cavity - носовая полость.

The shape of these cavities modifies the note produced in the larynx thus giving rise to the particular speech sounds.

(4) The obstructor mechanism. The task of this mechanism is to make obstructions to the air-stream thus producing different speech sounds.

pthe tongue (1-blade with the tip (передняя часть с кончиком), 2-front (средняя часть), 3-back (задняя часть) or dorsum (спинка языка)),

pthe lips (lower, upper; they may be kept together, rounded, open, spread, kept apart; they may be in contact with upper teeth),

pthe soft palate with the uvula - мягкое небо с язычком (the palate is divided: soft is very mobile, hard is less mobile),

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 The Organs Of Speech

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 The Organs Of Speech

The Organs Of Speech

The various organs which are involved in the production of speech sounds are.

The various organs which are involved in the production of speech sounds are called speech organs (also known as vocal organs).

The Lungs The airflow is by far the most vital requirement for producing spee.

The Lungs The airflow is by far the most vital requirement for producing speech sound, since all speech sounds are made with some movement of air.

The Larynx The larynx is colloquially known as the voice box. The larynx is p.

The Larynx The larynx is colloquially known as the voice box. The larynx is popularly called the Adam’s apple. This casing is formed of cartilages and muscles.

The Vocal Cords (the vocal folds ) The vocal folds are like a pair of lips pl.

The Vocal Cords (the vocal folds ) The vocal folds are like a pair of lips placed horizontally from front to back. They are joined in the front but can be separated at the back. The opening between them is called glottis

The opening of the vocal cords takes different positions: Wide Apart Narrow G.

The opening of the vocal cords takes different positions: Wide Apart Narrow Glottis Tightly Closed Touched or Nearly Touched

Pharynx The pharynx lies between the mouth and the food passage, that is, jus.

Pharynx The pharynx lies between the mouth and the food passage, that is, just above the larynx. It is just about 7cm long in the case of women and 8cm long in the case of men.

The Roof of the Mouth The Alveolar Ridge/Teeth Ridge The Hard Palate The Velu.

The Roof of the Mouth The Alveolar Ridge/Teeth Ridge The Hard Palate The Velum or Soft Palate

The Lips They can be pressed together or brought into contact with the teeth.

The Lips They can be pressed together or brought into contact with the teeth. The consonant sounds which are articulated by touching two lips each other are called bilabial sounds. The sounds which are produced with lip to teeth contact are called labiodental sounds.

The lips may have the following positions: Rounded Spread Neutral

The lips may have the following positions: Rounded Spread Neutral

The Teeth The teeth are also very much helpful in producing various speech so.

The Teeth The teeth are also very much helpful in producing various speech sounds. The sounds which are made with the tongue touching the teeth are called dental sounds.

The Tongue The tongue is divided into three parts The tip The body The root

The Tongue The tongue is divided into three parts The tip The body The root

The Nose and the Nasal Cavity. The sounds which are produced with the nose ar.

The Nose and the Nasal Cavity. The sounds which are produced with the nose are called nasal sounds

The Organs of speech

The Organs of speech

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In any language people speak using their organs of speech (Fig.1). The air stream released by the lungs goes through the wind-pipe and comes to the larynx, which contains the vocal cords. The vocal cords are two elastic folds which may be kept apart or brought together. The opening between them is called the glottis. This is the usual state of the vocal cords when we breathe out. If the tense vocal cords are brought together, the air stream forcing an opening makes them vibrate and we hear some voice. When you feel the vibration of the vocal cords and hear voice such sounds are called voiced. Now produce a long Russian sound [c]. No vibration is felt, no voice is heard. This is a voiceless sound, which is made with the vocal cords kept apart.

There is one more state of the vocal cords which results in the glottal stop. When the vocal cords are brought close together and then opened suddenly by the air stream there comes a sort of coughing noise, a kind of the ‘click’ of the vocal cords. This sound is called the glottal stop.

On coming out of the larynx the air stream passes through the pharynx. The pharyngal cavity extends from the top of the larynx to the soft palate, which directs the air stream either to the mouth or nasal cavities, which function as the principal resonators.

The soft palate can be easily seen in hand mirror. Now open your mouth wide and say the vowel [a:]. Looking into the mirror you will see the soft palate, the very end of which is known as the uvula. The soft palate can easily move. When the soft palate is in its lowered position the air goes up into the nasal cavity and then out through the nose. This is the usual position of the soft palate when we breathe through the nose. This is also the position for the nasal sounds [m, n, N]. If you nip your nose you cannot pronounce these sounds. But as soon as you release your nose the air will continue its way and you will hear the sounds again. When the soft palate is raised the uvula forms a full contact with the back wall of the pharynx and the air stream goes through the mouth cavity. This is the most typical position of the soft palate for most of the sounds of many languages.

The soft palate is the furthest part of the palate from the teeth. Most of the palate is hard. This hard and fixed part of the palate is divided into two sections: the hard palate (the highest part of the palate) and the teeth ridge or alveolar ridge (the part immediately behind the upper front teeth). You can touch the teeth ridge with the tongue-tip. The teeth ridge is very important in English as many consonants are formed with the tongue touching or close to it. If you still move the tip of the tongue forward you will feel the teeth.

The lower teeth are not very important for making speech sounds, while tile upper teeth take part in the production of many of them.

The most important organ of speech is the tongue. Phoneticians divide the tongue into four sections, the part which lies opposite the soft palate is called the back of the tongue; the part facing the hard palate is called the front; the one lying under the teeth ridge is known as the blade and its extremity the tip. By the central part of the tongue we mean the area where the front and back meet. The edges of the tongue are known as the rims. The tongue may lie flat or move in the horizontal or vertical directions. It can also change its shape so that the sides are curved up forming a groove.

The lips can take up various positions as well. They can be brought firmly together or kept apart neutral, rounded, or protruded forward.

All organs of speech can be divided into two groups:

3) ACTIVE ORGANS OF SPEECH, movable and taking an active part in the sound formation: a) the vocal cords which produce voice; (b) the tongue which is the most flexible movable organ; (c) the lips affecting very considerably the shape of the mouth cavity; (d) the soft palate with the uvula, directing the stream of air either to the mouth or to the nasal cavity; (e) the back wall of the pharynx contracted for some sounds; (f) the lower jaw which movement controls the gap between the teeth and also the disposition of the lips; (g) the lungs providing air for sounds;

4) PASSIVE ORGANS OF SPEECH: (a) the teeth, (b) the teeth ridge, (c) the hard palate and (d) the walls of the resonators.

Основы фонетики. Звук.

Фонема как единица языка и ее позиционные варианты.

Основой фонемного строя языка являются звуки, функционирующие в качестве фонем. Фонема – это минимальная единица плана языка, способная различать в языке пары слов по смыслу (например: русск. сук-сок, англ. pan-pen) или дифференцировать грамматические формы одного и того же слова. Фонема реализуется в речи в виде своих конкретно звучащих позиционных вариантов, которые в зависимости от положения в слове или на стыке слов могут несколько отличаться друг от друга по своей артикуляции, сохраняя при этом основное свое качество (основные признаки). Например, при произнесении [t] в слове [ti:] кончик языка находится на альвеолах, а в слове [ǣt] , за которым следует межзубный звук [ʓə]- в межзубном положении. Следовательно, во втором варианте изменилось место артикуляции, тем не менее [t] сохраняет свои основные признаки – он остается смычным, шумным, взрывным, глухим. При утрате основного качества происходит замена одной фонемы другой, что приводит либо к изменению, либо к искажению смысла слова (например: англ.[ti: - di:] , русск. точка – дочка). Как видно из приведенных примеров, утрата глухости – одного из основных признаков [t], приводит к появлению другой фонемы, в результате чего речь становится непонятной или малопонятной.

Фонема как обобщенная категория представляет собой единство всевозможных ее вариантов.Замена одного позиционного варианта фонемы другим не приводит к смешению слов, к искажению смысла, но придает речи говорящего иностранный или диалектный акцент, что может значительно затруднить понимание. Так, например, употребление твердого варианта фонемы [l] вместо светлого перед гласным в словах [lip, laik] является признаком обще-американского произношения, в котором нет мягкого варианты фонемы [l]. Таким образом, фонема включает – как постоянно присутствующие – основные признаки, определяющие ее качество, так и второстепенные, позиционно обусловленные, которые несколько видоизменяют звучание, однако не приводят к утрате основного качества фонемы. Сфера употребления второстепенных вариантов, как правило, ограничена. При изучении иностранного языка необходимо овладеть механизмом произношения как основных вариантов, звучащих при произнесении их в изолированном положении, так и второстепенных, позиционно обусловленных.

Фонемный состав языка, в отличие от исторически сложившегося письма, передается при помощи знаков фонетической транскрипции. Каждая фонема имеет свой знак. Позиционные варианты фонем не фиксируются в транскрипции (за исключением темного [l], который может быть указан). В английском языке 20 гласных и 24 согласных фонемы. См. стр. 87 Лукина Н.Д.

Looking at the chart (see picture of the chart)

The phonemic set

Every spoken language has its own set of sounds. A characteristic of this set is that all the sounds within it exist in some sort of relationship to each other, each sound helping to shape the countours and boundaries of its neighbours. I refer to this set as the phonemic set. This chart shows the phonemic set of English as a complete and consistent system, to be worked with as one organic and interacting whole.

Why these symbols?

The symbols which are used on the chart to represent the sounds of the English phonemic set are taken from the International Phonetic Alphabet. These are the symbols used by most learner dictionaries, so working with them will also help learners develop the skills of finding for themselves the pronunciation and stress of any word in a learner dictionary.

The layout of the chart

The fourty-four phonemes of standard English are presented on the chart in a significant visual relationship to each other. Built into this design are references to how and where in the mouth each sound is produced, and so there are many clues in the design that can help in recognizing, shaping, correcting and recalling the sounds. Each symbol has its own box and pointing to this box selects that particular sound for attention. It can be useful to think of the box as containing all of the allophones of the sound.

12) Приводит ли замена одного позиционного варианта фонемы другим к искажению смысла? Приведите примеры.

13) При помощи чего передается фонемный состав языка? Укажите количество гласных и согласных фонем в английском языке.

14) Укажите условия, влияющие на изменение длительности гласного в акцентируемом слоге. Приведите примеры.

15) Влияет ли употребление того или иного тона на изменение длительности акцентируемого гласного? Приведите примеры.

16) Какой вариант реализуется в неакцентируемом слоге перед морфемами [-z] и [-d]? Приведите примеры.

17) Чем отличается артикуляция усеченных и неусеченных гласных в английском языке? Приведите примеры.

18) Приведите примеры качественно различных вариантов фонемы [ə] в неакцентируемом слоге.

19) What is a particular characteristic of a set of sounds?

20) How many phonemes are there in standard British English?

Phonemes and Sounds

17) При помощи чего передается фонемный состав языка? Укажите количество гласных и согласных фонем в английском языке.

18) Влияет ли употребление того или иного тона на изменение длительности акцентируемого гласного? Приведите примеры.

19) Чем отличается артикуляция усеченных и неусеченных гласных в английском языке? Приведите примеры.

20) What is a particular characteristic of a set of sounds?

Phonemes and Sounds

16) Приводит ли замена одного позиционного варианта фонемы другим к искажению смысла? Приведите примеры.

17) Укажите условия, влияющие на изменение длительности гласного в акцентируемом слоге. Приведите примеры.

18) Какой вариант реализуется в неакцентируемом слоге перед морфемами [-z] и [-d]? Приведите примеры.

19) Приведите примеры качественно различных вариантов фонемы [ə] в неакцентируемом слоге.

20) How many phonemes are there in standard British English?

Phonemes and Sounds

22) При помощи чего передается фонемный состав языка? Укажите количество гласных и согласных фонем в английском языке.

23) Влияет ли употребление того или иного тона на изменение длительности акцентируемого гласного? Приведите примеры.

24) Чем отличается артикуляция усеченных и неусеченных гласных в английском языке? Приведите примеры.

25) What is a particular characteristic of a set of sounds?

Phonemes and Sounds

27) При помощи чего передается фонемный состав языка? Укажите количество гласных и согласных фонем в английском языке.

28) Влияет ли употребление того или иного тона на изменение длительности акцентируемого гласного? Приведите примеры.

29) Чем отличается артикуляция усеченных и неусеченных гласных в английском языке? Приведите примеры.

30) What is a particular characteristic of a set of sounds?

Phonemes and Sounds

21) Приводит ли замена одного позиционного варианта фонемы другим к искажению смысла? Приведите примеры.

22) Укажите условия, влияющие на изменение длительности гласного в акцентируемом слоге. Приведите примеры.

23) Какой вариант реализуется в неакцентируемом слоге перед морфемами [-z] и [-d]? Приведите примеры.

24) Приведите примеры качественно различных вариантов фонемы [ə] в неакцентируемом слоге.

25) How many phonemes are there in standard British English?

Phonemes and Sounds

26) Приводит ли замена одного позиционного варианта фонемы другим к искажению смысла? Приведите примеры.

27) Укажите условия, влияющие на изменение длительности гласного в акцентируемом слоге. Приведите примеры.

28) Какой вариант реализуется в неакцентируемом слоге перед морфемами [-z] и [-d]? Приведите примеры.

29) Приведите примеры качественно различных вариантов фонемы [ə] в неакцентируемом слоге.

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