The dark ages in britain кратко на русском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The first Celtic tribes (племена) are believed to have come to the British Isles between 800 and 700 BC. Two centuries later they were followed by the Brythons or ancient Britons after whom the country was called Britain.

The first Roman invasion (завоевание) was led by Julius Caesar in 55 BC. But Britain was not conquered until some 90 years later, under Emperor Claudius, in 43 AD. Although the Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years, its effects were few. The people did not adopt the Latin language and so Latin did not displace Celtic.

In the middle of the 5th century, three Germanic tribes - The Angles, Saxons and Jute's invaded Britain from the continent. From the 8th century the Anglo-Saxons had to face Scandinavian invaders - the Danes and the Norsemen sometimes refereed to as Vikings - who occupied parts of Britain and made some permanent settlements. The Scandinavian invasions continued till the 11th century.

The period of feudalism started around 1066 and lasted to the 15th century. In this period the modern English nation and language came into being. It was a period of struggle for power between kings and between powerful nobles, a period of frequent wars. But it was also a period in which the development of the wool trade and the early decline of feudalism prepared the way for England's rise as a world power.

The period between 1485 and 1603 is known as the Tudor Period (Эпоха Тюдоров (английская королевская династия 15-17 вв.)). It was a turning point in English history. England became one of the leading powers. The two famous rulers of the House of Tudor were Henry VIII and Elisabeth I. The Elizabethan age (елизаветинская эпоха) produced the world's greatest playwright William Shakespeare.

In the period of 1688 to 1760 England definitely took the lead in European commerce. During the Industrial Revolution (1760 - 1850) Britain became the first industrial power in the world, "the workshop of the world." The Anglo - French rivalry for world domination which had started in the previous period continued and culminated in the Napoleonic Wars (1803 - 1815).

The Victorian era which comprised the second half of the 19th century, called after Queen Victoria, was a period in which Britain became the strongest world power: besides being the greatest financial and commercial power, the greatest sea power and the greatest colonial power. In was the era of the greatest colonial expansion.

The 20th century is a period of the decline of Britain as a world power a period of crises of the two world wars, from which Britain emerged as a victor, but greatly weakened. It is characterised by the disintegration of Britain's colonial empire and the effort to adjust Britain to the new situation by joining the other developed capitalist countries of Western Europe in EEC (ЕЭС, Европейское экономическое сообщество).

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Municipal Educational Instituting


done by Victiria Treshchalina

7 th Form students

supervised by Marianna Satanina,

Teacher of English




The study of history is vital to a liberal arts education. It is commonly admitted that an understanding of the past is fundamental to an understanding of the present. History is the quest for wisdom and virtue. These principles define the actual significance of this informational project.

Purpose and objectives

There’s no doubt that the British Monarchy is the most famous Monarchy in the world. Its history is just as iconic as its present. In this project, we would like not simply to present facts but to search for an interpretation of the past and to understand the most challenging period in the English history - the Dark Ages.

To gain this purpose we set up the following objectives:

- to identify the most unknown period in the British history - the Dark Ages and reveals the important events that were occurring in England during the Dark Ages;

-to trace the origins of the British monarchy to the reign of William the Conqueror and its evolution;

-to follow the process of the unification of England into a single kingdom;

-to evaluate the contribution made by the rulers.

The Anglo-Saxons Invasion of Britain

The period after the Roman soldiers left Britain is known as the Dark Ages. It was during the second half of the fifth century when the Saxons came to Britain. They ruled in England for about 500 years (a hundred years longer than the Romans). However, unlike the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons never 'went home'; many people living in Britain today have Anglo Saxon ancestors. The name ‘England’ even comes from the Saxon word 'Angle-Land'.

The Heptarchy

The Anglo-Saxons broke England into kingdoms, each with its own royal family. Until the 9th century, Britain was a divided land with 7 separate kingdoms Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Sussex, Essex, Kent and Anglia, known as the Heptarchy. Scotland, Wales and Ireland were also separate kingdoms in their own right.

The Heptarchy continued for around 400 years where throughout that time, various Kings of the 7 kingdoms emerged as de facto leaders of the country.

All these kingdoms in the era of the early Middle Ages waged a continuous struggle for leadership. The rivalry among the seven kingdoms ceased only when there was a real threat from outside.

Nevertheless, one of the positive effects of the Saxon invasion was the fact that they introduced to Angles the government model, which received the name - the Witenagemot or Witan. The purpose of the Witenagemot was to give an opinion about the administration and the organisation of the kingdom. The advisers talked about how law should develop. They elected or confirmed the king.

Egbert a Saxon - King of Wessex (827-839)

In 789 more than three hundred years after the Anglo-Saxons had settled in Britain, the Vikings began to attack the British Isles. They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The winters there were long and cold and the soil was poor, so Britain was a rich prize for them. They made a big army. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms couldn’t resist the Vikings and soon only the kingdom of Wessex remained free of them.

Egbert is remembered as a king who created the powerbase to unify England. In 802 he became King of Wessex, which soon became the most powerful of the Saxon kingdoms. In 827 the other 6 kings swore allegiance to him and he became the first true king of a united kingdom, but peace did not last.

Alfred the Great Saves England (871-899)

Alfred the Great finally united the nation and ruled over all England from 871 until his death in 899.

Alfred was well educated and he had proven himself to be a strong leader in many battles. As a wise ruler Alfred managed to secure five uneasy years of peace with the Danes, before they attacked Wessex again in 877.He had to hide from the Vikings on a marshy island called Athelney, in Somerset and it was probably here that the story about the cakes had taken place.

Alfred was on the run from the Vikings taking refuge in the home of a peasant woman. She asked him to watch her cakes – small loaves of bread – baking by the fire, but distracted by his problems about his land, he let the cakes burn and was scolded by the woman.

7 weeks later Alfred with some of his faithful warriors won a decisive victory at Edington.

In thanksgiving for his victory, in 888 Alfred had a monastery built on the Isle of Athelney.

To secure his hard won borders Alfred founded a permanent army and Royal Navy. To secure his place in history, he began the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles , according to which by 886, “All the English peoples acknowledged Alfred as their king…”

Written in Anglo-Saxon, instead of Latin, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles gives a brief social and political history of England from before the Roman occupation to the Norman conquest.

King Alfred is one of only two English monarchs to be given the title "the Great", the other being the Scandinavian Cnut the Great .

The First Danish King of England

Following the death of Alfred, England remained at war with the Viking invaders for the next 150 years. Peace came under the strong and wise leadership of Canute, a Dane, who was crowned king of England, Denmark and Norway (1016-1035). He was considered a God by many English and he had to demonstrate he wasn’t by showing he couldn’t stop the tide rolling in.

This Danish Viking was rapidly accepted by the native English population and England remained at peace and increased trade and prosperity during his 19 years as a ruler.

Edward the Confessor (1042-1066)

Edward the Confessor was half-Norman and until the age of 35, lived with his mother in Normandy. He came to the throne after 27 long years of Danish rule. His reign was peaceful and Edward devoted himself to religion. He built both the Palace of Westminster which has grown into the present Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. When he died without leaving an heir in 1066, there was a bloody struggle for control of England.

The Norman King of England - William I (1066-1087)

William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and cousin of Edward, English King , invaded England from France in 1066, winning the throne in the battle of Hastings on October 14th and introducing the Norman rule. It was the end of the Anglo-Saxon era, and the start of a new period in English history.

When William won the Battle of Hastings, he earned himself the title 'Conqueror'. He marched to London and was crowned King in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066.

After winning the Battle of Hastings, in 1067 William set about building a string of castles in strategic areas across the country. Two of his best known are the Tower of London, the great fortress which demonstrated his power , and Windsor Castle.

The Norman victory changed the way in which England was ruled.

Under the Saxons, the earls were often as important as the king, but now the king was firmly in control. He governed the whole country, and his rule was law.

William reorganized the government structure of England with the introduction of the feudal system. Basically, all land was held by the king and rented to his most loyal lords in return to provide him with an army when required.

Having conquered England, William wanted to make sure he remained in control of it and to know just how much it was worth.

In 1086 he ordered a detailed description of his newly conquered land. All this information was written down in the Domesday Book which was actually the first national census.

William I was fair if sometimes brutal and died after falling from his horse during military campaign in France.


1. - The six and a half centuries between the end of the Roman imperial rule and the Norman Conquest, known as the Dark Age, are among the most important in the English history, and the most challenging to understand, because of the nature and scarcity of the surviving evidence.

- A kingdom of England emerged in these centuries, and with it a new ‘English’ identity and language.

- The Norman invasion united England and Wales under the Christian religion , a feature of life that endures to this day, and gave both a spiritual and intellectual link with the European continent.

- The first English government institution – the Witenagemot, originates from the time of Dark Ages. After the Norman Conquest of 1066, the Witenagemot became the Norman Great Council. In many respects it was similar to modern-day Parliament.

2. Following the long chain of the rulers, who led the peoples of the British Isles through the period of Dark Ages to the united state in 1066, we pay tribute to importance of every historical phase.

Nevertheless, there are kings in the British history, whose governance laid the first stones of the great British Empire of today:

- Egbert (827-839) – whose military success changed the landscape of Britain and the course of British history.

- Alfred (871-899), who brought Anglo-Saxon England into a golden age of social stability and artistic accomplishment.

- William the Conqueror (1066-1087), an innovator in government, who made England a European kingdom. He built a strong centralized administration. He introduced The Domesday Book, which was, in effect, the first national census in the world’s history.

3. True Monarchy in Britain was about to begin with the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England. The final stage in the foundation of England’s Monarchy as we know it today was the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 when William the Conqueror conquered England and became King of all of England in the way we know today.

All said above makes us emphasize again that throughout the years the British Monarchy has been seen as a symbol of the national unity.

It has always been the power that has led to the growth and prosperity of the country range right from providing stability and continuity to the nation by acting as a national identity, to recognizing and fulfilling the nation needs.

This project we find useful both for the students, who strive to get maximum of the education process and for the teachers of the English language, Country Studies and Culturology, whose task is to widen horizons of the students.

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--> --> Краснодарский край, Новокубанский район, ст-ца Советская
Терешковой, 60
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санитарный день: последний чт месяца; сентябрь-май: пн-пт 11:00-20:45; сб-вс 11:00-18:45
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санитарный день: последний рабочий день месяца
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Пт: 12:00-22:00
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Вс: 12:00-20:00

--> --> Московская область, Химки городской округ, Химки, Сходня м-н
Чапаева, 7
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июнь-август: вт-пт 11:00-19:00, сб 11:00-18:00; санитарный день: последний день месяца
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Пт: 11:00-18:00
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Дзержинского, 39
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Ковровская, 20
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июль-август: пн-пт 11:00-19:00; санитарный день: последний чт месяца
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Ср: 11:00-19:00
Чт: 11:00-19:00
Пт: 11:00-19:00
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--> --> Алтайский край, Бийск городской округ, Бийск, Зелёный клин м-н
Машиностроителей, 29
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санитарный день: последний день месяца
Вт: 11:00-18:00
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Чт: 11:00-18:00
Пт: 11:00-18:00
Сб: 11:00-18:00

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Finding new and previously unexplained evidence, Francis Pryor overturns the idea that Britain reverted to a state of anarchy and disorder after the Romans left .

Беспросветные века Средневековья / The Dark Ages (2012)

Все права на фотографии и текст в данной статье принадлежат их непосредственному автору. Данная фотография свзята из открытого источника Яндекс Картинки

Беспросветные века Средневековья / The Dark Ages (2012)

Беспросветные века Средневековья / The Dark Ages (2012)

1 серия – Черная смерть

2-я серия – Великие женщины

Средневековье – время бесправных женщин. Одни стали святыми, иные жестоко поплатились за свободомыслие. В 12 веке церковь управляла жизнью как богатых, так и бедных. Она контролировала каждый аспект существования от рождения до смерти, и даже после – рай и ад. Во главе церкви стояло духовенство – монахи, священники и Папа Римский. Женщины не имели воли. Роль женщин часто недооценивается, но на самом деле многие из них имели большое значение. Одни возглавляли армии, иные писали книги, бросающие вызов властям, писали книги о природе, музыке.
В средние века находились люди, какие отстаивали разумное и справедливое, храбрые мужчины и женщины, которые несли свет в эпоху мрака.

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