Russian birthday traditions кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

• составить диалог-побуждение к действию, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета.

appreciate – ценить, любить

balloon – воздушный шарик

blow out- задувать

celebrate – праздновать, отмечать

full of – полный (чего-либо)

good luck - удача

make a wish – загадывать желание

respect – уважать, уважение

sense of humor – чувство юмора

throw garbage – бросать мусор

touch – дотрагиваться, трогать

I’d love to… - Мне бы хотелось…

I don’t think so. – Я так не думаю.

Would you like…? – Не желаете…?

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Today we are going to talk about birthday celebrations!

We are going to make a birthday plan, to learn how to make suggestions and read about birthday traditions all around the world.

Let’s learn how our friends get ready for their mum’s birthday.

BOY: What are you doing?

GIRL: I’m making a plan to celebrate Mum’s birthday.

BOY: I’m here to help. What about something unusual for our Mum’s birthday?

BOY: Let’s begin with treats. What about some cakes and ice cream?

GIRL: That’s a great idea!

BOY: Shall we have some biscuits and sandwiches?

GIRL: That would be nice!

BOY: A Birthday party is an interesting family celebration.

GIRL: What can make our party interesting?

BOY: Would you like to have party games?

GIRL: I’d love to.

BOY: Let’s decorate Mum’s room with colourful balloons!

BOY: There is a funny birthday tradition of pulling a birthday person’s ears. Shall we pull your Mum’s ears?

GIRL: I don’t like that idea. I think it’s for children. Let’s think of party games, which can be interesting for both adults and children.

Interesting ideas, aren’t they? Let’s learn more about birthday celebrations.

A party with balloons and streamers is common and most people are given a cake for their birthday. Candles are placed on top of the cake, one candle for each year of the person's life to represent his or her age. The candles are little and as you light the candles, Happy Birthday to You is sung. The birthday person makes a wish and tries to blow out all the candles in one try. If the candles are all blown out, then the wish will "come true".

In Britain, people often have a party to celebrate their birthdays. Everyone brings a small gift. The mother of the family always makes a birthday cake.

Birthday celebrations are very special in China. People eat very long noodles that mean they will live a long life. They eat them in soup and try not to cut them because it's unlucky.

On German children' birthdays, they get candles, a cake, and presents and they don't have to do any homework or chores.

In India, on their birthdays, kids show their parents signs of respect by touching their feet.

In Brazil, a birthday person is given the first piece of cake, but doesn't keep it for himself. Instead, he gives this piece to an important person in his life like his mom or dad.

There are a lot of birthday traditions around the world and they all make birthdays special.

Why don’t we have a party? Давай устроим праздник!

Shall we have a party? - А не устроить ли нам праздник?

Would you like to have a party?

Let’s have a party!

What/How about having a party?

Responding to suggestions

Yes, OK. That’s a good idea. That sounds great!,Хорошо!Здорово!Отлично!Хорошая идея!

No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure about that., Не могу согласиться.

Тренировочные задания

Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте.

Complete the text with the words. Three words are extra.

In Britain, we have a party to 1)…. our birthdays. Everyone brings a small 2)….. My mum always makes me a birthday 3)…. We have a table full of 4)…, crisps, sandwiches, small cake and chocolate 5)…, ice cream and very small sausages you eat on a stick. I just love them. We 6)… the house with baloons and I play party 7)… with my friends. It's fantastic.

gift; dance; games; food; celebrate; cake; biscuits; decorate; flower; eat

Чтобы выполнить задание, внимательно ознакомьтесь с материалом объясняющего модуля. Если какие-то слова покажутся незнакомыми, посмотрите значение слов в Тезаурусе.

In Britain, we have a party to 1) celebrate our birthdays. Everyone brings a small 2) gift. My mum always makes me a birthday 3)cake. We have a table full of 4) food, crisps, sandwiches, small cake and chocolate 5)biscuits, ice cream and very small sausages you eat on a stick. I just love them. We 6)decorate the house with balloons and I play party 7) games with my friends. It's fantastic.

Подчеркивания элементов

Underline the correct item.

Birthday 1)celebrations/holidays are very special in China. We eat very long noodles that mean we will have a 2)short/long life. I eat them in 3)juice/soup and try not to cut them because it's unlucky. We also eat red eggs. Red is a special colour in China. It always means something 4)happy/sad and brings 5)good/bad luck. We decorate the house with red paper and all the family comes for a 6)party/parade. We also get money in red 7)cartons/envelopes. It's fun.

Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, вспомните слова и словосочетания урока и те, которые Вы проходили ранее.

Earlier birthday was usually celebrated at home. They invited their best friends, laid a chic table, and gave guests gifts. Now times have changed and the options for celebrating a birthday has become much more. Now many people, in order not to cook and clean the house, invite guests to a cafe or restaurant. If it's a birthday in the summer, then they often get out for kebabs. A lot of clubs have appeared for children, where thematic and animators arrange a birthday party. Also in many cafes you can celebrate a birthday with master classes. It is very fun and informative!

Раньше день рождения праздновали обычно дома. Приглашали лучших друзей, накрывали шикарный стол, гости дарили подарки. Сейчас времена поменялись и вариантов празднования день рождения стало намного больше. Сейчас многие, чтобы дома не готовить, а затем не убирать приглашают гостей в кафе или ресторан. Если день рождения летом, то часто выбираются на шашлыки. Для детей появилось очень много клубов, где день рождения устраивают тематические и с аниматорами. Также в многих кафе можно отпраздновать день рожденья с мастер-классами. Это очень весело и познавательно!

Birthdays in our country are celebrated in every family. It is a tradition to invite a lot of guests and have a big party. People usually cook a great number of tasty dishes and decorate their houses. A must-have of any birthday party in our country is a birthday cake with candles in it. Some people invite special persons to guide their birthday party. They do different activities and have fun.

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Огромное тебе спасибо забыла Англ сделать а уже аж 10 часов не знала что делать но благодаря тебе всё решилось

In Russia we usually celebrate birthdays with family or with friends. Your friends and relatives bring gifts on your birthday evening. and you give birthday party. And you prepare birthday cake. You can put candles on it quantity of your age.


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В презентации представлена работа, посвященная празднования Дня рождения в разных странах. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 4-5-х классов.

Traditions of birthday celebrations in England, France and Russia

Our tasks: 1. Find information about the holidays of the countries of the studied languages. 2. Selection of the necessary vocabulary on the topic. 3. Find out how my friends celebrate their birthdays.

1. Find information about the holidays of the countries of the studied languages.

2. Selection of the necessary vocabulary on the topic.

3. Find out how my friends celebrate their birthdays.

Holidays in Russia .

January 1-New year,

February 23-Father`s Day,

may 9-victory Day, June 12-Russia day, November 4-national unity Day, December 12-Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

may 9-victory Day,

June 12-Russia day,

November 4-national unity Day,

December 12-Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Holidays in France: 1. Saint Sylvester

Holidays in France:

1. Saint Sylvester's Day, or New year- December 31,

2. Labor day in France is celebrated on may 1,

3. Bastille day is celebrated on July 14,

4. Christmas is celebrated on December 25.

Holidays in England 1. Christmas is celebrated on December 25, 2. April 21 marks the birthday of Queen Elizabeth, 3. Easter is celebrated from 22 to 25 April, 4. The arrival of spring on may 1, 5. Guy Fawkes day is celebrated on November 5.

Holidays in England

1. Christmas is celebrated on December 25,

2. April 21 marks the birthday of Queen Elizabeth,

3. Easter is celebrated from 22 to 25 April,

4. The arrival of spring on may 1,

5. Guy Fawkes day is celebrated on November 5.

Английский язык Happy Birthday! Французский язык holiday Bon Anniversaire ! Русский язык cake Une fête С днем рождения! Un gâteau candle праздник торт Une bougie jubilee fête jubilaire fun свеча guests gaieté юбилей birth date invité веселье date de naissance play гости Дата рождения jouer card Une carte de voeux gift Играть, забавляться Un cadeau celebration открытка invite célébration подарок inviter Празднование торжества party приглашать fête of the same age du même âge вечеринка Одного возраста

Английский язык

Happy Birthday!

Французский язык

Русский язык

С днем рождения!

date de naissance

Une carte de voeux


of the same age

1. Birthday is a bright, joyful holiday that is celebrated by all my classmates. 2. For most students, this is a long-awaited event. 3. The main tradition is guests, a festive table and gifts. 4. All children have their own preferences in choosing the place of celebration. Some people prefer to celebrate their birthday at home, while others have places of celebration such as nature. 5. Favorite traditions-cake with lighted candles, guests, festive table. 6. After the celebration, students feel joy and happiness.

1. Birthday is a bright, joyful holiday that is celebrated by all my classmates.

2. For most students, this is a long-awaited event.

3. The main tradition is guests, a festive table and gifts.

4. All children have their own preferences in choosing the place of celebration. Some people prefer to celebrate their birthday at home, while others have places of celebration such as nature.

5. Favorite traditions-cake with lighted candles, guests, festive table.

6. After the celebration, students feel joy and happiness.

As for birthday celebrations in England and France, we learned that we share a common tradition: 1. The tradition of giving gifts 2. The tradition of decorating the house 3. The

As for birthday celebrations in England and France, we learned that we share a common tradition:

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