Про матрешку на английском языке кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

В английский матрёшка означает: Russian doll, matryoshka doll, matryoshka (мы нашли 9 переводов). Есть не менее 138 примеров предложений с матрёшка . Среди прочего: Вся эта история - как одна большая матрёшка. ↔ This story is just one big Russian doll. .


переводы матрёшка

Russian doll

Вся эта история - как одна большая матрёшка.

This story is just one big Russian doll.

matryoshka doll

ru русская составная кукла
en Russian nested doll


Less frequent translations показать скрыть


переводы матрешка

Russian dolls

В большую русскую матрешку войдет больше знаний, чем в ту, что внутри нее.

A larger Russian doll will contain more knowledge than the one inside.


переводы Матрёшка


ru Матрёшка (формат данных)

Словарь картинок

matryoshka doll, nested doll


The term "matrioshka brain" was invented by Robert Bradbury as an alternative to the "Jupiter brain"—a concept similar to the matrioshka brain, but on a smaller planetary scale and optimized for minimal signal propagation delay.

Matryoshka is a national Russian toy. It is made of wood and painted with colors. In each matryoshka there is another matryoshka, smaller in size. And so many times. They can be arranged in a row in size. Each matryoshka can be either the same or different in coloring. Tourists visiting our country always buy matryoshki for souvenirs.

Матрёшка - национальная русская игрушка. Её делают из дерева и расписывают красками. В каждой матрёшке находится другая матрёшка, меньшая по размеру. И так много раз. Их можно выстроить в ряд по размеру. Каждая матрёшка может быть как одинаковой, так и разной по раскраске. Туристы, посещающие нашу страну всегда покупают матрёшки на сувениры.

1. Was his father a fisherman?
2. Did he see an old man lying.
3. Did the old man thank the boy?
4. Was he ashame to admit.
5. Did the old man recover from his illness?
6. Did he leave all his money.


Our life would be boring without computers. It’s hard to believe that one device can provide people with entertainment, news, education, music. With the appearance of computer many things have lost their importance. People don’t watch TV anymore, don’t go to the cinema very often. They don’t listen to the radio, CD- or MP3-player. They’ve stopped buying newspapers and magazines. Many have taken online classes. Thus, computers and Internet have become an integral part of every family.

Computer is a powerful tool. It helps to create colourful presentations, to calculate large numbers, to write articles, to save and edit photos, to keep documentation and, of course, to surf the web.

Internet is the main stream of information nowadays. It informs us, entertains and educates. We find everyday news online, educational resources, films, music, games. Everyone can find something to his or her own taste there. However, computers have certain disadvantages.

First of all, there is too much violence online, as well as aggressive pictures and irrelevant information. All this can lead to different problems.

Secondly, Internet is a free space, where personal information can easily be stolen. So, people should be aware of what they are posting or downloading.

Thirdly, computers have turned people into passive creatures. They can spend hours in front of the monitors, which results into poor eyesight and other health issues.

In conclusion, I’d like to add that computers are good at certain extent. If they are being used wisely and moderately, then they can make our life better.


I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.

Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, espesially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home.

Andrey has short, light hair and grey eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. Hе is a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks - sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humour and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together - watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.

У меня есть много друзей. Большинство из них мои одноклассники. Мой лучший друг по имени Андрей. Ему четырнадцать. Он живет с родителями недалеко от школы.

Андрей имеет много увлечений: он любит играть на компьютере, читать детективы, собирать бабочек. Он любит животных, особенно кошек. У него дома есть кот Ластик.

Андрей имеет короткие светлые волосы и серые глаза. Он довольно низкий и довольно худой. Ему всегда удается быть веселым, энергичным, полным жизни и энергии. Он готов помочь и честный.

Андрей очень популярен. Он отзывчивый человек и каждый раз пытается сделать все возможное, чтобы помочь кому-то, когда у кого-то есть проблемы.

Андрей очень внимателен к своим родителям. Конечно, у него есть некоторые недостатки - иногда он сомнительный мальчик, немного упрямый. Но все равно мне нравится его хорошее чувство юмора и с ним приятно иметь дело.

Мы проводим много времени вместе - смотрим видео или слушаем музыку, гуляем или ходим в кафе, обсуждаем все что угодно. Наша дружба помогает мне чувствовать себя сильным и уверенным в себе.

Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside which are similar to her dolls are smaller. The number of nested dolls are usually three or more. Almost always, they have ovoidnuyu form a flat-Donets and consist of two parts - top and bottom. Traditionally depicted a woman in a red and yellow scarf sarafan [citation needed]. In our time, for a list of topics are diverse: a fairy-tale characters are often subject of Russia in the image of women and families. They began to frequent and parodic character dolls depicting politicians, which was a complete departure from the canon and the meaning of dolls, based on the image of women has always been, but not men.Как то так

Almost hundred years ago to an art workshop near Moscow have brought from Japan a figure of the toy bald old man, a wise man of Fukurumu. The doll revealed, in it there were some more figures, enclosed one in another. The toy was pleasant to all. And our masters have decided to make the wooden doll. The first nested doll consisted of eight figures. It represented the girl in a scarf and a sundress, with a black cock in hands. A toy artists Differently paint, but pleasure it delivers to all identical.

She is the kind beauty with a round face, the big expressive eyes bent by black eyelashes, the sable eyebrows, glowing, as coals, a flush, the scarlet sponges, the hitched up nouse. At матрешеки always affable, cheerful persons. Such appearance of a toy isn't casual, so beauties in Russian national fairy tales are described.

The nested doll is an amusing, nice fatty. On it - the motley, magnificent sundress, an apron is decorated with flowers, on a head – an elegant kerchief or a wreath from wild flowers. The nested doll expresses the generalized image of the Russian beauty
Почти сто лет назад в художественную мастерскую под Москвой привезли из Японии фигурку игрушечного лысого старика, мудреца Фукуруму. Кукла раскрывалась, в ней находилось еще несколько фигур, вложенных одна в другую. Игрушка всем понравилась. И наши мастера решили сделать свою деревянную куклу. Первая матрешка состояла из восьми фигурок. Изображала она девочку в платке и сарафане, с черным петухом в руках. По-разному расписывают игрушку художники, но радость она доставляет всем одинаковую.

Это добрая красавица с круглым лицом, большими выразительными глазами, изогнутыми черными ресницами, соболиными бровями, рдеющим, как угли, румянцем, алыми губками, вздернутым носиком. У матрешеки всегда приветливое, жизнерадостное лица. Такая внешность игрушки не случайна, именно так описываются красавицы в русских народных сказках.

Матрешка – это забавная, славная толстушка. На ней - пестрый, пышный сарафан, передник украшен цветами, на голове – нарядный платочек или венок из полевых цветов. Матрешка выражает обобщенный образ русской красавицы

Russian nesting doll or matryoshka as it is sounded in Russian - probably, the most popular Russian national souvenir. The wide fame was won by Russian matryoshka far abroad.

The first Russian Matryoshka was made just over 100 years ago, at the end of the 19th century.

The Matryoshka is a wooden doll, usually in a colorful dress. If you pull it apart, there is a smaller doll inside – which, in turn, has another one in it. The number of pieces typically ranges from 3 to 12, but there are also "supermatreshkas” boasting up to 60 dolls. Matryoshka dolls are made of wood from lime,balsa, alder, aspen, and birch trees; lime is probably the most common wood type.

The painted image on the dolls is most often a woman wearing traditional Russian costume. The woman is a mother; the names Matryona and Matryoshka were common Russian country names for girls. Both come from the Latin root mater for mother. So matryoshka has come to mean "little mother" based on the idea that the outer or largest doll holds her babies inside like an expectant mother and that each daughter in turn becomes a mother. They are symbols of fertility and motherhood and have a modified egg shape.

From the largest doll to the smallest in a set, each resembles the others, but they are not necessarily identical. The outer doll may wear a costume that is red, the next one green, the third blue, and so forth. Or the costumes may be the same, but each doll may carry something different in her hands. For example, the outer doll may hold a loaf of bread (a symbol of welcome in Russia), the next may carry a bowl of salt (representing welcome and the family's offering of its wealth to guests—salt was once very rare), the third doll may hold several large beets (a traditional Russian vegetable symbolizing the richness of the earth), and a fourth may carry a basket of strawberries (for the sweetness of the garden).

Flowers are one of the most traditional themes with particular flowers representing the cities where the dolls are crafted; usually, the flowers are painted as designs on the shawls and aprons of the matryoshka.

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