Пересказ текста children in victorian times кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Chiloren in Victorian Time.
Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs weren't easy and were often dangerous.
Many Children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this jod.
A Lot of children also worked in cotton factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix them. This was very dangerous.
Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal of they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.
The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.
Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

107 слов Children in Victorian Time.
Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. Their jobs were hard and often dangerous. They worked as chimney sweeps, in cotton factories and in coal mines. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them, fixed threads in cotton machines, pushed heavy trucks in mines. They often had health problems and accidents.
Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

Many children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this job.

A lot of children also worked in cotton « factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix them. This was very dangerous.

Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal or they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.

The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.

Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

In Victorian England, the children had to work as adults. Older children were held at the factory or in the service mine. And even the smallest work is not shunned. For example, a popular type of activity for girls was trade. Furthermore, children often work in mines, for 12 hours or more. In 1833 change the law, but it does not really change the situation. After 1842 the girls worked on the surface, working primarily coal sorting. They were called pit brow lasses.

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Мореплаватель — имя существительное, употребляется в мужском роде. К нему может быть несколько синонимов.
1. Моряк. Старый моряк смотрел вдаль, думая о предстоящем опасном путешествии;
2. Аргонавт. На аргонавте были старые потертые штаны, а его рубашка пропиталась запахом моря и соли;
3. Мореход. Опытный мореход знал, что на этом месте погибло уже много кораблей, ведь под водой скрывались острые скалы;
4. Морской волк. Старый морской волк был рад, ведь ему предстояло отчалить в долгое плавание.


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Children in Victorian timesVictoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs were not easy and were often dangerous.A lot of children also worked in cotton « factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix \ them. This was very dangerous.The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.



1. I think no. Because most of them suffered and had health problems.
2. They did it because they were poor and wanted to feed themselves and their families.
I think they felt bad, because these jobs were not easy and were often dangerous.
3. May be I would do that if I had been in their place and had to feed myself. But if I had a choice, I wouldn't do any of these jobs.



1 Who worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families?
2 What is the title of the text?
3 Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901, wasn't she?
4 Were the jobs easy?
5 Were the jobs dangerous?
6 Why did many children work as chimney sweeps?
7 Who usually did this job?
8 A lot of children worked in cotton "factories", didn't they?
9 Who fixed the machines when the cotton threads broke?
10 Who worked in coal mines?
11 Did they pushed trucks of coal or did they open and close doors to let air through tunnels?
12 The masters were often cruel, weren't they?
13 Who had health problems and accidents?
14 What did Lord Shaftesbury do?
15 By the end of Victorian times all children went to school, didn't they?



Чилорен ин Викториан тайм.

Виктория вас зе куин оф ингланд, фром фортин сёти севен ту найнтин уан. Дёрин ёрли Викториан таймс, пуар чилдрен воркд фром зе эйдж оф файв ту фиид земселвс энд зиар фэмилис, Зис джобс вен т изи энд вё офен денжерос.

Мени чилдрен воркд эз чимни свипс бекоз зей вё смол энд син.Зей кламбд ап нэроу чимнис ту клин зем, Стрит чилдрен ор орфанс южуалли дид зис джоб.

Озер чилдрен воркд ин кол майнс. Зей пушд тракс оф коэл оф зей оупенд энд клоузд дорс ту лет эар сро тунелс.

Зе мастерс вё офен круел. Чилдрен воркд лонг аурс фор вери лоу вейгс. Э лот оф чилдрен хед хелс проблемс энд эссидентс. Лорд Шафтсбори хелпд ту стоп эдултс фром юзинг янг чилдрен эт ворк. Хи стратид фри скулс фор пуар чилдрен. Бай зе энд оф Викториан таймс ол чилдрен вент ту скул антил зе эйдж оф тен.

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Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children ' worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs weren’t easy and were often dangerous.

Street children or orphans usually did all heavy job.

A lot of children also worked in cotton factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix them. This was very dangerous.

Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal or they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.

The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.

Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

это максимум. это и так очень сокращённый текст, уже престо некуда сокращать. весь смысл потеряется.





1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6b 7b 8a



Английский Дети в
В 18 веке мало что изменилось для детей. Чил-дрен из бедных семей должен был работать, как только они были в состоянии. Когда они не работали, дети играли в простые игры. Дисцикл был очень строгим.
Для многих детей в начале XIX века все ухудшалось! Промышленная революция создала много рабочих мест и нуждалась в детском труде (труд). Когда дети работали на текстильных фабриках, они часто работали более 12 часов в день. В 1833 году Парламент принял закон, который не разрешал детям до 9 лет работать на текстильных фабриках. В нем говорилось, что дети в возрасте от 9 до 13 лет не должны работать более 12 часов в день или 48 часов в неделю. В нем также говорится, что дети в возрасте от 13 до 18 лет не должны работать более 69 часов в неделю. Никто до 18 лет не мог работать ночью (с 8:30 до 5:30). Дети в возрасте от 9 до 13 лет имели 2 часа обучения в день. Условия в угольных шахтах также были ужасными. Даже дети в возрасте 5 лет работали под землей. В 1842 году закон не разрешал детям до 10 лет и женщинам работать под землей. В 19 веке мальчикам приходилось подниматься по трубам, чтобы очистить их. Эта барбарическая практика была закончена в 1875 году. Постепенно закон защищал детей все больше и больше. В начале 19 века церкви предоставляли школы для бедных детей. С 1833 года правительство предоставило им гранты. Были также школы для девочек. Обычно женщины, которые управляли такими школами, учили девочек чтению, письму, арифметике, музыке и шитью. В 1880 году школа стала обязательной для детей от 5 до 10 лет. Мальчики среднего класса ходили в гимназии. Дисциплина в школах 19-го века была очень строгой. Избиение детей было нормальным.

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