Марко поло биография кратко на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Биографии на английском

Marco Polo biography поможет подготовить доклад на урок английского языка.

Marco Polo текст на английском

Marco Polo was born in around 1254 into a wealthy and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family. Polo’s father and uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo Polo, were jewel merchants. In 1260, they left Venice to travel to the Black Sea, moving onwards to central Asia and joining a diplomatic mission to the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of China. Khan asked the Polo brothers to return to Europe and persuade the pope to send scholars to explain Christianity to him. They arrived back in Venice in 1269.

In 1271, they set off again, accompanied by two missionaries and Marco, and in 1275 reached Khan’s summer court. For the next 17 years the Polos lived in the emperor’s lands. Little is known of these years, but Marco Polo was obviously popular with the Mongol ruler and was sent on various diplomatic missions which gave him the opportunity to see many parts of China.

Around 1292, the Polos offered to accompany a Mongol princess who was to become the consort of Arghun Khan in Persia. The party sailed from a southern Chinese port via Sumatra, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), southern India, and the Persian Gulf. After leaving the princess in Iran, the Polos travelled overland to Constantinople and then to Venice, arriving home in 1295.

The Polos eventually departed for Europe and reached Venice in 1295. Marco became involved in a naval conflict between Venice and Genoa and in 1298 was captured by the Genoese. In prison, his stories attracted the attention of a writer from Pisa, Rustichello, who began to write them down, frequently embellishing them as he went. The resulting book was extremely popular and was translated into many languages under a number of titles, including ‘The Million’ and the ‘Travels of Marco Polo’.

After Polo was released he returned to Venice, where he remained for the rest of his life. He died on 8 January 1324.

Marco Polo short biography

Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy 1254. Most of his childhood was parentless, he was raised by an extanded faimily. His mother died when he was young, his father and uncle were in Asia most of Marco Polo’s youth. When he grew up he traded paper money and coal used for fuel, he spent 20 years in Asia before returning to Venice. He married Donata Badoer the daughter of Vitale Badoer in 1300,and theyhad 3 kids Bella,Fantina, and Moretta. Marco Polo died January 8,1324, in his hometown Venice Italy.

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Read the text. Then answer statements T or F

Marco Polo was an Italian explorer(зерттеуші) . Marco Polo was born(туды) in Venice on September. His father was merchant(саудагер) . When he was 17 years old, he went to China with his father. They went to China to visit Kublai Khan, the emperor(хан) of China. The emperor enjoyed(ұнатты) Marco Polo’s stories about many lands.

When Marco Polo went back to home, he talked about his life in China.

In 1298, he went to prison(абақты) . While he was a prisoner he read his stories about China to another man in prison. The man wrote down the stories. The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.” Marco Polo got out (шықты)of prison in 1299. He became very rich(бай) and got married(үйленді), he and his wife had three children. Marco Polo died(қайтыс болды) in 1324.

Task 1: put T/ F near the statements

1) Marco Polo was an Italian explorer _____________

2) Marco Polo was born in Venice, on January _____________

3) His father was singer _____________

4)He was 17 years old, when he went to China with his father _____________

5) They went to China to visit family _____________

6) In 1298, he went to prison _____________

7) The woman wrote down the stories _____________

8)He became very poor _____________

9) He and his wife had five children _____________

10) Marco Polo died in 1324 _____________

Read the text. Then answer statements T or F

Marco Polo was an Italian explorer(зерттеуші) . Marco Polo was born(туды) in Venice on September. His father was merchant(саудагер) . When he was 17 years old, he went to China with his father. They went to China to visit Kublai Khan, the emperor(хан) of China. The emperor enjoyed(ұнатты) Marco Polo’s stories about many lands.

When Marco Polo went back to home, he talked about his life in China.

In 1298, he went to prison(абақты) . While he was a prisoner he read his stories about China to another man in prison. The man wrote down the stories. The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.” Marco Polo got out (шықты)of prison in 1299. He became very rich(бай) and got married(үйленді), he and his wife had three children. Marco Polo died(қайтыс болды) in 1324.

Task 1: put T/ F near the statements

1) Marco Polo was an Italian explorer _____________

2) Marco Polo was born in Venice, on January _____________

3) His father was singer _____________

4)He was 17 years old, when he went to China with his father _____________

5) They went to China to visit family _____________

6) In 1298, he went to prison _____________

7) The woman wrote down the stories _____________

8)He became very poor _____________

9) He and his wife had five children _____________

10) Marco Polo died in 1324 _____________

Keys to the task:

Task 1: put T/ F near the statements

1) Marco Polo was an Italian explorer T

2) Marco Polo was born in Venice, on January F (on September)

3) His father was singer F (father was merchant)

4)He was 17 years old, when he went to China with his father T

5) They went to China to visit family F (to visit emperor)

6) In 1298, he went to jail T

7) The woman wrote down the stories F (the man wrote )

8) He became very poor F (he became rich)

9) He and his wife had five children F (three children)

10) Marco Polo died in 1324 T

Task 2: put the pictures in the right order according to the story

He with his father went to china

They went to visit emperor

The emperor enjoined Marco’s stories

He read his stories to another man

The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.”


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