Марк твен биография на английском кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri in the United States in 1835. His father was an unsuccessful lawyer. The family seldom lived more than a year or two in the same town. That is why the future writer did not even finish secondary school. He went to work at the age of 12.

For two years he worked for his elder brother’s small newspaper both as a printer and reporter.

In 1857 he became a pilot on the Mississipi river. He continued to write.

Mark Twain’s stories enjoy widespread popularity. His characters are always well-drawn, his stories are true-to-life and the plots of his stories are skilfullybuilt up.

Many years have passed since Mark Twain’s death, but even now we enjoy reading his works. Besides being a humorist, Mark Twain is also a realist — the author of biting satires and bitterly critical pages revealing a good deal of the truth about American way of life.

Марк Твен (перевод)

Марк Твен родился в штате Миссури в Соединенных Штатах Америки в 1835 году. Его отец был неудачливым юристом. Семья редко жила в одном и том же городе более 1-2 лет. Вот почему будущий писатель даже не закончил среднюю школу. Он пошел работать в возрасте 12 лет.

Два года он работал печатником и репортером в ре­дакции небольшой газеты, принадлежащей старшему брату.

В 1857 году он стал лоцманом, плавая по реке Мисси­сипи и продолжал писать.

Рассказы Марка Твена пользуются широкой популяр­ностью, Характеры его героев всегда хорошо раскрыты, его истории правдивы, сюжеты мастерски построены.

Прошло много лет с тех пор, как Марк Твен умер, но даже и сейчас мы получаем удовольствие от его произве­дений. Кроме того, что он юморист, он также реалист, ав­тор острой сатиры и страниц резкой критики, раскрываю­щих правду об американском образе жизни.

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Биографии на английском

Марк Твен биография на английском языке представлена в этой статье.

Марк Твен краткая биография на английском

An iconic figure of the American literature whose works have reached, entertained and inspired a global readership, Mark Twain was the exceptional author of the famous Huckleberry Finn (1885) which is considered to be one of the first great American novels.

Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri. He was the sixth child of John Marshall Clemens, a judge and Jane Lampton who had no idea they had become parents to what would be one of the most famous personalities in America. In 1839, four years after his birth, Samuel’s family moved 35 miles east to their Hill Street home in Hannibal. The bustling port city of Hannibal where steamboats arrived from St. Louis and New Orleans day and night would later be featured fictitiously as the town of St. Petersburg in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

The death of his father in 1847 left the family in a financial crunch forcing Samuel to drop out of school while studying in grade five. He set out to work in order to support himself and the family. Among the many jobs Samuel undertook was becoming a printer’s apprentice and a journeyman printer. Samuel realized his love of writing while working as a printer and editorial assistant at his brother Orion’s newspaper. In 1857, a young Samuel left for St. Louis where he became a river pilot’s apprentice earning a license in 1858. He travelled frequently between St. Louis and New Orleans, with a growing appreciation for the world’s second longest river which he admiringly illustrates through words in his memoir, Life on the Mississippi (1883). It was during his days as a river pilot that Samuel acquired the pseudonym, Mark Twain which is a river term referring to being safe to navigate when the depth of water is 12 feet for the boat to be sounded.

The outbreak of Civil war in 1861 brought the river trade to stand still. Twain began working as a reporter for several newspapers all over the United States. Some publications he reported for included Territorial Enterprise, The Alta Californian, San Francisco Morning Call, Sacramento Union and The Galaxy. He travelled extensively during this period while prolifically writing short stories such as Advice for Little Girls (1867) and The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County (1867) which was published in the New York Saturday Press. His first book, The Innocents Abroad was published in 1869. Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon in 1870. They had four children, one of whom died in infancy and two died in their twenties.

A productive writer, Twain continued to gain recognition as a writer for his work of quality. In 1876, he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer followed by The Adventured of Huckleberry Finn in 1885. He was awarded an honorary Masters of Art degree from Yale University in 1888. Twain began a worldwide lecturing tour in 1895. Oxford University also awarded him an honorary Doctorate of letters in 1907. Some notable titles out of the 28 books and numerous short stories, sketches and letters Twain wrote are A Tramp Abroad (1880), The Prince and the Pauper (1882), The American Claimant (1892) and Following The Equator (1897).

On April 21, 1910, Mark Twain passed away leaving behind his legacy and writings which became an important part of world literature for forever.

I haven’t met a child, who doesn’t like or know the story of a young boy named Tom Sojer. The author of this popular story is American writer Mark Twain. The real name is Samuel Langhorn Klemens. Many of his books are the stories about adventures.

Samuel was born at the end of autumn in 1835. His family lived in Florida. The family was poor, although the dad worked with a local judge. When Sam was only 12, his father died. The children had to start to work. Sam’s elder brother opened the printing house and Sam was able to publish his articles sometime.

At the age of 18 the boy started to travel and visited every single library on the way. In 1863 the young writer started to use the name of Mark Twain for the first time. His first big story about the frog from Calaveras had become popular all around the country.

Soon Mark Twain wrote more stories and the most popular is “Tom Sojer’s Adventures”. Here Samuel described his own childhood.

After few years Samuel succeeded to open his own printing house and published all his stories. But unfortunately his last books were not so much popular.

Samuel was always a good friend. He knew Nick Tesla and together they had experiments in physics.

Unfortunately last years of the life Sam had to see death of his family: his wife and three children. After that he claimed that he didn’t believe in religion and God anymore.

I have read many books, but Mark Twain is one of my favorite writers. I think I can read his stories over and over again. I think these books will always be popular because there is a lot of adventures and fun.

The great writer died in April 21 in 1910. But I am sure his stories will be with us long time. And I advise everyone to read these stories at least once.

Биография Марка Твена

Я ещё не встречал ребёнка, который бы не любил или не знал историю мальчишки, по имени Том Сойер. Автором этой удивительной и популярной истории является американский писатель Марк Твен. Настоящее имя его Самуэль Лэнгхорн Клеменс. Многие его книги - это удивительные истории о приключениях.

Самуэль родился в конце осени в 1835 году. Его семья жила во Флориде. Семья была достаточно бедной, хотя, отец занимал должность помощника местного судьи. Когда Сэму было всего 12, умер его отец. Сэму и братьям пришлось идти работать. Старший брат писателя открыл типографию и Сэм мог иногда публиковать свои статьи.

В возрасте 18 лет мальчик начал путешествовать и посещал каждую библиотеку на своём пути. В 1863 году молодой писатель начал использовать имя Марк Твен впервые. Его первая приключенческая история была о лягушке из Калавераса, которая стала популярной во всей стране.

Через несколько лет Сэмуэль преуспел и открыл собственную типографию, где и публиковал свои истории. К сожалению, последние издания автора не вызвали большого восторга у читателей.

Сэмуэль всегда был хорошим другом. Он был лично знаком с Николой Теслой и вместе они проводили эксперименты по физике.

В последние годы жизни Сэму пришлось наблюдать за смертью его жены и детей. После этого писатель заявил, что не верит больше в религию и самого Бога.

Я прочёл много книг, но Марк Твен - один из любимейших авторов. Я думаю, я смог бы перечитывать его книги снова и снова. Мне кажется, истории Твена всегда будут популярными, ведь там описаны приключения и веселье.

Великий писатель умер 21 апреля 1910 года. Но я уверен, что книги Марка Твена останутся с нами ещё долгое время. И я советую каждому прочитать эти истории хотя бы раз.

Марк Твен, американский писатель

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born (1) in a small village of Florida, Mo., on November 30, 1835. Sam spent his boyhood on the west bank of the great Mississippi River. He left school at an early age, because he had to work for a living. For a few years he worked as a printer for his brother Orion’s paper. During those years he wrote a few humorous stories. A New York periodical published one of them.

Sam tried to learn the trade of piloting steamboats on the Mississippi River.

When the Civil War broke out in 1861 Sam Left for the West because he did not want to fight for the Confederate Army. Later he joined miners searching for silver (2) but failed to become rich.

In 1862 he began to work for the Virginia City paper as a reporter and a humorist. In February 1863 he adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain. In 1865 "The Jumping Frog", his first book of humorous stories was published. (3)

In 1867 Twain took a trip on the ship "The Quaker City." (4) The collection of sketches "Innocents Abroad" which he wrote about the journey brought him fame.

In 1876 he published his world famous book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and only eight years later he finished his masterpiece "Huckleberry Finn."

In 1935 Ernest Hemingway wrote that "Huckleberry Finn" was the first and best book in American literature. William Faulkner said the same in 1955. Before Mark Twain, they said, there was only an American dialect, but after him there was an American language. (5)

Many critics say that Twain’s books give a better picture of the period than history books.

Mark Twain died in 1910.


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