Манхэттен кратко на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Описание достопримечательностей New York на английском языке. А для тех, кто учится воспринимать английскую речь на слух, вы можете прослушать аудио.

New York City is the largest city in the United States, and one of the largest cities in the world. The city of New York has a population of over seven million people, and the surrounding urban areas bring the total to about twenty million people. However, New York City is not merely a very large city; it is also known as one of the world’s leading centers of financial, artistic, and media activities.

Нью-Йорк — самый большой город в Соединенных Штатах и ​​один из крупнейших городов мира. В городе Нью-Йорк проживает более семи миллионов человек, а в окружающих городских районах всего около двадцати миллионов человек. Однако Нью-Йорк — это не просто очень большой город; он также известен как один из ведущих мировых центров финансовой, художественной и медийной деятельности.

New York was usually the place where new immigrants to the United States would arrive. In the nineteenth century, immigrants from Germany and Ireland were numerous in New York. In the early twentieth century, New York City was the home of many Jewish immigrants, and also immigrants from Italy. In addition, many African-American people arrived in New York from other parts of the United States, and many persons came to New York from the American territory of Puerto Rico, a Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean. In more recent decades, immigrants have arrived in New York from places all over the world.

Нью-Йорк обычно был местом, куда прибывали новые иммигранты в Соединенные Штаты. В девятнадцатом веке в Нью-Йорке было много иммигрантов из Германии и Ирландии. В начале двадцатого века Нью-Йорк был домом для многих еврейских иммигрантов, а также иммигрантов из Италии. Кроме того, многие афроамериканцы прибыли в Нью-Йорк из других частей Соединенных Штатов, и многие люди прибыли в Нью-Йорк с американской территории Пуэрто-Рико, испаноязычного острова в Карибском бассейне. В последние десятилетия иммигранты прибыли в Нью-Йорк из разных уголков мира.

Of course, New York is famous for much more than just its architecture. New York City’s financial district, Wall Street, and its theatre district, centered on Broadway, are the most important in the United States. Central Park is one of the world’s great urban parks, and the art galleries, museums, and concert halls are among the greatest to be found anywhere. The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City. People around the world recognize the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands on an island in the harbor of New York, and the bustling Times Square, located in the mid-town Manhattan area.

Конечно, Нью-Йорк славится не только своей архитектурой. Финансовый район Нью-Йорка, Уолл-стрит, и его театральный район с центром на Бродвее, являются самыми важными в Соединенных Штатах. Центральный парк — один из величайших городских парков в мире, а художественные галереи, музеи и концертные залы — одни из лучших, которые можно найти где-либо. Штаб-квартира Организации Объединенных Наций находится в Нью-Йорке. Люди во всем мире узнают знаменитую Статую Свободы, которая стоит на острове в гавани Нью-Йорка, и оживленную Таймс-сквер, расположенную в центре Манхэттена.

Visitors to New York find it to be an extremely busy, fast-placed city and are struck by the extremes of wealth and poverty that surround it. Many people love New York City, but even those who would not want to live in New York do agree that it is a very interesting place.

Посетители Нью-Йорка считают, что это чрезвычайно оживленный, быстро развивающийся город, и их поражают крайности богатства и бедности, которые его окружают. Многие любят Нью-Йорк, но даже те, кто не хотел бы жить в Нью-Йорке, согласны с тем, что это очень интересное место.

В этом материале собраны наиболее популярные достопримечательности Нью-Йорка. В первой половине материала текст на английском языке, а во второй – перевод.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York. In 1886 American people got it as a gift from the French. Since that time the statue has been the symbol of freedom and of the United States.

The height of the Statue of Liberty is 93 metres (from ground level to torch). Visitors can admire the view of the harbour from its crown.

Fifth Avenue

Fifth Avenue is one of the most well-known streets in the world. Fifth Avenue serves as the dividing line for west-east streets in Manhattan. It separates, for example, East 59th Street from West 59th Street. The avenue is 10 km long.

Fifth Avenue is the symbol of wealth and luxury. A lot of fashionable stores as well as some famous buildings are located here. Among them there is the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Centre and the Cathedral of St. Patrick.

The Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge connects Brooklyn and Manhattan. The construction of the bridge took 14 years and was completed in 1883. It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the USA. It is 1825 metres long .

The bridge is divided into three parts. The central part is for pedestrians and cyclists, and the other two are for vehicles. The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the symbols of the USA and can be seen in many Hollywood films.

Central Park

Central Park is one of the largest and most visited parks in the USA. It is located in Manhattan. The park is about 4 km long and 800 metres wide . Its shape is rectangular.

The park looks natural, although its layout was fully designed by a landscape architect. In the park there are artificial lakes, alleys, 2 ice skating rinks and a lot of lawns. Central Park is often filmed in different movies.


Manhattan is a borough in New York. It is the most densely populated borough of New York. Its population is more than 1.5 million people .

There are a lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan. Famous Broadway is also located here. Manhattan is one the most prosperous boroughs of the USA.

Times Square

Times Square is a square in the centre of Manhattan. It is not only the symbol of New York but the USA as well. Times Square is one of the most visited places of interest in the world. A lot of Broadway theatres are located in it. A lot of big companies also have their offices there.

Times Square is full of bright neon advertisement which makes it a very recognisable place.

The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a famous skyscraper in New York. This building was the tallest building in the world for a long time. It has 103 floors. There are two observation decks in the building (on floors 86 and 102).

The height of the building is 443 metres . 73 lifts serve it. The Empire State Building is designed in a simple but elegant style. It is one of the symbols of American culture. The Empire State Building is an office building.

Wall Street

Wall Street is a street in Manhattan. Nowadays the term Wall Street refers to American stock market as a whole.

The New York Stock Exchange building is probably the most prominent one in the street. In the street there are also buildings of other financial institutes.

Manhattan is an island just 13 miles long and 2 miles wide. It is the centre of American finance, advertising, art theatre, publishing, fashion - and much more. The borough of Manhatten is what most people think of New York, one of the most exciting cities in the world. Manhattan is divided into the East Side and the West Side. The dividing line is Fifth Avenue. So, for example, East 47th Street begins at Fifth Avenue, as does West 47th Street. Manhattan is also divided, with less exactness, into Lower (Downtown), Midtown and Upper (Up-town) Manhattan. As you go North, or uptown, the street numbers get higher. Lower Manhatta refers to street numbers below 14th Street and Central Park, and Upper Manhattan to the renaming, northern, part of the island.

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Manhattan is an island just 13 miles long and 2 miles wide . It is the centre of American finance, advertising , art theatre, publishing , fashion - and much more. The borough of Manhatten is what most people think of New York, one of the most exciting cities in the world. Manhattan is divided into the East Side and the West Side. The dividing line is Fifth Avenue. So, for example , East 47th Street begins at Fifth Avenue, as does West 47th Street. Manhattan is also divided , wuth less exactnes, into Lower (Downtown), Midtown and Upper (Up-town) Manhattan. As you go North, or uptown, the street numbers get higher. Lower Manhatta refers to street numbers below 14th Street and Central Park, and Upper Manhattan to the renaming, northern, part of the island.

The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle Manhattan. To protect themselves from attacks, they built a sturdy wooden wall. Although it is now long gone, this wall gave its name to a street in Lower Manhattan and the street, in turn, became synonymous with American capitalism. The street, of course, is Wall Street. The New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange are both located in the Wall Street area. So there are many stock brokers, investment and other banks, as well as headquarters of many large corporations.

To escape the commotion of Wall Street you can visit the nearby South Street Seaport, an open area of low buildings on the East River. In addition to many shops and restaraunts, the seaport has a museum. Two good ways to get the larger picture of New York are to circle it around on a boat or to hover over it in helicopter.

As every American schoolchild knows, the Dutch bought Manhattan from the Indians, for the ridiculously low price of 24 dollars worth of beads and trinkets. There is, however, another, less known side of this: evidently, the Indians who had sold Manhattan did not themselves live there or in any sense own it. Both the Dutch and the Indians were pleased with the deal.

История Манхэттена

Голландцы были первыми европейцами, которые поселились на Манхэттене. Чтобы защитить себя от нападений, они построили крепкую деревянную стену. Хотя её уже давно нет, эта стена дала название улице в Нижнем Манхэттене и эта улица, в свою очередь, стала синонимом американского капитализма. Этой улицей, конечно, является Уолл-стрит. Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа и Американская фондовая биржа расположены в районе Уолл-стрит. Там много фондовых брокеров, инвестиционных и других банков, а также штаб-квартиры многих крупных корпораций.

Чтобы избежать волнений Уолл-стрит, вы можете посетить близлежащий морской порт Саут-стрит, это открытая область низких зданий на Ист-Ривер. Кроме многочисленных магазинов и ресторанов, морской порт имеет музей. Есть два хороших способов получить более широкую картину Нью-Йорка: исследовать его вокруг на лодке или парить над ним на вертолете.

Каждый американский школьник знает, что голландцы купили Манхэттен у индейцев, по смехотворно низкой цене: 24 доллара, бусы и безделушки. Существует, однако, и другая, менее известная сторона этого: очевидно, индейцы, которые продали Манхэттен сами не жили там и не были в каком-то смысле его владельцами. Хотя и голландцы и индейцы были довольны сделкой.

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