Гоголь биография на английском кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

My favourite author is Nikolai Gogol. He is an outstanding Russian writer. I enjoy reading this author for his vivid imagination, his brilliant sense of humour and very rich, resourceful language. He is so creative, imagination and decriptions. Nicolai Gogol was born in Sorochintsi, Ukraine, in 1809. He started writing at school. In 1828 he went to St Petersburg. His first novel Hans Kuchelgarten was published there in 1829 but it was not a success. Gogol worked at a teacher tried to become an actor and wrote for some magazines until he met Alexander Pushkin in 1831. A. Pushkin affected his choice of literary material greatly especially his Dikanka Tales which were based on Ukrainian folklore. Gogol used his vivid imagination to develop fabulous a plot.

Мой любимый автор-Николай Гоголь. Он является выдающийся русский писатель. Мне нравится читать этого автора для его яркого воображения, его блестящие чувство юмора и очень богатые, находчивый языка. Он настолько творчески, воображение и decriptions. Николай Гоголь родился в Сорочинцы, Украина, в 1809 году. Он начал писать в школе. В 1828 году он отправился в Санкт-Петербурге. Его первый роман Hans Kuchelgarten был опубликован там в 1829 году, но он не был успешным. Гоголь работал учителем пытался стать актером и написал для некоторых журналов, пока он не встретил Александр Сергеевич Пушкин в 1831. А. Пушкин пострадавших его выбор литературного материала значительно особенно его Диканька сказки, которые были основаны на украинском фольклоре. Гоголь используется его яркого воображения для разработки Сказочный сюжет.

Мой любимый писатель Николай Гоголь. Он является выдающимся русским писателем. Мне нравится читать этого автора для его живое воображение, его блестящим чувством юмора и очень богатой, находчивый язык. Он настолько творческим, воображение и DECRIPTIONS. Николай Гоголь родился в Сорочинская, Украине, в 1809 он начал писать в школе. В 1828 году он отправился в Санкт-Петербург. Его первый роман Ханс Kuchelgarten была опубликована там в 1829 году, но это не было успешным. Гоголь работал на учителя пытались стать актером и писал для журналов некоторых, пока он не встретил Александра Сергеевича Пушкина в 1831 году А. С. Пушкина повлияло на его выбор литературного материала значительно особенно его Диканьки Сказки, которые были основаны на украинском фольклоре. Гоголь использовал свое богатое воображение, чтобы развивать сказочный сюжет.

Мой любимый автор Николай - заболевания опорно-двигательного аппарата. Он является одним из выдающихся российских писателей. Я почитать этот автор за его яркого воображения, его великолепное чувство юмора и очень богатых, изобретательные языка. Он настолько творческий, воображение и описаниях. Николай Гоголь" родился в Sorochintsi, Украина, в 1809 году. Он начал писать в школе. В 1828 году он отправился в Санкт-Петербург.Его первый рассказ Ханс Kuchelgarten был опубликован в 1829 году но она не была успешной. Гоголь" работал в учитель пытался стать актер и написал для некоторых журналов до тех пор пока он встретился с "Пушкин в 1831 году. A. Пушкин повлияли на его выбор литературных материалов значительно особенно его вечерницу сигнальных огней, основанные на украинского фольклора. Гоголь" используется его яркое воображение, чтобы разработать замечательный участок.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on March 31st, 1809. He was a Russian dramatist, novelist and short story writer.
Gogol was born in the Ukrainian Cossack village of Sorochyntsi, in Poltava Governorate of the Russian Empire. His mother was a descendant of Polish landowners. His father Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, a descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks and who died when Gogol was 15 years old, wrote poetry in Ukrainian and Russian.
In 1820, Gogol went to a school of higher art in Nizhyn and remained there until 1828. It was there that he began writing.
His early works, such as Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, were influenced by Ukrainian culture and folklore. The novel Taras Bulba(1835) and the play Marriage (1842), along with the short stories "Diary of a Madman", "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", "The Portrait" and "The Carriage", were his best-known works.
On March 4th, 1852 Gogol he took to bed, refused all food, and died in great pain.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 20 March 1809 in the village of Sorochyntsi. It was situated in Poltava Governorate of the Russian Empire. Now this territory belongs to Ukraine. The ancestors of Gogol’s mother were Polish landowners. It is known that his father, Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, composed poetry both in Russian and Ukrainian. He died when Nikolai was fifteen years old. The whole family spoke both Ukrainian and Russian. When Nikolai was a child he helped his uncle with various plays in his home theater.

From 1820 to 1828 Gogol studied at a school of higher art which was located in Nizhyn. At that time he started to write. Gogol did not have many friends at school and some of his classmates called him “mysterious dwarf”. At the same time two or three of his schoolmates became his close friends.

At an early age Gogol developed taciturn temperament which was expressed by distressing self-consciousness and infinite ambition. He additionally developed a faculty for mimicry. Consequently Gogol became an incomparable reader of his writings and had an idea to be an actor.

In 1828 he left the school and moved to St Petersburg. Gogol dreamt of being literary celebrity and brought with him a poem Hans Kuchelgarten. It was later published entitled “V. Alov”. Gogol sent his work to different magazines but most of them ridiculed it. Afterwards he bought all the magazines and destroyed them. After that Gogol swore that he’d never begin writing again.

In 1831Gogol presented Ukrainian stories (Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka). This work was a great success. In a year he presented the second volume of these stories. In 1835 two volumes were in the collection of stories called Mirgorod. During this time Russian critics saw in Gogol the emergence of a Ukrainian, rather than Russian. Afterwards his writings were used for illustrating differences between Ukrainian and Russian national characters. At the same time Gogol became interested in Ukrainian history. He tried to get a job at the history department at Kiev University. The Russian minister of education and Pushkin tried to help him but eventually Gogol couldn’t obtain an appointment at this university.

Gogol’s interest in history was an incitement to him to write a fictional story Taras Bulba where he described Ukrainian Cossacks. At this time Gogol became friends with Mykhaylo Maksymovych who was a naturalist and historian. In 1834 he became Professor of Medieval History at the University of St. Petersburg.

From 1832 to 1836 Gogol worked hard and during this time he was in touch with Pushkin. In April 1836 he presented his comedy The Government Inspector (Revizor). This work was an enormous success and after this event other Russian critics such as Vissarion Belinsky and Stepan Shevyrev reclassified Gogol from a Ukrainian to a Russian writer.

Between 1836 and 1848 Gogol travelled abroad. His tour included a visit to Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy and other countries. In the winter of 1836-1837 Gogol stayed in Paris where he was in touch with Polish exiles and Russian expatriates. He spent a lot of time with the Polish poets Bohdan Zalesky and Adam Mickievicz. Gogol finally moved to Rome where he spent most of his twelve years from 1836. He became interested in Italian literature, opera and art. In 1838 Gogol made the acquaintance of Count Ioseph Vielhorskiy who was 23 years old. He suffered from tuberculosis and Gogol tried to help him but Vielhorskiy died in a year.

In 1837 Pushkin died and this event made a lasting impression on Gogol. After Pushkin’s death his main work was the satirical epic Dead Souls. At the same time Gogol amended The Portrait and Taras Bulba. Moreover he wrote the second comedy Marriage (Zhenitba) and started working on his noted short story, The Overcoat.

In 1841 Gogol completed the first part of Dead Souls and brought it to Russia. This work was presented in 1842. The censorship insisted on renaming of the book. Eventually it was entitled The Adventures of Chichikov. This work made Gogol famous.

Gogol spent his last years travelling throughout the country. He also spent a lot of time with his friends such as Osyp Bodiansky, Sergei Aksakov, Maksymovych and others. His health declined. In February 1852 Gogol destroyed some of his manuscripts including the second part of Dead Souls. 9 days later he died. Gogol was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Nikolay Gogol is a famous writer. Николай Гоголь-известный писатель.

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Gogol was born in 1809. Гоголь был рожден в 1809.

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Gogol spent a part of his life abroad, whre he wrote one of is the most famous works “Dead souls”. Гоголь провёл часть жизни за границей, где написал одну из его самых известных работ “Мёртвые души”.

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“Dead souls” is a known book, which was translated into many languages.”Мёртвые души”-это известная книга, которая была переведена на многие языки.

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Николай Васильевич Гоголь это мой любимый писатель. У меня дома много его произведений. Моя мама тоже любит читать его книги.

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Гоголь смог много добиться в своей жизни и его книги популярны даже сегодня. Интерес к литературе у Гоголя появился еще в детстве.

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Гоголь это талантливый человек. Я восхищаюсь его творчеством.

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Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol is my favorite writer. I have many his works at home. My mother also likes his books.

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Gogol achieved much in life and his books are popular even nowadays. He was intrested in literature since childhood.

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