Географическое положение австралии кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The geographical position of Australia. Climate. Cities. Agriculture

The Aims of the lesson: to give more information about Australia;

to enlarge students’ outlook;

to enrich students ’ vocabulary on the theme;

to revise previously taught vocabulary ;

to teach to love other countries;

developing writing skills;

developing listening skills

to bring up the ability to work in a group, the ability to communicate.

Developing - to develop the ability to analyze and summarize the material, use it to achieve their goals.

Type of lesson : combined

Procedure of the lesson

I. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning students dear guests. I’m glad to see you. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What is the day today? Who is absent?

How are you? I hope you are fine.

II. Goal setting.

Let me start with video . Students, please, watch the video and try to suppose theme of the lesson. Look at the screen, please.

Students: I think, we will speak about Geographical position of Australia. Climate. Industry and agriculture of Australia.

What can you say about objectives of the lesson?

Ss – I think, objectives of our lesson to learn more about Australia, its geographical position, climate, industry and agriculture.

T – what are we going to do at the lesson?

ss- to learn new vocabulary, read the text, listen new information on theme of the lesson

T – you are right

T - By the end of the lesson, you will be able to talk about geographical position of Australia .

Let’s go. First, I want you find antonyms.

III. Warm-up

South a) the biggest

To separated c) undeveloped

The smallest d) to join

Developed f) highland

1 e, 2f, 3d, 4a, 5g, 6c,7b

Teacher – I’ll divide you into 2 groups. The first group should read the text about geographical position of Australia. The second group reads the text about climate and agriculture of country. So, after reading, you should ask some questions each other and to get more information from opposite group.

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is situated in the south-west of North America and in the southeast of mainland Asia.

The official name is Commonwealth of Australia. Its area is about 8,000,000 square km. The population of Australia is about 20 mln. 70 per cent of the population lives in its 10 largest cities. Australia is the flattest continent after Antarctica. It is also the world’s driest continent.

Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is not a biggest city. Sidney and Melbourne are much bigger. Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. He was sent to discover the huge land that many people believed was south of the equator. He landed south of present day Sydney in New South Wales. He claimed this part of the land for the King of England.

What can you say about agriculture and industry of the country?

What is the best season for visiting southern states?

What is the climate in Australia?

What hemisphere is Australia situated?

What is the hottest month in Australia?

What part of the country is the driest?

Are there many long rivers?

There are four climatic zones in Australia: subequatorial, tropical, subtropical moderate. . Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why it has summer when we have winter. January is the hottest month in Australia. The whole central part of the country is dry; it never rains, there are no large rivers and no water there.

Summer starts in December (ends in February), autumn in March (ends in May), winter in June (ends in August) and spring in September (ends in November).

The country occupies the whole continent, so the climate is different in different regions of the country. The southern states are popular during the summer months, but the best time to visit is probably the seasons of spring or autumn when the weather in the south is mild. Average annual temperatures vary from about 27 °C in the north of the continent to 13 °C in the south. Floods and cyclones are rather common along the coast of the continent.

For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Australia is rich in minerals, which are mined in different parts of the country. Australia is an important producer and exporter of primary products: wool, meat, sugar, coal, iron, copper, lead, gold and so on. Agriculture is the main occupation in the country. Wheat is grown in the south.

Which are biggest cities of Australia? (Sidney, Melbourne)

What is total area of Australia? (8 mln sq.km)

Is Australia one of the biggest continent? (the smallest)

Where is Australia is situated? ( It is situated in the south-west of North America and in the southeast of mainland Asia.)

Who was discovered of Australia? ( . Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770)

австралия текст на английском языке

Если вам нужно рассказать об Австралии (Australia) на английском языке, воспользуйтесь текстом на этой странице. Здесь вы найдете сочинение на английском об Австралии с переводом и аудио. Также после текста идет список полезных слов из этого топика.

Australia / Австралия. Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это текст на английском языке об Австралии. Вариант “текст + перевод” вы найдете ниже.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

The state of Australia is completely situated in the Southern Hemisphere, consisting of Australia, Tasmania and islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The population is over 24 million. Canberra is the capital and political center of the country. The biggest and most populated cities are Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide.

The largest coral reef on earth, the Great Barrier Reef, stretches along the northeastern coast. The landscape of the country is mostly low-lying plains. Huge territories are occupied by deserts: the Great Victoria Desert, the Great Sandy Desert, and the Great Artesian Basin semi-desert. The highest mountain on the mainland, Kostsyushko, is located in the Australian Alps. There are no major rivers in Australia. The largest river on the mainland, the Murray, with a large tributary, the Darling, flows into the Great Australian Bight and belongs to the Indian Ocean basin.

Australia’s climate varies dramatically across regions. In the central part, the climate is arid. The northern coast of the continent has a subequatorial climate. It is humid in summer and rather dry in winter. The southern and eastern territories of Australia are located in the subtropical climate zone.

Australia is quite isolated from other continents; therefore, it has unique flora and fauna. Many species from this area do not exist on any other land in the world. Platypus and echidna have survived in Australia, and many marsupials are found here. Many plants have adapted to the arid climate of the mainland, in particular the eucalyptus and bottle tree. It is home to ostriches, kangaroos, dingo dogs, wombats, marsupial bears, rodents, and many birds. Palm, ficus, beeches, banana and breadfruit trees grow here.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Australia / Австралия. Топик на английском языке

Это тот же топик про Австралию на английском, но с переводом. Перевод сделан для каждого предложения в отдельной строке.

Австралия занимает континент Австралию, расположенный к юго-востоку от Азии, и остров Тасманию с рядом маленьких островов. Она омывается Тиморским морем на севере, Коралловым и Тасмановым морями на востоке и Индийским океаном на юге и западе. Австралия — самый засушливый континент в мире. Около половины ее территории занимают пустыни и полупустыни. Это также страна великих равнин. Основная часть Австралии лежит в тропиках. Юго-западные части страны расположены в субтропиках. Декабрь, январь и февраль — это летние месяцы в Австралии. Средняя летняя температура — от 20 до 30 градусов выше нуля. Зима длится июнь, июль и август. Тогда средняя температура — от 12 до 20 градусов выше нуля. Засухи обычны для Австралии. Количество осадков в стране невелико, поэтому был разработан специальный план по ирригации равнин. Самые большие реки Австралии — Дарлинг и Мюррэй. В средней части Австралии расположены соленые озера — Эйр и Торренс. Австралия — сельскохозяйственная страна. В Австралии хорошо развито животноводство. Она экспортирует овечью шерсть, пшеницу, мясо, масло и сыр, сырье. Ее основными

партнерами являются Япония, США и Великобритания.

Перевод на английский:

Australia occupies the continent of Australia, which lies south-east of Asia and the island of Tasmania with a number of small islands. It is washed by the Timor Sea in the north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in the south and west. Australia is the most droughty continent on the earth. About one half of its territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. It is also the land of great plains. The main part of Australia lies in tropics. Southwestern parts of the country are situated in subtropics. December, January and February are summer months in Australia. The average summer temperature there is from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. Winter comes in June, July and August. Then the average temperature is from 12 to 20 degrees above zero. Droughts are common in Australia. The rainfall in the country is rather small, and that’s why a special plan was worked out for irrigation of plains. The largest rivers in Australia are the Darling and the Murray. In the middle part of Australia there are salt lakes, such as Lake Eyre and Torrence. Australia is an agricultural country. Cattle-breeding is highly developed in Australia. It exports sheep wool, wheat, meat, butter and cheese, and raw materials. Its major partners are Japan, the USA and Great Britain.

🔊 Play Australia occupies the continent of Australia, which lies south-east of Asia and the island of Tasmania with a number of small islands. Австралия занимает континент Австралии, который находится на юго-востоке Азии, и остров Тасмания с рядом небольших островов.

🔊 Play It is washed by the Timor Sea in the north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in the south and west. Она омывается Тиморским морем на севере, Коралловым и Тасмановым морями на востоке, а также Индийским океаном на юге и западе страны.

🔊 Play Australia is the most droughty continent on the earth. Австралия является самым засушливым континентом на Земле.

🔊 Play About one half of its territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. Около половины её территории занимают пустыни и полупустыни.

🔊 Play It is also the land of great plains. Кроме того, это страна больших равнин.

🔊 Play The main part of Australia lies in tropics. Основная часть Австралии лежит в тропиках.

🔊 Play Southwestern parts of the country are situated in subtropics. Юго-западные части страны расположены в субтропиках.

🔊 Play December, January and February are summer months in Australia. Декабрь, январь и февраль являются летние месяцами в Австралии.

🔊 Play The average summer temperature there is from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. Средняя температура летом составляет от 20 до 30 градусов выше нуля.

🔊 Play Winter comes in June, July and August. Зима наступает в июне, июле и августе.

🔊 Play Then the average temperature is from 12 to 20 degrees above zero. Тогда средняя температура составляет от 12 до 20 градусов выше нуля.

🔊 Play Droughts are common in Australia. Засухи являются обычными в Австралии.

🔊 Play The rainfall in the country is rather small, and that’s why a special plan was worked out for irrigation of plains. Количество осадков в стране, довольно мало, и поэтому специальный план был разработан для орошения равнин.

🔊 Play The largest rivers in Australia are the Darling and the Murray. Самые крупные реки в Австралии- Дарлинг и Мюррей.

🔊 Play In the middle part of Australia there are salt lakes, such as Lake Eyre and Torrence. В центральной части Австралии есть соленые озера, такие как озеро Эйр и Торренс.

🔊 Play Australia is an agricultural country. Австралия является аграрной страной.

🔊 Play Cattle-breeding is highly developed in Australia. Животноводство высоко развито в Австралии.

🔊 Play It exports sheep wool, wheat, meat, butter and cheese, and raw materials. Она экспортирует овечью шерсть, пшеницу, мясо, сливочное масло и сыр, и сырьё.

🔊 Play Its major partners are Japan, the USA and Great Britain. Ее основными партнерами являются Япония, США и Великобритания.

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