Эмо субкультура кратко на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024


2 эмо


См. также в других словарях:

ЭМО — электромагнитная обстановка техн. Словарь: С. Фадеев. Словарь сокращений современного русского языка. С. Пб.: Политехника, 1997. 527 с. ЭМО электромеханическое отделение в мореходном училище образование и наука, техн. ЭМО «Энергометаллургическое… … Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур

Эмо — Эмо: Эмо (музыкальный стиль) вид хардкор музыки. Эмо (субкультура) Эмо (деревня) деревня в Ирландии, находится в графстве Лиишь (провинция Ленстер) Эмо (особняк) особняк в Ирландии, расположенный неподалёку от деревни Эмо … Википедия

ЭМО — аббревиатура, может означать: Экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация Электромагнитное оружие См. также Эмо … Википедия

эмо — сущ., кол во синонимов: 4 • плакса (31) • субкультура (37) • челочник (2) • … Словарь синонимов

эмо — * В щите (écu) должно различать 1) его поле (champs) , 2) краски (les emaux) и 3) изображения (les figures). 1855. Лакиер 29 … Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

Эмо — Молодежное течение. Стиль эмо заключается в ношении одежды двух цветов, чаще всего черного с розовым. Но иногда розовый заменяют на любой другой яркий цвет. В гардеробе преобладают яркие цвета. Бывают сочетания в широкую полоску. Часто на одежде… … Универсальный дополнительный практический толковый словарь И. Мостицкого

Эмо — (Анжело Emo) итальянский физик (род. в 1852 г.). Напечатал: Influenza della temperatura sul coefficiente d atrito del mercurio effluente per un tubo di vetro capillare (1881); Sull impossibilità pratica del moto perpetuo meccanico (Тревизо … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

эмо — Молодежная субкультура, давшая возможность плаксам, нюням и неженкам выйти из тени и стать популярными. Э. одеваются в черно розовые цвета, украшают себя разноцветными значками, слушают группу Tokio Hotel и плачут по любому поводу. В этом году… … Словарь 2007 года

ЭМО — электромагнитная обстановка … Словарь сокращений русского языка

Эмо-киды — Эмо гёрл в характерной атрибутике Эмо (англ. emo: от emotional эмоциональный) молодёжная субкультура, образовавшаяся на базе поклонников одноимённого музыкального стиля.[1] Её представителей на … Википедия

All about EMO))) made by Vera DityatyevaNadezhda DenginaYana Solodnikova

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All about EMO))) made by Vera DityatyevaNadezhda DenginaYana Solodnikova

History of EMO-movement EMO style appeared in the USA in 1980s. It’s believed th

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History of EMO-movement EMO style appeared in the USA in 1980s. It’s believed that the founders of this movement are the “Rise Of Springs”, because they were the first who added unique for EMO-style technique of singing – the singer added his own emotions, cry, tears, screams… a lot of people liked this way and called it EMO as an abbreviation from word EMOTIONAL

EMO MUSIC To tell the truth, there are not a lot of real EMO groups. EMO is ofte

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EMO MUSIC To tell the truth, there are not a lot of real EMO groups. EMO is often used just as a popular brand. But EMO-teens prefer these groups:- My Chemical Romance- Fall Out Boy- Placebo- Bullet for my Valentine- Killerpilze- Tokio Hotel- Panic at the disco- The KillersIn Russia there are not so many EMO-groups, but so popular are “Origami”, “Animal Jazzz”, “Moi rakety vverkh”…

EMO STYLE You can recognize EMO-teen very easy, because they prefer to mix black

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EMO STYLE You can recognize EMO-teen very easy, because they prefer to mix black color with bright ones – most popular, of course, pink, blue, orange, yellow, and other acid colors.

EMO STYLE Also EMO like accessorizes, such as badges, chains, belts, special tra

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EMO STYLE Also EMO like accessorizes, such as badges, chains, belts, special trainers, hoodie, T-shirts with prints…

EMO STYLE Emo-teens prefer to make crazy things on their heads….)))))))) and, of

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EMO STYLE Emo-teens prefer to make crazy things on their heads….)))))))) and, of course, bright make up…

EMO STYLE The most popular thing EMO like is very long fringe…

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EMO STYLE The most popular thing EMO like is very long fringe…

EMO STYLE And, of course, a lot of piercing…

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EMO STYLE And, of course, a lot of piercing…

EMO STYLE Also EMO like to photo themselves…

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EMO STYLE Also EMO like to photo themselves…

EMO BEHAVIOUR True EMO-teens usually are very emotional people. They like to cry

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EMO BEHAVIOUR True EMO-teens usually are very emotional people. They like to cry, scream… Sometimes they hate life and want to die. But, as you know, EMO is often used just as a popular brand, so majority of people who call themselves EMO just like bright colors, badges and emotional music…

EMO BEHAVIOUR EMO like to dream about something… as you understand, all we a bit

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EMO BEHAVIOUR EMO like to dream about something… as you understand, all we a bit EMO… they often seem very sad…

EMO BEHAVIOUR Not many adult like EMO-movement, so true EMO-teens like to close

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EMO BEHAVIOUR Not many adult like EMO-movement, so true EMO-teens like to close in themselves. They’re also very cynical and modest…

EMO IN RUSSIA EMO-movement came to Russia 2-3 years ago and a lot of people beca

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EMO IN RUSSIA EMO-movement came to Russia 2-3 years ago and a lot of people became its followers…

EMO IN RUSSIA The major EMO-problems in Russia is Antiemo movement. Those who fo

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EMO IN RUSSIA The major EMO-problems in Russia is Antiemo movement. Those who follow it can’t understand emotional kids, hate them sometimes real fights take place, even with victims. It’s awful, because no one should suffer from his or her beliefs and principles…

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Subculture Emo. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 6 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


It is considered that the popular trend black and pink color gamut originated in the mid 80s. Sensitive emo Teens do not hide their emotions, but on the contrary try to demonstrate them in public. (Считается, что популярная тенденция черно-розовой цветовой гаммы возникла в середине 80-х гг. чувствительные эмо-подростки не скрывают своих эмоций, а наоборот стараются продемонстрировать их на публике.)

let us consider the subculture of emo on the example of the great man - Lida (Nicholas Romanov). He is a pop punk project and emo. Lida (Mudota) born may 10, 1995 is a Russian video blogger, musician, songwriter, vocalist and producer of the band “Frio”. Native city-Moscow (Marino).

he, as and all Emo expresses their emotions, after all as States in one of rules emo-Cry always and everywhere, where there is people. If you cry alone, who will feel sorry for you?

Презентация на тему: " Youth subculture. Goths Grungers Emo Punks Galeemova L.9 А." — Транскрипт:

1 Youth subculture. Goths Grungers Emo Punks Galeemova L.9А

2 Goth. A goth is a style of rock music popular in the 1980; that developed from PUNK music. The word often expessed ideas about he end of the world, death or the devil. A goth or some who liked the darker side of things. Goth wore black clothes, and both girls and boys used black and white make – up and dyed their hair black. They worship Satan to warn us. Wrong; a lot of Goths were actually very nice, interesting people.

5 Grungers. Grungers had skateboards, they wore baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T – shirts and silver or black metal jewellery or chains.

8 Emo. A emo or some who liked the black and pink side of things. Emo wore black and pink clothes, and both girls and boys used black, pink and white make – up and dyed their hair black and pink.

10 Punks Punk – a person who likes punk music and dresses like a punk musician,for example by wearing metal chains, leather clothes and having brightly coloured hair.

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