Educational system of great britain кратко

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

ask, study, visit, open, discuss, paint, represent, contain, begin, bring, build, do, find, forget, get, give, go, have, hear, keep, know, make, meet, read, run, say, see, send, set, show, sit, speak, spell, spend, stand, swim, take, teach, tell, think, write, understand.

Упражнение 3. Назовите синонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

qualified, to get an education, to train, a faculty, a system of teaching, a degree, schedule, syllabus, a subject you choose, a subject you must study, the first scientific degree, the second scientific degree, elementary, to carry on scientific work, to finish, a student who studies all the time, a student who works and studies.

Упражнение 4. Назовите антонимы к следующим словосочетаниям:

profound knowledge, to enter, capable, an elective course, a full-time student, higher education, to be equal, a first-year student.

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте вслух и переведите на русcкий язык следующие словосочетания:

to apply one's knowledge in practice; profound knowledge; to carry on research work; to study at a higher school, to be a full-time student, a schedule, a tutorial system, the tuition, a tutor, to enter, to graduate from, a graduate, a certificate, an academic year.

Упражнение 6. Подберите определения к словам:

1) a degree 1) teaching, instruction
2) examination 2) the area of the University, its buildings and surroundings
3) a term 3) the certificate awarded by a university to a student who has completed a course of study
4) tuition 4) a number of questions set to measure one’s knowledge
5) University 5) Oxford and Cambridge
6) Bachelor’s Degree 6) a higher educational establishment
7) to be educated 7) a semester
8) campus 8) the lowest degree awarded by the University
9) Oxbridge 9) to get profound knowledge

Text . The System of Education in Great Britain

The educational system in Great Britain is divided into three parts: primary, secondary and higher education.

The Higher Education in Great Britain is represented by the colleges and universities. All British universities are private. The British universities can be divided into 3 main groups: the old universities; the redbrick universities which include all the provincial universities of the 1850-1930, as well as London University; the new universities founded since the Second World War.

In the group of old universities Oxford (1167) and Cambridge (1209) are the oldest ones (Oxbridge). A number of well-known scientists and writers were educated in Cambridge (Newton, Darwin, Byron, etc). These two universities differ greatly from all the others in general organization, methods of instructions, syllabuses, traditions, history, etc. They are based on colleges (law, natural science, economy, agriculture, education, etc).

Apart from lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system. This is a system of individual tuition, each tutor being responsible for the progress of the students.

The typical academic programme for university students in Great Britain is composed of a varying number of courses or subjects. The academic obligations for each subject fall into three broad types, lectures, tutorials and examinations. Lectures often outline the general scope and the particular specialisation of the lecturer. Tutorials ensure the understanding of the subject, through individual or group discussion, under the tutor's direction.

The examinations on each subject require the students to consolidate their knowledge of the subject, which they had gained through lectures, discussions and independent study. These three categories of academic activity - lectures, tutorials and examination provide knowledge in British universities. The course of study at a university lasts three or four years. The first academic degree is given to the students who pass their examination at the end of the course – Bachelor’s Degree.

In 1971 the Open University was set up for the people who do not have time or the qualifications to study at a conventional university. There are weekly Open University lectures broadcast on BBC television and radio. The students need to study about ten hours a week.

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Система образования в Великобритании включает начальное, среднее, высшее образование

2. Краснокирпичные университеты были основаны в 1850-1930 гг., включая все провинциальные университеты, а также Лондонский университет

3. В группе старых университетов – Оксфорд и Кембридж, называемые Оксбридж.

4. Оксфорд и Кембридж отличаются от других университетов общей организацией.

5. Обучение осуществляется, используя лекции, семинары, экзамены.

6. Экзамены сдали успешно все студенты, посещавшие лекции.

7. Курс обучения в Открытом университете продолжительнее, и составляет 6-8 лет.

8. Первая учёная степень, получаемая студентом в университете, - Бакалавр.

9. Открытый университет, учреждённый в 1971 году, позволяет учиться тем, у кого нет времени учиться на дневном отделении.

10. Обучаясь хорошо, многие студенты получают гранты.

Упражнение 2. Закончите следующие предложения на основе текста.

1. The educational system in Great Britain is divided into … .

2. The higher education is represented by … .

3. The British universities can be divided into … .

4. The old universities are … .

5. The redbrick universities include … .

6. Oxbridge differs greatly from all other universities in … .

7. Tutorial system is the system … .

8. The typical academic programme is composed of … .

9. The lectures outline … .

10. The tutorials ensure … .

11. The examinations require the students … .

12. The course of study at the conventional university lasts … .

13. The first academic degree is … .

14. The Open University was set up for … .

15. The methods of instruction at the Open University are … .

Упражнение 3. Составьте ваши предложения с новыми словами

а) на английском языке:

to enter, department, a system of teaching, schedule, syllabus, an elective course, to study regularly, to receive Bachelor’s Degree;

б) на русском языке:

высшее образование, поступить, сдать экзамены успешно, обязательные предметы и курсы по выбору, расписание, программа, самостоятельная работа, выпускник.

Упражнение 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What chief areas is the educational system in Great Britain divided into?

2. Why is the 11plus examination important?

3. What is the higher education represented by?

4. What do Oxford and Cambridge differ from all other universities in?

5. How is teaching carried out?

6. What is the tutorial system? Who is a tutor?

7. What is the typical academic programme for the university students composed of?

8. What does a “schedule” mean?

9. What do the exams require?

10. How long does the course of study last?

11. What is the difference of the Open University from all the other Universities?

12. Whom do we call a Bachelor of Science?

Упражнение 5. Выделите главную мысль в каждом абзаце текста, письменно составьте план пересказа текста.

Упражнение 6. Составьте диалоги по одной из следующих тем:

А) встреча российских и британских студентов (сравнить две системы образования);

Б) на международной конференции студентов по программам образования (сравнительный анализ) на основе следующей ситуации:

“Are you glad that you live in the first half of the twenty first century? Or do you wish you had lived and studied in the past century? If you had studied in the 20 th century, for example, do you think you and your studies would have been more enjoyable? What are the advantages of modern higher education and qualified specialists?”

Упражнение 7. Прослушайте диалоги (работа в парах), воспроизведите их.

Joe: We are foreign research students. My first question is how can I find out about the course requirements, lecture and laboratory schedules. I believe it’ll be possible for me to take some undergraduate courses.

Librarian: All the information about pre-requisites, prescribed texts, lecture and laboratory time-tables is to be found in the University Calendar. We always have a copy for the current year on desk reserve.

Joe: Please, could you tell me the procedures for finding journal articles?

Librarian: We keep copies of the main abstracting journals in the reference section. If you want to find out our holding of a particular journal you will have to use the library computer system.

Joe: OK, thank you.

Joe: Have you got an interloan system at the library?

Librarian: Since you are research students you will be able to use the interloan system, or production of your students’ library card.

Joe: Please, explain, what these black bars on my library card mean?

Librarian: They are a bar code, like the universal code on supermarket items. The one on your card is the individual number of your card. When you put your card I front of a card reader, the number is entered into the library computer. When you borrow a book it should have a similar bar code on it. This identifies the book for the computer: the fines for overdue books are steep.

Librarian: Yes, the fines for overdue books are very expensive.

Joe: Thank you for your information. But I wonder if your catalogue system here is different from the one we use back home.

Librarian: My pleasure. Bye.

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. At the University library the student cards have bar code on them. What else has such codes?

2. What is “a course requirement”?

3. What is the library schedule?

4. In what library section are the copies of the abstracting journals kept?

5. How does a computer system help to find out books and journal articles?

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте предложения и переведите их на русский язык, используя Participle I, II.

1. There is a lot of work waiting for me to do. 2. There are some people hurrying to us. 3. Who is the man sitting by the window? 4. Who is the lady standing at the time-table? 5. The cup broken by the man was old. 6. The things packed were winter things. 7. The fruit dried in summer will be eaten in winter. 8. The students taking part in the competition must be here at 4 o’clock. 9. There were loud voices coming through the door. 10. They were eager to study foreign language taught at the university. 11. It was the work done by the farmers. 12. The test written by Kate is the best.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте вместо пропусков Participle I или Participle II.

1. The students have always been interested in books … (described, describing) different aspect of their future profession.

2. Flight to the Moon … (describing, described) by writers showed that people began to dream of space travel long ago.

3. Which do you know better: pictures … (painting, painted) by modern artists or the artists of the 19 th century?

4. Who is the man … (told, telling) something interesting?

5. We watched the train … (steamed, steaming) past.

6. We heard the band … (playing, played) in the park.

7. I found the papers … (scattering, scattered) by the wind.

8. I heard my name … (calling, called).

9. I found him … (working, worked).

10. I saw the man … (getting off, got off) the bus.

11. She felt somebody … (touching, touched) her shoulder.

12. My task having been … (finishing, finished), I went to visit my friends.

13. The weather … (being, been) hot, the passengers took off their hats.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, используя причастие 1 и 2.

1. The system of education in Great Britain is complex, including primary, secondary and higher schools.

2. Having passed the 11plus exam the pupils are sent to one of the secondary schools.

3. John entered the new university, founded since the Second World War.

4. There are a lot of scientists educated in Cambridge.

5. The tutorial system functions well, using individual tuition.

6. Having studied the traditions of the university, the students kept them up.

7. The tutor, being responsible for the progress of the students, helps them.

8. The academic programme is interesting, including the elective courses.

9. Having consolidated knowledge they passed all the exams well.

10. Being part-time students, they worked and studied.

11. The Bachelor’s Degree is the first scientific degree, received by a student.

12. Having become a graduate, he continued his education.

Упражнение 4. Измените следующие предложения по образцу, используя the Nominative Absolute Participle Construction.

Example: As the rain had ruined her hat, she had to buy a new one. – The rain having ruined her hat, she had to buy a new one.

1. As there was nothing to do, we went home.

2. When the signal was given, the Festival began.

3. As the lecture was over, the students went to the lab.

4. If the time permits, I shall answer all your letters.

5. As Mary has come from the University, we had dinner.

6. As my sister has been busy, I stayed at home.

7. As they have returned my book, I can work further.

8. As the weather was still cold and windy she was wearing a heavy winter coat.

9. As all was ready, we could go home.

10. As their house was far, she didn’t go to see them.

Упражнение 5. Измените следующие предложения по образцу, используя Complex Object.

Example: The students were going to the University. We saw them. – We saw the students going to the University.

All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies.

Nine million children attend 35.000 schools in Britain. Education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years. Parents can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a pre-school playgroup to prepare them for the start of compulsory education.

Children start primary school at 5 and continue until they are 11. Most children are taught together, boys and girls in the same class. At 11 most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensives which accept a wide range of children from all backgrounds and religious and ethnic groups. Ninety per cent of secondary schools in England, Scotland and Wales are co-educational.

Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics.

Most students graduate at 21 or 22 and are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony.

Система образования в Великобритании. Государственное образование

Во всех государственных школах Британии обучение бесплатное. Школы обеспечивают учащихся книгами и оборудованием для обучения.

Дети начинают ходить в школу в пять лет и учатся там до одиннадцати лет. Большинство детей учатся вместе, мальчики и девочки, в одном классе. В 11 лет многие ученики идут в среднюю школу, называемую общеобразовательной, которую посещают дети различных социальных слоев, религиозных и этнических групп. В 90 % средних школ Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса обучение совместное.

В 16 лет ученики сдают экзамен для получения аттестата о среднем образовании. И после этого они могут уйти из школы, если захотят. На этом обязательное образование заканчивается.

Другие шестнадцатилетние учащиеся идут в колледж для продолжения образования и получения дипломов о профобразовании, дающих возможность работать, например, парикмахерами, машинистами, механиками.

Университеты и колледжи высшего образования принимают студентов с 18 лет, сдавших экзамен продвинутого уровня. Студенты учатся для получения ученой степени. Учеба длится в среднем три года на стационаре.

Большинство студентов заканчивают университеты в 21 или 22 года. Им присуждаются степени на торжественной церемонии выпускников.

co-educational schools - школы совместного обучения мальчиков и девочек
compulsory - обязательный
comprehensive - общеобразовательный
primary - начальный
to accept - принимать
to graduate - заканчивать

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compulsory, primary education, secondary education, comprehensive, ability, entrance exams, specialized schools, profound knowledge, academic subjects, higher education, enter a university, take exams, pass exams, fail exams

Теперь читаем текст про систему образования в Великобритании (Education in Britain). Специфические слова, касающиеся системы образования в Великобритании, выделены красным цветом.

Education in Britain

(text about the British Educational System)

  1. stage — ступень
  2. grammar school — гимназия
  3. national exam — государственный экзамен
  4. General Certificate of Secondary Education — Аттестат об общем среднем образовании
  5. 6th form — шестой класс (соответствует 10-11 классу в российской системе образования)
  6. further education — дальнейшее образование
  7. accept — принимать
  8. graduate from — заканчивать
  9. private school — частная школа
  10. provide education — предоставлять образование
  11. boarding school — школа с проживанием
  12. Oxford and Cambridge — старейшие британские университеты
  13. public school — английская частная школа для аристократии
  14. Eton — известная частная элитная школа
  15. assessment — оценивание

Education in Britain is compulsory from 5 till 16. The first stageis primary school (5-11). Children start primary school at 5 and continue until they are 11. In primary schools pupils are taught the so-called three “R”: reading, writing and arithmetic.

The second stage is secondary school, which children start at 11. Secondary schools are called comprehensive, they are free and take children of all abilities, without entrance exams. There are also grammar schools which take children who pass the 11 plus exams. At 16 pupils take a national exam called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education or “O” level (Ordinary) and they can leave school if they wish and start working. This is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the 6th form ( at school or at a sixth-form college). The 6th form prepares pupils for a national exam called “A” level (advanced) at the age of 18. You need “A” level to enter a university. If you don’t enter a university you can go to college of further education to study more practical things such as hairdressing, typing, cooking etc.

The third stage is further education at university or college. Universities and colleges of higher education accept students with “A” levels. Most students graduate at 21 or 22 and are given their degree. Generally universities award two kinds of degree: the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree. Altogether in Britain there are about 100 universities. The oldest and the most famous of them are Oxford and Cambridge.

In Britain there are also private schools . They are expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities. Private schools are boarding schools , where the children actually live in the school.

The most famous private schools are called “public” schools and they have a long history and traditions. Children from wealthy and aristocratic families often go to the same public schools as their parents and grand parents. The best known of these schools is Eton .

Some more facts about education in Britain:

  • The academic year in Britain usually begins in September runs to early July; it has three terms, divided by the Christmas and Easter holidays. In addition all schools have a “half-term” holiday lasting for a few days or a week, in the middle of each term.
  • Compulsory education is free.

In Britain education is compulsory, but schooling is not. It means that parents have right to educate their children at home if they wish. But the authorities have no right to enter people’s homes or make routine checks on children’s progress. The responsibility rests on the parents.

  1. distance from school — расстояние от школы
  2. religious beliefs — религиозные убеждения
  3. dissatisfaction with the system — неудовлетворенность системой
  4. bulling — запугивание
  5. child’s unwillingness or inability to go to school — нежелание или неспособность учиться
  6. special educational needs — особые образовательные потребности

Подведем итоги информации про систему образования в Великобритании:

  1. There are three stages of education in Britain:
  • the first stage is primary education (5-11). There are infant schools (5-7) and junior school (7-11). In primary schools pupils are taught the so-called three “R”: reading, writing and arithmetic.
  • the second stage is secondary education (11- 18) Two last years (6th form) may be spent in a separate sixth-form college, which concentrates on career training.
  • the third stage is further education at university or college.

2. There is the National Curriculum (государственный учебный план), which was introduced in Britain in 1988. It tells pupils what subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests.

3. There are three types of state secondary schools in Britain:
1) grammar schools (for the most intelligent children)
2) modern schools (for less intelligent children)
3) comprehensive schools ( for children of all abilities, without entrance exams)

Grammar schools lead towards higher education, the others give general education to prepare students for employment.

Проверьте себя, запомнили ли вы новые слова: stage, grammar school, national exam, General certificate of secondary education, further education, to accept, to graduate from, to provide education, private school, boarding school, public school, assessment .

Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) топик по английскому

Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) топик по английскому, который поможет вам разобраться в непростой системе британских образовательных учреждений.

Топик по английскому Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) – очень интересная тема, потому что позволяет сравнить систему образования британцев с другими.

Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) топик по английскому, который также поможет сформировать представление о том, что и где изучает ваш британский собеседник, а также какие экзамены ему предстоит сдавать.

Топик по английскому Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) рассказывает не только о школах, но и об известных высших учебных заведениях Великобритании, а также на какие типы подразделяются университеты в Великобритании.

Education in Great Britain

Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for children from 5 to 16 years old. Some children attend kindergartens from the age of 3. However, it's not compulsory. In kindergartens, children learn very simple things like colours, numbers and letters. They also play games and sleep after lunch. There is always someone keeping an eye on children, no matter what they do.

Compulsory education lasts 6 years; it begins at the age of 5 when children go to primary school. There are two periods: pupils from 5 to 7 years old attend infant schools and pupils from 7 to 11 years old attend junior schools.

The classes in infant schools usually consist of playing games and getting acquainted with teachers, classrooms and desks.

When children are 7 years old, the real studying begins. Pupils don't play very much, they have classes where they sit at desks, write, read and answer the questions.

Compulsory secondary education consists of 5 forms and lasts 5 years. It begins when children are 11 or 12 years old. Children study History, English, Art, Mathematics, Geography, Music, Science and Foreign languages. There are also lessons of Physical training and Religion. At the age of 7, 11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects – Mathematics, English and Science.

There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain: comprehensive schools, grammar schools and modern schools.

Comprehensive schools take pupils without exams. Children are divided into humanitarian or technical groups according to their abilities.

Grammar schools give secondary education of a very high standard. At the age of 11 children pass tests to enter a grammar school.

Modern schools don't prepare pupils for universities, but for practical jobs.

At the age of 16, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. The subjects for the exams are chosen by the pupil in the third or in the forth form.

After GCSE pupils have a choice: either they go to a Further Education College or continue their education in the sixth form. Those who stay at school, study for 2 more years for Advanced Level Exams in two or three subjects. It is necessary to get a place at one of British universities.

There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain, they are very expensive and only 5% of schoolchildren attend these schools. The most famous British public schools are Harrow, Eton and Winchester.

After leaving secondary school young people apply to a college, university or a polytechnic.
The Universities of Great Britain are divided into 5 types:
- The Old ones ( founded before the 19th century, e.g. Oxford, Cambridge);
- The Red Brick (founded in the 19th or 20th century);
- The Plate Glass (founded in 1960s);
- The Open University (students learn subjects and do exercises at home, then send their works to their tutors for checking);
- The New Universities (former polytechnic academies and colleges).

The University of Cambridge, The University of Oxford, London Imperial College, London School of Economics and London University College are considered the best universities.
Universities select students basing on their interviews and A-level results.

Students graduate from universities with the Degree of a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Engineering after three studying for three years. After that some students continue their studies for a Master's Degree and then a Doctor's Degree (PhD).

Образование в Великобритании (Education in Great Britain) топик по английскому

Образование в Великобритании

Образование здесь обязательное и бесплатное для детей от 5 до 16 лет. Некоторые дети с 3х лет ходят в детский сад. Однако, это не обязательно. В детских садах дети познают простейшие вещи, такие как цвета, цифры и буквы. Помимо этого, они играют и спят после обеда. За детьми всегда кто-то присматривает, чем бы они не были заняты.

Обязательное образование длится 6 лет, оно начинается с 5 лет, когда дети идут в начальную школу. Оно подразделяется на 2 периода: дети с 5 до 7 лет посещают школу для малышей, а дети с 7 до 11 лет ходят в начальную школу.

Уроки в младшей школе состоят из игр и знакомства с учителями, классам и партами.
Когда детям исполняется 7 лет, начинается настоящая учёба. Ученики не очень много играют, и отвечают на вопросы

Обязательное среднее образование состоит из 5 классов и длится 5 лет. Оно начинается, когда детям исполняется 11 или 12 лет. Дети изучают историю, английский язык, изобразительное искусство, математику, географию, музыку, естествознание и иностранные языки. Так же проводятся занятия по физической культуре и религии. В возрасте 7, 11 и 14 лет школьники сдают экзамены по основным предметам - математике, английскому языку и естествознанию.

Существует 3 вида государственных школ среднего образования: общеобразовательные школы, грамматические школы и современные школы.

Общеобразовательные школы принимают учеников без вступительных экзаменов. В таких школах дети обычно распределяются на гуманитарные и технические группы в зависимости от владения теми или иными навыками.

Грамматические школы дают среднее образование очень высокого уровня. Для поступления в такую школу необходимо сдать письменный экзамен в возрасте 11 лет.
Современные школы готовят детей не к поступлению в университет, а к рабочим специальностям.

В возрасте 16 лет ученики сдают экзамен на получение сертификата об окончании средней школы. Предметы для сдачи этого экзамена они выбирают в 3-м или 4-м классе.

В Великобритании также существует около 500 частных школ, обучение в них очень дорогое, поэтому их посещает только 5 % школьников. Наиболее известные частные школы Великобритании: Харроу, Итон и Винчестер.

После того как учащийся окончил школу, он может подать заявление в колледж, университет или техникум.

После трёх лет обучения студент выпускается из университета со степенью бакалавра гуманитарных, естественных или технических наук. После этого некоторые студенты продолжают учёбу, чтобы получить степень магистра, а затем и доктора наук.

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