Джон констебл кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Джон Консте́бл или Констэбль (англ. John Constable; 11 июня 1776, Ист-Бергхоулт, Саффолк — 31 марта 1837, Лондон) — английский художник-романтик.



Английский живописец Джон Констебл родился в 1776 году. Отец Джона был зажиточным мельником, и после окончания школы юный художник какое-то время работал на мельнице, в свободное время, занимаясь рисованием. Довольно часто он путешествовал по живописным окрестностям и делал этюды и зарисовки.

В 1795 году отправился в Лондон и смог поступить в граверную мастерскую. Но это дело не принесло ему успеха, и Констебл вновь вернулся домой. Однако спустя 4 года ему улыбнулась настоящая удача – Джону удалось поступить в школу при Королевской академии искусств в Лондоне. Кроме того, он самостоятельно занимался изучением природы и произведений английских художников-пейзажистов 18 века.

В 1816 году Констебл женился на подруге детства – Марии Бикнелл. Во время медового месяца на побережье Констебл совершенствует свою технику – начинает использовать более яркие цвета и динамичные мазки.

Но в 1825 году Констебл поссорился с Эрроусмитом, из-за чего потерял рынок во Франции. Его тяготило слабое здоровье жены и накопившиеся долги.

В 1829 году Констебла избирают членом Королевской Академии, где он начинает читать лекции, пользующиеся большой популярностью. Умер художник в 1837 году и был похоронен рядом со своей женой на кладбище Хампстеда.


Стиль художника отличался рельефной фактурой. Констебл любил накладывать краску густыми мазками, никогда тщательно не выписывал детали.

Джон Констебл пробовал себя и в портретной живописи, рисуя портреты на заказ. Но он делал это исключительно, чтобы заработать на жизнь, поскольку написание портретов казалось ему скучным. Своим истинным призванием Констебл всегда считал пейзажи.

Джон Констебл считал, что настоящий мастер пейзажа должен быть смиренным учеником природы.

Этюд для скачущей лошади 1824

Стоунхендж 1835


Собор в Солсбери изображен в просвете между деревьями, осенняя листва которых написана легкими, почти прозрачными мазками. Коровы, пьющие из озерца на переднем плане, вносят в картину пасторальный оттенок. Слева мастер поместил прогуливающуюся пару — епископа Солсбери Фишера с женой, которые, стоя под сенью деревьев, рассматривают собор. Здание на фоне неба с летящими облаками выглядит особенно легким, наполненным солнцем и воздухом, а его вид в обрамлении деревьев еще больше притягивает взгляд.

Вид на собор в Солсбери из епископского сада 1823

В 1820-1830 гг. Констебл часто бывал в соборе Солсбери, делая эскиз за эскизом памятника XIII в., выбирая разные ракурсы и погодные условия. В 1822 г. епископ Фишер заказал художнику картину, но принял работу не слишком благосклонно из-за грозового неба. Констебл написал новую версию, и представленное здесь полотно является эскизом к ней. Колеблющийся серебристый свет, рассеянный в небе, ложится отблесками на окружающий пейзаж. Солнечные лучи освещают собор, создавая чудесную гармонию, в которой природа и рукотворное произведение человека кажутся единым целым.

Люди, изображенные на полотне слева, — епископ Джон Фишер с женой. Супруги помещены на том же месте, что и на полотне, не понравившемся Фишеру. В этой работе художник ненавязчиво сопоставляет природу и архитектуру, словно говоря: творение рук человеческих должно быть уравновешенным и выверенным во всех своих частях, только тогда оно будет эстетически привлекательным, а дерево, даже растрепанное, с сухими и обломанными ветками — все равно красиво.


В 1828 году Мария родила Констеблу седьмого ребенка и скончалась от туберкулеза. Художник очень тяжело переживал ее смерть, всю оставшуюся жизнь носил траур и самостоятельно заботился обо всех семерых детях.

John Constable, one of the greatest landscape painters, was born in Sufford, on June 11, 1776. He was the son of a wealthy miller. He began to take interest in landscape painting while he was at grammar school. His father did not favour art as a profession. As a boy Constable worked almost secretly, painting in the cottage of an amateur painter. His keen artistic interest was such that his father allowed him to go to London in 1795, where he began to study painting. In 1799 Constable entered the Royal Academy School in London. He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature, that is, working in the open air. Constable's art developed slowly. He tried to earn his living by portraits. His heart was never in this and he achieved no popularity. Constable was a realist. He put into his landscape cattle, horses, the people working there. He put the smiling meadows, the sparkle of the sun on rain, or the stormy and uncertain clouds. The most notable works of Constable are "Flatford Mill", "The White Horse", "The Hay Wain", "Waterloo Bridge", "From Whitehall stairs" and others. In England Constable never received the recognition that he felt he was due. The French were the first to acclaim Constable publicly. His influence upon foreign painting schools has been powerful. Constable may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting.

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Фразовые глаголы Что такое фразовые глаголы, как они образуются и классифицируются, советы и рекомендации по их изучению.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Theme: The Constable’s Work. Skimming reading.

The purpose of the lesson: solving problems of personal development of students.

Development of students ' monologue speech skills;

Improving vocabulary skills on the topic;

Improving reading skills.

Development of the ability to generalize and systematize the acquired knowledge;

Development of memory, attention, thinking;

Development of self-control and self-assessment skills.

education of interest and respect for the culture of the studied language;

education of the ability to work in cooperation and make joint decisions.

Facilities: handout, a blackboard, presentation.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Greeting . The report of the pupils on duty.

What date is it today?

What is the day today?

Who's absent and why?

II. Topic presentation

Guessing the topic and the aim of the lesson.

Ss: Works of John Constable.

T: Yes, you are right. And by the end of the lesson you should be able to tell about his works.


T: What do you think we’ll do today? Ss:

T: Yes, you are right.

T: And what is our aim you guess?

Ss: To tell about works of John Constable.

To describe works of John Constable.

T: by the end of the lesson you should be able to tell about

T: What do we need for it? Ss:

Teacher. Read the quotations and comment them

“ A picture is a poem without words”

“ All art is but imitation of nature”

Teacher. I am sure the proverb “Art is long and life is short” is known to everybody. Express your opinion on the statement.

III. Warm up. Let’s warm up a little.

Teacher. You may see different works of fine arts at museums and picture galleries. What does painting mean to you? What genres of painting do you know?

( Landscape, seascape, still life, flower piece, portrait, battle piece)

What kind of artist do you know? ( a humorist, a colourist, a water colour master, a portraitist, a landscape painter,a marine painter, a satirist).

Match the words and their definitions.

Famous / well-known / prominent

is surrounding world /trees, grass, animals, the sun, the sky, sea/

is a unique, unsurpassed creation, the highest achievement of art.

is a picture showing nature or countryside.

a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work.

is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities .

is a photograph, painting, or other work of art which depicts the sea.

is an organised presentation and display of a selection of items, setting such as a museum , art gallery .

someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings

to paint, to draw

Read the words and their definitions

IV . Reading. Read the text in fill up the grid.

a wealthy miller.

the smiling meadows,

the sparkle of the sun on rain, or the stormy and uncertain clouds.

“ Waterloo Bridge From Whitehall stairs” and others.

never received the recognition that he felt he was due.

to acclaim Constable publicly.

may truly be considered

Зажиточн ый мельник.

блестящие от росы луга,

искры солнца в каплям дождя и суровые грозовые тучи.

не получил признания, которого он ожидал по праву.

публично признали Констебля.

можно по праву считать

John Constable, one of the greatest landscape painters, was born in Suffolk, on June 11, 1776.

He was the son of a wealthy miller.

He began to take interest in landscape painting while he was at grammar school.

His father did not favour art as a profession.

As a boy Constable worked almost secretly, painting in the cottage of an amateur painter.

His keen artistic interest was such that his father allowed him to go to London in 1795 , where he began to study painting.

In 1799 Constable entered the Royal Academy School in London .

He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature that is, working in the open air.

Constable's art developed slowly.

He tried to earn his living by portraits.

His heart was never in this and he achieved no popularity.

Constable was a realist.

He put into his landscape cattle, horses, the people working there.

He put the smiling meadows, the sparkle of the sun on rain, or the stormy and uncertain clouds.

Constable also became interested in painting rainbow effects, for example in Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows, 1831.

The most notable works of Constable are “Flatford Mill”, “The White Horse”, “The Hay Wain” (1821), “ Waterloo Bridge From Whitehall stairs” and others.

In England Constable never received the recognition that he felt he was due.

The French were the first to acclaim Constable publicly.

‘ The Hay Wain’ was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1824, winning a gold medal.

He was elected to the Royal Academy in February 1829, at the age of 52, and in 1831 was appointed the full membership at the Royal Academy, where he seems to have been popular with the students.

His influence upon foreign painting schools has been powerful.

Constable may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting.

He died on the night of the 31st March, 1837 , apparently from indigestion.

indigestion [ɪndɪˈʤesʧən] несварение желудка,

In 1825, perhaps due partly to the worry of his wife's ill-health , the uncongeniality of living in Brighton ("Piccadilly by the Seaside"), and the pressure of numerous outstanding commissions, he quarrelled with Arrowsmith and lost his French outlet.

After the birth of her seventh child in January 1828, Maria fell ill and died of tuberculosis that November at the age of forty-one.

Thereafter, he always dressed in black and was, according to Leslie, "a prey to melancholy and anxious thoughts". He cared for his seven children alone for the rest of his life.

Answer the questions:

1. When and where was John Constable born?

(John Constable was born in East Bergholt, a village on the River Stour in Suffolk , to Golding and Ann Constable on 11 June 1776)

2. What do you know about his family? Did his father favour art as a profession?

(His father was a wealthy corn merchant, owner of Flatford Mill in East Bergholt and, later, Dedham Mill. Golding Constable also owned his own small ship, The Telegraph.

3. When did John Constable enter the Royal Academy Schools?

(In 1799, Constable persuaded his father to let him pursue art , and Golding even granted him a small allowance.)

4. What picture was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1824 and won a gold medal?

( The Hay Wain, which was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1824, winning a gold medal)

5. When was John Constable elected to the Royal Academy?

(He was elected to the Royal Academy in February 1829, at the age of 52, and in 1831 was appointed Visitor at the Royal Academy, where he seems to have been popular with the students.)

6. In what style did he specialize? What pictures did he paint?

(He is known principally for his landscape paintings)

7. What are his most famous paintings?

(His most famous paintings include Dedham Vale of 1802 and The Hay Wain of 1821)

8. When did John Constable die?

(He died on the night of the 31st March 1837, apparently from indigestion)

Джон Констебл (John Constable; родился 11 июня 1776 года — умер 31 марта 1837 года) был представителем романтического направления живописи конца XVIII — начала XIX веков. Картины Джона Констебля изображают природу, бытовые сценки, погодные явления. Среди известных образцов его творчества — пейзажи Саффолка и окрестностей — родных мест живописца.

Джон Констебл не добился финансового успеха на родине. Диким пейзажам и руинам, популярным в то время, он предпочитал виды мельниц, мирных полей и крестьянских повозок. Прохладно принятый английскими критиками, он получил высокие оценки французских живописцев.

Биография Джона Констебля

Джон Констебл родился летним днем, 11 июня 1776 года, в семье богатого мельника. Судьба не предназначала ему путь в искусство. Слабое здоровье старшего сына заставило отца возложить ответственность за бизнес на младшего — Джона. Он получал образование в хорошей школе, закончив обучение, работал на отцовской мельнице до тех пор, пока дядя не взял семейный бизнес в свои руки.

На рубеже веков Джон Констебл стал просить отца отпустить его в столицу для поступления в художественную Академию. Возражений не последовало, старший Констебл даже снабдил сына деньгами, чтобы тот смог обустроить жизнь в Лондоне.

Джон Констебл признавался, что в начале своей творческой деятельности довольно часто подражал другим мастерам. Чтобы найти свою стезю, он посетил юго-восточные порты, побывал в Озёрном крае, делал много набросков. Ему хотелось изображать не руины, а простые сельские виды. Двигаясь против моды своего времени, он зарабатывал мало. Ради денег художник пытался писать портреты, но и они не принесли ему богатства и славы.

В 1811 году Джон Констебл начал ухаживать за Марией Бикнелл (Maria Bicknell), но суровый дед Марии, местный пастор, воспротивился браку из-за бедности художника. Лишь через несколько лет, когда родители Джона умерли, оставив ему треть всего состояния, пастор смягчился. В 1816 году влюблённые поженились.

Счастливый брак Джона Констебля продолжался до 1828 года. Жена умерла после рождения седьмого ребёнка. Художник остался безутешен, больше он так и не женился, а остаток жизни провёл в трауре. Это не помешало ему истратить двадцать тысяч фунтов из наследства супруги на изготовление эстампов. Денег на этом заработать не удалось.

В возрасте пятидесяти пяти лет, в 1831 году, Джон Констебл стал инспектором Академии художеств. Ещё через шесть лет, 31 марта 1837 года, он умер. Похоронен живописец в одной могиле с любимой супругой.

Самые известные картины Джона Констебля

Картины Джона Констебля подчиняются правилам, которые он сформулировал: первое — на одном воображении не создашь шедевр, второе — великие художники никогда не выходили из самоучек.

Самые известные работы живописца:

Познакомиться с другими представителями романтического направления можно на сайте VeryImportantLot. Любители искусства имеют возможность посетить аукционы и купить картины известных мастеров прежних веков, а также приобрести в коллекцию работы современных художников.

Папка содержит мультимедийную презентацию и текстовый материал о жизни и творчестве выдающегося английского художника Джона Констебля (176-1837). Данный материал можно использовать как на уроках на тему "Человек-творец" по УМК "English-X" (под редакцией О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой), так и во внеурочное время.

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Предварительный просмотр:

John Constable (1776 – 1837)

In his youth, Constable embarked on amateur sketching trips in the surrounding Suffolk and Essex countryside, which was to become the subject of a large proportion of his art. These scenes, in his own words, "made me a painter, and I am grateful"; "the sound of water escaping from mill dams etc., willows, old rotten planks, slimy posts, and brickwork, I love such things."

Entering the Royal Academy Schools as a probationer, he attended life classes and anatomical dissections, and studied and copied old masters. Among works that particularly inspired him during this period were paintings by Thomas Gainsborough, Claude Lorrain, Peter Paul Rubens and Jacob van Ruisdael . He also read widely among poetry and sermons, and later proved a notably articulate artist. By 1803, he was exhibiting paintings at the Royal Academy.

His early style has many qualities associated with his mature work, including a freshness of light, colour and touch, and reveals the compositional influence of the old masters he had studied. To make ends meet, Constable took up portraiture, which he found dull, though he executed many fine portraits.

From 1809, his childhood friendship with Maria Bicknell developed into a deep, mutual love. John and Maria's marriage was followed by time at Fisher's vicarage and a honeymoon tour of the south coast. The sea stimulated Constable to develop new techniques of brilliant colour and vivacious brushwork. At the same time, a greater emotional range began to be expressed in his art.

Although he had scraped an income from painting, it was not until 1819 that Constable sold his first important canvas, The White Horse , which led to a series of "six footers", as he called his large-scale paintings. That year he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy. In 1821 he showed The Hay Wain (a view from Flatford Mill) at the Academy's exhibition.

In his lifetime, Constable sold only 20 paintings in England, but in France he sold more than 20 in just a few years. Despite this, he refused all invitations to travel internationally to promote his work, writing: "I would rather be a poor man [in England] than a rich man abroad.”

After the birth of their seventh child in 1828, Maria fell ill and died at the age of 41. He cared for his seven children alone for the rest of his life.

He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1829, at the age of 52. In 1831 he was appointed Visitor at the Royal Academy, where he seems to have been popular with the students. He began to deliver public lectures on the history of landscape painting, which were attended by distinguished audiences. In a series of lectures Constable proposed a three-fold thesis: firstly, landscape painting is scientific as well as poetic; secondly, the imagination cannot alone produce art to bear comparison with reality; and thirdly, no great painter was ever self-taught.

In 1835, his last lecture to students of the Royal Academy, in which he praised Raphael and called the Academy the "cradle of British art", was "cheered most heartily". He died from heart failure.

Constable quietly rebelled against the artistic culture that taught artists to use their imagination to compose their pictures rather than nature itself. He told Leslie, "When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the first thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture".

Although Constable produced paintings throughout his life for the "finished" picture market of patrons and R.A. exhibitions, constant refreshment in the form of on-the-spot studies was essential to his working method. He was never satisfied with following a formula. "The world is wide", he wrote, "no two days are alike, nor even two hours; neither were there ever two leaves of a tree alike since the creation of all the world; and the genuine productions of art, like those of nature, are all distinct from each other.’

Constable painted many full-scale preliminary sketches of his landscapes in order to test the composition in advance of finished pictures. These large sketches, with their free and vigorous brushwork, were revolutionary at the time, and they continue to interest artists, scholars and the general public. The oil sketches of The Leaping Horse and The Hay Wain , for example, convey a vigour and expressiveness missing from Constable's finished paintings of the same subjects.

Constable's watercolours were also remarkably free for their time: the almost mystical Stonehenge , 1835, with its double rainbow, is often considered to be one of the greatest watercolours ever painted.

In addition to the full-scale oil sketches, Constable completed numerous observational studies of landscapes and clouds, determined to become more scientific in his recording of atmospheric conditions. The power of his physical effects was sometimes apparent even in the full-scale paintings which he exhibited in London.

The sketches themselves were the first ever done in oils directly from the subject in the open air. To convey the effects of light and movement, Constable used broken brushstrokes, often in small touches, which he scumbled over lighter passages, creating an impression of sparkling light enveloping the entire landscape. One of the most expressionistic and powerful of all his studies is Seascape Study with Rain Cloud , painted about 1824 at Brighton, which captures with slashing dark brushstrokes the immediacy of an exploding cumulus shower at sea. Constable also became interested in painting rainbow effects, for example in Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows , 1831.

To the sky studies he added notes, often on the back of the sketches, of the prevailing weather conditions, direction of light, and time of day, believing that the sky was "the key note, the standard of scale, and the chief organ of sentiment" in a landscape painting.

Constable once wrote in a letter to Leslie, "My limited and abstracted art is to be found under every hedge, and in every lane, and therefore nobody thinks it worth picking up". He could never have imagined how influential his honest techniques would turn out to be. Constable's art inspired the Barbizon School and the French impressionists of the late nineteenth century.

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