Compare education in the united states and in russia кратко

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American and Russian Systems of Higher Education

(Система высшего образования в Америке и России)

Хисамова Лилия Мянсуровна

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная татарско-русская школа № 71

Ново-Савиновского района г.Казани

American and Russian Systems of Higher Education

Modern people cannot imagine their life without higher education. It presupposes better opportunities for promotion, high social status and success in life on the whole. However, all these objectives may be achieved on condition that higher education system is properly organized and works efficiently. For example, the Russian system of higher education is traditionally considered one of the most efficient. Nonetheless, the tendency to its reorganization according to Western models, mostly in American one, is observed nowadays. Both structures have their advantages and disadvantages, which are determined by their peculiarities. On the whole, the Russian and American systems of higher education seem similar in the essence, having a great number of considerable differences.

The first obvious similarity of these two systems is that American and Russian school leavers have a variety of advanced educational opportunities, which are practically the same. In the United States people who are interested in a general education study in professional schools of law, medicine or dentistry, liberal arts colleges, offering widely varying curricula or specialized schools, for example, in music, engineering or agriculture. Similarly, Russian students may attend classical state universities with specialization, which prepare students in a particular field of study. Apart from that, both in the USA and Russia there are private or commercial educational establishments, which are becoming more and more important and wide-spread. The brief summary of educational opportunities available to high school graduates in the United States and in Russia suggests that organized learning can continue for several years beyond the basic grades.

The second essential similarity of the Russian and American systems of higher education is the duration and organization of the academic year. Both in Russia and in the United States it is usually nine months duration, or two semesters of four and a half months each. Just as in the USA, classes in Russia usually begin in September and end in July. In both countries students have winter and summer vocations. Apparently, this notable similarity makes these two systems look alike on the surface.

The third obvious similarity of the American system of higher education and the Russian one is faculty. In both countries the teaching staff consists of professors, lecturers, senior teachers and instructors. One slight difference between the Russian and American systems of higher education is that the American faculty includes also a counselor — a person on a university staff who provides counseling and consultation service to help in decisions regarding courses, majors, vocational plans, career opportunities and personal matters. In contrast, such position is not included into the staff of ordinary Russian universities. In conclusion, faculty is one of the common features of higher education systems in Russia and the United States, though there is a slight difference between them.

The last important similarity of the Russian and American higher education systems is department requirements. The essence of checking students’ knowledge always remains the same: surely, both in Russia and the USA attendance is an important factor of grading the course. Students should attend lectures, seminars and practical classes; also they should take and pass some kind of practice. Just as Russian students, Americans should also pass the finals at the end of the course. In addition, each academic year Russian students write course papers; similarly, in the USA it is also required do prepare and perform a work, which is called a project. All in all, department requirements remain practically the same both in Russia and the United States.

In spite of these similarities, these two systems have several obvious differences.

Admission requirements make the first obvious difference of the American and Russian higher education systems. In Russia applicants are chosen on the basis of their high school records and results of centralized testing on those subjects, which are the most important for this or that department. In America successful applicants are usually chosen on the basis of three principles: their high school records, recommendations from their high school teachers and their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs). In brief, admission requirements remain one of the obvious differences between the Russian and the American higher education systems.

Academic core makes the second striking difference of the American and Russian higher education systems. In Russia curriculum and syllabus are carefully worked out and strictly organized for every department. In the USA, however, students have opportunities of selecting courses that is, varying their syllabi. The main advantage of this point is the unique education every student gets. Apart from that, taking only some particular subjects one avoids opportunities of missing his or her vocation. Besides, in Russian universities curricular introduce specialization from the first year of study; it is determined beforehand. In comparison, American students determine their specialization from the third year of study; they may easily do it after entering a university. In short, academic core is one of the obvious differences of the American and Russian higher education systems.

The third obvious difference between organizing the process of study in Russian and American universities is methods of assessments and grades. While in Russia students can get a pass in every course at the end of each term, in the USA a student studies four or five subjects during the term and his progress is assessed through quizzes, projects, attending seminars. Thus, American students get their credits. Each course carries a certain number of credits that are awarded after the successful completion of the course. In most universities and colleges the typical class is three or four credit hours. Two or three laboratory periods are usually considered equal to one credit hour. Most students complete 10 courses per an academic year and it usually takes them four years to complete a bachelor’s degree requirement of about 40 three-hour courses or 120 credits. In the American higher education system credits for the academic work are transferable among universities. In addition, each part of students’ work is given a mark on a five-point scale, with letters to indicate the levels of achievement (from A, which is the highest mark, indicating superior accomplishment, to F, which denotes failure), compared to figures in the Russian system of assessment. All in all, assessments and grades make the systems of higher education in Russia and the United States strikingly different.

Another important difference of these two systems of higher education is the system of degrees awarded in Russian and American universities. The Bachelor’s degree, which awarded first in the USA, normally requires four years of academic study beyond the high school diploma; the Master’s degree requires one or two years of advanced courses and seminars. The Doctor’s degree, the highest academic degree, is equal to the Candidate of Science, Philology etc, and the degree, which is awarded first in Russian universities. Russian highest degree, the Doctor’s degree, has no counterpart in the American system of academic degrees. In short, the system of degrees awarded in Russian and American universities is quite different in these two countries.

Student financial aid makes another striking difference of these systems of higher education. Whereas Russian universities do not provide students with financial aid (Russian scholarship is paid monthly by the state), American students, who need a sum of money to attend college, may apply for it and be awarded with part grants (grants need not be repaid, parts of which might come from several sources: federal, state, private scholarship, college scholarship), part loans (to be repaid after college) or given part work (colleges normally expect students on aid to earn some of the money they need by working summers on the campus). In conclusion, financial aid makes the systems of higher education in Russia and the United States look different.

It should be mentioned that a great deal of the cultural and recreational life at a university is created and conducted by students themselves. Both in the USA and Russia extracurricular activities are the responsibility of students unions. However, the attitude to those activities in both countries is different: while in the USA one’s sports, musical and other achievements greatly influence the process of study, in Russia recreation and entertainment are another side of school life, apart from work. In addition, careful organization of extracurricular activities in the USA, which are sex-segregation in fraternities and sororities or including the clubs’ meetings into the schedule, makes them much more popular among students, than in Russia. In brief, extracurricular life of students differs greatly in Russia and the United States.

At last but not least, the American and Russian systems of higher education are different in students’ and teachers’ relations. In Russia these relations are extremely academic and official. Teachers are usually attended with great respect and there is a strict borderline between students and the faculty within universities and even outside. In contrast, in the USA relations between teachers and students are much more informal. A talk on the phone with a teacher is quite common thing, as well as teachers’ involvement into extracurricular activities. Indeed, students’ and teachers’ relations remain one of the obvious differences between the Russian and the American higher education systems.

In summary, taking into consideration all the above-mentioned facts, one may state that, notwithstanding several similarities, the Russian and American systems of higher education have plenty of obvious differences. They differ in many important aspects: structure and organization, rules and traditions. However, due to the fact that Russian educational system is undergoing considerable changes, they may become more similar in the course of time.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Английская, американская и российская системы школьного образования

- цель работы, задачи, объект исследования стр.4

1. Система американского школьного

2. Преимущества и недостатки школьного

образования в США стр.7

3. Система английского школьного образования стр.8

4. Преимущества и недостатки школьного образования

5. Сравнение системы западного и российского

6. Интервью стр.13

7. Социальный опрос стр.17

Список используемой литературы стр.21

Тезаурус: российское американское английское образование школа.

- purpose of work, tasks, object of study page 22

1. The American school system. page 23

2. The distinctive features of the school system page 24

in the United States.

3. The English school system. page 25

4. Advantages and disadvantages page 28

of school education in England.

5. Comparison of Western page 28

and Russian education system.

6. The interview. page 29

7. Social survey. page 33

Conclusion. page 36

Bibliography page 37

Thesaurus: Russian American English education school.

К сожалению, различия зачастую создают определенные

трудности при поступлении в дальнейшем в университеты разных стран.

Разнообразие систем школьного образования в мире очень велико. Количество лет обучения, система оценивания знаний,

преподаваемые дисциплины и содержание учебных программ

– все это может сильно отличаться от страны к стране. Но я бы хотела рассмотреть только три из таких систем: российскую, английскую и американскую.

Конечно, в рамках этого проекта невозможно дать полный обзор этих трёх систем школьного образования, однако, можно выделить некоторые общие моменты, которые принципиально различают одну систему образования от другой.

Цель работы:

Изучить системы английского, американского и русского образования в школах, найти различия между ними, их слабые и сильные стороны.

Изучить интернет-источники, чтобы узнать подробности о западных системах образования и сравнить их с российской.

Провести опрос в классе с целью узнать, что ученикам известно о западных системах образования, какое школьное образование на их взгляд лучше.

Взять интервью у ученика американской школы, который до этого учился в лицее г. Истра и узнать подробности об американской системе образования.

Провести анализ полученной информации и составить своё мнение об английской, американской и российской системе школьного образования.

Объект исследования:

Английская, американская и российская системы школьного образования.

1. Система американского школьного образования .

Система среднего образования в США совсем не похожа на российскую. Отличается не только продолжительность обучения (12 против наших 11-и лет), но и педагогические методики, учебные программы и многое другое. Сейчас мы разберёмся, что представляет собой школьное образование в США.

Формированием учебного плана в самом общем виде (список основных дисциплин, даты начала и окончания учебного года) занимается совет по образованию при администрации штата.

Школьное образование в Америке представлено 2 типами учебных заведений: государственными и частными школами. Большая часть населения страны учится в муниципальных заведениях, поскольку для местных жителей образование здесь бесплатное.

В силу объективных причин, бесплатные муниципальные школы, как правило, не могут похвастаться ни особенно высоким академическим уровнем, ни продвинутой материально-технической базой. У частных в этом смысле больше возможностей, и качество образования в них обычно бывает лучше.

Ученики из-за рубежа могут учиться как в муниципальной, так и в частной школе США. В обоих случаях за обучение придется платить – для иностранцев в Штатах бесплатного образования не существует. Конечно, стоимость обучения в государственной школе в США гораздо ниже, чем в частной.

Учеников в классах в США перемешивают каждый год.

Не во всех школах есть школьная форма. Дети могут ходить в школу в любой одежде, главное, чтобы она была подходящей для физкультуры и не была очень открытой. В некоторых школах есть требование к обуви — обязательны кроссовки или кеды, т. е. чтобы можно было безопасно бегать и прыгать.


Большинство детей одеты в спортивном стиле. Мне кажется, это очень удобным, т. к. не надо тратить время на переодевание на физкультуру.

2. Преимущества и недостатки школьного образования в США.

Из минусов нужно отметить, что в США, при откровенно слабом среднем образовании в стране, высшие учебные заведения Америки котируются во всем мире. Поэтому, отправлять своего ребенка учиться в американскую школу, наверное, не имеет особого смысла – в выпускных классах по математике там проходят то, что у нас должен знать уже каждый восьмиклассник.

Что касается администрации школы, то о качестве ее работы судят по двум показателям: проценту отчисленных из школы либо добровольно бросивших ее и по результатам государственных экзаменов. Первый показатель приводит к полной профанации процесса оценивания знаний учеников: администрация школы с помощью административных хитростей запрещает учителям выводить за год двойки. По сути двойки не запрещены, но, поставив двойку, учитель сталкивается с проблемами. В связи с этим возникают два последствия: проставление заведомо завышенных оценок и максимальное упрощение программы (например, по математике за первые шесть классов в США проходят то, что российские дети — за первые три).

Хотя многие и считают, что американское школьное образование плохое, было бы несправедливым не назвать сильные стороны американской системы. Сюда можно отнести и расширение спектра преподаваемых предметов, и свободу выбора дополнительных предметов для изучения.


Специалисты также отмечают тот факт, что в американских школах значительное внимание уделяется физической культуре, музыке, искусству.

3. Систем английского школьного образования.

Система образования Великобритании, пожалуй, одна из самых консервативных в мире. Отчасти это связанно с ее возрастом – появление первых средних школ в стране и Оксфордского университета датируется XII веком. Начиная с тех времен и по сей день дисциплина и высокий уровень качества преподавания остаются главными отличительными чертами британской образовательной системы. Однако это вовсе не значит, что она не претерпевает никаких изменений. Напротив, английская система образования не только идет в ногу со временем, но и зачастую его опережает: стремление к совершенству и почитание традиций здесь прекрасно уживается с новейшими образовательными программами и практиками.

Подготовка к школе в Великобритании начинается еще в детском саду. С 2 до 5 лет дети учатся читать, писать и считать. Академическая нагрузка небольшая, акцент делается на дисциплину и общее воспитание.

Набор обязательных предметов меняется в зависимости от возраста. В начальной школе дети изучают английский язык, математику, историю, географию, музыку, технологию промышленности и искусство. С 11 лет к обязательным предметам относят английский, математику и науки (основы химии, биологии и физики). Остальные предметы ученик вместе с родителями выбирает исходя из собственных предпочтений. С 14 до 16 лет школьники готовятся к сдаче экзамена GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education – Сертификат о Среднем Образовании).

По типу финансирования школы Великобритании делятся на государственные и частные. В отличие от многих стран, разрыв между муниципальными и частными учебными заведениями Англии не так велик: за уровнем среднего образования в стране следят на государственном уровне.

Стоит отметить, что исторически в Англии сложилось раздельное обучение. Часть частных школ сохранили этот подход и по сей день: многие британцы считают, что так мальчикам и девочкам легче сосредоточиться на учебе. Государственные школы в массе своей смешанные. Большое внимание уделяется общему воспитанию: школы стараются развить в детях лидерские качества, любознательность, взрастить свободных личностей, умеющих делать выбор, отстаивать свою точку зрения, стремиться к профессиональному развитию, и при этом быть достойными членами общества, имеющими права называт ься истинными леди и джентльменами. Примечательно, что особенно сильны воспитательные традиции в частных школах-пансионатах для мальчиков. В целом система среднего образования в Англии оценивается положительно, хотя уровень подготовки учащихся показывает последние годы некоторую реверсивность.

Найти хорошую школу государственного типа для детей старше 11 лет довольно непросто по сравнению с начальными учебными заведениями. В хорошую гимназию на одно место может быть около 12 желающих. В первую очередь, проходят те 11-летние дети, у которых выявлено больше способностей или талантов в определённой области.


Обучение в независимых учреждениях основано на динамичном развитии личности. Это касается и занятий вне класса. В престижных школах есть собственные конюшни, большие спортивные площадки и залы, современные сооружения для физических упражнений. Если заведение не направляют свою деятельность на спорт, то имеет большое количество кружков по развитию творческих навыков. Самые распространённые – музыка, изобразительное искусство, вокал, театр.

First, education in Russian schools starts at the age of 7 and lasts for 11 years, and education in England is compulsory for all citizens aged from 5 to 16 years. Second, Russia's education consists of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education. In this case, there are types of schools: primary school, secondary school, high schools, high school, special school. When in England there is a huge variety of schools: boarding schools, schools for boys, schools for girls, mixed, full-school and so on. And of course a significant difference in the school subjects.

They can go to the 10th grade of a general school or go to professional school. After school pupils go to colleges and universities.

Universities are not free in both countries. But under a certain program, you can get a free education. Programs of higher education in the UK and Russia can be divided into three main levels: bachelor course, master course and post graduate course.

Во-первых, обучение в российских школах начинается в возрасте 7 лет и длится в течение 11 лет - полное образование, а образование в Англии является обязательным для всех граждан в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Во-вторых, российское образование состоит из: начального, неполного среднего и полного среднего образования. При этом типы школ бывают: начальная школа; средняя общеобразовательная школа; лицеи; гимназии; специальные школы. Когда в Англии существует огромное разнообразие школ: школы-пансионы, школы для мальчиков, школы для девочек, смешанные, школы полного цикла и так далее.

Они могут пойти в 10 класс общеобразовательной школы или поступить в профессиональное училище. После школы ученики поступают в колледжи и университеты.

Университеты являются платными в обеих странах. Но по определенной программе можно получить бесплатное образование. Программы высшего образования и в Великобритании, и в России можно разделить на три основных уровня: бакалавриат, магистратура и аспирантура.

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I think that a good education is a key to success. A school is the first step on the education-way because it prepares pupils for their future life, helps them to choose their careers. It gives the opportunity to develop pupils’ talents, gain practical knowledge and skills. I study well at school and my dream is to speak English fluently and accurately. But to know the language well means to know its culture, traditions and such main aspects as political system, the system of education and economy.

I am preparing for my future exam in English that I will pass in the 9 th form. That’s why I devote much time to learning the English language. My teacher helps me and often offers very difficult tasks to do. The choice of the topic is connected with one of the task the teacher has given me recently. It was a speaking card: “Give a talk about schools in Great Britain and Russia”. I was at a loss and remembered only several sentences that we learned in the 7 th form. Thus, I understood the necessity to learn more about it. Fortunately, my teacher suggested me to compare school education in Great Britain, Russia and the United States to do a research work.

The problem of the research: Is it important to know the system of school education of your own country and English-speaking ones? The hypothesis is that school education in Great Britain, Russia and the United States (US) has common and distinctive features.

The object of the research is school education in Great Britain, Russia and the US. The subject of research is common and distinctive features of school education in Great Britain, Russia and the United States.

The aim of the work is to study and analyze the literature on the problem to prove or disapprove the hypothesis. Learning objectives: 1. To find the information on the problem in books and in the Internet. 2. To compare school education in Great Britain, Russia and the US. 3. To represent the results with the help of charts.

The methods of the research: general scientific, theoretical, graphic review.

I. Theoretical part

Education in Great Britain

In Britain the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school never begins on Monday. Children go to school 5 days a week. In Great Britain there are different types of secondary schools. Most of them are state schools where education is free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. In some British schools uniforms are worn by all the pupils, in others children can wear what they want to. But some parents choose to pay for private education. Private (or public) schools in England and Wales are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 per cent of the school population. The education in public schools is of high quality, the discipline is very strict. The public school system is valued because it produces leaders, it is a separate system of education for the rich. The public schools accept pupils at about 12 or 13 years of age on the basis of a strict selection. They are very expensive. Most of them are boys’ boarding schools, although some are day schools and some are for girls. The most important public schools are Eton (1440), Harrow (1571), Winchester (1382), Westminster (1560), Rugby (1567), St Paul’s (1509).

Education is compulsory from 5-16 years. Primary education is given to children between 5 and 11 years of age. It is subdivided into an infant school for children aged 5 to 7 and a junior school for children aged 7 to 11. At junior stage of schooling pupils were often placed in A, B, C and D streams according to their abilities. The most able children were put in the A stream, the least able in the D stream. Till recently most junior school children had to seat for the eleven-plus examination. It usually consisted of an arithmetic paper and an intelligent test. The 11-plus or Eleven plus was an examination administered to some students in their last year of primary education, giving admission to various types of secondary schools. The Eleven Plus examination was once used throughout the UK but is now only used in a number of counties in England.

Secondary education embraces the children from 11 years of age to 16. Until recently there were three main types of secondary schools: grammar, technical and modern schools. Children were sent to them according to their abilities. But now their number is decreasing. They are being replaced by comprehensive schools that take all children without selection from the age of 11 (see Appendix 1).

Pupils take tests at the age of 7, 11 and 13. At the age of 16 pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination (GCSE) and they can leave school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth form college. It prepares them for national exams called “A” levels (Advanced Levels) at 18. You need “A” levels to enter a university.

Sometimes British teachers deal with the students, who are not ideal. Here some punishments used in British schools. Lines - When a teacher gives you "lines", you write out some sentence again and again, perhaps fifty or one hundred times. Detention — If you are in detention, you stay after school to do extra work — perhaps "lines" or clean the classroom. Report - If you are "on report", you have a card which you give to the teacher at the end of every lesson. Each teacher reports if you have behaved well or badly. Suspension - If you are suspended, you cannot come to school for a few days or weeks. Your parents have to see the Head Teacher. This is serious. Exclusion — If you are excluded, you are sent away from your school. This is very seri­ous. You have to go to another school where the teachers all know about your bad behaviour.

Education in Russia

Citizens of Russia have the right to education. It is guaranteed by the RF Constitution. Education at schools is free. There are some private primary and secondary schools where education is not free of charge. In Russia there is a nine-year compulsory education, but to enter a university one has to study two years more. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. Compulsory education is for children from 6(7) to 15 years old (see Appendix 2).

Pre-school consists of kindergartens and creches. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic. But pre-school education isn't compulsory - children can get it at home.

The main link in the system of education is the general school which prepares the younger generation for life and work in modern society. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in certain subjects, high schools, lyceums and so on. Tuition in most of them is free of charge, but some new types of schools are fee-paying. The term of study in a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primary, middle and upper stages.

At the middle stage of a secondary school the children learn the basic laws of nature and society at the lessons of Russian, English, German, History, Algebra, Literature, Physics and etc. So every school has a “core curriculum”. A variety of subjects are taught at lyceums and gymnasiums.

After the 9th form students have to pass exams. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th form of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational schools. In the 11 th form students must pass the exams successfully to enter the institutions of higher education.

Education in the USA

The United States does not have a national school system. Each child is guaranteed up to eleven years of education. Though Americans have no National Curriculum certain subjects are taught in elementary and high schools throughout the country.

There are 2 types of schools - public, supported by the state, and private. Almost 90 per cent of American children attend free of charge public schools. The relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly. In American public schools students wear whatever they want. They can choose the subjects they want to study. They often take part in non-academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio.

Some parents prefer homeschooling and educate their children themselves.

Private schools are often controlled by churches or religious groups and that’s why religious subjects are included into the curriculum. These schools are fee-paying and enroll about per cent of the nation’s schoolchildren.

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