Civil procedure in the uk topic кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The study of law distinguishes between public law and private law, but in legal practice in the UK the distinction between civil law and criminal law is more important to practising lawyers. Public law relates to the state. It is concerned with laws which govern processes in local and national government and conflicts between the individual and the state in areas such as immigration and social security. Private law is concerned with the relationshipsbetween legal persons, that is, individuals and corporations, and includes family law, contract law and property law. Criminal lawdeals with certain forms of conduct for which the state reserves punishment, for example murder and theft. The state prosecutes the offender. Civil law concerns relationships between private persons, their rights, and their duties. It is also cocerned with conduct which may give rise to a claim by a legal person for compensation or an injunction - an order made by the court. However, each field of law tends to overlap with others. For example, a road accident case may lead to a criminal prosecution as well as a civil action for compensation.

Substantive law creates, defines or regulates rights, liabilities, and duties in all areas of law and is contrasted with procedural law, which defines the procedure by which a law is to be enforced.

The constitution
The head of state is the monarch, currently the Queen in the UK, but the government carries the authority of the Crown (the monarch). The Westminster Parliament has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons, which sit separately and are constituted on different principles. The Commons is an elected body of members. Substantial reform is being carried out in the upper house, the House of Lords, where it is proposed that the majority of members be appointed, with a minority elected, replacing the hereditary peers. There is no written constitution, but constitutional law consists of statue law, common law, and constitutional conventions.

There are four countries and three district jurisdictions in the UK: England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. All share a legislature in the Westminster Parliament for the making of new laws and have a common law tradition, but each has its own hierarchy of courts, legal rules and legal profession. Wales and Northern Ireland each have their own Assembly and since 1999 Scottish Members of Parliament (SMPs) have sat in their own Parliament. Under an Act of the Westminster Parliament, the Scottish Parliament has power to legislate on any subject not specifically reserved to the Westminster Parliament such as defence or foreign policy. The UK`s accession to the European Communities in 1973, authorized by the European Communities Act 1972, has meant the addition of a further legislative authority in the legal system. The UK is also a signatory of the European Convention of Humans Rights and this has been incorporated into UK law.

При изучении права различают публичное право и частное право, но практикующие в Англии юристы в первую очередь выделяют гражданское право и уголовное право, так как это имеет большее значение для правоприменения.
Публичное право относиться к государству. Это касается законов, регулирующих порядок работы национального правительства и местных органов управления; конфликтов между интересами личности и общества в таких сферах как иммиграция и общественная безопасность.
Частное право регулирует отношения между субъектами предпринимательской деятельности - организациями или частными предпринимателями, включает в себя семейное право, договорное право, и право собственности.
Уголовное право регулирует отношения, связанные с действиями, за которые государство установило наказание, например, убийство и кража. Государство преследует в судебном порядке преступников.
Гражданское право регулирует отношения между частными лицами, их правами и их обязанностями. Оно также регулирует отношения, которые связаны с поведением, которое может стать основанием для подачи иска о компенсации или судебном запрете субъектом предпринимательской деятельности.
Однако сфера каждой из отраслей права имеет тенденцию к пересечению с другой. Например, дорожно-транспортное происшествие может стать основанием как для уголовного преследования, так и для гражданского иска о возмещении убытков.
Материальное законодательство создает, определяет или регулирует права и обязанности во всех сферах законодательства, это отличает его от процессуального законодательства, которое определяет процедуры правоприменения материального законодательства.

Глава государства - монарх. В настоящий момент монархом в Англии является королева, но правительство осуществляет полномочия за монарха. Парламент Вестминстера имеет две палаты: Палата лордов и палата общин, которые заседают раздельно и формируются на различных принципах.
Палата общин состоит из избираемых представителей. Существенная реформа проводимая в верхней палате - Палате лордов имеет своей целью заменить наследственных перов на большинство назначаемых членов и меньшинство выбираемых членов палаты.
В отсутствии письменной конституции конституционное законодательство формируется из законодательных актов парламента, общего права и конституционного обычая.

Существует 4 страны и 3 отдельных юрисдикции в Великобритании: Англия и Вельс, Шотландия и Северная Ирландия. Все части законодательной власти объединены в Вестминстерском парламенте для законотворческой деятельности и уходят корнями в традицию общего права. Однако, каждая из этих частей имеет собственную иерархию судов, законодательных норм и юридических должностей. В Вельсе и Северной Ирландии есть собственные законодательные органы, а с 1999 года Шотландия имеет собственных парламентариев, которые заседают в парламенте Шотландии.
В соответствии с законом Вестминстерского парламента, парламент Шотландии имеет право принимать законы, за исключением законов, касающихся сферы полномочий Вестминстерского парламента, таких как оборона и внешняя политика.
Присоединение Великобритании к Европейскому союзу в 1973 году посредством одобрения Акта Европейского союза от 1972 года означает возможное увеличение в будущем законодательных органов власти в Великобритании.
Великобритания подписала также Европейскую конвенцию по правам человека и она стала частью права Великобритании.

1. What brunch of law would you like to choose as your future profession – civil law or criminal law?

2. What do you know about civil procedure?

3. What is procedural law? How is it distinguished from substantive law?

4. Are there any stages of judicial proceedings that are common to all kinds of hearings?

Civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits (as opposed to procedures in criminal law matters). These rules govern how a lawsuit or case may be commenced, what kind of service of process (if any) is required, the types of pleadings or statements of case, motions or applications, and orders allowed in civil cases, the timing and manner of depositions and discovery or disclosure, the conduct of trials, the process for judgment, various available remedies, and how the courts and clerks must function.


Differences between Civil and Criminal Procedure


1. proceeding – судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс

2. to commence – начинать

3. conduct (n.) – поведение, управление

4. a lawsuit – судебное дело, иск, тяжба

5. to overhaul – пересмотреть полностью

6. adversarial – состязательный

7. expert witness – свидетель-эксперт

8. to reserve for – предназначать

9. tribunal – третейский суд

10. tier – уровень иерархии

11. to reverse – отменять судебное решение

12. to uphold – оставить в силе решение суда первой инстанции

13. judicial review – судебный пересмотр

14. to leapfrog – обходить

15. appellant – податель апелляции

16. to encourage – поощрять, стимулировать

17. alternative dispute resolution – альтернативное разрешение споров

18. prematurely – преждевременно, поспешно

19. arbitration – третейское разбирательство

20. mediation – медиация

21. conciliation – примирительная процедура

22. adjudication – вынесение судебного или арбитражного решения

23. expert determination – постановление эксперта

24. injunction – судебный запрет

25. a leave – разрешение

26. to bypass – обходить закон

27. estoppel – лишение права возражения, лишение права ссылаться на какие-либо факты

28. to estop – лишать сторону права ссылаться на какие-либо факты

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What brunch of law would you like to choose as your future profession – civil law or criminal law?

2. What do you know about civil procedure?

3. What is procedural law? How is it distinguished from substantive law?

4. Are there any stages of judicial proceedings that are common to all kinds of hearings?

Civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits (as opposed to procedures in criminal law matters). These rules govern how a lawsuit or case may be commenced, what kind of service of process (if any) is required, the types of pleadings or statements of case, motions or applications, and orders allowed in civil cases, the timing and manner of depositions and discovery or disclosure, the conduct of trials, the process for judgment, various available remedies, and how the courts and clerks must function.


Differences between Civil and Criminal Procedure


1. proceeding – судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс

2. to commence – начинать

3. conduct (n.) – поведение, управление

4. a lawsuit – судебное дело, иск, тяжба

5. to overhaul – пересмотреть полностью

6. adversarial – состязательный

7. expert witness – свидетель-эксперт

8. to reserve for – предназначать

9. tribunal – третейский суд

10. tier – уровень иерархии

11. to reverse – отменять судебное решение

12. to uphold – оставить в силе решение суда первой инстанции

13. judicial review – судебный пересмотр

14. to leapfrog – обходить

15. appellant – податель апелляции

16. to encourage – поощрять, стимулировать

17. alternative dispute resolution – альтернативное разрешение споров

18. prematurely – преждевременно, поспешно

19. arbitration – третейское разбирательство

20. mediation – медиация

21. conciliation – примирительная процедура

22. adjudication – вынесение судебного или арбитражного решения

23. expert determination – постановление эксперта

24. injunction – судебный запрет

25. a leave – разрешение

26. to bypass – обходить закон

27. estoppel – лишение права возражения, лишение права ссылаться на какие-либо факты

Civil procedure law, being part of procedural law in general, comprises the rules by which a court hears and determines what happens in civil proceedings. In other words, civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the process followed by courts when hearing cases of a civil nature (civil actions). These rules govern how a lawsuit may be commenced, what kind of service of process is required, the types of pleadings , applications and orders allowed in civil cases, the conduct of trials, various available remedies, and how the courts and clerks must function.

In the UK, in 1999 the Woolf reform radically overhauled procedure in the civil courts. The reforms were brought about to give effect to the Woolf report, which was produced by a committee chaired by Lord Woolf, the Master of the Rolls. This report found that the civil justice system was slow, expensive, bound by archaic procedures, excessively complicated and generally ill-suited to the needs of clients. The adversarial culture of litigation meant that unnecessary delays and the deliberate running up of expenses were often used as a tactic to defeat the other side. In many types of disputes expensive expert witnesses were routinely produced by each side. Rather than helping the court to resolve a technical problem, these experts were seen as on the side of one or other of the parties and were subjected to partisan pressure by the other party`s lawyers. Lord Woolf`s report concluded that civil justice was in a state of crisis and recommendations were made for sweeping changes. Therefore, the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) were enacted in 1998 to improve access to justice by making legal proceedings cheaper, quicker, and easier to understand for non-lawyers.

The Civil Procedure Rules apply to all cases commenced after April 26, 1999 and are used by several types of courts. The County Court (or the Small Claims Court) deals with all but the most complicated claims for debt repayment, personal injury, breach of contract, family issues, housing disputes, i.e. mostly cases between people or companies who believe that someone owes them money. The magistrate`s courts also deal with many civil cases, mostly family matters plus liquor licensing and betting and gaming work. More complex civil cases are reserved for trial in the Divisional Courts of the High Court of Justice – the Family Division, the Chancery (property and money cases) and the Queen`s Bench Division (cases involving contracts and negligence). These also have the capacity to hear appeals from lower courts and tribunals (which decide the rights and obligations of private citizens towards each other and a public authority and are inferior to the courts) and bind the courts below them in the hierarchy. The Civil Division of the Court of Appeal (presided over by the Master of the Rolls), as the second highest tier in the English legal system, can reverse or uphold a decision of the lower civil courts. Because the volume of cases coming to the Court of Appeal is higher than that to the Supreme Court, the Master of the Rolls has been said to be the most influential judge in England. Finally, the Supreme Court, as the court of last resort, hears appeals on points of law of general public importance from many areas – commercial disputes, family matters, judicial review claims against public authorities and issues under the Human Rights Act 1998. Civil cases may leapfrog from the High Court to the Supreme Court, bypassing the Court of Appeal. Appellants must, however, apply for leave to appeal.

9. Прочитайте пункты А и B и найдите соответствия:

1. the Supreme Court

2. the Court of Appeal

3. Tribunals

4. the Divisional Courts of the High Court of Justice

5. the County Court

6. the Magistrates` Courts

a. the most complicated claims for debt repayment, personal injury, breach of contract, family issues, housing disputes, etc.

b. family matters, liquor licensing, betting and gaming work

c. property and money cases, cases of contract and negligence

d. the rights and obligations of private citizens towards each other and a public authority

e. appeals on points of law of general public importance – commercial disputes, family matters, etc.

f. the power to either reverse or uphold decisions of the lower civil courts

10. Расположите абзацы текста в смысловом порядке:

1) Types of courts that apply CPR.

2) The rules applied for hearing cases of a civil nature.

3) The improved access to justice.

4) The reasons for the Woolf reform.

11. Найдите русские эквиваленты из левой колонки английским эквивалентам из правой колонки:

1. civil lawsuit a. ходатайство

2. criminal trial b.обнаружение, раскрытие

3. pleading c. письменные показания под присягой, приобщение к

4. service of process d. уголовное судопроизводство

5. disclosure e. средство судебной защиты

6. deposition f. состязательная бумага

7. remedy g. судебное дело, иск, тяжба

Тут вы можете оставить комментарий к выбранному абзацу или сообщить об ошибке.

courts, and juries are not so often used in civil cases.

Most countries make a clear distinction between civil and criminal

procedure. For example, a criminal court may force a convicted defendant

to pay a fine as punishment for his crime, and the legal costs of both the

prosecution and defence. But the victim of the crime generally pursues his

claim for compensation in a civil, not a criminal, action. In France and

England, however, a victim of a crime may incidentally be awarded

compensation by a criminal court judge.

Evidence from a criminal trial is generally admissible as evidence in a

civil action about the same matter. For example, the victim of a road

accident does not directly benefit if the driver who injured him is found

guilty of the crime of careless driving. He still has to prove his case in a civil

action, unless the doctrine of collateral estoppel applies, as it does in most

American jurisdictions. In fact he may be able to prove his civil case even

when the driver is found not guilty in the criminal trial, because the standard

to determine guilt is higher than the standard to determine fault. However,

if a driver is found by a civil jury not to have been negligent, a prosecutor

may be estopped from charging him criminally.

Civil Procedure Rules in the UK.

Civil procedure law, being part of procedural law in general, comprises

the rules by which a court hears and determines what happens in civil proceedings.

In other words, civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the

process followed by courts when hearing cases of a civil nature (civil actions).

These rules govern how a lawsuit may be commenced, what kind of

service of process is required, the types of pleadings, applications and orders

allowed in civil cases, the conduct of trials, various available remedies, and

how the courts and clerks must function.

In the UK, in 1999 the Woolf reform radically overhauled procedure in

the civil courts. The reforms were brought about to give effect to the Woolf

report, which was produced by a committee chaired by Lord Woolf, the

Master of the Rolls. This report found that the civil justice system was slow,

expensive, bound by archaic procedures, excessively complicated and generally

ill-suited to the needs of clients. The adversarial culture of litigation

meant that unnecessary delays and the deliberate running up of expenses

were often used as a tactic to defeat the other side. In many types of disputes

expensive expert witnesses were routinely produced by each side.

Rather than helping the court to resolve a technical problem, these experts

were seen as on the side of one or other of the parties and were subjected to

partisan pressure by the other party’s lawyers. Lord Woolf`s report concluded

that civil justice was in a state of crisis and recommendations were made

for sweeping changes. Therefore, the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) were

enacted in 1998 to improve access to justice by making legal proceedings

cheaper, quicker, and easier to understand for non-lawyers.

Civil Procedure in the United States.

Civil procedure in the United States has three distinctive features. First,

it follows an adversarial model of dispute resolution. Parties initiate and

propel litigation in this model, and the judge, historically and at least in

theory, plays the relatively passive role of umpire. The burden is on the

parties to present their grievances and defences. Unlike in so-called

inquisitorial models of dispute resolution, the judge rarely makes

independent inquiries. The burden is also on the parties to prosecute their

grievances and defenses; litigation stops unless the parties pursue it. These

characteristics of the system of dispute resolution place on lawyers a heavy

responsibility for assuring justice and mastering civil procedure.

Second, civil procedure in the United States is dominated by positive

law: codi􀂿ed rules enacted by legislatures or their delegates. In contrast, the

substantive rules of decision taught in the other traditional first year courses

are more often doctrinal: declared by courts as part of the common law.

One difference between positive and common law lies in the materials

containing the legal rules. The common-law materials are almost entirely

judicial opinions, and the appropriate inquiry is: what rule best 􀂿ts the case?

In contrast, positive law materials are enacted laws or procedural rules and

legislative history. Emphasis in administering the latter is on their plain

words and (sometimes) legislative intent, in recognition of the superior lawmaking

authority of legislatures and their delegates.

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