Чарльз дарвин биография кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Чарльз Дарвин был всемирно известным ученым. Его теория эволюции открыла новую страницу в старой книге природы. Дарвин родился 12 февраля 1809 года в Англии. Отец был врачом, дедушка - философом и поэтом, но и природа его тоже интересовала.

Будучи мальчиком Дарвин мало интересовался школой, а позже, будучи студентом-медиком в университете, не очень любил медицину и вскоре решил, что не хочет стать врачом. Тогда он начал интересоваться биологией.

В 1831 году он присоединился к экспедиции на корабле, который отправлялся на тихоокеанские острова. Там Дарвин понял, что в жизни все может измениться со временем и развил свою знаменитую теорию эволюции. Чарльз Дарвин считал, что все формы жизни появились из одного живого организма.

Английский текст CHARLES DARWIN (Чарльз Дарвин)

Английский текст CHARLES DARWIN - Чарльз Дарвин - с переводом на русский будет интересен школьникам и студентам. Это краткая биография Чарльза Дарвина на английском и русском. Данный материал использует репетитор на своих занятиях по английскому языку в Тольятти. Репетитор поможет ученику овладеть английским в Тольятти. Репетитор проводит индивидуальные занятия в 6 квартале Автозаводского района г.Тольятти.

Charles Robert Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. His family was of the newly emerged, newly wealthy, provincial professional class. Early in his youth he demonstrated predilections for hunting, natural history, and scientific experimentation. In 1825, after public school education, he enrolled at Edinburgh University. His intention was to follow his father in the practice of medicine, but he soon found such studies rather distasteful.
Two years later Darwin enrolled at Christ's Col­lege, Cambridge to study theology – a subject which he didn't enjoy either, with the intention of a career in the Church of England. As at Edinburgh, he often neglected his studies. In spite of this, he managed to pass his examinations in 1831 and left Cambridge.

While pondering his future and whiling away the time hunting and exploring local natural history and geology, he was presented with an opportunity that would change the course of his life. John Henslow, Professor of Botany at Cambridge, had recommended him for a position on a British Navy survey vessel. The HMS Beagle was outfitting to sail on a two year coastal survey expedition to South America, and her captain was anxious to have a naturalist and gentleman companion on board. The voyage ended up lasting five years, during which time Darwin was able to explore extensively in South America and numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean, including the Galapagos.
On returning to England in 1836, Darwin set to work examining and disseminating the extensive collection of natural history specimens ac­quired during the voyage. He quickly established a reputation as an accomplished naturalist on the London scene. In 1839 he married Emma Wedgwood, and saw his journal of the voyage of the Beagle published. In 1842 he and Emma moved to Downe house, Kent where Emma would bear 10 children and she and he would live for the rest of their lives.
Shortly after his return to England Darwin had begun the first of his “species transmutation” notebooks. On his great adventure as the Beagle's naturalist Darwin had noted and begun to ponder certain aspects of the morphology and biogeography of the many species of plants and animals that he had observed. In particular, he had begun to explore the possibility, and eventually concluded, that species exhibited varying degrees of similarity because they are to varying degrees related. It appears that by 1838 his concept of descent with modification by the mechanism of natural selection was largely formed. And then he mostly, but not entirely, abandoned the enterprise for the time being.
However, in 1858 Darwin learned that a naturalist working in south Asia, Alfred Russell Wallace, was developing ideas about the evolution of species similar to his own. At the urging of friends he prepared a brief paper which was read before the Royal Society along with the paper Wallace had written. He then published in 1859 On the Origin of Species, which he considered an abstract of a larger future work.
During the remainder of his life Darwin continued his research, publishing three additional books on explicitly evolutionary topics, and other books on topics including climbing plants, insect-orchid mutualisms, and earthworms. The gentle and unassuming Charles Darwin, loving and devoted spouse and parent, dedicated scholar, intellectual giant, died at Downe House on April 19, 1882 with his wife Emma by his side.

Чарльз Роберт Дарвин родился 12 февраля 1809 года в Шрусбери, Англия. Его семья относилась к недавно появившемуся, недавно обогатившемуся, провинциальному профессиональному классу. В раннем детстве он продемонстрировал склонность к охоте, естествознанию и научным экспериментам. В 1825 после окончания частной школы, он поступил в Эдинбургский университет. Он хотел последовать за своим отцом и практиковать медицину, но вскоре обнаружил, что ему не нравится такая наука.
Через два года Дарвин поступил в Колледж Христа, Кембридж, чтобы изучать теологию - предмет, который ему также не понравился, чтобы служить в англиканской церкви. Как и в Эдинбурге, он часто пренебрегал учебой. Несмотря на это, он смог сдать экзамены в 1831 году и покинул Кембридж.

Английский язык в Тольятти

Репетитор по английскому в Тольятти (Автозаводский район) предлагает частные, индивидуальные уроки для школьников. Мы предлагаем подтянуть знания по английскому и подготовить к ЕГЭ в Тольятти.

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Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. He was the fifth child and second son of Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Wedgwood. Darwin was the British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. Like several scientists before him, Darwin believed all the life on earth evolved (developed gradually) over millions of years from a few common ancestors.

From 1831 to 1836 Darwin served as naturalist aboard the H.M.S. Beagle on a British science expedition around the world. In South America Darwin found fossils of extinct animals that were similar to modern species. On the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean he noticed many variations among plants and animals of the same general type as those in South America. The expedition visited places around the world, and Darwin studied plants and animals everywhere he went, collecting specimens for further study.

Upon his return to London Darwin conducted thorough research of his notes and specimens. Out of this study grew several related theories: one, evolution did occur; two, evolutionary change was gradual, requiring thousands to millions of years; three, the primary mechanism for evolution was a process called natural selection; and four, the millions of species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called "specialization."

Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) or "The Origin of Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.

Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions. Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well.

It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, temperance campaigner and evangelist Lady Elizabeth Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope's story was refuted by Darwin's daughter Henrietta who stated, "I was present at his deathbed . He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier."

Darwin had not planned to be a scientist. He wanted to become a doctor. But he was interested in plants and animals.
A friend who knew about Darwin's interest in nature invited him to take the trip. Charles was 22 when he left England for a five-year trip around the world.
This trip is a very important one in the history of science, for it led Darwin to write one of the worlds most famous books. The book is "The Origin of Species".
It gives Darwin's ideas of how all the plants and animals of today have come from the very simple plants and animals that first lived on the Earth. Darwin was seasick for much of the voyage, but he came back with the notes for his great book.
He visited the Galapagos Islands, Australia, New Zealand. There he saw many strange plants and animals.
These were Darwin's chief ideas: many more plants and animals are produced than can possibly live. There is no two plants and animals, even of the same kind, which would be exactly alike.
The idea that all the plants and animals of today came from the simple plants and animals of long ago is called "The theory of evolution"

Чарльз Дарвин

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