Abraham lincoln кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

He was born in 1809 in a small farm in Kentucky. When Abraham was quite young, the family moved to the wild forest land of Indiana. He hardly had any education; he only learned to read and write and do simple arithmetic. In 1830 Abraham left his father’s farm and went to Springfield, Illinois. There he became a clerk in a store and worked hard to improve his education. In 1836 he became a lawyer.

He entered politics, too, and in 1834 became a candidate to the Parliament of Illinois. He soon became a force in the political life. In 1847 he went as a Congressman to the National Assembly (National Parliament).

In 1860 Lincoln was elected President of the USA. In 1861 seven states left the Union and elected their own President, Jefferson Davis. The Confederacy was formed.

Lincoln was strongly against slavery and even more strongly against the break-up of the Union. In 1862 the American Civil War between the North and the South began.

At first the war went badly for the North. The Southerners headed by General Robert Lee and Colonel Jackson won some brilliant victories. But Lincoln did not lose courage. On April, 9 General Lee surrendered. The Civil War was over. Lincoln tried to convince former enemies that they should live in peace.

On April, 14 the President and his wife visited a theatre in Washington. During the performance Lincoln was shot by an actor who supported Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln died next morning.

People admire Lincoln for political moderation. They admire him because he tried to preserve the nation. He is a symbol of American democracy.

Lincoln was one of the most famous presidents of the USA. He was born in the family of a poor farmer in 1809 in Kentucky, but soon his family left for the wild forestland of Indiana. He was taught reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as his family could not afford better education. When he was 18, he went to New Orleans and there he saw a slave market. It made a deep impression on him and he began to hate slavery and he decided to fight against it. In 1830 he went to Springfield and became a clerk in a store. He learned much and greatly improved his knowledge. He entered politics and in 1832 became a candidate for the Parliament of the State. Soon he became a force in political life and in 1860 was elected President of the USA. He was an enemy of slavery. Some of the Southern States left the Union, and the war between the South and the North began. At first the war went badly for the North but Lincoln never lost his courage and soon they won. When the war was over, Lincoln issued a proclamation to say that slavery was abolished. Lincoln was well known all over America and everybody loved him. In 1864 he was elected President of the USA for the second time. But his enemies could not let him continue his work. He was shot in a theatre in Washington on April 14, 1865 and died the next day.

Биографии на английском

Авраам Линкольн краткая биография на английском языке поможет узнать о известном политике.

Авраам Линкольн биография на английском

Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and one of the great American leaders.

Abraham Lincoln was born on 12 February 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky. He was brought up in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. His parents were poor pioneers and Lincoln was largely self-educated.

As a young man, Lincoln worked a variety of jobs including shopkeeper, surveyor, and postmaster. For a time, he even split firewood with an axe for a living. He soon moved into politics and won a seat in the Illinois Legislature when he was 25.

In 1836, he qualified as a lawyer and went to work in a law practice in Springfield, Illinois. He sat in the state legislature from 1834 to 1842 and in 1846 was elected to Congress, representing the Whig Party for a term. In 1856, he joined the new Republican Party and in 1860 he was asked to run as their presidential candidate.

Lincoln won the 1860 election and was inaugurated as president in March of 1861. The southern states did not want Lincoln to be president. They did not agree with his policies. Before he was officially in office, they began to secede (leave the country). The first state to leave was South Carolina, but soon six more states followed and together they formed a new country called the Confederacy. This all happened after Lincoln won the election, but before he took the oath of office.

On January 1, 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This was an order that freed the slaves in the Confederate States. Although not all the slaves were immediately set free, it paved the way for the 13th Amendment which would free all slaves in the United States a few years later.

Today, Lincoln is often remembered for a short speech he gave at Gettysburg on November 1, 1863. It’s called the Gettysburg Address. It was only a few minutes long, but is considered one of the great speeches in American history.

The Civil War finally ended on April 9, 1865 when General Robert E. Lee surrendered at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Lincoln wanted the country to heal, forgive, and rebuild. He wanted to be generous to the southern states in helping them during the reconstruction. Unfortunately, he would not live to see the country rebuild.

President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play at the Ford Theatre in Washington D.C. He died the next day on April 15, 1865.

Fun Facts about Abraham Lincoln

Honest Abe was the tallest president at 6 feet 4 inches tall.

He set up a national banking system while he was president. He also established the Department of Agriculture.

He was known as a gifted storyteller and liked to tell jokes.

On the day he was shot, Lincoln told his bodyguard that he had dreamt he would be assassinated.

He was the first president who had a full beard.

He often stored things like letters and documents in his tall stove-piped hat.

Abraham Lincoln is the most famous example of the "American dream". Many Americans think that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position in their land. That was exactly what Lincoln did.

He was born in 1809 in a small farm in Kentucky. When Abraham was quite young, the family moved to the wild forest land of Indiana. He hardly had any education; he only learned to read and write and do simple arithmetic. In 1830 Abraham left his father's farm and went to Springfield, Illinois. There he became a clerk in a store and worked hard to improve his education. In 1836 he became a lawyer.

He entered politics, too, and in 1834 became a candidate to the Parliament of Illinois. He soon became a force in the political life. In 1847 he went as a Congressman to the National Assembly (National Parliament).

Slavery was then becoming a burning question in American politics. Many people in the Northern states waited to abolish it; the Southern states opposed the abolition. The Southerners said that it weald mean economic rain for them. The reason was mat the prosperity of the South was based on cotton-growing, and only Negroes worked there. The Southerners threatened that if the North didn't cease its fight against slavery, the Southern states would leave the Union. They wanted to form an independent "Confederacy".

In 1860 Lincoln was elected President of the USA. In 1861 seven states left the Union and elected their own President, Jefferson Davis. The Confederacy was formed.

Lincoln was strongly against slavery and even more strongly against the break-up of the Union. In 1862 the American Civil War between the Norm and the South began.

At first the war went badly for the North. The Southerners headed by General Robert Lee and Colonel Jackson won some brilliant victories. But Lincoln did not lose courage. On April, 9 General Lee surrendered. The Civil War was over. Lincoln tried to convince former enemies mat they should live in peace.

On April, 14 the President and his wife visited a theatre in Washington. During the performance Lincoln was shot by an actor who supported Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln died next morning.

People admire Lincoln for political moderation. They admire him because he tried to preserve the nation. He is a symbol of American democracy.

Abraham Lincoln was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, on 12th February, 1809. His family was poor, so Lincoln didn't go to school. He mostly studied at home. He used to borrow books or study the bible.

At the age of 22, Lincoln left Kentucky and moved to the village of New Salem in Illinois. There, he borrowed books and studied subjects such as grammar, history, mathematics and law. He also found a job as a store clerk.

Lincoln worked hard and soon became a lawyer. Everyone respected him because he was very honest. In 1842, he married a woman called Mary Todd. She gave birth to four sons, but only one of them survived to become an adult.

In 1862, Lincoln became the President of the United States of America. He wanted to stop slavery and he fought for human rights. In early 1863, he freed all the slaves in the USA.

Lincoln died in 1865, after a man called John Wilkes Booth shot him in a theatre in Washington. He is remembered as a great man and a great president.

Авраам Линкольн родился в Hodgenville, штат Кентукки, 12-го февраля 1809 года. Его семья была бедной, поэтому Линкольн не ходил в школу. Он в основном учился дома. Он брал использованные книги или изучал Библию.

В возрасте 22 лет, Линкольн оставил Кентукки и переехал в село Новый Салем в штате Иллинойс. Там он брал книги и изучал предметы, такие как грамматика, история, математика и права. Он также нашел работу в качестве продавца в магазине.

Линкольн работал и вскоре стал адвокатом. Все его уважали, потому что он был очень честным. В 1842 году он женился на женщине по имени Мэри Тодд. Она родила четырех сыновей, но только один из них выжил, чтобы стать взрослым.

В 1862 году, Линкольн стал президентом Соединенных Штатов Америки. Он хотел, остановить рабство, и он боролся за права человека. В начале 1863 года он освободил всех рабов в США.

Линкольн умер в 1865 году, после того, как человек по имени Джон Уилкс Бут выстрелил в него в театре в Вашингтоне. Его помнят, как великого человека и великого президента.

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