Спотлайт 7 класс конспект урока vanished

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Английский язык (Первый иностранный)

УМК: Spotlight. Английский в фокусе. О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, В.Эванс, 7 класс.

Дата урока

№ урока:

Класс: 7

Цели урока:

  • содержательная: расширение словарного запаса за счет включения в него новых лексических единиц;
  • деятельностная: формирование у обучающихся умений навыков структурирования и систематизации нововведенного лексического материала;
  • развивающая: развитие навыков прогнозируемого чтения и аудирования; развитие речевых способностей обучающихся и потребности в эстетическом совершенствовании речи


  • Обучающая: освоить новые лексические единицы по теме; совершенствовать умения, составляющие лингвистическую компетенцию: обогащать словарный запас путем освоения синонимов, антонимов, речевых клише и фраз, используемых при построении высказываний в устной и письменной речи; формировать умения сопоставлять языковые явления в изучаемом и родном языках.
  • Развивающая: развивать навыки речевой деятельности в планировании вербального и невербального поведения; развивать умения систематизации нового лексического материала с целью его осознанного употребления; развивать логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие; развивать навыки работы в группе, взаимо- и самоконтроля, самонаблюдения и самооценки.
  • Воспитывающая: воспитывать осознанное, уважительное и доброжелательное отношение к окружающим, их мировоззрению, культуре, языку; способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка

Планируемые результаты:

Тип урока: урок открытия новых знаний

Технология (элементы): технология проблемного обучения, игровая технология, элементы технологии развития критического мышления, здоровьесберегающая технология, системно-деятельностный подход, ИКТ-технология

Методы, приемы работы: коммуникативный метод обучения, метод языковой догадки, интерактивный метод

Оснащение урока:

Технологическая карта урока

Look at the pictures. What do you see? Can you name it? What do all these pictures have in common? You're right, they are all about detective stories.
Would you like to be detectives? Well, today we have a such opportunity. You know I've got a pen-pal in Britain. Yesterday I've got a video letter from him. He has got a problem and needs our help. Let's watch it! After watching let's try to guess the problem my friend John has.

(Смотрим) Can you explain the John's problem. Can you say where is Andy? Why? Right we don't have enough information.
So, if we are detectives today John's mysterious story (problem) will be our job.

Can you give the name for this mysterious case?
And what is our aim?
You are absolutely right. And what do we need to solve this case? (clues)
(Раздаю раб листы)We'll collect the materials in your worksheets. Sign it please.

We have the map (which children found in the story). We'll follow the map and at the end of the lesson we will check your results to get marks and badges of investigators. Don't waste the time and try to find the 1st clue!

Roma, read the 1st task please! Is it clear for you? Ok, let's do it. (включаю аудио)
Now read and repeat the words after me and check yourself.

Great! We've got the 1st clue! That is a secret spy-pen. I think it will be useful.
Well, we know the words let's try to use it!

Misha, read the 2nd task. Is it clear for you? Ok, let's do it. You have 3 minutes (пишут)
To check your answers swap your worksheets (меняются).
Now we're going to use a secret pen. One by one light the paper, find the answer and read one sentence aloud then give the pen to another cadet. Put "+" if it is correct. (читают)
Now we can count the points, (считают) Take back your worksheets. (забирают листы)

Excellent! You've got one more clue! That's an envelope.
But before we open it, let's have a rest!

Let's play Domino in groups. (играют)

Matvey, read the 3d task please! Is it clear for you?
We can open the envelope, there are the letters. You can use it to do the task IN PAIRS. You have 3 minutes (в парах делают).
Now collect your worksheets and exchange with another group. (меняются группами)
Check the answers and count the points. (включаю ответы) Take your worksheets back. Where are your mistakes?

We've got the clue! That is a CD with the 2nd part of John's video message. Let's Watch it!

(Включаю видео)
I have a question. Do you know what is the lie-detector? Let's use the lie-detector and do the next task.

Max, read the task. Is it clear for you? Ok, let's do it. You have 1 minute. (ОДНА МИНУТА делают сами)
Have you finished?
Look at the interactive board and check yourself. Count points

We're so close! We have the last task. Do you know who are the eyewitnesses? We need to get the info from eyewitnesses.

We have two groups: "Detectives" and "Eyewitnesses". One group ask another and then change the roles.

My congratulations! We've solved John's mysterious case! Let's revise what clues we have found.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения; освоение тематической лексики через контекст.

развитие свободной ориентации и восприятия текстов художественного стиля;

воспитание умения слушать и делать выводы.

Планируемые результаты:

формирование навыка осознанного и произвольного построение речевого высказывания (в устной и письменной форме)

формирование коммуникативной компетенции

развитие смыслового чтения, включая умения определять тему. Прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку/по ключевым словам, выделять основную мысль, главные факты;

Тип урока: Урок формирования предметных навыков, овладения предметными умениями

элементами решения практических, проектных задач.

Оборудование: МФУ, проектор, экран, smartboard

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

How are you? What is the weather like today?

Making a report.

We are fine. Today it’s rainy.

Hello, my dear students. What is the date today? Today we’ve got an usual lesson. We’ve some guests.

Today it’s the 22d of September.

You know I’ve got a penpalin Britain. Yesterday I’ve got a video letter from him. He has got a problem and needs our help. Would you like to watch it? After watching let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson and define the goals.

Постановка целей и задач

What is the main topic?

You are right. How do you think what we are going to do today?

You are absolutely right. We will play in detectives today. You will be divided into two teams an work in group. The winner group will get an excellent mark in the end of the lesson. On the screen you see the map that the children have found in the movie. We will follow it.

We will play today, we will revise and learn new words.

We will play in detectives. We will help the boy.

Work in groups. Put the events in the correct order.

Search for evidences and put them in the correct order.

2. What happened?

Answer the questions to clarify the situation.

3.Making clarifying. Work in pairs and carry out the task

4.Searching for evidences.

Listen to sounds and define if they took a place in the story.

5. A strange note.

Read the note and put the verbs in the correct tense.

What was the end?

Answer the questions in groups.

Work in pairs, make a puzzle.

Match the sound and its meaning.

Chose the correct form.

The boy was sleeping in a sofa.

Was the story interesting? Would you like to imagine something like this?

Yes, we want to imagine a story (complete a chain story one by one starting with a prepared beginning)

Now we are ready to count the results and put the marks. Moreover assess your work as well and the work of your group and teacher.

What have we done today?

Fill in the cards of reflection, assess their work, make an outcome of the lesson

Spotlight 7
Module 2 “Tale time”
2C “Vanished!”

Цели урока: развивать навыки распознавания и употребления ЛЕ по теме; активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся; развивать умения ознакомительного и поискового чтения; развивать умение понимания логики повествования; развивать навыки УУД в решении коммуникативной задачи; содействовать установлению в сознании обучающегося устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности; формировать познавательные мотивы обучающихся; развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели; активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.

Ход урока

Warm-up activity:
1.1 Study Tips: ask Ss to work with the topic vocabulary (genres). The task is to choose the word that is not connected with the given genre. ( слайд 2 )
1.2 Ask students to answer the questions. ( слайд 3 )

1. Do you like reading? (Yes, I do/No, I don’t)
2. What literary genres do you know? (ex. 1 p. 16)
3. What is your favourite literary genre?
4. Do you like to read scary stories? (Yes, I do/No, I don’t)

1.3 Ask students to read the title of the story and some phrases from it. Ask them to look at the pictures from the story. Ask them to guess the genre of the story. ( слайд 4)

Vanished !
Big old house
It was stormy outside
A powerful gust of wind
In the dark
Confused and scared

Key: I think it is a scary story.

2. Presenting vocabulary: ex. 1 p. 20
2.1 Ask Ss to read and translate the words, than list them alphabetically. ( слайд 5 )

Sigh – вздыхать (6)
Snore – храпеть (7)
Cry – плакать (2)
Gasp – вскрикнуть (3)
Laugh – смеяться (5)
Chat – болтать (1)
Storm – гроза (8)
Gust of wind – порыв ветра (4)
Whisper – шептать (9)
Yawn – зевать (10)

Relieved – успокоенный
Snooze – вздремнуть
Rub eyes
Lights went out
Power cut
Fast asleep – крепко спать

2.2 Ask Ss to find Russian equivalents of the following English phrases ( слайд 8 ):

  1. Смущенный
  2. Отключение электричества
  3. Свет выключился
  4. Мощный
  5. Уютный
  6. Успокоенный
  7. Вздремнуть
  8. Протереть глаза
  9. Бархатный
  10. Крепко спать

2.3 Ask Ss to listen to the text/to read it ( слайд 9 ). Then ask students to answer the questions from the text.
1. The children were in a big old house in the country/The children spent their weekend in a big old house in the country.
2. The weather was stormy/It was stormy outside.
3. Andy missed after a power cut.
4. The children were confused and scared.
5. They saw Andy sleeping on big velvet sofa.
2.4 Extra tasks: ask Ss to read the statements and decide whether they are true or false. Ask them to correct false sentences.

1. Last summer children decided to spend the weekend in a big old house (F).
2. It was the house of author’s grandparents (F).
3. It was stormy outside (T).
4. Children watched scary films (F).
5. Amy missed (F).
6. Andy was OK (T).

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  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Тема: Покупка билета в кино

Цель: способствовать совершенствованию фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков, развитию навыков чтения, аудирования, диалогической речи, продуктивного письма.

Развитие навыков коллективной учебной деятельности, умение работать в паре (группе)

Формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками в процессе учебной деятельности



Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативной задачи

Вести диалог этикетного характера в ситуации бытового общения


Развивать мотивы и интересы познавательной деятельности


Применять и преобразовывать модели и схемы для решения учебных и познавательных задач

Уметь различать и правильно употреблять Past Simple и Present Perfect

Овладевать навыками чтения, аудирования, диалогической речи, подготовить к продуктивному письму

Оборудование: учебник 7 класс, раздаточный материал

Организационный момент слайд 1

What is the day and the date today?

Актуализация знаний ( Warming-up)

Phonetic drill

I am a seventh grade student

I am a good student

I am talented student

I am trying to be the best student in the world

Слайд 3. Проверка грамматического материала . Walking sentences using ago yesterday last Sunday last week/month/year never always twice already just yet

I (to see) Alone at home film

I (to buy) on- line movie tickets

I (to read) Lord of the Rings

I (to shake) hands with famous actor

I (to be) the fan of Bruce Willis

Работа по теме урока

Вводная беседа по картинкам презентации

What can we see in the picture? Слайд 4

What people are doing? Слайд 5

What do you think what about we are going to speak today? Слайд 6

What kinds of films do you like? Слайд 7

Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? Слайд 8

What would you make a film about if you had a chance? Слайд 9

Let’s learn how to buy ticket at the cinema

Работа с новой лексикой слайд 10

It’s sold out – все продано

Is that for 7 pm or the 10 pm showing? – Это на сеанс 7 или 10 часов вечера ?

Ученики слушают и повторяют за диктором упр. 1 стр. 72 ( listening )слайд 11

Two tickets for King Kong at 6 pm, please

I’m afraid it’s sold out

Two tickets for 9 pm then, please.

Is that for 7 pm or the 10 pm showing?

That’s 12 pounds altogether, then.

Is there a discount for students?

Here are your tickets and your change.

Enjoy the movie!

Ученики выполняют задание в группе, а затем его проверяют по звукозаписи упр. 1в ( writing )

Учащиеся читают диалоги по парам ( reading )

2.5. Динамическая пауза. Simon Says


Учащиеся в парах выполняют упр. 3 стр.72 use the information to act out similar dialogues составляют собственные диалоги, используя предложения из упр. 1

Рефлексия слайд 12

Name 5 words from the lesson

Now I know how to ask questions buying a ticket

Now I can buy a ticket at the cinema

For homework You have 30 minutes to do this task. Слайд 13

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

I am very busy now preparing for my exams, but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it, too. …

What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching filmsin the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 90-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Thanks for your letter; it's nice to hear from you.

No/Yes, I have(n’t) seen that film yet/already/twice.

I like/don’t like to watch many kinds of movies: from _______ to the __________. My favorite genre is_____, because it’s very_______and______. I watch/don’t watch films almost every day at home, but I think/don’t think that watching them on wide screen is____________. All the special effects are impressing. If I make a film one day, it will be related with_____________. In other words, it will be very________.

Write back soon.

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II. Follow up Activities

1) Revising four types of question (in Past Simple Tense) min

2) Revising the vocabulary and getting acquaintance with new words 5 min

– listening to the text;

– answering the questions;

  • work with sounds;
  • true or false sentences based on the text;

– work with words from the text.

I. Greeting: Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. And before you sit I want everybody comes here and take a stripe with a question.

Далее ученики делятся по группам и рассаживаются за столы в соответствии с тем типом вопроса, который им достался.

And now we will check your home task. You practised the construction used to at home (проверка домашнего задания).

So we are coming to revising words from the wordlists and will get an acquaintance with words what will be in the today’s text. Open your dictionaries, wordlist 2a, 2b. (Учитель называет вразброс слова по-английски, ученики должны дать перевод).Ok, and some new words for today from a wordlist 2c. Don`t you forget to look in translation (Учитель читает слова по-английски, ученики повторяют вслед за ним).

One Saturday last winter, my best friend Amy, Maria, Greg, Andy and I decided to spend the weekend in my uncle’s big house in the country. It was stormy outside, so we decided to spend a cosy evening chatting together in the living room downstairs.

We all looked at each other confused and scared, because no one had seen Andy leave the room. We felt our way around the house, calling Andy, but there was no reply. We want back to the living room and tried to think of what to next. Just then, there was a loud snore from the corner of the room. At that moment, the lights came back on. There was Andy, fast asleep on a big, velvet sofa!

T: Ok, children, now you know what this story is about. Tell the plot of this story in your own words. (Дети говорят, как поняли текст, рассказывают сюжет).

  1. Where were the children? (Students give the answer: The children were in a big old cosy house in the country).
  2. What was the weather like? (Students: It was stormy).
  3. What happened to Andy? (Students: Andy was missing).
  4. How did the children feel? (Students: They were confused and scared).
  5. What happened when the lights came back on? (Students: The children found out Andy – he awoke and tell to the children that he was sleeping).

Well, students, I’m glad to your answers. And our next task will be unusual enough. You will listen to the sounds then you’ll need to match these sounds with its names. At first we will know the names of some sounds. Look at the board. In a left column there are names of sounds in English and in a right column –in Russian. Let we match them. (Данное задание выполняется при помощи интерактивной доски. Дети зачитывают вслух названия звуков по-английски и подбирают к ним русский эквивалент).

Sigh – вздыхать Chat – общаться

Snore – храпеть Storm – шторм, гроза

Cry – плакать, кричать Gust of wind – порыв ветра

Gasp – издать возглас удивления Whisper – шептаться

Laugh – смеяться Yawn – зевать

Ok, now you got knowledge about sounds ’ names, so we can make our exercise – listening to the sounds. (Ребята слушают звуки и подбирают к ним названия).

Well done, children, you were ok.

And in our next task you need to compare the statements on the whiteboard with the text and tell whether they are true or false or not stated. Also you need to correct wrong statements:

  • It was a Saturday evening and there were 5 children. True
  • They didn’t want to go out so they decided to spend that evening in the dining room. False – The children decided to spend that evening in the living room.
  • Greg didn’t know why the light went out. False – Greg said that light had gone out because of power cut.
  • The house was 20 miles from Oxford. Not stated
  • Andy was fast asleep and snored on a big velvet sofa. True
  • Andy didn’t want to listen to their stories and that’s why he crawled to the sofa. False – Andy crawled to the sofa because he felt like a snooze.

Questions of different types for dividing into groups

Was the house old?

Did children decide to spend the weekend in John’s uncle house?

Did anybody feel himself scared?

Was any ghost in the house?

When did friends spend the weekend in John’s uncle house?

How many people were in the John’s uncle house?

Whom did children lost in a dark room?

Whose house was it?

Was Andy a boy or a girl?

Did the children find out Andy or not?

Were the children in a dark or in a lightning room before a power cut?

Did the children laugh or cry?

Andy fell asleep, didn’t he?

Amy, Maria, Greg, Andy and John were best friends, weren’t they?

The children weren’t angry with Andy, were they?

The children were very relieved, weren’t they?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Повторяем времена английского глагола: The Present Simple Tense и The Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense и Present Perfect Tense

Простая таблица, которая поможет при изучении Настоящего Завершенного(Совершенного) времени в английском языке. В данной таблице указаны различия между прошедшим простым и настоящим завершенным времен.


Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе.

The Past Progressive and Past Simple Tenses

Употребление времен группы Past в предложениеях.

Карточки по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса: Grammar Activities. Comparison of The Past Simple Tense and The Present Perfect Tense.

Знание грамматики является необходимым условием успешного овладения иностранным языком. Каждый учитель заинтересован в том, чтобы сделать изучение правил по грамматике увлекательным, инт.

Технологическая карта урока. Мы прекрасно провели время. Сравнение Past Simple Tense and Past Progressive Tense

Урок для 5 класса (III четверть) по УМК В.П.Кузовлева.

Презентация к уроку Мы прекрасно провели время. Сравнение Past Simple Tense and Past Progressive Tense

Презентация к уроку "Мы прекрасно провели время. Сравнение Past Simple Tense and Past Progressive Tense" (5 класс 3 четверть УМК Кузовлев В.П.).

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