Конспект уроку україна з англійської мови

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Название работы: Україна. Життя молоді, План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9-х класів

Категория: Конспект урока

Предметная область: Иностранные языки, филология и лингвистика

Описание: People Підтема: Україна. re ll young people like Of course not. Thts why teengers esily come under the influence of other people. Young people re crzy bout music.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-15

Размер файла: 23.9 KB

Работу скачали: 56 чел.

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9 -х класів

Тема: Життя суспільства. Люди. Social Life . People

Підтема: Україна . Життя молоді .

Мета: Підготувати учнів до самостійного усного висловлювання про життя молоді України на основі прослуханого тексту.

Обладнання: підручник , "Plan of Pupils' report" ( НО ,), текст "Life of Youth in Ukraine" (H0 2 ), "True or False” (H0 3 ), на дошці лексика для гри "Hurry up!".


Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: We are going to talk about life of youth in Ukraine. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

  1. to tell and participate in common conversational exchanges about the life of youth our country based on the context of the text and your personal experience;
  2. to operate lexical material about Ukraine in new situations.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Учні розділяються на дві команди та шикуються в дві шеренги.

On one side of the blackboard the teacher writes a list of 20 known words for team A, and the same words in a different sequence on the other side for team B.

The teacher calls out one of the words, and one member of each team runs to the blackboard to cross out that word on his team's side of the blackboard. They do it in turn.

Who will be first to cross out all the words? For crossing the correct word the first team gets one point.


Oral Practice 1. Висловлювання учнів за запропонованою ситуацією.

Т: You're taking part in the international conference on the maintenance of the political stability in European countries. Tell about the political structure of Ukraine.

Plan of your report

To begin with use the following.

1) Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen!

І consider it a high honour to participate in the work of this conference.

My report centers about. (deals with. is oriented forward to. )

2) I'd like to draw your attention to. It must be stressed here.

It is of importance to note.

3) And now all that remains for me to say. Thank you for attention!

Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання " Life of Youth in Ukraine ".

Текст пропонується замість виконання впр. 19, 20, 21 (стор. 11), оскільки частина тексту про промисловість України відпрацьована на уроці 3.

Life of Youth in Ukraine

Youth is the future of our country.

Are all young people alike? Of course, not. But they have got similar problems.

They want to go their own way, have their own style of clothes, even their own language — youth slang.

They want to be independent from their parents and teachers. But they don't know how to do that. Often parents are too busy earning money for bringing up and educating their children. They can't give their children attention and understanding.

That's why teenagers easily come under the influence of other people. They fi idols among famous singers, sportsmen, actors and politicians. They try to copy the blindly from hairstyles and clothes to bad habits as smoking and even using drugs.

Young people are crazy about music. They organize their own fan clubs.

But a lot of them are talented, creative.

Young people dream of highly-paid jobs, of better life. They are interested studying foreign languages and have excellent computer-operating skills.

Some of them are interested in politics.

Many youth clubs and organizations are founded which unite young people accordion to their interests.

They are the Plast scout organization, "The student's League", "Young socialists "Green Peace" and others.

The Ukrainian scout (Plastuns) movement was organized in 1911. The goal of tl organisation is to bring up and educate Ukrainian Youth in the best possible manner.

Plast took scouting by Lord Powell as its prime example. In 1930 the organisatic was banned. Now it is being revived.

"Youth socialists" is the organization of young people who share the views of socialism They support the policy of the socialist Party of Ukraine.

A lot of young people in Ukraine are active in the movement of the greens.

The members of the "Green Peace" organization stand for preserving safe environment They fight against the destruction of flora and fauna on the Earth.

Youth is really the future of our country.

1) Pre - Reading Activities . Етап підготовки до читання тексту.
Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Are all young people alike?

Do they have similar problems?

How can they express their self-identity?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. All young people are alike.
  2. Young people know how to become independent from their parents and teachers.
  3. Young people are crazy about music.
  4. Young people do not dream of better life.
  5. The Ukrainian scout movement was organized in 1930.
  6. The "Green Peace" organization fight against the destruction of flora and fauna on the Earth.

3) Post-Reading Activities with a focus on speaking. Перевірка розуміння прочитаного та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ. Висловлювання учнів за запропонованою ситуацією.

Т: You ' re a participant of a Summer Language Retreat . Young people from different countries gathered here. Tell you new friends in the Retreat about the life of youth in Ukraine. Make a plan.

  1. Are all young people alike?
  2. Do they have similar problems?
  3. How do the young people express their self-identify?
  4. What are they interested in?
  5. What are their dreams?
  6. Are there any organization in Ukraine?
  7. What are their aims?

T: Make a short report about the life of youth in Ukraine, using the contents of the text, your plan and your own personal experience.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Підготувати усне повідомлення про життя молоді в Україні з опорою на текст і план повідомлення, зроблений на уроці.

Використовуючи таблицю часових форм дієслова в англійській мові на стор. 125 ( Reference Grammar ), виконати письмово впр. 22 (стор. 11).

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Т: What have we done today?

Do you like to talk about the problem of young people? Is it easy or difficult to be a teenager?

А также другие работы, которые могут Вас заинтересовать

Урок направлен на обобщение и закрепление изученного материала, цель которого развивать любовь и уважение к своей Родине.

Описание разработки

AIM: - to practice pronunciation of words to describe Ukraine;

- to develop speaking, listening and dialogucal skills using active vocabulary of the topic;

- to practice the use of Present Tenses;

ECQUIPMENT: a map of Ukraine, copy- books, books, cards, pictures of different cities of Ukraine and their places of interest.

Виховна мета: Виховувати повагу та любов до Батьківщини.


1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Привітання.

T: - Good morning children. How are you?

Ps: - Good morning, good morning,

good morning to you,

good morning, good morning,

we are glad to see you.

Ps: - I’m good, I’m fine, I’m OK.

T: - Children, there are two cards on your desks. Show me what is your mood. Do you have a good mood or bad?

2. Description of the weather.

(Учні описують погоду) – 3 хвилини.

(EX). P1: - To my mind the weather is good because the sun is not shining, the sky is grey, the wind is blowing, it’s gold. But it is winter and it is not snowing.

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Украина - наш дом

3. To practice the use of the phrase “ I am sorry, you are mistaken”.

T: - The sun is shining.

P1: - I’m sorry, you are mistaken. The sun is not shining.

T: - The wind is not blowing.

P2: - I’m sorry, you are mistaken. The wind is blowing.

T: - Let’s revise the poem “ EVERY DAY”.

Every day every day, little children like to play.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

T: - Children, who is on duty today?

T: - What day is it today?

N: - Today is Thursday, the fourth of February.

T: - OK. Natalia, everybody are present or somebody is absent today?

N: - Everybody are present today.

Полную информацию смотрите в файле.

Содержимое разработки


TOPIC: Ukraine our home.

AIM: - to practice pronunciation of words to describe Ukraine;

to develop speaking, listening and dialogucal skills using active vocabulary of the topic;

to practice the use of Present Tenses;

ECQUIPMENT: a map of Ukraine, copy- books, books, cards, pictures of different cities of Ukraine and their places of interest.

Виховна мета: Виховувати повагу та любов до Батьківщини.

1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Привітання.

T: - Good morning children. How are you?

Ps: - Good morning, good morning,

good morning to you,

good morning, good morning,

we are glad to see you.

Ps: - I’m good, I’m fine, I’m OK.

T: - Children, there are two cards on your desks. Show me what is your mood. Do you have a good mood or bad?

2. Description of the weather.

(Учні описують погоду) – 3 хвилини.

(EX). P1: - To my mind the weather is good because the sun is not shining, the sky is grey, the wind is blowing, it’s gold. But it is winter and it is not snowing.

3. To practice the use of the phrase “ I am sorry, you are mistaken”.

T: - The sun is shining.

P1: - I’m sorry, you are mistaken. The sun is not shining.

T: - The wind is not blowing.

P2: - I’m sorry, you are mistaken. The wind is blowing.

T: - Let’s revise the poem “ EVERY DAY”.

Every day every day, little children like to play.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

T: - Children, who is on duty today?

T: - What day is it today?

N: - Today is Thursday, the fourth of February.

T: - OK. Natalia, everybody are present or somebody is absent today?

N: - Everybody are present today.

4. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: - Today’s our topic is “Ukraine our home”.

We are going to speak about Ukraine, we’ll make up dialogues using the Present Continuous and Present Perfect Tense, read and do some exercises. We’ll also listen to the text about Kyiv which is the capital of our country.

2. Основна частина уроку.

T: - People say “ East or West home is the best”. What can you tell me about this proverb? How do you understand it?

N: - Ukraine is the place where my parents live.

Alex: - Ukraine is the place where I go to school.

Sergei: - I have got my friends here.

Kate: - Ukraine is the place where I was born.

T: - I think your understanding is right. I’m agree with you. Ukraine is really our home. Children which poems about Ukraine do you know?

Alex: - We live in Ukraine, a beautiful land,

It’s home for me and you my friend,

It’s towns and villages are so nice,

The Ukrainian people are wise.

Sergei: - I met a crane one sunny day,

Where do you live, I asked the crane,

Where do you live, I asked the crane,

My home is here in Ukraine.

Natalia: - You can go to the East,

You can go to the West,

But at home it is better,

But at home it is the best.

T: - Thanks. Well done. Ukraine is really our home. So before we’ll start to speak about Ukraine let’s revise the words from our previous lessons.

Find the right translation of the words.

a life a) территория

a country b) Черное море

a culture c) жизнь

an emblem d) культура

a capital f) страна

a custom g) столица

a tradition h) традиция

a region i) район, регион

10) a flag j) независимый

independent k) государство

a state l) родина

the Black Sea m) город

native land n) трезубец

a trident o) обычай

16) a city p) флаг

17) a territory q) символ

T: - We’ve repeated all these words and now let’s work in groups. Alexander, Sergei, Natalia go to the blackboard. The other pupils do the task one. (3 хвил).

T: - Natalia, you have to put words in right position making a word.

1) L P A T C A I –Capital

2) T S T A E – State

3) L F G A – Flag

4) T D T N E R I – Trident

5) F L I E – life

T: - Alexander, you have to find the mistakes and correct them.

2) the Bleck See,

T: - Sergei, you have to restore the words using the translation.

(3 учня працюють біля дошки 4 хвилини, інші діти виконують впр.1)

T: - Look at the blackboard. There are some words on it. Try to make up sentences from the following words.

3) an independent…

4) the Black Sea…

P1: - Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.

P2: - Ukraine is our country.

P3: - Ukraine is an independent country.

P4: - It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

T: - Well done. Now let’s try to make up the description of Ukraine using the map of Ukraine, pictures and cards. Children go to the blackboard. Helen, Klava, Vova you have to construct the questions to your classmates using the cards.

(На дошці написані також опорні слова: is washed by, a territory, population, to border on, a capital, an emblem, places of interest).

Ivan: - Ukraine is in the centre of Europe.

Sergei Makashov: - It’s territory is 603,7 thousand square kilometers.

Kate: - The population is 46 million people.

Alex.: - Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary.

Natalia: - It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

Valia: - The main rivers are the Bug, the Dnieper, the Dniester and others.

Nadia: - The capital of our country is Kyiv.

Valia: - The biggest cities are Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa etc.

Sergei Makashov: - Ukraine is an independent country.

Kate: - There are two colors on our national flag: Yellow and Blue.

Alex.: - The state emblem is a trident.

Nadia: - Ukraine has a lot of places of interest.

Sergei Karadzeli: - The climate is mild and damp. Winter is not very cold and summer is not so hot.

1. What is the capital of Ukraine?

2. What is the population of Ukraine?

3. What countries does Ukraine border on?

T: - Good, thanks. Take your sits. Let’s do the task 2 (two) on your papers.

You have to read the text and understand it. Then you’ll do the exercise 3 (three). (5 хвилин).

2. Read the text


Ukraine is in the centre of Europe. It is a large country. Its territory is 603,7 thousand square kilometers. The population is 47 million people. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. In the South it is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The main rivers are the Bug, the Dniester, the Dnieper and others. The capital of our country is Kyiv. Kyiv is a big and beautiful city. The biggest cities are Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa etc. Ukraine is an independent country. The 24-th of August is the Independence Day in Ukraine. There are two colours on our National Flag – Yellow and Blue. The state emblem is a trident. Ukraine has a lot of places of interest. For example: St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Kyivo-Pecherskaya Lavra, the monument of Taras Shevchenko etc. The climate of Ukraine is mild and damp. Winter is not very cold. Summer is not very hot. People of Ukraine are talented, hard-working, friendly.

3. Complete the sentences

1. Ukraine is in the… 2. Its territory is… 3. It borders on… 4. The population is… 5. The main rivers are… 6. It has a lot of… 7. The climate of Ukraine is…

T: - Do the exercise 4 (four).

4. Answer the questions 1. What is the capital of Ukraine? 2. What countries does Ukraine border on? 3. What is the state emblem of Ukraine? 4. How many colours does our National Flag have? 5. Would you like to visit Kyiv?

T: - Fine children. We have done a lot of exercises. You’ve worked hard. You are brave young men! Are you tired?

T: - Let’s do the morning exercises. Natalia go to the blackboard.

A) Morning exercises.

Hands on your hips,

Hands on your knees,

Hands behind you, if you please,

Touch your shoulders,

Touch your nose,

Touch your ears,

Touch your toes,

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on hips and sit down.

B) Pronunciation drill. Sound “ S”.

- She sells sea shells on the sea shore.( 3 times)

- Swan is swimming over the sea,

Swim – swam – swim,

Swan is swimming back again,

Swim – swam – swim.

T: - So children try to make up dialogues using the Present Continuous and Present Perfect Tense. For example, Natalia is in Kyiv and Alexander is in the village.

1. Alex.: - Hello Natalia. How are you?

N.: - Hi Alexander. I’m fine, thanks and you?

Alex.: - I’m good. Haven’t heard you for a long time. What are you doing?

N.: - I’m near Khreshatyk. It’s a very beautiful street. I’m walking with my parents now.

Alex.: - Oh, it’s fine. I’d like to see this place too.

N.: - Don’t get upset. I think you’ll come to Kyiv soon.

Alex.: - OK. Good luck Natalia. Good bye.

T: - Well done. The dialogue between Sergei and Valia.

2. Ser.: - Hi Valia. How are you today?

V.: - Hi. I’m good and you?

Ser.: - I’m fine. I’m doing my homework. I’m learning the information about Kyiv.

V.: - Oh, really. We have learned the information about Ukraine today. OK, I’ll call you later. Bye Sergei.

T: - You are brave young men! Fine. So children you know that Kyiv is the capital of our country. I’ll read the text “Kyiv”. You have to listen to it and do the exercise 5 on your paper.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine. Kyiv is a large political, industrial and scientific centre. Its population is 3 million people. It is situated on the band of the Dnieper River, the longest river of Ukraine.

Khreshchatyk is one of the widest and most beautiful streets in our country. St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Church of St. Andrew, Sophia’s Cathedral, Golden Gates, Askold’s Grave and many other ancient monuments attract attention of visitors.

Kyiv is the seat of the Supreme Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers.

The citizens of Kyiv as well as of the whole Ukraine are proud of their capital.

5. Mark the statements True or False.

1. Donetsk is the capital of Ukraine. (F)

2. It’s population is 2 million people. (F)

3. The Dnieper is the longest river of Ukraine. (T)

4. Khreshchatyk is one of the most beautiful street. (T)

5. The citizens of Kyiv do not proud of their capital. (F)

T: - So we’ve got the information about Kyiv. We’ve done the exercise. Let’s divided into 2 groups: “Spring” and “Summer”.

“Spring” group has to make a “MIND MAP”.

“Summer” group has to make up sentences in Present Continuous and Present Perfect Tense.

T: - Children, at the end of the lesson you have to write the test.


1. What is the capital of Ukraine?

2. The population of Ukraine is… million people.

3. It’s territory is… thousand square kilometers.

4. What is one of the most beautiful streets in our country?

5. What colours are on our National Flag?

a) Green and Blue

b) Yellow and Blue

c) Blue and White

6. Ukraine is washed by the…

3. Заключна частина уроку.

Homework: Do the ex. 3, 4. Page 119 (in a written form)

Marks: (EX.) Sergei you’ve worked hard and was very attentive. That’s why you’ve got 11, etc.

T: - Children show me what is your mood using your cards. Is it good or bad?

SUMMARIZATION: Children today we’ve spoken about Ukraine and Kyiv. We’ve read, made up dialogues, had a talk, done exercises. Do you like the lesson? The lesson is over. Stand up. Good bye.


Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

народу та зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, практикувати навики учнів у створені проектів.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань

Обладнання: Підручник Oksana Karpiuk “English 11”,

презентація “Ukrainian traditional cuisin”( виконана в

Microsoft Power Point), роздатковий матеріал:

картки з новою лексикою та підстановчими

вправами, картки з вправами на аудіювання

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1) Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: Good morning, dear pupils! I hope, you are in a good mood

and everything is ready for the lesson.

I believe you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson because the topic of

it is “Ukrainian cuisine”.

To reach our aim we’ll learn the new words, practise

our skills in listening , reading and speaking as well.

You’ll get the additional information about our national

Firstly , I ask you to take the cards and make the sentences. These sentences are sayings and you have to explain them.

2) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T: I suppose everybody is interested in the topic of today’s

lesson because one can hardly live without food. Food was,

is and will always be an important thing for inhabitants of our pla-

net Earth.It keeps them living, gives energy for growth,

mental and physical work. It is known that one should eat

to live, not live to eat. There is a wide choice of food in the

However, eating habits differ from country to country.

That’s why for us , Ukrainians, it’s very important to know

our national cuisine and to tell the foreigners about it.

By the way, can you tell me:

What meals do you know?

What dishes do you know?(give as many names as you can)

What fruit and vegetables do you know?

What dishes is our country famous for?

Do you enjoy Ukrainian dishes?

Why is Ukrainian food healthy?

Why is it harmful to eat junk food?

II. Основна частина уроку

T: To be a real Ukrainian you have to know as more as you can about our traditional Ukrainian food. And our presentation will help us to do it.

(перегляд презентації з коментарями вчителя)

1 слайд—Food is an important part of Ukrainian culture

Ukrainian cuisine has developed over many centuries. It was mainly based on the products obtained from farming. Ukrainians have been growing rye (рай), wheat(віт), barley(балі), buckwheat and oats

3 слайд—In general, food in Ukraine is divided into two groups: casual (ко;зел)and festive.

4 слайд—Festive meals

5 слайд—тематичні малюнки

7 слайд—Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its huge variety of all kinds of dishes, ranging from soup to sweets.

8 слайд—First Dishes

9 слайд—тематичні малюнки

10 слайд—Main dishes

Salads( olivye, vinigret, kvasheni ovochi)

Breads(paska, babka, kalach,palyanytsya,pampushki)

11 слайд—тематичні малюнки

12 слайд—Varenyky , perohy,pyrizhky, holubtsi, pechenya, fish, kasha, potato, guliash, kovbasa, salo, kotlety, deruny, kruchenyky

wine, beer, horilka

Syrnyky, cakes, halushki, zhele

15 слайд—Ukrainians are famed for their hospitality

A number of restaurants, bars and cafes have opened offering excellent food at reasonable prices with standards of service to match. They are waiting for you.

2. Пред’явлення тексту для читання

1) Етап підготовки до читання тексту

T: In this text you’ll find the following lexical units. They are written on the cards:

a fixed price—закріплена ціна

abundant—якого багато, в достатній кількості

2) Етап читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст ex. 2, p.102-104(pupil’s book)

T: While reading the text try to understand its main ideas and pay attention to the sentences with new words. Match the paragraphs(1-6)

with the headings(A-F).There is an extra heading

A Restaurants in the City Centre

B A Wide Choice of Drinks

C Fast Food System Is at Your Service

D Ukrainian Mineral Waters and Juices

E Enjoy the Ukrainian Cuisine

F How Much to Pay?

1. Restaurant business has been developing rapidly in Kyiv. As a rule, restaurants open at 11:00 and work until midnight; actually, nowadays most of them close even later — "when the last customer is gone". In Kyiv restaurants experienced masters of cuisine will offer you a wide choice of dishes to suit any taste. If you want to have supper at a certain restaurant, instead of eating elsewhere, it is best for you to order a table in advance. The cheapest supper will cost you about $10. During lunchtime (from noon to 3 p.m.) many restaurants and cafes offer a so-called business lunch: a set menu at a fixed price. Business lunch prices vary between UAH 40 ($5) and UAH 176 ($22).

2. Also at your service there is a network of Ukrainian Shvydko restaurants of fast food which offer a choice of dishes of traditional Ukrainian cuisine: varenyky (dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, etc.), salads, beer and juices. You can also have a cheap and tasty dinner at a Domashnia Kuhnia ('domestic cuisine') quality food complex. If you want something more customary, you can go to a McDonald's, a Mister Snack sandwich bar or a pizzeria.

3. The city centre is particularly abundant in restaurants, cafes and bars. Each restaurant is noted for an original interior and a distinctive cuisine. We do hope that in our list of restaurants you will find the right one for you: American, Italian, German, French, Japanese, etc.

4. Ukrainian food restaurants are presented in a separate section at the top of the list. Ukrainian cuisine is rich in traditions. At restaurants specialising in Ukrainian food you will have a chance to taste the famous Ukrainian Borshch — a savory red-coloured soup whose ingredients are minced beet, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. Borshch is always garnished with sour cream. As a rule, borshch is eaten with pampushky, small rolls rubbed with garlic. Kulish is a dish of millet cooked in meat soup; lard, onion and garlic are added to the dish before it can be served. Pechenia is stewed pork and potatoes (to which mushrooms or vegetables can be added). This dish is served in a clay pot. Carp in Sour Cream is fried riverine fish (carp)with sour cream sauce. Also very tasty is Chicken Kyiv, chicken rissoles fried in dough rolled in breadcrumbs. Of the many hors d'oeuvres a good choice is cold pork, usually served with

side dishes of vegetables. Coming to the sweets we would recommend Cherry varenyky, an old Ukrainian dish. They are delicious, especially when served with cream.

5. In addition to dishes, you can order Ukrainian-made drink. Excellent wines (red as well as white; dry as well as stronger) are manufactured by such companies as Zolota Amphora (Dnipropetrovsk), Koktebel and Maharach. Ukrainian beer — Obolon, Slavutych, Chernihivske, Lvivske is also just as good as the European brands. We also recommend you to taste Ukrainian-made juices such as Halychyna, Sandora or Smak. Not inferior to Fanta or Sprite are Ukrainian nonalcoholic drinks Rosynka-Ginseng, Zhyvchyk-Apple or Zhyvchyk-Lemon. Good at refreshing and quenching thirst are mineral waters Obolon, Sofia Kyivska and Bon Aqua. There is a wide choice of medicinal mineral waters as well: Myrhorodska, Morshynska, Truskavetska, Poliana Kvasova, etc.

3) Виконання післятекстових завдань

T: Read the text again and say if the statements are true or false

1. Most of the restaurants work 24 hours a day in Kyiv.

2.Business lunch is a set menu at a fixed price.

3.Domashnia Kuhnia is a very expensive restaurant.

4. Ukrainian food restaurants are located in the city centre.

5. Pechenia is served in a clay pot.

6. Ukrainian beer is not worse than other European brands.

7. Fanta and Sprite are Ukrainian-made juices.

4) Активізація лексики

T: Fill in the gaps with the words from Word file(робота з картками)

White bread is generally. in nutritional value.

You should add garlic and onion to the . meat.

The food was. and delicious.

This wine possesses a unique. .

The salad. with radishes, tomatoes and lettuce looked very colourful.

We were presented with the. bottle of champagne.

The. was cozy but unheated.

The dish was making more. than expected.

This French wine has a . aroma and colour.

5) Створення проектів.

5) a) Розвиток навичок усного мовлення

T: That’s enough. It’s high time to go to the restaurant or to

the cafe. Do you often go there? Look at the menus and

guess where they come from

1. a pizzeria 3. a fast- food restaurant

2.a business-class flight 4. a British pub

Hungarian goulash with rice Appetisers Spaghetti carbonara Main course Cod, chips and peas Chicken stuffed with ricolla Roast lamb with roast potatoes, cheese served with ratatouille

peas and carrots salmon and tuna bake served Chicken curry and rice with bechamel sauce

Cheeseburger, chips and salad Dessert

Vegetarian terrine made with goat's cheese White chocolate mousse with

and aubergines orange segments

A range of wines, minerals and

spirits are

Range of sandwiches and salads available from the bar



b) T: Match the dishes with the appropriate ingredients

1. Hungarian goulash is made with

2. Ratatouille is made with

3. Ratafia is made from

4. Pasta is made from

5. A seafood cocktail is served with

6. Hamburgers are often served with

a) a mayonnaise dressing

b) beef and vegetables

d) tomatoes and lettuce

e) flour, eggs and water

f) red peppers, aubergines and courgettes

b) T: Work in pairs.Imagine that you come to one of these places. The waiter comes to you and you make your order

ІІІ. Завершальна частина уроку

Підбиття підсумків уроку

T: Dear friends! I hope you have learnt a lot of useful and interesting information at our today’s lesson. I think you will use these skills some day in a real situation

T: You should make your own menu for the foreigners to introduce our Ukrainian cuisine, learn new words and revise grammar( indirect speech). See you soon.

(And to our lesson was more interesting, I decided to follow the program “Controller” Look at the screen , as you understand I divided you into two teams, every team has its own name of the restaurant. By the end of the lesson we will define the winner.)

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Физкультура в школе нужна для физического развития школьников, как воспитательная составляющая и озд. Подробнее.

Материал поможет расширить представления детей о весеннем празднике – 8 Марта.Учащиеся познакомятся . Подробнее.

Пройдите курс дополнительного образования по теме: Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях

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  • В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

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