Конспект уроку контрольне аудіювання 8 клас

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Ц е ль — с о з да ть у сл ов ия д л я з н а к ом ст в а с ше де в р а м и м и ро в о г о зо дч е с т в а.

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р о л и и м е ст а а р хи т е к ту р ы в м и р о в ом и с к ус ст в е .

Т и п ур ок а – ур ок с о о б ще н ия н ов ых з на ни й

З р ит ел ь н ы й р я д: п р е з е н т а ц и я п о д а н н о й т е ме .

Литературный ря д: Церковь П окрова на Н ерли . Сергей Лео нтьев

Музыкальный ряд: Му жской хор византийск ого ц пения q uot Святая

I эт ап -- о рг аниз аци онн ый . П ри в е тс тви е, п ров ерк а го тов нос т и кл ас с а к

III э тап п одг от овк а уч ащ ихс я к раб оте н а осн овн ом этап е. Б ес е д а .

Практическая цель: развитие умения аудировать с детальным пониманием прослушанного.

Сопутствующие задачи: развить объем слуховой памяти, научить детей отличать главное от второстепенного, развить лексические навыки говорения.

Развивающая цель: развитие фонематического слуха, языковой догадки, увеличение объема оперативной памяти, произвольного внимания.

Воспитательная цель: Формирование мотивации для изучения иностранного языка.

Образовательная цель: знакомство с традициями празднования дня рождения за рубежом.

Речевой материал: Новые ЛЕ: disease, impossible, generation, ruin, take care, look after

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова >>Англійська мова: Аудіювання та читання, впр.4,5 ст.6,7

План-конспект урока английского языка, 9 класс

развитие умений обучающего чтения

активизация грамматических навыков

Учебно-методический комплекс:

1. Английский язык: Учебник для 9 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений/В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др. – 5-е изд.-М.: Просвещение, 2001.- 288с.:ил.-ISBN5-09-010603-7.

2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 9 класса общеобразоват. учреждений под ред. Кузовлева В. П. И др.- М.:Просвещение, 2001.

4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2001.

5. Раздаточный материал.

Языковой материал:

Упр. 1, 2 (с.21-22) – SB; 12 (с.18) – AB. лексические единицы: (14): financier, villager, manager, governess, to suspect, motive, alibi, estate, revolver bullet, villain,

innocent, attractive, a man of violent temper, to treat cruelly.

Структура урока:

I. Организационный момент 2 мин.
II. Фонетическая зарядка 2 мин.
III. Речевая зарядка 3 мин.
IV. Развитие умений говорения 12 мин.
V. Автоматизация лексических единиц 8 мин.
VI. Проверка домашнего задания 5 мин.
VII. Расширение знаний о литературе Британии 5 мин.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока. Объяснение домашнего задания. Заключение 3 мин.

Учитель: Hello, children!

Ученики: Good morning, teacher!

Учитель: And today Lena will help me. Lena, what date is it today and who is absent, please?

Ученики: Today is the 7th of October; nobody is absent.

Учитель: Remind me, please, what was your home task?

Ученики: Our home task was to perform ex. 12 on page 18 in our AB. Учитель: Thank you. Sit down, please.

Учитель: Look at the blackboard and repeat after me: Early to bed, early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Ученики: (повторяют за учителем, затем самостоятельно)

Учитель: Today we will speak about your favourite books. But before that make me wise about the following: explain in English: What is a historical novel? What is a horror story? What is a romance? What is a thriller? What is science fiction? What is an adventure story? What is a fairy-tale? What is a biography? What is a western?

Ученики: (объясняют на английском языке)

Учитель: Now let us speak about books that your family is keen on. But before that let us read about one English family and their tastes in reading. Open your books at page 21. Read paragraph by paragraph and translate, please.

Ученики: (читают текст по абзацам, переводят)

Учитель: So, reading what books the members of the family are fond of?

Ученики: (отвечают, опираясь на текст)

Учитель: (учитель предлагает рассказать о любимых книгах учеников и членов их семей) And what about your own families?

Ученики: (рассказывают о любимых книгах семьи)

Учитель: Well, now let us do ex.2 on page 22. Read the quotation and say which book can say such words of? Ученики: (читают высказывания о книгах, называют книги, подходящие под высказывание)

Учитель: And last time we read “The Problem of Thor Bridge” by Conan Doyle. What words from the ex.2 can you say about it?

Ученики: (говорят свое мнение о прочитанной книге)

Учитель: Let us now revise some words from there. Here are the cards with the words and definitions in them. Your task is to read the definitions and match the correspondent words with them.

Ученики: (выполняют упражнение – см. Приложение 1)

Учитель: Now try to remember those words!

Учитель: Right. Now let us check your home task. Read the sentences of ex. 12 on page 18 (AB), paying attention to the tense and voice you use.

Ученики: (читают предложения упражнения, обращая внимание на использование правильного времени и залога)

Учитель: And now take these cards and match the title of the book with its author. Then we will check it. (см. Приложение 2)

Ученики: (сначала самостоятельно составляют пары, затем все вместе проверяют (учитель помогает))

Учитель: Well, now Ilya, tell us what we have done today.

Ученики: Today we have discussed our favourite books, revised the words and found out the authors of some books.

Учитель: Thank you. And your home assignment will be to write short compositions on the following quotations: in 10-15 sentences write, if you agree or not with the quotations given and why. (см. Приложение 3)

Учитель: That is all for today. Your marks are… Good-bye!

Приложение 1.

inancier, villager, manager, governess, to suspect, motive, alibi, estate, villain, revolver bullet, innocent, attractive, a man of violent temper, to treat cruelly.

1. Someone whose job is to manage.

2. To think that someone is probably guilty.

4. A bad person or criminal.

5. Not guilty of a crime.

6. A woman that lives with the rich family and teaches their children.

7. To behave towards someone violently.

8. Someone who controls or lends large sum of money.

9. An excuse for something you have failed to do or done wrong.

10. A small piece of metal that you fire from a gun.

11. A large area of land in the country with one large house.

12. Someone who lives in a village.

13. A cruel person of a bad temper.

14. The reason that makes a person do something.

Приложение 2

1 The school for scandal а. William Shakespeare
2 Jaws b. Graham Green
3 Jane Eyre c. Charles Dickens
4 Three men in a boat d. Lewis Carroll
5 Robinson Crusoe e. Robert Burns
6 Oliver Twist f. Somerset Maugham
7 King Lear g. Daniel Defoe
8 Of human bondage h. Agatha Christie
9 Detective stories i. Charlotte Bronte
10 Songs and poems about Scotland j. Peter Benchley
11 Alice in Wonderland k. J. M. Berrie
12 Peter Pan l. Richard Sheridan
13 The third man m. Jerome K. Jerome

Приложение 3

1. Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)

2. History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)

3. All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)

4. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)

5. A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good. (Samuel Johnson)

6. A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. (Mark Twain)

7. Reading is a vital form of communication with all of mankind, and wisdom of many ages. (Olzhas Suleymenov)

8. Books and friends should be few but good. (a proverb)

9. There’s an old saying that all the world loves a lover. It doesn’t. What all the world loves is a scrap. It wants to see two lovers struggling for one woman. (Anonymous)

Надіслано учителем англійської мови Ключніковою І.І., Міжнародного ліцею "Гранд"

Шкільна бібліотека онлайн, підручники та книги по всім предметам, Англійська мова 9 клас скачати

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цель: улучшить произносительные навыки; развить умения и навыки аудирования с извлечением необходимой информаци; развить умение говорения с опорой на текст.

Задачи: на слух воспринимать информацию, передаваемую при помощи несложного текста; рассказывать о Великобритании с опорой на план и карту.

Оснащение: карта Великобритании, видеосюжет о Лондоне, карточки с заданиями.


Pre-listening Activity. Warming-up

Tell students they are going to watch a short film and guess the main topic of the lesson.( Вопросы к видеосюжету прилагаются)

Before asking students to listen to the tape pre-teach some words( прилагаются) and ask the questions(прилагаются), students are looking through the words.

The teacher uses the map.

Listening to the tape(текст прилагается)

IV. Post-listening Activity: (without text)

-Play the tape again and allow students do some exercises(прилагаются). Sto the tape after each part to give students time to take notes. You must be sure that students anderstand the text. The answers are checked.

-Inform students that it’s time to summarise the information about Great Britain. They will use the following plan and the map:

Students use the plan and try to express their ideas in 4 to 5 sentences. This activity involves some grammar work: word order, Present Simple, the Article. The teacher might need to help the weaker students.

V.The Conclusion of the lesson.

VI.Homework: Retell the text.

1.Where is London located?

2.What is the centre of London?

3.What takes place near Buckingham Palace every day?

1.What is this text about?

2.Remember your geographical lessons and try to tell me where the UK is situated.

3.Which of the countries do you see on the map?

4.Which of the countries would you like to visit and why?

5.What ocean is North of Great Britain?

6.What sea is there on the East?

7.What channel separates the UK from the European countries?

8.Do you know the capitals of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?

9.What neighbours of great Britain do you know?

The Atlantic Ocean

The English Channel

Text. Great Britain

The official name for the country whose language we study is the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In everyday use, however, the word ‘Britain’ is quite possible.

The United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland has several different names.

Some people say ‘Great Britain’ or ‘Britain’, or ‘the United Kingdom’, or just ‘the UK’ and ‘G.B.’

Great Britain is an island that lies off the north west coast of Europe. It is the largest island in Europe. It is 500 km wide and nearly 1,000 km long.

The Atlantic Ocean is on the north of it and The North Sea on the east.

The English Channel, which is about 21 miles, separates the UK from the continent. Its closest continental neighborous are France and Belgium. Recently the Channel tunnel, which links France and England, has been built.

There are four countries in the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland and wales are three main parts of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north. Edinburgh is scotland’s capital. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. Wales is in the west. The capital city of wales is Cardiff.

Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Great Britain. Northern Ireland and the Irish republic (Eire) are on this island. Belfast is the largest city in Northern Ireland and its capital.

Great Britain, together with Northern Ireland, constitutes the UK.

The capital city of Great Britain is London which is situated in the southeast of England. London is more than a thousand years old.

Упражнения на развитие речевого слуха

Listen to the text and put words in the right order

The United kingdom of Great Britain

The Atlantic Ocean

The English Channel

Упражнения на тренировку памяти

Listen to the text and cross out the words which you didn’t find in the text

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