Конспект урока английского языка 6 класс чтение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

План открытого урока учителя МАОУ СОШ № 3 г. Пушкино

Глинской Александры Николаевны

Материалы: магнитофон, плакаты, раздаточные материалы

Teacher: Good morning, everyone! Children: Good morning.

T.: We`ve got guests in our classroom today. Let`s greet them.

Ch.: Good morning.

T.: You may sit down. Let`s start our lesson. And first of all let`s have some phonetic exercises. (2-3 мин .)( забавные картинки , иллюстрирующие скороговорки )

A giraffe in jeans jumping over a bridge.

One wet walrus in a window.

Six sheep on a Swedish ship.

A hungry horse in a huge hat.

Разминка. Артикуляционная зарядка. Повторение звуков , сложных в различении: w - v и h -отсутствие звука (3-4мин.)

: Look at the poster and say the words : Плакат со звуками и словами их содержащими:

V – we ill – hill

veal - wheel eel – heel

vest – west and – hand

vet – wet old –hold

veil - whale ear – hear

Стихотворения со звуками w и h : (раздаточный материал №1)

T.: Say the poems.

I Keep six honest serving-men:

(They taught me all I knew)

Their names are What and Where and When

And How and Why and Who.

I send them over land and sea,

I send them east and west;

But after they have worked for me,

I give them all a rest.

Humpty-dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty- dumpty had a great fall

All the king`s horses

And all the king`s men

Couldn`t put Humpty

Повторение пройденной лексики по теме(2-3 мин.)

T.: Let`s revise our vocabulary. What kind of books do you know?

Ch.: Books about space

Fairy tales, legends

Stories about adventure, spies, detectives

Books about animals, wildlife

4. Аудирование (магнитофон), говорение(5 мин)(весь класс)

T.: Well done! Now let`s listen to children talking about reading books. What kind of books are they talking about? Open your course books at page 12.

Meg: I like stories about great criminals and detectives. I think police work is really interesting. My favourite books are stories about Sherlock Holmes. I also read historical books. I only hate books about monsters.

Jane: My favourite books are fairy tales. They are not very long but they are interesting. I like reading about magic things. I read tales from different countries. They are very exciting.

Max: What I really like is books about adventure! Especially in the past. My favourite writer is James Fenimore Cooper. He wrote stories about Indians. They were very brave and were good hunters, and brave soldiers. I want to read all his books. I`d like to read…

Mike: I read a lot. I like books about space and adventure best. I think it`s exciting to read about space and life on other planets. I also like reading about the future.

T.: What books does Mike/Liz/Jessica/Nick like and why?

Ch.1: Mike/Liz/Jessica/Nick likes a story about monsters because it`s exciting.

Ch. 2: Mike/Liz/Jessica/Nick likes a book about space because it`s interesting and exciting.

Ch.3: Mike/Liz/Jessica/Nick likes a book about historical places because it`s really interesting.

Ch.4: Nick likes a book about an interesting man because it`s funny and sad.

5 . Говорение ( весь класс ) (5 мин )

T.: We are going to do a survey about books our class like. Look at the list of books and choose your favourites.

Ch.: Should I choose only one book?

T.: No, you can choose more than one book. (Liza), go to the board and do the survey.

Books about space Fairy tales, legends

Stories about adventure, spies, detectives

Books about animals, wildlife

Pupils put up their hands, (Liza) counts them.

(Liza): So, 10 pupils like…

The most popular books in our class are books about….

T.: Where can you find books?

Ch.: In the library;

In the book shop;

We can borrow books from friends;

T.: Excellent! Could you open your books at page 15. Listen to the conversation and find the books in the catalogue.

Tape script “In the Library”

Librarian: Hello. Can I help you?

Jane: Yes. I want a book.

Librarian: What kind of books do you like?

Jane: Fairy tales and legends.

Librarian: Right. We`ve got … Which book would you like to read?

Jane: Fantastic! I`d like… please.

Librarian: Here you are.

Jane: Thanks. Great !

7. Говорение. Диалоги в парах.(4мин.)

T.: In pairs act out the dialogue.

Two pupils act the dialogue out.

8. Чтение . (5 мин .)

T.: Thank you. Now it`s time for reading. Open your books at page 20. Read two reviews. Would you like to read these books? Why?

Pupil 1: I`d like to read “Treasure Island” because I like adventures.

T.: All of you have read books from our English reading club. Could you tell us about these books and their authors?

The last review is of “Alice in Wonderland”

10 . Инсценировка . (7 мин .) Песня .

T.: We`ve got a surprise for our guests. Let`s watch “The Mad Tea Party.”

The Mad Hatter`s Tea Party

Alice: There`s plenty of room!

Alice: I don`t see any wine.

Alice: It wasn`t very polite of you to offer it, then!

Alice: I didn`t know it was your table, it`s laid for a great many more than three.

Hatter: Your hair wants cutting.

Alice: You should learn not to make personal remarks. It`s very rude.

Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?

A: I believe I can guess that…

Alice: Exactly so.

Alice: I do. At least, I mean what I say, and that`s the same thing, you know!

Hatter: Not the same thing at all! You might as well say that “I see what I eat” is the same thing as “I eat what I see”!

Dormouse: You might as well say that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”!

Hatter: It is the same thing with you.

Hatter: What day of the month is it?

Alice: The fourth.

Hatter: Two days wrong! I told you butter wouldn`t suit the works!

Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and doesn`t tells what o`clock it is!

Alice: I`ve had nothing yet, so I can`t take more.

Hatter: You mean you can`t take less. It`s very easy to take more than nothing.

Dormouse: Of course, of course, just what I was going to remark myself.

Alice: I don`t think….

Hatter: Then you shouldn`t talk!

Alice: I`ll never go there again! It`s the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!

The song from the film `Alice in Wonderland, USA, 2010, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman (the whole class)

Teacher: Have you enjoyed the play?

Pupils: Yes.( applause)

Teacher: You worked hard at the lesson, so your marks are all good and excellent. The lesson is over. See you tomorrow.

Т:Do you know this fairy-tale?
-Have you ever watched this cartoon?
-Do you remember the characters?
-So what is the main topic of our lesson?

-Now let`s recollect the characters. What are their names in the Russian book? (презентация слайд 1)

The March Hare Carroll The Queen of Hearts
The White Rabbit Humpty Dumpty The Cheshire Cat
Dodo The Mad Hatters

T: Now look at the names attentively. Are ALL of them the characters of the book?
-Of course, not. One of them is the author`s last name.(слайд 2 с фото автора)

T: I`m sure all of you know this famous writer, but let`s learn some more inf-n about him doing a short quiz. (слайд 2)

T: Now you know some facts from Carroll`s biography. Try to make a short story about him.(1 из учащихся озвучивает краткий рассказ об авторе на основе информации из квиза)

3. Работа с буклетом. Активизация навыков аудирования и навыков устной речи на основе прослушенного.
T: Now take your booklets and look at the pictures and the title on the 1st page.(см.приложение-буклет)
-So who can you see on the pic?
(Можно кратко обсудить Шляпочника)
T: While listening and reading the story you will probably meet some new words. These definitions on the blackboard will help you understand the new words better. (слайд с лексикой)

-Now we are going to listen to a part of the story. Be very attentive and follow the lines you hear it.

Вопросы фрагменту:
-Who was at the table?
-Was there any wine?
-Did the March Hare invite Alice to tea? What did he say to her?

4. Тренировка навыков работы в группе. Активизация навыков чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного. Активизация речевых навыков
T: This is the first part of our story. Now your task is to complete the whole story using the cards from your booklets. Work in groups of 4 and be very logic, don`t mix the parts.

Проверка задания: чтение учащимися нескольких начальных предложений из каждой части текста.

T: Now the story is completed, so let`s check how well you understood this chapter:

-Did The Mad Hatter`s watch tell the time? What did they tell?
-What did the March Hare put in the watch?
-How do you think Alice felt?

5. Послетекстовый этап. Работа с упражнениями по прочитанной части (см буклет)
Упр.1-активизация усвоенных лексических единиц
Упр.2-активизация речевых навыков (задание на понимание прочитанного с выбором верной картинки и последующим устным объяснением своего выбора)
Упр.3,4- активизация речевых навыков, проверка понимания прочитанного (упр.3-выбор правильного предложения из двух; упр.4- обозначьте верно/неверно утверждение))
Упр.5-активизация лексических навыков (найти предложение с синонимичным значением)

7. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.
T: You were active enough on the lesson, I hope it was interesting for, wasn`t it?
-Who wants to read or reread this book after this lesson?
-What did you like most of all on our lesson?
-Your h/t will be to make as many questions to this text as possible.
-Your marks for today are…
-See you on… The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Приложение (групповая работа с цитатами-последнее задание в коспекте)
1. “No wonder you`re late. This watch is exactly two days slow” the Mad Hatter
2. Begin at the beginning and go on till the end. Then stop.
3. “It doesn`t matter who I was this morning, but I`ve changed a few times since then” Alice
4. “You `re not the same as you were before. You were much more… “Muchier”. You`ve lost your muchness” the Mad Hatter
5. “If you don`t know where you want to go, then it doesn`t matter which path you take” the Cashire Cat
6. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” the Cashire Cat
7. “I give myself very good advice…but I very seldom follow it” Alice
8. “There are 364 days when you can get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know…”
9. “we are all mad here” the Cheshire cat
10. “I can`t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” Alice
11. “Who in the world am I? That`s the great puzzle” Alice
12. Everybody wants a magical solution to their problems, but everybody refuses to believe in magic
13. -Where are you going?
-I don`t know.
-If you don`t know where you are going, аny road will get you there”
14. If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense”
15. If you don`t think, you shouldn`t talk

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Конспект урока

Английский язык

Happy Times

Перечень рассматриваемых вопросов:

what’s the time – который час

watch – наручные часы

occasion – случай, событие

remarkable date – памятная дата

ordinal numbers – порядковые числительные

season – время года

weekday – будний день

Список литературы

Dooley J., Grammarway 4, English grammar book/Dooley J., Evans V. - Newbury, Express Publishing – 2009.

Материал для самостоятельного изучения

Числительные английского языка подразделяются на количественные и порядковые числительные.

В остальных случаях к количественному числительному просто прибавляется –th, но встречаются некоторые сложности в словообразовании и таких порядковых числительных, они выбелены красным цветом!

200 – two hundredth

1200 – one thousand two hundredth

100 000 – hundred thousandth

1 000 000 – millionth

It is the first time I’ve been to Paris.

The tenth toy in my collection is my favourite.

Тренировочные задания

Put the month in the correct categories.

Read the numbers and cross out the ordinals.

Чтобы выполнить задание, Вам нужно вспомнить порядковые числительные.

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План проведения урока английского языка

по домашнему чтению

( технология развивающих медотов обучения)


Цели и задачи урока:


Совершенствование навыков работы с текстом, активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых оборотов, развитие навыков монологического высказывания.


Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных умений обучающихся, формирование оценочного суждения, самостоятельного исследовательского подхода.


Формирование лингвистической, тематической и социокультурной компетенции, активная жизненная позиция и толерантность, стимулирование познавательного интереса, формирование нравственных взглядов и оценок.

Ход урока. Вступительное слово учителя и речевая разминка.

What is the weather like today?

It is fine, isn’t it?

It is cold today, isn’t it?

Is it raining now?

It isn’t snowing now, is it?

What day of the week is it today?

What day of the week was it yesterday?

What day of the week will it be tomorrow?

Which is your favourite day of the week?

What date is it today?

OK! Today is Saturday, the 16 th of May.

Every Saturday we have our home-reading lesson. Today we’ll continue to speak about Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Your homework was to read and be able to work with Chapter 12. So get ready and let’s start our lesson.

Look at the pictures of the sounds. Read the words and repeat after me.

hand, pack, back, rabbit, fan

Humpty-Dumpty, Duchess, cut, mushroom, hush

head, red, seven, neck, egg

who, you, blue, through, too

card, gardener, laugh, pass, heart (Queen of Hearts)

rose, soldier, most, gold, home

Now, look at the words again. Guess the word by its definition.

It’s a yellow metal that costs a lot of money. (Gold)

It’s a plant with a short stem and round top, which can be eaten. (Mushroom)

It’s a person in the army. (Soldier)

It’s a small animal with long ears which lives in holes under the ground. (Rabbit)

It’s a small piece of stiff paper with pictures and numbers, used for various games. (Card)

It’s a piece of land where trees, flowers, or vegetables are grown. round a house or in a public place. (Garden)

Who wants to write the words on the blackboard?

Well done! Train reading the list of words. Now look through the text, find and read aloud the sentences with these words.

While you were looking for the sentences, you’ve gone over the details of the text. Let’s remember some more details. Look at Ex.1.

Who said it?

“Will you please tell me, why are you painting these white roses red?” (Alice)

“We are afraid she will cut off our heads.” (The gardener Two)

“What is your name, child?” (The Queen of Hearts)

“My dear, she is only a child. You must not forget it.” (The King)

“The Duchess is in prison. They will cut off her head.” (The White Rabbit)

You have read the words of these characters but I’d like your reading to be more emotionally coloured. Do you understand this expression? What do I mean?

“С выражением” I mean. So let’s work in small groups and read some extracts from the text. Try to read your part so that to express all the emotions of the characters.

The 1 st extract is the talk between Alice and the gardeners.

S1, you are Alice.

S2, you are a Gardener (one for the three).

S3, you will read the words from the author.

Who wants to read the 2 nd extract.

S4, you are Alice.

S5, you are the Queen.

The 3 rd extract is the talk between Alice and The White Rabbit.

So, you are Alice.

You are The Rabbit.

And you are the author.

Well done, S1 for your excellent reading you get a ‘5’.

Now, let’s have a break and do some exercises.

Move your fingers!

Sit down! Thank you!

Our next exercise is “True or False”. I’ll give you these sheets of papers with some sentences. Read and choose the correct answer. If the answer is “False”, give the right answer. Who wants to start?

Alice looked about. There was a big HOUSE near her. T/F

Alice took a bite from the piece of the APPLE in her hand. T/F

The roses which grew on a large rose-tree were YELLOW. T/F

The Queen liked only RED roses. T/F

Alice noticed THE CHESHIRE CAT talking to a Queen. T/F

The poor gardeners ran to Alice and cried: HELP! HELP! T/F

Alice put the cards into her POCKET. T/F


Go on, pupils. Read and answer the questions. You can use the text if it is necessary.

How did Alice get into the beautiful garden? (She opened the little door with the gold key. But she couldn’t get…..)

Whom did she see there? (She saw three gardeners)

What were the gardeners doing? (They were painting roses red)

Was she surprised? (Yes, she was)

Why did the gardeners paint the roses? (Because the Queen liked only red roses)

What did the gardeners do when they saw the Queen? (They at once fell down on their faces to the ground)

Did Alice fall down on her face either? (No, she didn’t)

Was the Queen angry? (Yes, she was)

Well done, pupils. I see that you know everything. You know the plot of the chapter perfectly. You know the main characters. Look at them. Who are they?

Right you are. Now try to describe them. We usually describe different objects with the help of adjectives.

Look at the list of useful adjectives. I’m sure you know their meanings. What is the Russian for …

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