Конспект урока 9 класс спотлайт стили в живописи

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

• В. Эван и другие "Английский в фокусе-9", Издательство Просвещение.

Используемая методическая литература:

• Книга для учителя, календарно-тематическое планирование"

Ход урока:

1. Приветствие. Погружение в языковую среду.

- Hello, boys and girls! Today we have another lesson on Module 4 “See It To Believe It”. On our previous lesson we talked about art.

2. Организационный момент (обсуждение темы, цели и плана урока).

On the board you can see some words (classicism, surrealism, pop-art, impressionism, cubism, artists, pictures). All of them are related to the topic of our today’s lesson. Please, try to formulate it! (S : paining styles). By the end of our lesson you are supposed to be able to describe a picture written in a definite painting style. As for the plan of the lesson, you can see it on the board.

• Discuss the plan of the lesson

• Review the vocabulary

• Study the texts

• Study the idioms with “paint”

• Describe the picture

Do you agree to work according to this plan today? (S : Yes, we do).

3. Речевая разминка.

So, we continue with reviewing the vocabulary. Please, listen to the speaker and repeat the words after him. (ex.1 p.54) Can you translate them? Open your books at p.54, pictures of ex.1 will help you. What topic do all these words refer to? (S : geometric shapes)

4. Подготовка к чтению.

Now look at pictures A and B. On what picture can you see lots of geometric shapes? (S : Picture A) Which colours are used on this picture? (S : dark, dull) What about colours on picture B? (S : bright) Which painting styles do these pictures refer to? (S : cubism and surrealism)

Now you are to read the texts and find out what the difference between cubism and surrealism is. You have 3 minutes. (ex.3 p.54)

6. Упражнение на словообразование.

You see that some words in the texts are missing. Now you are to fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the words given to the right. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. (ex.4 p.54)

Now listen to the texts and check yourselves.

7. Проверка понимания отдельных слов из текста.

Find the definition for each word in bold from the text (ex.6 p.54).

Please, join your partner to answer the questions of ex.5 p.54. (распределить вопросы по парам) You have 1 minute.

9. Работа с идиоматическими выражениями.

Now pay your attention to ex.7 p.54. Here are some idioms given to you. And their definitions you can find on the board. (decide that sb/sth is the same as sb/sth else; very boring; have an enjoyable time; describe sth to make it seem bad) Find the suitable definition for each idiom.

Fill in the gaps of the sentences with the appropriate idioms.

10. Работа с описанием картины.

Read the description and decide which painting it matches. (ex.8 p.55)

11. Самостоятельное описание картины.

Use the scheme of ex.10 to describe the second picture. (ex.9 p.55)

Your homework is written on the board.

(“3” : to retell one of the texts

“4” : to talk about some other painting style

“5” : to make a vivid presentation about some other painting style and to talk about it)

13. Оценивание работы учащихся.

Конспект урока русского языка в 5 в классе Тема: Урок-закрепление. Цели: 1. Закрепить умение детей различать слова, обозначающие название, действие и признак предмета, правильно.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Класс 9 Урок № 33 Дата:___________

Тема: Стили живописи

Цель урока: Развитие творческого потенциала учащихся. Развитие умения аудирования, чтения и говорения по теме урока.

Задачи: формирование УУД.

Личностные : осознавать роль языка и речи в жизни людей, выражать свои эмоции по поводу услышанного;

Познавательные : познакомить учащихся с культурой стран изучаемого языка ( история, литература, традиции);

Коммуникативные : использовать языковые средства для решения коммуникативных задач;

регулятивные : определять и формулировать цель деятельности на уроке;

Планируемые результаты :

личностные: знакомство с миром зарубежных сверстников с использованием средств изучаемого языка; воспитание у учащихся уважения и интереса к литературным ценностям;

предметные: развитие у учащихся умения эффективного чтения на английском языке; расширение активного и пассивного словарей учащихся;

метапредметные: развитие у учащихся критического мышления, внимания, воображения, памяти; анализ отрывка из литературного произведения, выработка собственного отношения.

Тип урока: урок чтения на английском языке.

Оборудование : компьютер, CD и DVD к Spotlight 9 класс, доска, карточки с инструкциями для индивидуальной и групповой работы.

Teacher: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you on our lesson.

Tell me, please, what date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather today? (Today is . )

2. Set the topic of the lesson. Set the aim of the lesson. Active speaking skills.

Teacher: Have you ever been in art gallery? Have you got favourite paintings \ artists? (ответы учащихся)

Let’s watch a video, after that you’ll answer my question (Просмотр видео и изображений. Учитель предлагает просмотреть небольшой видеоролик и сравнить несколько изображений, а затем сформулировать тему урока). According to these pictures and that video tell me what is the theme of our lesson today?

Students: Art and design. Painting styles.

Teacher: So, today we are going to speak about art, painting in particular. We shall learn interesting information about some painting styles, we shall practice our skills in describing pictures.

3. Activating vocabulary. Developing speaking skills.

Teacher: Now, would like you to look at paintings A and B p.p.54-55 and tell me please which uses bright colours, dark/dull colours?

Teacher: What style of painting is each picture?

Students: the painting A is surrealism, the picture B is cubism.

4. Reading skills and skills in word formation. Work in groups.

Teacher: Let’s know more information about these painting styles. Open your SB on page 54 – 55. Now I divide you into 2 groups: the 1st group will read about surrealism and the 2nd – about cubism. I would like you to read the texts and revise our word formation , some prefixes and suffixes in particular.

Teacher: before you read these texts aloud, we will listen to and check your word formation. (включается аудиозапись текстов, учащиеся проверяют себя) so which words have you formed ?

Students (по очереди называют получившиеся слова с переводом): fame – famous, see – seeing, origin – original, differ – different, art – artists, represent – representation, big – bigger, usual – unusual.

Teacher: And now let’s read and translate these texts. (по одному учащемуся из каждой группы читают и переводят тексты) Please , answer the questions :

When was Cubism popular?

How did Cubism get its name?

What style did Dali paint in?

What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings? (учащиеся разных групп отвечают на вопросы по текстам)

5. Describing pictures . Giving opinion. Individual work.

Teacher: Let’s look at the picture A and B once more, after that read the description in ex.8 and decide which painting it matches And tell me please how do you think is author feels sad about the painting ? Do this ! Are you read ? Well done ! (учащиеся читают вслух и переводят пример описания одной из картин)

Teacher: Now let’s return to the beginning of our lesson.

Can you tell me the subject of our today’s lesson?

So, how do you find today’s lesson?

Have you leant anything new?

Have you learnt any new words?

Ok, thank you very much for your hard work, your marks.

Write down your homework, please: 10 p.55 You should find paintings on the Internet or in the reference books which represent such styles of painting as Realism, Expressionism, Impressionism or Modern and present it to the class.

Teacher: I would like to finish our lesson with the words of a famous English artist Pablo Picasso “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary “

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Учитель: Воронина О.И.

- читать текст с полным или частичным пониманием содержания, выполнять упражнения к нему.

- узнавать в тексте лексические единицы

- уметь действовать по образцу

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Оборудование урока:

Раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска, учебник “ Spotlight ” 9 класс .

1. Организационный момент

У - ль : Good morning! Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

(вызывает одного из учеников к доске, тот проводит опрос)

У 1: What date is it today?

У 1: What day of the week is it today?

У 1: Who is absent?

У 4: Nobody is absent.

У - ль : Look at the blackboard? Do you know these paintings? What is the difference between these paintings? What is the theme of our lesson? What do you have to learn today?

(Смотрят на доску, где изображены различные картины, определяют тему урока, задачи).



2 . Основная часть

- Ввод новой лексики:

Ex . 1. Listen and repeat ! Слушают и проговаривают названия геометрических фигур.

- Read and translate. One by one. У1→У2→У3…

- Look at the paintings and answer the questions.


What style of painting is each picture?

Which colours used the painters? (bright/dull/dark)

How do these styles differ?

Which figures can you see?

Ex.4 Read and translate the texts. Fill the gaps with the correct word formed from the capitalized words.

(Читают текст, заполняют пропуски образованными словами)

Ex . 5 Answer the questions.

When was Cubism popular ?

How did Cubism get its name?

What style did Dalí paint in?

What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings?

Ex. 8 Read and translate the description. Which paintings does it match? How is author feel about the paintings?

Ex.9 Use the words to describe the other paintings.

Strange objects\swans on a smooth lake\reflection of elephants in lake\bright colours\clear blue sky

How does it make you feel: astonished, anxious, curious, confused, excited


Idioms with paint

1 like watching paint dry (смотреть, как сохнет краска)

2 paint the town red ( уйти в загул )

3 paint. with the same brush ( нарисовать … с той же кистью )

4 paints a grim picture of ( рисует мрачную картину )

С omplete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language?
1 This film is so boring it's like watching paint dry.

2 I want to have some fun. Let's go out tonight and paint the town red .
3 I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring but don't paint Tim with the same brush. Not all people who like science fiction are bores!
4 The documentary paints a grim picture of life in the war-torn region.

4. Подведение итогов урока

What have you learned today?

Your marks for today are.

Home task: Ex.10 describe the pictures.

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Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

- уметь действовать по образцу. - расширять кругозор.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Оборудование урока: учебник “Spotlight” 9 класс.

1. Организационный момент

У-ль: Good morning! Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

(вызывает одного из учеников к доске, тот проводит опрос)

У1: What date is it today?

У1: What day of the week is it today?

У1: Who is absent?

У4: Nobody is absent.

У-ль: Look at the blackboard? Do you know these paintings? What is the difference between these paintings? What is the theme of our lesson? What do you have to learn today?

(Смотрят на доску, где изображены различные картины, определяют тему урока, задачи).

2. Основная часть

- Ввод новой лексики:

Ex. 1. Listen and repeat! Слушают и проговаривают названия геометрических фигур.

Rectangle triangle square cube cylinder

- Read and translate. One by one. У1→У2→У3…

Ex.4 Read and translate the texts. Fill the gaps with the correct word formed from the capitalized words.

(Читают текст, заполняют пропуски образованными словами)

Ex.5 Answer the questions.

When was Cubism popular?

How did Cubism get its name?

What style did Dalí paint in?

What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings?

Ex. 8 Read and translate the description. Which paintings does it match? How is author feel about the paintings?

Ex.9 Use the words to describe the other paintings.

Strange objects\swans on a smooth lake\reflection of elephants in lake\bright colours\clear blue sky

How does it make you feel: astonished, anxious, curious, confused, excited

Idioms with paint

1 like watching paint dry (смотреть, как сохнет краска)

2 paint the town red (уйти в загул)

3 paint. with the same brush (нарисовать…с той же кистью)

4 paints a grim picture of (рисует мрачную картину)

Сomplete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language?
1 This film is so boring it's like watching paint dry.

2 I want to have some fun. Let's go out tonight and paint the town red.
3 I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring but don't paint Tim with the same brush. Not all people who like science fiction are bores!
4 The documentary paints a grim picture of life in the war-torn region.

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