Go to the country and enjoy nature план конспект 5 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Воспитательный аспект: формирования уважения к укладу жизни в сельской местности; культурному наследию Беларуси, воспитания культуры устной речи.

Оборудование: видеоролики, карточки, стикеры

I . Этап организации начала урока

T: - Good morning/afternoon.

Game “answer and sit”

a waterfall

a sea coast

a river bank

A barn сарай , амбар

Hay сено

Grain зерно

A kitchen garden Lynx

A wild boar

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II . Этап проверки выполнения домашнего задания

Ex .2 p .57 wb

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III . Этап подготовка к основному этапу урока

3.1 Актуализация знаний учащихся

Task 1. Do you know the geography of Belarus?

1. Belarus is a … .

2. Where is Belarus?

b) In Northern America

c) Between Poland and Russia

3. What is the population of Belarus?

a) About 5 mln people

b) About 10 mln people

c) 1.8 mln people

4. How many regions are there in Belarus?

5. The capital of Belarus is …

6. What are the colours of the national flag?

a) Red and white

b) Red, blue and white

c) Red, green and white

7. We celebrate Independence Day on the…

8. Which is the largest lake in Belarus?

b) Lake Osveyskoye

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3.2 Выход на тему урока.

Do the code. Name the theme of the lesson.

What are we going to talk about?

A trip to the country

Тема на доску :

A trip to the country

3.3 Целеполагание

- look at the title of the lesson and complete the aims

- speak ___________(a lot of)

- speak ___________( English )

Цели записываются на доске.

3.4 мотивация

На карте Беларуси написаны 3 буквы B . N . M M

Спросить, что они значат,

Ответим в конце урока

IV . Закрепление знаний и способов действий

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- we are talking about Belovezhskaya puscha

What animals can we see in Belovezhskaya Pushcha? Look at the pictures on the blackboard guess the riddles

дети записывают слова на доске

1. This bird is a symbol of good luck. ( A stork )

2. The symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is … . ( A bison )

3.It’s a large wild cat that has no tail and lives in forests. ( A lynx рысь )

4.A very large deer. ( An elk лось)

5.It’s a large wild pig with long hair. ( A wild boar дикий кабан )

6.A small animal whose body is round and covered with spines. (иголки) A hangehog

7.An animal that lives near rivers and lakes. ( A beaver бобр)

8. In winter it is white, In summer it is gray, It likes carrot and cabbage. Who is it? ( a hare заяц )

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- Put these words into plural form

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4.1 физкультминутка

“ Pass the envelope ” game . (упр на правило степени сравнения)

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- we are talking about Mir castle

- Read the text and fill in the table

с ard

Mir was founded in the 14th century . Many rich Belarusian families lived in it. Yuri Ilyinich got the

town in 1486 and built Mir Castle in the 1520s. In 1569 Mikalai Radzivil Sirotka became the owner of Mir and built two palace buildings in the garden of the castle. Now Mir Castle, made of red and white brick, is a great monument to Belarusian history. Every day it has a lot of visitors. Mir is also a place for many Belarusian festivals and knights’ tournaments.

When was it founded?

What fmous people lived there? What did they do?

What can you see and visit there?

In the___th century

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- What do you know about these places? Do you want to learn know more? Read a legend and put the verb into past simple.

On the way to Nesvizh people can see two trees. The birch and the oak grow together. There is a beautiful but sad legend about these trees.

It ________(happen( случилось ) happened many years ago. The daughter of Radziwil _______(fall) fell in love ( влюбилась ) with a poor( бедный ) young man. The boy and the girl _____(like) liked nature very much and spent a lot of time together. The girl told her father about her love. She ______(want) хотеть ) wanted to become that young man's wife ( женой ). Radziwil didn't agree. He ______(not want) didn't want his daughter to be poor. The girl cried, and cried, and cried. But it ______(not help) didn't help . Then the boy and the girl thought of a plan. And one dark night they decided to run away.

When Radziwil _______(learn) learnt about it, he got angry. He _____(go) went after his daughter. He killed them both. Later two trees grew on that place, 6 km from Nesvizh. When the wind blows, the leaves of the trees tell this sad story of their love. If you keep your ears and hearts open, you also can hear it.

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- Do you like this love story?

- Is it happy or unhappy story?

Минск (резерв)

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listen and put the pictures in the correct order

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V . Обобщение и систематизация знаний

- And now let’s play a game “ True or False”. You already know a lot about Belarus. Listen to my sentences and be attentive. Repeat the statement if you agree with me and correct it if you disagree.

T: Grodno is the capital of Belarus.

P1: It’s false. Minsk is the capital of Belarus.

T: Minsk is the biggest city.

P2: It’s true. Minsk is the biggest city.

T: Belarus doesn’t have beautiful nature.

P3: It’s false. Belarus has beautiful nature.

T: The symbol of Belarus is the stork.

P4: It’s true. The symbol of Belarus is the stork.

T: There’s only one castle in Belarus.

P6: It’s false. There are many castles in Belarus.

VI . Этап подведения итогов занятия

Возвращаемся к карте.

Our aims were …( вернитесь к цели )

lesson is success.

VII. Рефлексия .

Лесенка успеха

VIII . Этап информации о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

— Open your record books, please. Write down your hometask. Your hometask is

Полный текст материала Конспект урока английского языка "A trip to the country"; 5 класс смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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стало известно автору, войдите на сайт как пользователь
и нажмите Спасибо еще раз. Ваше имя появится на этой стрнице.

Программное и техническое обеспечение: аудиоприложение к УМК для 5 класса по английскому языку, мультимедиа, интерактивная доска, презентация Microsoft Power Point.

I. Оргмомент (1мин.)

– Good morning, children!

– I am glad to see you.
– How are you?
– I am fine!

– Тоday we shall have many guests. I’d like you greeting them.

– Sit down, please.

II. Фонетическая зарядка (2мин.)

- Давайте начнем наш урок со стихотворения, которое мы изучили на прошлом уроке:

In summer I swim

In Spring I sing

In Autumn I go to school

In Winter I skate and ski.

III. Речевая разминка (3мин.)

-Прежде чем начать тему, давайте потренируем нашу артикуляцию. Внимание на доску.

– You will listen to me and repeat the words after me.

Also you can see them on the board.

[ı] - misses, English, Great Britain, visit;

[i:] - teacher, Steven, read, meeting;

[ɔ] - costs, responsible, got;

[əυ] - local, social, going, know, propose;

[aυə] - hour, flower, our, tower,

[u:] - school, group;

[ai] - invite, idea, time, Friday;

[ei] - invitation, great, arrange, state, situation

IV. Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения (10мин.)

- Ok, open your books on the page 114 exercise 1. Let`s read the task.

Ученики читают задание к упражнению и слушают аудиозапись.

-Let`s translate our text. (Ученики переводят текст, используя лингво-страноведческий справочник стр.171)

V. Формирование грамматических навыков говорения (Present Progressive в значении будущего времени) (6мин.)

-Very good. Let`s continue. Write down the following mini-topic: Present Progressive.

Let`s remember the formation. (Ученики изучают Настоящее Продолженное время в значении будущего действия).

VI. Динамическая пауза (3мин.)

-Well. Let`s relax. Stand up. Repeat after me:

Head and shoulders

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose

VII. Активизация грамматического навыка (6 мин.)

-Open the page 114 and read ex.2 (Ученики по цепочке читают упражнение и переводят)

VIII. Развитие грамматического навыка говорения (8 мин.)

- Now, we are going to divide into groups. And do exercise 4, page 115. (Ученики разбиваются по группам и выполняют задание 4)

IX. Рефлексия (4мин.)

– What have we learnt today?

X. Домашнее задание(1мин.)

– Our lesson is over. Write down your homework.

XI. Подведение итогов.(1мин.)

- Перед вами лежат листы самоконтроля. Я бы хотела, чтобы вы оценили свою деятельность на уроке только плюсом. После того, как вы оцените все шаги, подсчитайте количество плюсов. Затем мы узнаем ваши оценки.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Тип урока: комбинированный

Форма урока: традиционная

Образовательная: актуализация изученного лексического и грамматического материала и введение нового лексического материала;

Воспитательная: воспитание интерес а к изучаемому предмету ;

Развивающая: р азвивать навыков чтения и говорения по теме, повторение Past Simple Tense

Оборудование : учебник, рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал.

1. Организационный момент

Hello, boys and girls, I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please! Let’s start our lesson. How are you today? What’s the weather like today? Is it cold? Is it sunny?

Дети приветствуют учителя, отвечают на организационные вопросы.

2. Лексико-фонетическая зарядка

Let ’ s remember our words . Look at the blackboard. You can see here the words, but the letters are scrambled. Try to guess these words and write.

The next task. Come to me, please, and make a circle. You choose the card and try to fill in the missing words use the words on the blackboard.

Дети выполняют упражнения

Town, abroad, holidays,

Карточка с предложениями

Which word is missing in this list ? We haven’t got the word (country)

Today we are going to speak about summer in the country.

Rise your hand if you were in the country this summer.

Угадывают какого слова нет в списке

4. Введение и закрепление нового лексического материала

Open your vocabularies and write our new words. Look at the picture and guess what is it?

Now I read and you repeat after me.

Answer my questions : 1 What can we do in the country ? 2 Do you like country ? 3 Do you like to pick mushrooms ? 4 Do you like to pick berries?

5 Do you like to play o the seesaw? 6 Do you like to pick flowers? 7 Do you like to play on the swings? 8 Do you like to play on the slides?

Now I give you the dialogue and you try to make it

Смотрят на карточки и угадывают о значении слов

Дети читают слова

Отвечают на вопросы

Составляют диалог из реплик в парах

Карточки с диалогом

Well done! OK, It’s time to have a rest. Let’s stand up and repeat after me.

Hands up – hands down, hands on the hide and don’t sit down. Turn to the left – turn to the right. Turn around. Clap your hands and sit down

Дети повторяют движения

6. Развитие умений и навыков чтения

Open your books p. 20, ex. 3a

Can you read the task.

Read and match the text with the pictures from ex. 1a.

Now let’s do some exercises. In the first you should answer the questions: 1 Where was Nastya in summer? 2 When was she in summer ? 3 Who was she with ? 4 What was the weather like ? 5 what was in her granny ’ s garden ? 6 where did she play every day? 7 did she go to the wood in July? 8 What did Nastya do in the wood?

Fill in the gaps.

Say true or false.

Читают и соединяют текст с картинками

Отвечают на вопросы по тексту

Правда или ложь.

Работа с учебником

7. Домашнее задание

Учитель объясняет, как выполнить домашнее задание.

Дети записывают домашнее задание

8 . Подведение итогов

Our lesson is over. I hope that it was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt to do?

Учитель выставляет оценки

Good bye, boys and girls. Thank you for your work!

Ученики высказывают свое мнение об уроке.

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Описание материала: данный конспект урока будет интересен учителям английского языка, работающих с учащимися 5 класса. Использование стихотворений о путешествии, ролевой игры, кроссворда, коммуникативных упражнений поможет разнообразить урок и сделать его более продуктивным. Отношения между учителем и учащимися основаны на сотрудничестве и равноправном речевом партнерстве. Участники общения пытаются решить реальные и воображаемые задачи совместной деятельности при помощи иностранного языка. При таком подходе создаются положительные условия для активного и свободного развития личности в деятельности.

Тема "Путешествие. Поездка в Лондон”
Цели: научить учащихся составлять диалоги, закрепить ранее изученные лексические единицы и отработать их употребление в речи, расширить кругозор о достопримечательностях Лондона, развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, аудирования, развивать память, внимание, мышление, воспитывать культуру общения.
Оборудование: учебник, раздаточный материал, картинки с изображением видов транспорта, фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона.


2.Phonetic drill
T: To prepare us for speaking let’s revise the English poems about travelling.

T: Look at the next table and answer the question. Why do we travel?

P1: A lot of people travel for pleasure. They can learn more about culture, traditions and customs.
P2: Some people travel for business.
P3: As for me, I like to see new places and enjoy nature. That’s why I like travelling.
P4: I also like travelling. It helps me to make new friends (etc).

P1: The number 1 is a motorbike. My brother often goes by motorbike.
P2: The number 2 is a van. My aunt likes travelling by van (etc).
T : The next your task was to make up sentences in Present Simple and Past Simple.

P1: My friends went by car last week.
P2: My uncle always travels by train (etc).
5. The main part
T: Imagine that you are at the airport. What will you say to the clerk? Let’s make up the dialogue.
-Can I check for the flight to London?
-Yes, sir. May I have your ticket and passport?
-Certainly! Here you are.
-What’s the purpose of your visit to London?
-How long will you stay here?
-You may take your ticket and passport. Your flight is…Go to Gate …
-Thank you.

T: Let’s travel around London today. You have prepared your projects about some places of interest. Let's remember them.
GROUP1.The Clock Tower is famous for its immense bell known as “Big Ben”. It weighs 14 tons. The hour hands are about 3 metres long and the minute hands are about 4 metres long. The Clock Tower is 98 metres high. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall who was a very tall man. He was responsible for this clock. You can hear its sound every hour in London. Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament.

GROUP2. One of the sights is the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Nowadays it is a museum. You can see the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalias here.

GROUP3.The best way is to start excursions from Trafalgar Square. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. There are four bronze lions which look at the square from the monument. There are also two beautiful fountains in it. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world.

CROUP4.Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there. The State Rooms, the Royal Collection are open to visitors every year.

GROUP5.St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westmintster Abbey where kings, queens and a lot of famous people are buried.

GROUP6.London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo. Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo. Some are very rare, such as the giant Panda.

GROUP7.Madam Tussaud's is the most popular museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous people: Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Marilyn Monro, Michael Jackson, Charlie Chaplin, the British Royal family, Bill Clinton and others. There is no other place where you can see all the celebrities at once, even if they are only wax figures. The wax figures are standing and sitting, and sometimes even moving and talking.

P1: Madam Tussaud’s museum is a museum of wax figures (etc).
Listen to the story and do the task.
Many years ago Fast Airlines was a small company. It had very little money and its airplanes were very old. Mr White flew by Fast Airlines once. That day he went to the airport, got on the Fast Airlines airplane and waited.
After a few minutes there was a lot of noise, and then the captain came out and shouted, “I’m not going to take this airplane up! One of the engines is broken, and they aren’t going to get a new one”.
The passengers got out, and then, an hour later, an air hostess said, “The airplane is ready again now”. The passengers walked past her to the aeroplane again.
“Did you get a new engine? Mr White asked her.
“No, we got a new a new captain”, she answered.
True or False
1.Fast Airlines was a big rich company.
2.Its airplanes weren’t old.
3.One day Mr White decided to fly Wonder Airlines plane.
4.The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because he was a bad captain.
5.The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because the plane had a bad engine.
6.The passengers had to get out and wait for two hours.
7.After that the plane had a new engine.
8.After that the plane had a new captain.
6. Summary
7. Homework
Make up your dialogues about travelling to London.

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