Books in our life конспект

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Открытый урок по теме:

2. Обеспечить отработку лексических единиц по данной теме в серии языковых и речевых упражнений.

3. Обучить применению полученных знаний в коммуникативных ситуациях и в различных видах речевой деятельности.

Развитие умений найти требуемую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.

Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся.

Расширение кругозора учащихся.

Воспитание уважения к культуре другой страны.

Формировать культуру чтения, интерес и любовь учащихся к литературе.

Учитель . Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well, try to guess what it is. It has no mouth, but speaks. It is not alive, but it can be a good friend. It is not a tree, but it has leaves. What is it?

Ученик . It’s a book.

Учитель . Right it’s a book. A wise man said: „Life without books is as a tree without leaves.” Do you understand this quotation?

Ученик . I think life without books looks as poor and unhappy as a tree without leaves.

Учитель . Libraries are very important in the life of all people. We can't buy all the books we want to read. That's why we take out books from libraries.

Учитель . And which the library rules do you know?

Ученик 1. All library equipment and books are used carefully.

Ученик 2. Conversations are kept to a minimum.

Ученик 3. Personal stereos are not used in the library.

Ученик 4. Mobile phones are turned off before readers enter the library.

Ученик 5. No food or drink is consumed.

Учитель . Now let us grow our “book-tree”. Let s read the genres of the books.

Autobiography, biography, adventure story, detective story, fairy tale, fantasy, historical novel, horror story, humorous story, romance, a legend, a myth, science fiction, travel story, poetry, a dictionary, a reference book, a text book, encyclopedia.

What kind of book do you like?

Ученики отвечают, какие книги им нравятся.

Учитель. Следующее задание будет творческое. Даны строки из стихотворения, но они даны в неправильном порядке. Вам следует их так расставить, чтобы появились 2 связных четверостишия. В каждом четверостишии 2 и 4 фразы должны рифмоваться. Затем перевести.

Books can teach and excite,

Books can comfort and thrill,

Books can show you the world

And will make you feel.

Funny books make me laugh,

Romances make me cry,

Adventure books make me happy

I don t know why.

Учитель . Let s speak about your favourite book characters.

Ученики рассказывают о своих любимыхгероях книг.

Учитель. Среди учащихся 5-9 классов был проведен опрос о значимости чтения. Были как положительные так и отрицательные мнения. Давайте эти мнения прочитаем, переведем и взвесим.

Books help discover new things

Books help explore new ideas

Books help expand outlook

Books help educate

Books help learn about life

Books help solve problems

Books help escape from everyday life problems

Reading is boring

Reading gives a headache

Reading takes a lot of time

Учитель подводит итоги урока, ставит оценки, благодарит за урок.

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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

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Развитие речевой компетенции: навыков устной речи с целью передачи и оценки информации: (продуктивная подготовленная и неподготовленная речь).

рассказы учащихся о любимых авторах и книгах “Which book is the most interesting for you?\ who is your favourite writer?”;

тест на проверку понимания услышанного.

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия: выбор учащимися конвертов с марками-смайликами для написания письма мистеру Брауну соответственно своему впечатлению об уроке, выставление и комментирование оценок.

Домашнее задание: написать письмо мистеру Брауну о том, какое место занимает чтение в вашей жизни, о своем любимом авторе, книге

Good morning boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. We have an unusual lesson, how are you today? – I’ m fine, thanks/ I’m not so good. Our theme is “Books in our life”. We’ll speak about important role of reading in our life, about your favorite writers and your favorite books.

So, look at the screen and read what famous people have said about books and reading, translate the phrases into Russian and explain the way you understand them.

Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)

History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)

All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)

Now let’s warm up, ask questions to each other in a chain. You may use page 137\158 of your textbooks. P1 – P2 - P3 -…

Работа с письмом от Мистера Брауна

OK. I see the most of you are fond of reading. I must say I have a surprise for you. It is a letter from my old pen friend from England. His name is Dan Brown, he is about 40 and he is keen on reading. He wants you to read his letter and to write the answer. He wants to know about your favourite authors and your favourite books. Let’s read it.

Yabluchanskaya Oksana Nikolayevna

2 Yefremovskaya Street

Russia 399740

January 21, 2010

Dear Russian friend,

My name is Daniel Brown. I am 39, my daughter Susan is 14. I work as a journalist in our local newspaper. I’m your English teacher’s pen friend. She wrote me about the theme of your lesson.

I think reading plays very important role in our life. Besides that my editor asked me to write an article “What Russian teenagers prefer to read”. I think it is the best chance for me to find out everything about reading in your country. Please, write in your letter to me about the role of reading in your life, about your favourite writer and your favourite book.

As for me, my favourite author is William Shakespeare, the most famous British playwright in history. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. Families were big in those days so William had seven brothers and sisters. At the age of 21he moved to London and became an actor and a playwright. In 1592 he wrote his first play. After that, his plays became popular very quickly.

He wrote thirty-nine plays. Most of all I like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Comedy of Errors”, “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Julliet”. “Romeo and Julliet” is my favourite one. And what about you?

P. S. I live in England, in Oxford, 22 New High Street (OX3 7AQ)

Обучающие – развивать у учащихся речевые умения аудирования и говорения (в монологической и диалогической форме); познакомить с новой лексикой по теме; обучать умению читать с полным пониманием.

Воспитательные – воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка; формировать культуру чтения, интерес и любовь учащихся к книгам.

Развивающие – развивать воображение, навыки письма, логическое мышление.

Оборудование: проектор, экран, карточки с заданиями, ноутбук

Приветствие. Организационный момент.

Речевая зарядка

Describe an orange.

Say the first letters of the alphabet backwards.

Name the colors of the rainbow.

Describe the difference between an elephant and a cat.

Name mass media you know. What are the advantages/disadvantages of …?

Can we say that books are media, too?

T: Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well, try to guess what it is!

Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the screen and read the rhyme and guess.

It has no mouth but speaks.

It is not a tree but it has leaves.

It is not alive but it can be a good friend

… Right! It is a book

(Учащиеся повторяют за учителем, индивидуально)

Работа с лексикой.

T: A wise man said, “Life without books is as tree without leaves”. How can we understand this quotation?

I’m sure that if we don’t have books in our life, it will be as boring and gloomy as trees in autumn.

Now let us grow our “book tree” and put on leaves on it. (На листья, которые прикрепляются к дереву, написаны слова, обозначающие литературные жанры)

a detective story – детектив ;

a historical story (novel) - исторический роман ;

an adventure story – приключение ;

a fairy tale – сказка ;

science fiction – научная фантастика ;

a horror story – ужастик ;

a biography (an autobiography) – ( авто ) биография ;

an encyclopedia – энциклопедия ;

a dictionary - словарь

(Учащиеся отрабатывают лексику, произносят за учителем, индивидуально)

What kind of stories do you enjoy most?

P.: I prefer reading …

VI. Монологическое высказывание учащихся

What book would you recommend us to read?

I would recommend the book .

The story is set .

The main characters in the book are …

I particularly love reading it because …

VII.Аудирование текстов с целью закрепления лексики

T: Now let’s have a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is, and why you think so. (Учащиеся слушают начало текстов и определяют, к какому жанру он принадлежит)

1. It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. It looked deserted, abandoned. We knocked on the heavy, wooden door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed entirely in black stood there. "Good evening", he said in a slow, deep voice. "I've been expecting you".

2. We were traveling through deep space at the speed of light. Sud­denly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view. A bright star with twenty or more planets. One of these would be our new home, five light years from our own galaxy.

3. The man lay on the ground next to a white van. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket - some money; a handkerchief and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number written on it. Three murders in three weeks and the victims all killed in the same way.

5. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful prin­cess. She was an only child and her father and mother, the king and queen, loved her very much. One day, an old woman came to the castle. When she saw the princess, she smiled and laughed in a strange and horrible way.

VIII. Работа в парах

T: Now, imagine, please, that you are reporters, who have been asked to do research about the books people prefer to read. Ask each other questions.

Способ работы: пары сменного состава.

Описание материала: вопросы записываются на доске. По мере смены партнеров (лучше после второй пары) вопросы по одному стираются с доски. Ученикам заранее дать установку на запоминание вопросов, чтобы они могли сами без опоры их задавать.

Порядок работы: дети сидят парами на двух рядах, внешние ряды остаются на местах,

а внутренние меняют партнеров по часовой стрелке на одну парту вперед или назад.

Учитель сидит у первой парты и слушает рассказы. )

What types of books are you fond of reading?

How many books do you read a month?

Have your read any books in English?

What was the last book you read?

В конце работы один учащийся может подвести итоги опроса.

IX. Устные высказывания учащихся. Согласие/несогласие.

1 . Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon).

2. All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin).

3. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele).

X. Домашнее задание.

- учить новые слова

XI.Самооценка учащихся

Description of achievement

I can read and understand

quotations of famous people.

I can understand what people say about books.

I can express my opinion on books I read

I can answer the interviewer's ques­tions and be an interviewer myself.

I know genres of books

XII. Подведение итогов урока .

T: I’d like to know your opinions about our lesson. Try and express your ideas.

Give a noun as the name of our lesson’s theme

Name two adjectives about …

Name three verbs

Give four adverbs or a sentence about your attitude to the theme

Give a synonym to the first word

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки

Новые олимпиады

Комплекты учителю

Качественные видеоуроки, тесты и практикумы для вашей удобной работы

Вебинары для учителей

Бесплатное участие и возможность получить свидетельство об участии в вебинаре.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

I . Организационный момент.

T: Books are very important in our life. We take knowledge from books. They help us to live and to work. We can not buy all books we want to read, that is why we go to the library. What is the library?

P 1 : A library is a collection of books. If you have fifty or sixty books at home, this is your library. A library is also a building where there is a large collection of books. There are libraries for grown-ups and libraries for children.

T:- P 2: Can you add?

P 2: Yes, sure. We may take out three books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we have not finished reading a book by the end of two weeks, we may go to the library and say that we want it for longer time.

T: What books can you see at the library?

P 2: There are many books at the library. For smaller children you can take fairy tales, books on geography, books on art, books on science. Some like to read travel books or adventure books. As for me a book about great people is a present for me. Others like spy books, detective books, fiction. Girls and women like love stories.

II. Выполнение заданий по тем:

Драматизация коротких диалогов. P 1 - P 2 ; . P 3 - P 4; P 5- P 6.

- What books do you like to read?

- I prefer adventure books. And What about you? –

- I do not think much about adventure books. I would like to read books on science. They give you proper notion about the world around.

- I agree with you. Books on science are very useful. But is not it boring: science at school, science at home?

- Science is never boring. For those who will live in the 21 century it is must.

III. Беседа T - Сl.

What are you reading now?

Who wrote the book and when?

How many pages are there?

Who are the characters in this story?

How old are they?

Do you like them?

IV. Знакомство с высказываниями великих людей о пользе чтения.

V. Чтение и перевод текста.

Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than books! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers, wrote Charl Kingsley, an English writer of the 19 century.

Books teach us to live. We learn many things by reading books. There are different kinds of books. They can be interesting, exciting, powerful, useful, unusual, original, amusing.

VI. Аудирование текста William Caxton.

Correct the sentences:

1. Caxton , s father sent him to Paris.

2. Caxton worked in a hospital.

3. Caxton started his own business before his master , s death.

4. Most people knew a lot about printing at that time.

5. Caxton printed his first book in 1577.

6. Caxton printed more than a hundred books.

T: So, we spoke much about books.

Let , s say how we must treat books.

Love books. Books are our best friends.

Wash your hands before you begin to read.

Do not make dog , s ears in your book.

Do not read books in bed. It is bad for your eyes.

Do not mark marks on the pages of a library book with a pen or pencil.

Do not tear the pages of a book.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

T: I am quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today Thank you for today , s lesson.

I shall be glad to see you again. Good bye!

A library is a collection of books. If you have fifty or sixty books at home, this is your library. A library is also a building where there is a large collection of books. There are libraries for grown-ups and libraries for children.

We may take out three books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we have not finished reading a book by the end of two weeks, we may go to the library and say that we want it for longer time.

There are many books at the library. For smaller children you can take fairy tales, books on geography, books on art, books on science. Some like to read travel books or adventure books. As for me a book about great people is a present for me. Others like spy books, detective books, fiction. Girls and women like love stories.

I would like to read…

Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than books! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers, wrote Charl Kingsley, an English writer of the 19 century.

Books teach us to live. We learn many things by reading books. There are different kinds of books. They can be interesting, exciting, powerful, useful, unusual, original, amusing.

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