Школьные предметы на английском 4 класс упражнения

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Критерии оценки лексико-грамматического теста

№1. Раздели цепочку на отдельные слова и выражения:

№2. Переведи на английский язык:

№ 3. Переведи слово на русский язык:

student’s book - ____________

№4. Зачеркни лишнее слово:

A bookcase, a chair, a ruler, a desk.

A student, a teacher, a classmate, a blackboard.

School, Art, Maths, Nature Study.

№5. Подбери верный перевод, соедини выражение и перевод стрелками:

I'm sorry. I'm late Можно мне войти?

May I come in? Можно мне спросить?

Can I ask you? Простите, я опоздал

№6. Составь словосочетания, соединив его части стрелками:

from English into Russian

№7. Используя некоторые словосочетания в №6, напиши, что обычно делают на разных уроках:

In Reading we usually ___________________________________

In English we usually ____________________________________

In Music we usually _____________________________________

In Art we usually _______________________________________

In Maths we usually______________________________________

№8. Зачеркни лишний совет:

Do what the teacher says.

Answer the teacher’s questions.

Be polite to the teachers and to other classmates

Take a snake to the lesson

№ 9. Вставь слова на место пропуска:

Hi! I’m Marry. I go to school. My classroom is big and light. There are 15 _________ , a big ________________with books and a lot of _________________. We also have ________________in our classroom.

№ 10. Напиши , какой твой любимый урок и почему :

Названия школьных предметов на английском с транскрипцией.

Перед вами таблица с названиями школьных предметов на английском языке с транскрипцией и переводом. Обратите внимание: названия школьных предметов в английском языке всегда пишутся с большой буквы!

School subjects in ENGLISH


Перевод на русский

Physical Education (PE)

School subjects worksheets – упражнения

Ответы к упражнениям в конце статьи.

Упражнение 1. Что это за предметы? What subjects are they?

Art PE Music Biology Geography Maths History

  1. In this lesson you sing or play a musical instrument
  2. In this lesson you study animals and plants
  3. In this lesson you study numbers
  4. In this lesson you learn about things that happened in the past
  5. Sports that you do at school
  6. In this lesson you learn how to make beautiful things, like paintings and drawings
  7. In this lesson you learn about countries, mountains and rivers

Упражнение 2. На каком уроке используются эти вещи?

  1. Pencils, paints, paper, brushes
  2. Balls, sneakers, trainers, wall bars
  3. Map, globe, compass
  4. Piano, guitar, violin
  5. English dictionary, textbook, workbook

Упражнение 3. Put the letters in the correct order.

1 opggahery: ___________

2 soiythr: ______________

3 itelruetar: ____________

4 gsinelh: ______________

5 ooigbly: ______________

6 smcui: _______________

7 ashmt: ______________

8 yipcssh: _____________

Упражнение 4. Найдите 8 названий школьных предметов
































































Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения, используя названия школьных предметов.

  1. My favourite subject is …………………………….
  2. I’m bad at ………………………, but I’m god at …………………………………
  3. I don’t like ………………………………
  4. My best friend likes …………………………………, but he/she doesn’t like…………………….

Задание по чтению на тему School subjects

It is Tuesday. Sonia and her friends are going to school. They are waiting for the bus.

Sonia: What lessons do we have this morning?

Dave: We have PE, Physics and Geography. What about you Vanessa?

Vanessa: I have Maths, French and Art. They’re my favorite subjects.

Sonia: I hate French. I don’t understand anything. It’s too difficult.

Vanessa: Really? I think French is easy. And Mrs Waites is very nice, isn’t she?

Sonia: Yes, I like her, but I think French is boring. I prefer Maths with Mr Robinson. Do you like him Dave?

Dave: He’s all right. But he’s too strict.

Vanessa: He’s great! I understand everything this year.

Sonia: Yes, his lessons are very interesting!

Vanessa: And he’s so good- looking.

Dave: Tell me, girls, is it Maths you like or is it Mr Robinson?

Упражнение 6. Correct the following false statements:

  1. Sonia likes French.
  2. Mrs Waites is very strict.
  3. Mr Robinson’s lessons are boring.

Ответы к упражнениям:

Exercise 1

1 Music, 2 Biology, 3 Maths, 4 History, 5 PE, 6 Art, 7 Geography

Exercise 2

1 Art, 2 PE, 3 Geography, 4 Music, 5 English

Exercise 3

  1. Geography
  2. History
  3. Literature
  4. English
  5. Biology
  6. Music
  7. Maths
  8. Physics

Exercise 4

Exercise 5 – ваши собственное ответы.

Exercise 6.

  1. Sonia doesn’t like French. / Sonia likes Maths.
  2. Mrs Waites is not very strict. / Mrs Waites is very nice/ Mr Robinson is very strict.
  3. Mrs Waites’s lessons are boring. / Mr Robinson’s lessons are not boring.

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2 Комментариев для "Школьные предметы на английском языке — School Subjects – Названия и упражнения"

По моему, замечательная разработка. Смело можно использовать на уроке.

>названия школьных предметов в английском языке всегда пишутся с большой буквы!

Оборудование: магнитофон, интерактивная доска, проектор, презентация к уроку, иллюстрации.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? So today is Wednesday and I am very busy on this day because I have got six lessons on my timetable. And you? How many lessons have you got on Wednesday? How many lessons have you got on the timetable every day? When do your lessons begin? When is your day off? So I see that you are very busy too because you have got a lot of lessons at school. Of course they are very interesting and I suggest talking about them. So boys and girls, guess, what is the theme of our lesson today.

II. Введение в тему, мотивация.

T: Yes, our theme is “My school subjects” and at our lesson we are going to revise words and wordcombinations in order to improve your vocabulary skills and talk about your school subjects. We will also work and act out a dialogue on the theme. First of all we should prepare for the lessons. Can you go to school without your schoolbags? Of course, you can’t. That’s why you should pack your schoolbag. Look at the screen. Imagine this is your schoolbag but it is empty. Let’s put into it all things which we need at school every day. Listen to me and guess what it is. (Учащиеся прослушивают описание, догадываются, о чем идет речь, и называют школьные принадлежности по-английски, изображение которых появляется на экране.)

  1. a thing where you can write down your homework in (a daybook)
  2. things where you can read different texts (textbooks)
  3. things where you can write at the different lessons. (exercise books)
  4. a thing you can write with ( a pen)
  5. a thing we use to draw straight lines at Maths (a ruler)
  6. a thing we use to rub something out (a rubber)
  7. a thing we can draw with (a pencil)

III. Повторение названий предметов.

T: So you have guessed all the words. Well done. Let’s repeat them after me all together once more. As you can see, your schoolbag is full of necessary things and now we are ready for the lessons. It’s time to speak about your school subjects. First of all we should remember their names. Look at the picture on the blackboard and think of the name of a subject that it illustrates. (Учащиеся догадываются по картинке, о каком предмете идет речь, вспоминают его название, затем один учащийся подходит к доске и прикрепляет слово рядом с картинкой.)

T: Read all the subjects: Maths, Reading, English, Russian, Art, Physical Education, Nature Study, Music, Rhetoric, Handicraft.

IV. Активизация в речи названий предметов

T: So you study a lot of useful subjects at school and these pictures show us that every day you learn a lot of interesting things at your lessons. Now let’s remember what exactly you do at each lesson. We are going to work in pairs and do the exercise on the sheet of paper. Your task is to match the words with the name of a subject. Then you should make up sentences as in the example. (Учащиеся получают карточку с заданием. Используя слова и словосочетания на карточке, учащиеся составляют предложения о том, что они делают на каждом уроке.)

Match the words with the name of a subject. Make up sentences as in the example.

(Соедините слова с названием предмета, составьте устно предложения по образцу)

Example: We read stories and poems at our Reading lessons.

1) read stories and poems
2) make different things
3) draw pictures
4) speak English
5) run, jump and ski
6) learn things about nature
7) sing songs
8) learn Russian and write exercises
9) study numbers, count

T: Well, boys and girls, you are really busy at your lessons because you do a lot of interesting things there. But not only you, Russian pupils, are very busy but English pupils also have interesting lessons. I know that you have read the text about primary schools in England and you know that English pupils study some of these subjects too. Look at the screen. These are Tom and Kate. They are pupils at an English primary school. They follow a regular timetable and like to sing about the school subjects which they like. The song is called “I like Science”. Let’s listen to this song and then try to name subjects which you will hear in the song. (Учащиеся слушают песню и заполняют пропуски, услышанными названиями предметов.)

I like Science
I like Science.
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like …
I like them all.

I like Science
I like Science.
I like History.
I like Music.
I like Maths.
I like P.E.
I like English.
I like Art.
I like them all.

T: What subjects did you hear? Now listen to the song again and try to put the subjects into the correct order. Can you complete the song? Name the subjects in the order they are mentioned in the song.

Tom and Kate like these subjects And what about you? What subjects do you like? What is your favourite subject?

VI. Физпауза.

T: Let’s have a rest and sing the song once more doing some exercises.

VII. Групповая работа. Беседа о любимых и нелюбимых предметах.

T: So, boys and girls, I see that you like most of your subjects but they all are very different. Now I’d like to know your opinion about them. We are going to work in groups. I’ll give you two faces – a happy face and an unhappy face. In your group you should decide what subject or subjects you like and what subject or subjects you don’t like and why. Then one of your group goes to the blackboard, pins faces and explain your choice. (Учащиеся в группе решают, какие предметы или предмет они любят и не любят и почему, затем один учащийся от группы подходит к доске, прикрепляет соответствующую картинку смайлика напротив названия предмета и объясняет выбор группы.)

Decide what subjects you like and what subjects you don’t like and why.

(Решите какие предметы вам нравятся, а какие нет и почему.)

We like … because (it is/they are interesting, easy; we like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

We don’t like … because (it is/they are difficult, we don’t like to…(read, run and jump, speak English, sing, count, draw, make things, learn about nature)

VIII. Парная работа. Работа с диалогом о школьных предметах.

T: So we have talked about subjects that you like and don’t like. Now I suggest talking a little about your timetable. Remember your timetable and answer some questions. How many times a week have you got Maths? How many times a week have you got Russian? What lessons have you got once a week? When have you got English lessons? When have you got P.E.?

T: I see you know your timetable well. Now we are going to work with the dialogue. Kate is speaking with Tom about his new school and his timetable. We are going to work in pairs again. You task is to complete the dialogue. You should choose the correct phrase from the list to fill in the dialogue below.

  1. thanks a lot
  2. Can you help me?
  3. on your timetable
  4. Do you like your school?
  5. What is your favourite subject?

Kate: Hello, Tom! 1) …

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there 2) … ?

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. 4) …

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

IX. Драматизация диалога.

T: Read the phrases you have chosen. Read the whole dialogue.

Kate: Hello, Tom! Do you like your new school?

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there on your timetable?

Tom: Nine.

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week.

Kate: What is your favourite subject?

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. Can you help me?

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

Kate: Bye and thanks a lot.

X. Составление диалогов по образцу.

T: Now in pairs make up similar dialogues using your own ideas instead of the words in bold. Think of your own timetable and your favourite subjects. (Учащиеся изменяют выделенные жирным шрифтом слова на информацию о себе.)

T: Well done, your dialogues are good and informative. So your home task is to learn the dialogue by heart.

(Домашнее задание – выучить диалог наизусть с изменениями или без изменений, по желанию.)

XI. Подведение итогов урока.

T: So our lesson is coming to an end. We have discussed your school subjects and you have done all exercises very well. Thank you for your work and listen to your marks. Ребята вы получили оценки за вашу работу, а как вы в целом оцените наш урок сегодня? Какую оценку поставили бы вы нашему уроку в целом. Выберите карточку с оценкой и поднимите.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Метапредметные: • Развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание. • Развитие диалогической и монологической речи, приобщение к новому социальному опыту через приобретенные знания.

Ход урока

Конспект урока английского языка для 4 класса по теме "Школа. Школьные предметы"

Метапредметные: • Развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание. • Развитие диалогической и монологической речи, приобщение к новому социальному опыту через приобретенные знания.

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