Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс 2021 школьный этап примерные задания

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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

2020-2021 учебный год

I (школьный) этап

Английский язык

Use of English

Критерии оценивания и подсчёт баллов.

Listening – максимальное количество баллов 5. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Reading - максимальное количество баллов 13. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Use of English - максимальное количество баллов 20. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов. В вопросах 1-12 учитывается орфография.

Writing - максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание оценивается по Критериям оценивания.

При подведении итогов баллы за все конкурсные задания суммируются .

Максимальное количество баллов за все конкурсы – 48 баллов.

Writing критерии оценивания.

Максимальное количество баллов 10.

Решение коммуникативной задачи (максимум 3 балла)

Организация и языковое оформление текста (максимум 7 баллов).

Организация текста (максимум 2 балла)

(максимум 2 балла)

(максимум 2 балла)

Орфография и пунктуация

(максимум 1 балл)

Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена.

Участник соблюдает особенности написания письма.

Объём работы соответствует заданному либо отклоняется от заданного не более или менее 10%

Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Однако в работе не выполнен 1 аспект.

Текст правильно разделён на абзацы, логика построения текста не нарушена.

В работе имеются 1-2 лексические ошибки.

Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. В работе имеются 1-2 грамматические ошибки.

Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Однако в работе не выполнено 2 аспекта.

Имеются отдельные нарушения логики или членения на абзацы (1-2)

В работе имеются 3-4 лексические ошибки.

В работе имеются 3-4 грамматические ошибки.

В работе имеются 1-4 орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки.

Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Текст не является письмом. Или не выполнены 3 аспекта. Или объём менее 70 слов.

Имеются многочисленные нарушения логики или членения на абзацы.

В работе имеются многочисленные лексические ошибки.

В работе имеются многочисленные грамматические ошибки.

В работе имеются многочисленные орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки.

Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Writing – 10 (десять).

Эксперт №_____________________________________________________(ф.и.о.)

Методические рекомендации.

Продуктивное письменное высказывание в формате личного письма.


Speaker 1 (woman)

Many people often plan their summer holidays months ahead. To make the most of them, make sure you chose the holiday that is right for you. For example, if you just need to relax and not do much, a beach holiday would best suit you. If you like to explore new cultures and visit museums, you can sign up for a guided tour. If you are going away with your family, make sure your destination includes activities that people of all ages can enjoy.

Speaker 2 (man) My last business trip was a disaster! I rushed to the airport, only to realize that I had forgotten my briefcase with my presentation at the office. There was no time to go back, so I boarded the plane without it. During the flight I tried to get some sleep, but this annoying man next to me was talking all the time, which was very frustrating. When I finally got to the hotel? My secretary had left a note telling she had emailed all the documents I would need. Finally, some good news!

Speaker 3 (woman) Tow years ago, I visited Paris. It was amazing! There were countless things to see and at the end of each day I was exhausted by all the walking! I visited many museums and famous landmarks. The language difference was a little hard, but many people spoke English. I also bought some things. They were really expensive, but of excellent quality. However, I was shocked to find out that the food was no so good as people say. But, all in all, I had a wonderful time!

Speaker 4 (man)

One of my favourite things to do after my holidays is to develop my pictures. I take dozens of snaps when on holiday and it sometimes takes me days to put them in order and in albums. I have pictures from my visit to Kenya, China, Bali and Italy. At the beginning, I used to take pictures of all the landmarks, but then I realized that those were boring. I have since started to take pictures of the strange things that make each country unique. Also, if I do decide to take pictures of landmarks, I make sure people are standing in front. Who knows, may be some day I can create a picture book with all my snaps.

Speaker 5 (girl)

Last year, my friends and I participated in a school exchange programme. For two weeks, we had the opportunity to live with a family in another country. We were sent to three different host families in Boston. My host family was nice, but their daughter was a bit strange. She hardly spoke to me, and kept looking at me in a curious way! Also, while my other friends went on exciting excursions with their host families, I had tow dull weeks, sitting inside a house watching American television. Let’s just say I was happy to return home.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Вы услышите интервью. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-7 содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, FALSE,если не соответствует,NOT STATED, если в тексте нет информации. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Task 1. Listen to an interview. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS)?

1 The interviewer doesn’t know how to spell the girl’s first name. ___________

2 Ann’s favourite sport is swimming. ___________

3 Ann doesn’t do any sports now. ___________

4 Ann helps younger students at school because she wants to become a teacher.__________

5 The youngest students are eleven years old. ___________

6 The sports trainers in the camp can have an evening off if the other trainers agree. ________

7 The job the interviewer offers Ann starts next month. ___________


READING (11points ) (1 балл за правильный ответ), 30 минут

Part 1.( 5points) Read the text. Match the information (1-5) with the titles (A – F). One title is extra.

A. Olympic flag B. Games restarted C. The first Olympics

D. The winners E. The games stopped F. Modern Olympics

1. Nobody knows exactly when the Olympic Games began, but historians think that the first games

were in 776 ВС. Athletes from all over Greece came to compete in a town called Olympia. There was

only one event. It was a running race.

2. The games were very popular. Soon there were more events, for example, wrestling and horse

racing. The games took place every four years, for a thousand years. In AD 394 the Roman Emperor

Theodosius stopped them for religious reasons.

3. In 1887, the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin decided he wanted to restart the Olympic Games. It took a

long time but finally the first modern Olympic Games began in Athens in April 1896. Thirteen countries

took part. There were nearly 300 competitors in nine different sports.

4. Pierre de Coubertin also designed the Olympic rings. Each ring represents one of the five

continents and the Olympic flag contains at least one colour from every national flag.

5. Today the Olympic Games are the world's most famous sports competition. The modern

Olympics take place every four years in a different city. In 2004 they were again in Athens. Over

11,000 athletes from 203 countries competed in 28 sports, 3,000 years after the first Olympic


Part 2. (6 points)

The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Once the king showed a new portion of his stories to a well-known critic. The critic decided to tell the truth and said that the stories were bad and poor.

When the critic was brought to the palace the king asked him about the stories again. But the critic said he would rather get back to prison.

Of course people were afraid of criticizing the king so they had to lie. Everyone said the stories were extremely good, which was not at all true.

An old king liked to write stories which he thought were very good and professional. He showed them to everyone and asked what those people thought.

After some time the king thought he had been too cruel and decided to set the critic free. He sent his men to the prison and told them to bring the man to the palace.

The king got very angry with him and ordered his men to take him to prison. So the

critic was sent to prison for telling the truth



Task 3 ( 10points)

Part 1. ( 20 мин)

For questions 1 – 10 form the word for the person doing the job by putting an ending to

the words in brackets. The example is given. Remember to transfer your answers to the

The Boy Scout Movement was founded in 1908 by the British Lieutenant-General R.S.S. Baden-Powell. Since that time, boys from all over the world have been attracted by Baden-Powell’s ideas.

The Boy Scouts are taught such things as reading maps, camping and first aid. To become a scout a boy must promise to do his duty to his country, to help other people at all times, and to do a good deed (поступок) every day.

Every four years a “World Jamboree” is held; it’s a meeting of thousands of scouts from many parts of the world, who camp together as one large family.

Scouts who are over 11 years of age are called “senior scouts”, those who are younger are called “wolf-cubs”.

Donald has been a wolf-cub for a few months. One day he found a letter in the street. There was a name and address on the envelope and Donald decided to return the letter.

Mrs. Miller, who had lost the letter, was very glad: “That’s very nice of you. I have been looking for this letter for a long time. Here is twenty pence for you”. And she took the money out of her purse.

“Sorry Madam”, said Donald, “I won’t take it. I’m a scout, it’s my good deed for today”.

1. The Boy Scout movement is popular all over the world. ______

2. During a “World Jamboree” boys live in tents. ______

3. Donald was 12 years old. ______

4. He joined the Scout movement not long ago. ______

5. When Donald found a letter, he decided to post it. ______

6. Mrs. Miller didn’t want to give Donald some money. ______

7. Donald refused to take money. ______

2. Put the correct word.

1. Where is Kate? She _____ tennis.

A. plays B. is playing C. play D. played

2. ______ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. It is, there is B. It was, there is C. There are, it is D. There is, it is

3. She was tired and asked me _____ make so much noise.

A. didn’t B. did not to C. not D. not to

4. Both Steve ______ Jane ______ here.

A. or, is B. and, is C. or, are D. and, are

5. I didn’t know if he needed any help. _______ ?

A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So didn’t I D. Neither didn’t I

6. ___ President of ___ United States lives in ____ White House in ___ Washington D.C.

A. -, the, the, - B. -, the, -, the C. -, -, the, the D. The, the, the, -

7. I have my English class ___ Monday morning.

A. in B. at C. for D. on

8. _____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have B. Had you had, have C. Have you had, have D. Do you have, had

9. I was late. The teacher ___ a test when I ___ to class.

A. has already given, got B. had already given, got C. has already given, get D. was already giving, get

10. How long will it ___ to do the homework?

A. need her B. take her C. she take D. she need

11. Mary has never been to London, ____ she?

A. has B. did C. hasn’t D. didn’t

12. According ___ the list he was the 10th.

A. to B. at C. on D. for

13. He grew up in New England, ____?

A. don’t you B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. did he

14. Lorena is ____ the girl I have ever met.

A. the most beautiful B. a more beautiful C. the beautifulest D. most beautiful

15. Newspapers and magazines ____ just by the postman.

A. have been bring B. has been brought C. have been brought D. were bought

16. I haven’t got ______ money with me.

A. no B. some C. any D. a

17. He said he _____ that man before.

A. never met B. did not meet C. had never met D. did not never meet

18. When I ______ the children ______ television peacefully.

A. came, watched B. came, were watching C. was coming, were watching D. was coming, watched

19. Have you ever been _____ Paris.

A. in B. to C. at D. through

20. Who ____ Phil with his homework?

A. does help B. helps C. do help D. help

21. The train ______ at 5 o’clock.

A. will leave B. leaves C. leave D. is leaving

22. My sister ____ some new clothes last week.

A. had bought B. bought C. was buying D. have bought

23. The tickets ____ yesterday.

A. was sold B. sold C. were sold D. sell

24. Lisa said that she ______ this book.

A. buys B. bought C. has bought D. had bought

25. She _____ to Moscow, if she _____ her homework.

A. go, will do B. goes, does C. will go, does D. will go, do

3. Choose the right variant.

1. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому

These scientists have completed their experiments.

a) What these scientists completed?

b) What have these scientists completed?

c) What have completed these scientists?

d) What these scientists have completed?

2. … is the capitol of Australia.

a) Wellington b) Washington, D.C. c) Canberra d) Sydney

3. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre was opened in … in 1932.

a) London b) Coventry c) Stratford-on-Avon d) Oxford

4. The Tower of London was once a prison and now it is …

a) concert hall b) theatre c) museum d) cinema

5. Вы рады встрече с любимой подругой

a) I don’t care b) Take it easy c) What a joy d) I hope so

6. Выразите разрешение войти после постукивания в дверь

a) Be quiet b) Come in c) Wait a moment d) Just a moment

7. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому

She made two mistakes in the test.

a) How many mistakes she made in the test?

b) How many mistakes made she in the test?

c) How many mistakes did she make in the test?

d) How many mistakes did made she in the test?

8. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению

She comes from Scotland

a) Does she comes from Scotland?

b) Do she come from Scotland?

c) Does she come from Scotland?

d) She comes from Scotland?

9. J. London was a famous …writer.

a) Canadian b) English c) Australian d) American

10. The Independence day is a holiday celebrated in … on July, 4.

a) Canada b) Ireland c) Scotland d) The USA

11. “King Lear” is a famous play written by the well-known English play-writer…

a) T. Hardy b) A. Wells c) W. Shakespeare d) R. Kipling

12. Выскажите пожелание заболевшей сестре

a) I wish you health b) Glad to see you c) What a luck! d) That’s right

4. Is the ‘s’ in the following sentences a contraction of ‘is’ or ‘has’? Write the correct full form after the sentence.

Официальный сайт. ВОШ. 2021 - 2022 учебный год. Открытый банк заданий. ВСОШ. ВПР. ФИПИ ШКОЛЕ. ФГОС. ОРКСЭ. МЦКО. ФИОКО. ОГЭ. ЕГЭ. Школа России. 21 век. ГДЗ. Решебник. Перспектива. Школа 2100. Планета знаний. Россия. Беларусь

Предмет: Английский язык - Новые олимпиадные задачи с ответами 2021-2022 учебного года

Желаем вам успешных оценок на новых Олимпиадах в 2022 году! Ученики, которые хотят получить льготы на экзамене в школе, нужно участвовать в различных олимпиадах. На этой странице Олимпиадных реальных задач и вопросов вы можете посмотреть, бесплатно скачать и распечатать полные варианты задания, решения и правильные ответы для Всероссийской олимпиады школьников в формате PDF или Ворд. Разбор заданий и все задачи олимпиады подготовлены с учетом знаний предмета школьников в прошлом учебном году 2020-2021 года.

Посмотреть и скачать задания, ответы и решения Всероссийская Олимпиада Школьников по предмету Английский язык в 2021-2022 учебном году

Региональный этап

задания: 9 класс письм. | 10 класс письм. | 11 класс письм. | 9-11 класс аудио + устн.
решения: 9 класс письм. | 10 класс письм. | 11 класс письм. | 9-11 класс скрипт
видеоразборы: 9-11 класс

Посмотреть и бесплатно скачать Задания, Ответы и Решения Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по другим предметам

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