Чарльз диккенс презентация на английском кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

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Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and is considered to be one of the greatest novelists. Чарльз Диккенс был английским писателем и общественным критиком. Он создал некоторые из самых запоминающихся в мире вымышленных персонажей и считается одним из величайших романистов.

Charles Dickens He was born on February 7th, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father was an office man, who worked hard to provide for his family. Charles had many brother and sisters. Он родился 7 февраля 1812 года в Портсмуте, в Англии. Его отец был офисным работником, который упорно трудился, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. У Чарльза было много братьев и сестер.

Charles Dickens When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory. For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. Когда ему было 10, его семья переехала в Лондон, где его отец попал в долговую тюрьму. После этого, Чарльз оставил школу, чтобы работать на фабрике. В течение двух лет он работал в грязной комнате, наклеивая этикетки на бутылки.

Charles Dickens Then he went to school for three more years. He had little formal education but still succeeded in life. Затем он снова ходил в школу в течение трех лет. В действительности образования у него было мало, но ему все удавалось в жизни.

Charles Dickens Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal. За свою карьеру он написал 15 романов, 5 повестей , сотни рассказов и научно-популярных статей. Он также работал в течение 20 лет в качестве редактора в еженедельном журнале.

Charles Dickens Dickens’ other merits include campaigns for children’s rights, education and other social reforms. He obtained international attention and fame in 1836 with a series of publications called “Pickwick Papers”. Среди прочих достоинств Диккенса кампании в защиту прав детей и их образования, а также другие социальные реформы. Он получил международное внимание и славу в 1836 году с серией публикаций под названием "Записки Пиквикского клуба".

Charles Dickens He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. В то время он был молодым и бедным репортером, который сразу же стал знаменитым писателем.

Charles Dickens Dickens published many other novels later. Among them “Oliver Twist”, “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield” and many others. Позже Диккенс опубликовал много других романов. Среди них "Оливер Твист", "Домби и сын", "Дэвид Копперфильд" и многие другие.

Charles Dickens His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. Его книги довольно интересно читать. В основном, он писал о тяжелой жизни бедных людей в викторианской Англии. Несмотря на то, что он жил более ста лет тому назад, люди все еще с удовольствием читают его книги.

Charles Dickens One of his most influential works ever written was “A Christmas Carol” novella. Одной из его самых влиятельных работ, когда-либо написанных им, была повесть "Рождественская песнь".

Charles Dickens His fellow writers of that time highly praised his literary genius. Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell, Chesterton were among them. Его собратья по перу того времени высоко ценили его гениальность в литературе. К ним относятся Лев Толстой, Джордж Оруэлл, Честертон.

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens died on June 9th, 1870 and he was buried in Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Чарльз Диккенс умер 9 июня 1870 году и был похоронен в Уголке поэтов в Вестминстерском аббатстве.

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Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and is considered to be one of the greatest novelists. Чарльз Диккенс был английским писателем и общественным критиком. Он создал некоторые из самых запоминающихся в мире вымышленных персонажей и считается одним из величайших романистов.

Charles Dickens He was born on February 7th, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father was an office man, who worked hard to provide for his family. Charles had many brother and sisters. Он родился 7 февраля 1812 года в Портсмуте, в Англии. Его отец был офисным работником, который упорно трудился, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. У Чарльза было много братьев и сестер.

Charles Dickens When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory. For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. Когда ему было 10, его семья переехала в Лондон, где его отец попал в долговую тюрьму. После этого, Чарльз оставил школу, чтобы работать на фабрике. В течение двух лет он работал в грязной комнате, наклеивая этикетки на бутылки.

Charles Dickens Then he went to school for three more years. He had little formal education but still succeeded in life. Затем он снова ходил в школу в течение трех лет. В действительности образования у него было мало, но ему все удавалось в жизни.

Charles Dickens Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal. За свою карьеру он написал 15 романов, 5 повестей , сотни рассказов и научно-популярных статей. Он также работал в течение 20 лет в качестве редактора в еженедельном журнале.

Charles Dickens Dickens’ other merits include campaigns for children’s rights, education and other social reforms. He obtained international attention and fame in 1836 with a series of publications called “Pickwick Papers”. Среди прочих достоинств Диккенса кампании в защиту прав детей и их образования, а также другие социальные реформы. Он получил международное внимание и славу в 1836 году с серией публикаций под названием "Записки Пиквикского клуба".

Charles Dickens He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. В то время он был молодым и бедным репортером, который сразу же стал знаменитым писателем.

Charles Dickens Dickens published many other novels later. Among them “Oliver Twist”, “ Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield” and many others. Позже Диккенс опубликовал много других романов. Среди них "Оливер Твист", " Домби и сын", "Дэвид Копперфильд " и многие другие.

Charles Dickens His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. Его книги довольно интересно читать. В основном, он писал о тяжелой жизни бедных людей в викторианской Англии. Несмотря на то, что он жил более ста лет тому назад, люди все еще с удовольствием читают его книги.

Charles Dickens One of his most influential works ever written was “A Christmas Carol” novella. Одной из его самых влиятельных работ, когда-либо написанных им, была повесть "Рождественская песнь".

Charles Dickens His fellow writers of that time highly praised his literary genius. Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell, Chesterton were among them. Его собратья по перу того времени высоко ценили его гениальность в литературе. К ним относятся Лев Толстой, Джордж Оруэлл, Честертон.

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens died on June 9th, 1870 and he was buried in Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Чарльз Диккенс умер 9 июня 1870 году и был похоронен в Уголке поэтов в Вестминстерском аббатстве.

Charles Dickens Презентацию подготовила Сироштанова Е.А., МБОУ СОШ №76, п. Гигант, 2014 год

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация "Чарльз Диккенс"

Презентация может быть использована на уроке домашнего чтения. В частности я использовала эту презентацию при изучении произведения "A Christmas Carol" в 6 классе.

Открытое мероприятие, посвящённое 200-летию Ч. Диккенса

Тема мероприятия: Жизнь и творчество великого английского писателя Чарльза Диккенса. Цели.

Конспект интегрированного урока с применением методов и приемов ТРКМЧП.

Викторине к юбилею великого английского прозаиста Ч. Диккенса

Викторина содержит вопросы о жизни, творчестве великого писателя.

Колороцентричный портрет как разновидность монотематического (по роману Диккенса "Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда, рассказанная им самим")

Данная работа рассматривает колороцентричный портрет главных героев романа Диккенса, значение основных цветов в культуре разных стран.

Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He lived in the south of England when he was a little boy. His father worked in an office. He was a very clever man, but he was very poor. Charles had many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them. He learned to read very early.

When Charles was 10 years old, his family went to London. There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor's prison. So little Charles began to work when he was ten. That was the beginning of Charles' hard life.

He worked at a small factory in London, pasting labels on blacking bottles. He had to work in a dirty room with no windows. He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two years. Then he went to school for three years, but he did not learn much at school. He learned much at home, from his father and from other clever people. Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer of short stories.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Charles Dickens

In 1837 he published his first novel "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club". And the young reporter became a famous writer. Then he published novel after novel — "Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son", "David Copperfield" and many other good books.

His books are very interesting, they tell us about the hard life of the poor people in. England of that time. When we read his books, we sometimes laugh, but we often want to cry. Charles Dickens died in 1870.

He is one of the greatest novelists in the English literature. Dickens lived more than a hundred years ago, but people in the whole world like to read his books today, because in his books he showed a real world and people of Victorian England.

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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Fact file His name : Date of birth: Charles John Huffam Dickens 7 February 1812 Place of birth: Landport , Hampshire , England Date of die: 9 June 1870 (aged 58) Citizenship : English

Date of birth:

Charles John Huffam Dickens

7 February 1812

Place of birth:

Landport , Hampshire , England

Date of die:

9 June 1870 (aged 58)

Citizenship :

 Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He lived in the south of England when he was a little boy. His father worked in an office. He was a very clever man, but he was very poor. Charles had many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them. He learned to read very early. When Charles was 10 years old, his family went to London. There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor

Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He lived in the south of England when he was a little boy. His father worked in an office. He was a very clever man, but he was very poor. Charles had many brothers and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them. He learned to read very early.

When Charles was 10 years old, his family went to London. There his father got into debt (as he had little money) and then into debtor's prison. So little Charles began to work when he was ten. That was the beginning of Charles' hard life.

 He worked at a small factory in London, pasting labels on blacking bottles. He had to work in a dirty room with no windows. He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two years. Then he went to school for three years, but he did not learn much at school. He learned much at home, from his father and from other clever people. Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer of short stories. In 1837 he published his first novel

He worked at a small factory in London, pasting labels on blacking bottles. He had to work in a dirty room with no windows. He did not like his work, but he had to work at the factory for two years. Then he went to school for three years, but he did not learn much at school. He learned much at home, from his father and from other clever people. Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer of short stories.

In 1837 he published his first novel "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club". And the young reporter became a famous writer. Then he published novel after novel — "Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son", "David Copperfield" and many other good books.

 His books are very interesting, they tell us about the hard life of the poor people in. England of that time. When we read his books, we sometimes laugh, but we often want to cry. Charles Dickens died in 1870. He is one of the greatest novelists in the English literature. Dickens lived more than a hundred years ago, but people in the whole world like to read his books today, because in his books he showed a real world and people of Victorian England.

His books are very interesting, they tell us about the hard life of the poor people in. England of that time. When we read his books, we sometimes laugh, but we often want to cry. Charles Dickens died in 1870.

He is one of the greatest novelists in the English literature. Dickens lived more than a hundred years ago, but people in the whole world like to read his books today, because in his books he showed a real world and people of Victorian England.

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Charles Dickens. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 11 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and is considered to be one of the greatest novelists. Чарльз Диккенс был английским писателем и общественным критиком. Он создал некоторые из самых запоминающихся в мире вымышленных персонажей и считается одним из величайших романистов.

Charles Dickens He was born on February 7th, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father was an office man, who worked hard to provide for his family. Charles had many brother and sisters. Он родился 7 февраля 1812 года в Портсмуте, в Англии. Его отец был офисным работником, который упорно трудился, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. У Чарльза было много братьев и сестер

Charles Dickens When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory. For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. Когда ему было 10, его семья переехала в Лондон, где его отец попал в долговую тюрьму. После этого, Чарльз оставил школу, чтобы работать на фабрике. В течение двух лет он работал в грязной комнате, наклеивая этикетки на бутылки.

Charles Dickens Then he went to school for three more years. He had little formal education but still succeeded in life. Затем он снова ходил в школу в течение трех лет. В действительности образования у него было мало, но ему все удавалось в жизни

Charles Dickens Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal. За свою карьеру он написал 15 романов, 5 повестей , сотни рассказов и научно-популярных статей. Он также работал в течение 20 лет в качестве редактора в еженедельном журнале.

Charles Dickens He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. В то время он был молодым и бедным репортером, который сразу же стал знаменитым писателем

Charles Dickens His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. Его книги довольно интересно читать. В основном, он писал о тяжелой жизни бедных людей в викторианской Англии. Несмотря на то, что он жил более ста лет тому назад, люди все еще с удовольствием читают его книги.

Charles Dickens One of his most influential works ever written was “A Christmas Carol” novella. Одной из его самых влиятельных работ, когда-либо написанных им, была повесть "Рождественская песнь"

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens died on June 9th, 1870 and he was buried in Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Чарльз Диккенс умер 9 июня 1870 году и был похоронен в Уголке поэтов в Вестминстерском аббатстве.

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He was born on February 7th, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father was an office man, who worked hard to provide for his family. Charles had many brother and sisters, but he did not often play with them. His father had many books and Charles liked to read them. He learned to read very early.

When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory to pay for his accommodation and support his family . For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. That was the beginning of Charles

When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory to pay for his accommodation and support his family . For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. That was the beginning of Charles' hard life.

His father

His father's eventual release and an improvement in the family‘s fortunes helped matters. Charles went to school for three years, but he did not learn much at school. He learned at home, from his father and from other clever people. Later he worked as a reporter to the Parliament and became a writer of short stories.

He first made a name for himself as a writer in his twenties with The Pickwick Papers (Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба)

He first made a name for himself as a writer in his twenties with The Pickwick Papers

(Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба)

He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal.

He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal.

Charles Dickens died in 1870. He was 58 years old.

Charles Dickens died in 1870.

He was 58 years old.

His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. One of the most famous novel written by Charles Dickens is “Oliver Twist”. This book make us laugh sometimes, but we often want to cry.

His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. One of the most famous novel written by Charles Dickens is “Oliver Twist”. This book make us laugh sometimes, but we often want to cry.

The plot Oliver Twist is about a boy born in a workhouse for the poor. Some of the other boys forced him to ask for more food. As a result, Oliver is then sold. Suffering from terrible cruelty, he runs away and joins the young criminal, who teaches him how to steal wallets. The general theme of the novel is that of selfishness and dishonesty, as most people take advantage of Oliver. Few shows him love and kindness.

Oliver Twist is about a boy born in a workhouse for the poor. Some of the other boys forced him to ask for more food. As a result, Oliver is then sold. Suffering from terrible cruelty, he runs away and joins the young criminal, who teaches him how to steal wallets. The general theme of the novel is that of selfishness and dishonesty, as most people take advantage of Oliver. Few shows him love and kindness.

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