Treatment of criminals доклад

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Грамматический материал. Past Perfect Continuous. Грамматическая характеристика, особенности употребления.

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока, изучающее чтение текста “Treatment of criminals”, упражнения на первичное закрепление лексического материала; аудирование. Доклады-презентации.

Тема 22. Court System in Great Britain. Case study: manslaughter, shop-lifting, fraud, assault, murder.

Грамматический материал. Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous. Грамматическая характеристика, сравнительный анализ, особенности употребления.

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока; доклады о функциях судебных органов в Великобритании; лексико-грамматический анализ и юридический комментарий текстов с описаниями преступлений “Manslaughter”, “Crime of passion”, “Murder”, “Assault”, “Shop-lifting”, “Fraud”; лексико-грамматические и коммуникативные упражнения на закрепление материала урока.

Тема 23. Abolition of capital punishment: for and against.

Грамматический материал. Future Continuous.

Грамматическая характеристика, особенности употребления.

Тема 24. The International Law.

Грамматический материал. Future Perfect/ Future Continuous. Грамматическая характеристика, сравнительный анализ, особенности употребления.

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока; изучающее чтение текста “ The International Law ” и др.; лексико-грамматические и коммуникативные упражнения на закрепление лексики и развития речи; письменный перевод упражнений с русского на английский; сравнительный анализ разных видов права. Подготовка докладов-презентаций.

Тема 25. The history of police forces. The basic police mission.

Грамматический материал. Passive Voice (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous). Грамматическая характеристика, сравнительный анализ, особенности употребления.

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока; изучающее чтение текста “From the History of Police Forces”; лексико-грамматические и коммуникативные упражнения на закрепление материала урока; аудирование.

Тема 26. The organization of police forces.

Грамматический материал. Passive Voice (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect). Грамматическая характеристика, сравнительный анализ, особенности употребления.

Тема 27. Identification of a suspect. The public’s assistance in identification of a suspect.

Грамматический материал. Условные предложения (0, 1 и 2 типов).

Самостоятельная письменная внеаудиторная работа: письменный перевод юридического текста с английского языка на русский. На выбор преподавателя: “South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty” (extracts); “Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction” (extracts) или другой международный договор или конвенция.

Тема 28. Police powers: stop and search, arrest, detention, treatment and questioning.

Грамматический материал. Условные предложения (1, 2 и 3 типов).

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока; изучающее чтение текста “Police powers” (1/2 часть текста); упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; аудирование.

Тема 29. Police powers: interviews with suspected offenders, charging.

Грамматический материал. Условные предложения (смешанного типа).

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока; изучающее чтение текста “Police powers” (1/2 часть текста); упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; аудирование.

Тема 30. Police and the public.

Грамматический материал. Косвенная речь. Согласование времен.

Police Discipline. Итоговая письменная контрольная работа.

Грамматический материал. Косвенный вопрос: порядок слов и согласование времен.

Тема 31. Origins of the jury: ordeal. Jury duty.

Грамматический материал. Конструкция Complex Subject, грамматические и функциональные особенности.

Самостоятельная письменная внеаудиторная работа: письменный перевод юридического текста с английского языка на русский. На выбор преподавателя: “Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America”; “World Intellectual Property Organization: Copyright Treaty” или другой международный договор или конвенция.

Тема 32. Selection of the trial jury. The Jury in Britain.

Грамматический материал. Определенный артикль, особенности употребления.

Учебные цели: закрепление грамматического материала урока, изучающее чтение текста “Selection of the Trial Jury”; упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; аудирование.

Тема 33. Kinds of cases. Steps of the trial.

Грамматический материал. Герундий. Грамматические и функциональные особенности. Перевод герундия на русский язык. Причастие. Образование простых и сложных форм, особенности их употребления.

Тема 34. Terrorism.

Грамматический материал. Нулевой артикль, особенности употребления. Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив. Формы инфинитива. Самостоятельный инфинитивный оборот.

Учебные цели: объяснение грамматического материала урока, изучающее чтение текстов “ Terrorism ” и др.; упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; аудирование. Изучающее чтение текста “Crimes against Humanity”; упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи, доклады-презентации.

Тема 35. The State power system in Russia.

Грамматический материал. Имя существительное. (Систематизация сведений: число, падеж, род).

Тема 36. Judicial system of Russia.

Грамматический материал. Глагол. Систематизация сведений (I, II, III, IV формы глагола)

Тема 37. The National Security in Russia.

Грамматический материал. Временные формы глагола. Систематизация сведений.

Учебные цели: повторение грамматического материала урока, изучающее чтение текстов “ The National Security in Russia ” (Интернет-ресурсы); упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; сопоставление служб национальной безопасности, действующих в России, США и др.странах. Конференция по данной теме. Доклады-презентации.

Тема 38. Political parties and their role in the state life.

Грамматический материал. Временные формы глагола группы Perfect. Систематизация сведений.

Учебные цели: повторение грамматического материала урока, изучающее чтение текстов “Political parties in the UK”, “Political parties in the USA” (учебн.: Just Eng.), “Political parties in Russian Federation ” ; упражнения на закрепление профессиональной лексики и развитие речи; сравнение партийных систем в разных странах; обсуждение эффективности деятельности политических партий. Конференция по данной теме. Доклады-презентации.

Социальное обеспечение и социальная защита в РФ: Понятие социального обеспечения тесно увязывается с понятием .

Конфликтные ситуации в медицинской практике: Наиболее ярким примером конфликта врача и пациента является.

Основные научные достижения Средневековья: Ситуация в средневековой науке стала меняться к лучшему с.

Грамматическая тема: Способы выражения нереальности в английском языке. Употребление форм сослагательного наклонения в придаточных предложениях цели с союзом so that, в придаточных предложениях сравнения с союзами as if, as though.



Подберите к каждому разделу текста заголовок из списка, приведенного ниже:

· Rehabilitative programs

· Psychiatric and case-study methods

· Bentham approach

· Neoclassical school

· Preventive approach

(1) Various correctional approaches developed in the wake of causation theories. The old theological and moralistic theories encouraged punishment asretribution by society for evil. This attitude, indeed, still exists. The 19th-century British jurist and philosopher Jeremy Bentham tried to make the punishment more precisely fit the crime. Bentham believed that pleasure could be measured against pain in all areas of human choice and conduct and that human happiness could be attained through such hedonic calculus. He argued that criminals would be deterred from crime if they knew, specifically, the suffering they would experience if caught. Bentham therefore urged definite, inflexible penalties for each class of crime; the pain of the penalty would outweigh only slightly the pleasure of success in crime; it would exceed it sufficiently to act as a deterrent, but not so much as to amount to wanton cruelty. This so-called calculus of pleasures and pains was based on psychological postulates no longer accepted.

(2)The Bentham approach was in part superseded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by a movement known as the neoclassical school. This school, rejecting fixed punishments, proposed that sentences vary with the particular circumstances of a crime, such as the age, intellectual level, and emotional state of the offender; the motives and other conditions that may have incited to crime; and the offender's past record and chances of rehabilitation.The influence of the neoclassical school led to the development of such concepts as grades of crime and punishment, indeterminate sentences, and the limited responsibility of young or mentally deficient offenders.

(3)At about the same time, the so-called Italian school stressed measures for preventing crime rather than punishing it. Members of this school argued that individuals are shaped by forces beyond their control and therefore cannot be held fully responsible for their crimes. They urged birth control, censorship of pornographic literature, and other actions designed to mitigate the influences contributing to crime. The Italian school has had a lasting influence on the thinking of present-day criminologists.

(4)The modern approach to thetreatment of criminals owes most to psychiatric and case-study methods. Much continues to be learned from offenders who have been placed on probation or parole and whose behavior, both in and out of prison, has been studied intensively. The contemporary scientific attitude is that criminals are individual personalities and that their rehabilitation can be brought about only through individual treatment. Increased juvenile crime has aroused public concern and has stimulated study of the emotional disturbances thatfoster delinquency. This growing understanding of delinquency has contributed to the understanding of criminals of all ages.

(5)During recent years, crime has been under attack from many directions. The treatment and rehabilitation of criminals has improved in many areas. The emotional problems of convicts have been studied and efforts have been made to help such offenders. Much, however, remains to be done. Parole boards have engaged persons trained in psychology and social work to help convicts on parole or probation adjust to society. Various states have agencies with programs of reform and rehabilitation for both adultand juvenile offenders.

Many communities have initiated concerted attacks on the conditions that breed crime. Criminologists recognize that both adult and juvenile crime stem chiefly from the breakdown of traditional social norms and controls, resulting from industrialization, urbanization, increasing physical and social mobility, and the effects of economic crises and wars. Most criminologists believe that effective crime prevention requires community agencies and programs to provide the guidance and control performed, ideally and traditionally, by the family and by the force of social custom. Although the crime rate has not drastically diminished as a result of these efforts, it is hoped that the extension and improvement of all valid approaches to prevention of crime eventually will reduce its incidence.


Упражнение 1.Переведите на русский язык предложения, выделенные в

Упражнение 2.Найдите в тесте английские эквиваленты следующим

словам и выражениям:

1. бессмысленная жестокость

2. досрочное освобождение

3. общественные организации

4. ограниченная ответственность

5. освобождение на поруки

6. порождать преступление

7. преступления, совершенные несовершеннолетними

8. привлекать внимание общественности

9. совет по условно-досрочному освобождению

10. упадок традиционных общественных норм

Упражнение 3.Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим типам наказаний:

· Fixed penalty fine

Упражнение 4.Изучите ниже приведенный список правонарушений.

Расположите их по степени тяжести по шкале от 1 до 10

(1- наименее тяжкое правонарушение).

driving in excess of the speed limit

drinking and driving

malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight)

murdering a child

causing death by dangerous driving

selling drugs (such as heroin)

stealing $1,000 from a bank by fraud

stealing $1,000 worth of goods from someone's home

grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)

stealing $1,000 from a bank by threatening the staff with a gun

Упражнение 5.Прочтите короткие тексты, содержащие примеры

правонарушений. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Was justice done?

If you were the judge, what other facts and circumstances would you like to be informed of?

If you were the judge, would you give a different sentence?

How would you have felt if you had been the victim of the crime?

How would you have felt if you had been the defendant?

Crime of Passion

Bernard Lewis, a thirty-six-old man, while preparing dinner became involved in an argument with his drunken wife. In a fit of a rage Lewis, using the kitchen knife with which he had been preparing the meal, stabbed and killed his wife. He immediately called for assistance, and readily confessed when the first patrolman appeared on the scene with the ambulance attendant. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The probation department’s investigation indicated that Lewis was a rigid individual who never drank, worked regularly, and had no previous criminal record. His thirty-year-old deceased wife, and mother of three children, was a”fine girl” when sober but was frequently drunk and on a number of occasions when intoxicated had left their small children unattended. After due consideration of the background of the offence and especially of the plight of the three motherless youngsters, the judge placed Lewis on probation so that he could work, support and take care of the children. On probation Lewis adjusted well, worked regularly, appeared to be devoted to the children, and a few years later was discharged as “improved” from probation.

In 1952 two London youths decided to rob a dairy. They were Christopher Craig, aged 16, and Derek William Bentley, 19. During the robbery they were disturbed by Sydney Miles, a policeman. Craig produced a gun and killed the policeman. At that time Britain still had the death penalty for certain types of murder, including murder during a robbery. Because Craig was under 18, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Bently who had never touched the gun, was over 18. He was hanged in 1953. The case was quoted by opponents of capital punishment, which was abolished in 1965.

In June 2002 Lady Isabel Barnett, a well-known TV personality was convicted of stealing a tin of tuna fish and a carton of cream, total value 87p, from a small shop. The case was given enormous publicity. She was fined 75 pounds and had to pay 200 pounds towards the cost of the case. A few days later she killed herself.

Klaus Schmidt, 41, burst into a bank in Berlin, Germany, waved a pistol, and screamed, “Hand over the money!” The staff asked if he wanted a bag, to which he replied, “Damn right it’s a real gun!” Guessing Schmidt was deaf, the manager set off the alarm, saying later, “It was ridiculously loud, but he didn’t seem to notice.” After five minutes, punctuated by Schmidt’s occasionally shouting, “I am a trained killer!” police arrived and arrested him. Schmidt then sued the bank, accusing them of exploiting his disability.

Bizarre Charges

An American woman was treated by a psychiatrist, became romantically involved with him, and subsequently married him. After more than five years of marriage they divorced, at which time the woman sued her ex-husband for psychiatric malpractice and negligence claiming that the romantic or sexual relationship between them started before the formal psychiatric treatment ended. She contended that her ex-husband had breached the standard of care as a psychiatrist by becoming romantically involved with her, and sought punitive damages. The court rejected her claim.

Упражнение 6.Прочтите и переведите следующие выражения. Обсудите

их и подготовьте аргументы за и против:

a) An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

b) Everyone deserves a second chance.

c) Justice is nothing unless it is tempered with mercy.

Упражнение 7.Прочтите, переведите, перескажите текст и выразите свое отношение к прочитанному.

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is a legal infliction of the death penalty, in modern law, corporal punishment in its most severe form. The usual alternative to the death penalty is long-term or life imprisonment.

The earliest historical records contain evidence of capital punishment. It was mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi. The Bible prescribed death as the penalty for more than 30 different crimes, ranging from murder to fornication. The Draconian Code of ancient Greece imposed capital punishment for every offence.

In England, during the reign of William the Conqueror, the death penalty was not used. By the end of the 15 th century, English law recognized six major crimes :treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. In early American colonies the death penalty was commonly authorized for a wide variety of crimes.

The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Many of these people think differently now. Since the abolition of capital punishment crime – and especially murder – has been on increase throughout Britain.

The classic moral arguments in favor of the death penalty have been biblical and call for retribution. DEFENDERS of capital punishment have also claimed that society has the right to kill in self-defense.

OPPONENTS have replied that the death penalty can be the result of a mistake in practice and that it is impossible to administer fairly.


Упражнение 1.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She looks so scared as if she …..(just saw, had just seen, would see) a ghost.

2. You sound as though you ….. (didn’t understand, hadn’t understood, wouldn’t understand) what you are speaking about.

3. But for the rain our trip …. (would be, would have been) more successful.

4. My friends …… (wouldn’t bee, wouldn’t have been) jealous but for my new girlfriend.

5. You look so tired as if you …. (walked, had walked) 10 miles without a stop.

6. I felt as if he ….. (were reading, had read, read) my thoughts.

7. The man spread his arms as if he ….. (wanted, had wanted) to fly.

8. We ….. (could have joined, could join) you tomorrow but our plans.

9. She spoke to me as if we ….. (had known, knew) each other for a long time.

10. The project ….. (would be finished, would have been finished) long ago but for some unforeseen circumstances.

Упражнение 2.Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Он пошел на лекцию рано, так что он занял хорошее место.

2. Снег бил нам в лицо, так что мы едва могли видеть

3. Она сидела позади меня, так что я не мог видеть выражение ее лица

4. Он был так смущен, что с трудом понимал ее.

5. Было так жарко, что никто не хотел ничего делать

6. Мяч был таким большим, что ребенок не мог удержать его.

7. Погода была такая плохая, что самолет не мог вылететь.

Упражнение 3.Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.

1. She spoke as though nothing had happened.

2. You answer as if you did not know this rule.

3.He spoke as if (as though) he knew this question very well.

4. They walked slowly up the stairs as if (as though) they were carrying something heavy.

5. He loved him as if he were (was) his son.

6. He looked in the direction of the entrance door as if he were (was) waiting for somebody.

7. She spoke as though nothing had happened.

8. He described the town as if (as though) he had seen it himself.

Упражнение 4.Выберите верный вариант.

1. The dog looks as if it _____ hungry.
had been

2. Sara cried as if something terrible _____.
had happened

3. It seems as if he _____ to say something rude.
is going
were going

4. Everybody treats me as if I _____ a catching disease.
am having

5. They are talking as if they _____.
had never quarreled
never quarreled

6. She told me what to do as if she _____ everything.
had known

7. The boy smiled as if he _____ something funny.
had remembered

8. I wish you _____ here. Its rather difficult to breathe.
not smoked
didn’t smoke
hadn't smoked

9. I wish I _____ speak better Spanish.
would can
shall be able

10. We wish it _____ sunny and warm all year round.

11. The criminal wished he _____ at all.
wouldn't be born
hadn't been born
weren't born

12. They shook hands as if they _____ each other for a long time.
had known

13. He wishes his friends _____ to his party next weeks.
would come
would have come

14. I don’t understand you as though we _____ on different planets.
would live

15. He smiled as if he _____ my thoughts.

16. They behave as if nothing _____.
had happened

17. Look healthy as though you _____ jogging every morning.
would go
had gone

18. You sound is if you _____ a sore throat.

19. I feel so tired as if I _____ all day.
had worked

20. He began to tremble as if he _____ a ghost.
had seen

Упражнение 5. Откройте скобки, используя формы сослагательного наклонения после структур as if/as though:

Pattern: - Why do you always treat me as though I /to be/ a backward child of 12? – were.

1. She kept trying on hat after hat as if she /not to make up/ her mind from the very beginning which she would take.
2. He spoke French as if I/to be/ a Frenchman or /to spend/ most of my life over there.
3. She could discuss the latest novel as though she /to read/ it.
4. She spoke as if she /to know/ everyone there.
5. She behaved as if she /to graduate/ from the university long ago.
6. Nothing about Asbury stirred except his eyes. They did not appear to move on the surface but somewhere in their blurred depths there was an almost imperceptible motion as if something (to struggle) feebly.
7. Another and rather longer silence followed and he just started to wonder if this might even be one of disapproval, as if perhaps she instinctively (to sense) how far his relationship with Mrs. Palgrave might have gone, when he suddenly remembered that he had a question to ask her.
8. I felt a touch of coldness inside me, as if I suddenly (to become) aware of the eyes of some dangerous creature.


бессмысленная жестокость senseless cruelty
досрочное освобождение an early release
общественные организации public organizations
ограниченная ответственность limited liability
освобождение на поруки clearing on bails
порождать преступление to generate a crime
преступления, совершенные несовершеннолетними the crimes made by minors
привлекать внимание общественности to draw attention of the public
совет по условно-досрочному освобождению council on conditional-early release
упадок традиционных общественных норм decline of traditional public norms
driving in excess of the speed limit вождение сверх ограничения скорости
drinking and driving вождение в состоянии алкогольного опьянения
malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight) нанесение побоев (например, в драке)
murdering a child убийство ребенка
smoking marijuana курение марихуаны
selling drugs (such as heroin) продажа наркотиков (таких, как героин)
rape насилие
crime of passion преступление, совершенное в состоянии аффекта
bizarre charges абсурдные обвинения


Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого.

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни.

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰).




Слайд 2: THE PLAN

Bentham approach Neoclassical school Psychiatric and case – study methods Rehabilitative programs Preventive approach


Слайд 3: Bentham approach

Various correctional approaches developed in the wake of causation theories. Philosopher Jeremy Bentham tried to make the punishment more precisely fit the crime. Bentham therefore urged definite, inflexible penalties for each class of crime; the pain of the penalty would outweigh only slightly the pleasure of success in crime; it would exceed it sufficiently to act as a deterrent, but not so much as to amount to wanton cruelty.

Bentham approach

Слайд 4

Bentham believed that pleasure could be measured against pain in all areas of human choice and conduct and that human happiness could be attained through such hedonic calculus


Слайд 5: Neoclassical school

sentences vary with the particular circumstances of a crime: age intellectual level emotional state of the offender motive individuals are shaped by forces beyond their control and therefore cannot be held fully responsible for their crimes

Neoclassical school

Слайд 6: Psychiatric and case – study methods

The modern approach to the treatment of criminals owes most to psychiatric and case-study methods. The contemporary scientific attitude is that criminals are individual personalities and that their rehabilitation can be brought about only through individual treatment. This growing understanding of delinquency has contributed to the understanding of criminals of all ages

(1) Various correctional approaches developed in the wake of causation theories. The old theological and moralistic theories encouraged punishment as retribution by society for evil. This attitude, indeed, still exists. The 19th-century British jurist and philosopher Jeremy Bentham tried to make the punishment more precisely fit the crime. Bentham believed that pleasure could be measured against pain in all areas of human choice and conduct and that human happiness could be attained through such hedonic calculus. He argued that criminals would be deterred from crime if they knew, specifically, the suffering they would experience if caught. Bentham therefore urged definite, inflexible penalties for each class of crime; the pain of the penalty would outweigh only slightly the pleasure of success in crime; it would exceed it sufficiently to act as a deterrent, but not so much as to amount to wanton cruelty. This so-called calculus of pleasures and pains was based on psychological postulates no longer accepted.

(2) The Bentham approach was in part superseded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by a movement known as the neoclassical school. This school, rejecting fixed punishments, proposed that sentences vary with the particular circumstances of a crime, such as the age, intellectual level, and emotional state of the offender; the motives and other conditions that may have incited to crime; and the offender's past record and chances of rehabilitation. The influence of the neoclassical school led to the development of such concepts as grades of crime and punishment, indeterminate sentences, and the limited responsibility of young or mentally deficient offenders.

(3) At about the same time, the so-called Italian school stressed measures for preventing crime rather than punishing it. Members of this school argued that individuals are shaped by forces beyond their control and therefore cannot be held fully responsible for their crimes. They urged birth control, censorship of pornographic literature, and other actions designed to mitigate the influences contributing to crime. The Italian school has had a lasting influence on the thinking of present-day criminologists.

(4) The modern approach to the treatment of criminals owes most to psychiatric and case-study methods. Much continues to be learned from offenders who have been placed on probation or parole and whose behavior, both in and out of prison, has been studied intensively. The contemporary scientific attitude is that criminals are individual personalities and that their rehabilitation can be brought about only through individual treatment. Increased juvenile crime has aroused public concern and has stimulated study of the emotional disturbances that foster delinquency. This growing understanding of delinquency has contributed to the understanding of criminals of all ages.

(5) During recent years, crime has been under attack from many directions. The treatment and rehabilitation of criminals has improved in many areas. The emotional problems of convicts have been studied and efforts have been made to help such offenders. Much, however, remains to be done. Parole boards have engaged persons trained in psychology and social work to help convicts on parole or probation adjust to society. Various states have agencies with programs of reform and rehabilitation for both adult and juvenile offenders.

(1) Различные подходы коррекционных разработаны в результате причинно-следственной связи теорий. Старые богословские и моралистические теории поощрять наказание в виде возмездия со стороны общества за зло. Такое отношение, на самом деле, до сих пор существует. Британский юрист 19-го века и философ Джереми Бентам попытался сделать наказание более точно соответствовать преступлению. Бентам считал, что удовольствие может быть измерено против боли во всех областях человеческого выбора и поведения, и что человеческое счастье может быть достигнуто за счет такого гедонистического исчисления. Он утверждал, что преступники будут удержаны от преступления, если они знали, что, в частности, страдания, которые они будут испытывать, если поймают. Поэтому Бентам призвал определенные, негибкие санкции за каждый класс преступлений; боль штрафа будет перевешивать лишь немного удовольствие от успеха в преступлении; она будет превышать его достаточно, чтобы действовать в качестве сдерживающего фактора, но не так много, что это равносильно беспричинной жестокости. Это так называемое исчисление удовольствий и болей была основана на психологических постулатов больше не приняты.

(2) Подход Бентам был частично вытесняется в конце 19 и начале 20 веков движения, известного как неоклассической школы. Эта школа, отвергая фиксированные наказания, предложил, что предложения варьируются в зависимости от конкретных обстоятельств преступления, такие как возраст, интеллектуальный уровень, и эмоциональное состояние правонарушителя; мотивы и другие условия, которые, возможно, подстрекали к совершению преступлений; и правонарушителя прошлый опыт и шансы на реабилитацию. Влияние неоклассической школы привело к развитию таких понятий, как классы преступления и наказания, неопределенных приговоров, а также ограниченной ответственностью молодых или слабоумных правонарушителей.

(3) Примерно в то же время, так называемая итальянская школа подчеркнула меры по предупреждению преступности, а не наказывать его. Члены этой школы утверждали, что люди формируются под воздействием сил вне их контроля, и, следовательно, не может нести полную ответственность за свои преступления. Они призвали контроль над рождаемостью, цензура порнографической литературы, а также другие действия, направленные на смягчение воздействий, способствующих преступности. Итальянская школа оказала длительное влияние на мышление современных криминалистов.

(4) Современный подход к лечению преступников наиболее обязана психиатрических и тематических исследований методов. Многое по-прежнему можно извлечь из преступников, которые были размещены на условно-досрочного освобождения и чье поведение, как в и из тюрьмы, интенсивно изучалась. Современный научный подход в том, что преступники являются отдельные личности, и что их реабилитация может быть осуществлено только за счет индивидуального лечения. Увеличение подростковой преступности вызвало озабоченность общественности и стимулировала изучение эмоциональных расстройств, которые способствуют преступности. Это растущее понимание преступности способствовало пониманию преступников всех возрастов.

(5) В последние годы, преступность находится под атакой из многих направлений. Лечение и реабилитация преступников во многих областях улучшилась. Эмоциональные проблемы осужденных были изучены и были предприняты усилия, чтобы помочь таким правонарушителям. Многое, однако, еще предстоит сделать. Parole доски занимались лица, прошедшие обучение в области психологии и социальной работы, чтобы помочь каторжников на условно-досрочное освобождение или пробации приспособиться к обществу. Различные государства имеют учреждения с программами реформ и реабилитации для взрослых и несовершеннолетних правонарушителей.

Различные исправительные методы развивались в связи с теориями причинной обусловленности. Старые теологические и моралистические теории поощряли наказание как возмездие обществом зла. Это отношение, действительно, все еще существует. Британский юрист 19-го века и философ Джереми Бентэм пытались заставить наказание более точно соответствовать преступлению. Бентэм полагал, что удовольствие могло быть измерено против боли во всех областях человеческого выбора и поведения и что человеческое счастье могло быть достигнуто через такое гедонистическое исчисление. Он утверждал, что преступники будут сдерживаться от преступления, если они знают о тех страданиях, которые они испытают, если будут пойманы. Бентам поэтому настаивал на конкретных, жестких наказаниях для каждого класса преступлений; боль наказания будет превышать немного удовольствие от успеха в преступлении; она будет превышать его достаточно, чтобы действовать в качестве сдерживающего фактора, но не настолько, чтобы достигать бессмысленной жестокости. Это так называемые рассчет удовольствия и боли, основывается на психологических постулатах больше не принятых.

2.Подход Бентама был частично вытеснен в конце 19 и начале 20 веков движением, известного как неоклассическая школы. Эта школа, отвергая фиксированные наказания, предложила, что приговор варьируется в зависимости от конкретных обстоятельств преступления, такие как возраст, интеллектуальный уровень, и эмоциональное состояние правонарушителя; мотивы и другие условия, которые, возможно, подстрекали к совершению преступлений; и правонарушителя прошлый опыт и шансы на реабилитацию. Влияние неоклассической школы привело к развитию таких понятий, как классы преступления и наказания, неопределенных приговоров, а также ограниченной ответственностью молодых или слабоумных правонарушителей.
3.Примерно в то же время, так называемая итальянская школа, обратила внимание на меры по предупреждению преступности, а не на карающие . Члены этой школы утверждали, что люди формируются под воздействием сил вне их контроля, и, следовательно, не могут нести полную ответственность за свои преступления. Они призывали к контролю над рождаемостью, к цензуре порнографической литературы, а также другим действиям, направленным на смягчить влияния, способствующих преступности. Итальянская школа оказала прочное влияние на мышление современных криминалистов.
4.Современный подход к изучению преступников сейчас развит благодаря методам социологического и психиатрического исследования. Многое по-прежнему можно узнать от преступников, которые были осуждены условно или на условно-досрочного освобождены, чье поведение, как в тюрьме, так и вне ее, интенсивно изучалось. Современный научный подход заключается в том, что преступники являются отдельными личностями, и что их реабилитация может быть обеспечена только на основе индивидуального лечения. Рост подростковой преступности вызвал озабоченность общественности и стимулировал изучение эмоциональных расстройств, которые способствуют преступности. Это растущее понимание преступности способствовало пониманию преступников всех возрастов.
5.В последние годы преступность была атакована с разных направлений. Лечение и реабилитация преступников улучшилось во многих областях. Эмоциональные проблемы осужденных были изучены и были предприняты усилия, чтобы помочь таким правонарушителям. Однако многое еще предстоит сделать. Комиссии по условно-досрочному освобождению вовлекли людей, прошедших подготовку в области психологии и социальной работы, чтобы помочь осужденным на условно-досрочное освобождение или условно осужденных, приспособиться жить в социуме. Различные государства имеют органы содействия с программами реформ и реабилитации для взрослых и несовершеннолетних правонарушителей.

In the XIX century society turned its attention to punishment. As a result, several approaches to the treatment of criminals were offered by scientists.

According to Bentham's approach, the pain of punishment must be bigger than the pleasure of success in crime. There were fixed punishments for each class of crime.

The neoclassical approach rejected fixed punishments. According to this approach, offenders should be punished differently for the same crime. Children should be punished less severely than adults. Insane people should have limited responsibility for their offences.

The preventive approach focuses on the prevention of crime. It stresses such measures as birth control, censorship, upbringing and others.

The modern approach focuses on individual treatment, especially of juvenile delinquents.

In general, people are beginning to realize that the efforts of the police and the courts are not enough to solve the crime problem. The help of the community is needed.

II. Questions to be answered.

1. What problems did society turn its attention to in the XIX century?

2. What theories and approaches appeared as a result?

3. What is the essence of Bentham’s approach?

4. What is characteristic of the neoclassical approach?

5. What is the main point of difference between Bentham's approach and the neoclassical approach?

6. What does the preventive approach stress?

7. What does the modern approach focus on?

8. What category of people is paid special attention to in the modern approach?

9. Whose help, apart from the efforts of the police, is needed in solving the crime problem?

Lesson 6. Law-Enforcement Bodies. Freedom of Speech

Text 1. The British Police

I. Read and translate the text.

Police is an agency that is responsible for keeping law and order. The first organised police force in Great Britain appeared in 1829. It was called the London Metropolitan Police and was established by Sir Robert Peel. The London Police became a model for other police forces all over the world.

The chief of a police force in Great Britain is called Chief Constable. The lowest rank is that of Constable. Women make up about 10% of the police force.

The police are helped by Special Constables - members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week,

Normally, policemen in Britain do not carry guns, but they can use arms in terrorist attacks, armed robberies and other cases with the permission of a magistrate.

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). One of the main functions of criminal police is to detect and apprehend criminals.

II. Questions to be answered.

1. What is police responsible for?

2. Where and when was the first organised police force formed?

3. Who was it established by?

4. What influence did the British police have on the police forces of other

5. What is the highest police rank?

6. What is the lowest rank?

7. What part of the police is constituted by women?

8. Are policemen in Great Britain allowed to carry guns?

9. In what cases can they use guns?

10. What is one of the main functions of criminal police?

Text 2. Police Discipline

I. Read and translate the text.

If a police officer breaks the Police Discipline Code, he may be dismissed from the force. In England and Wales, a special committee investigates the complaints made by the public against police officers. The police work in close contact with the public. Special attention is paid to young people and ethnic minorities. Women are also involved in the police service.

II. Questions to be answered.

1. What may happen to a police officer if he breaks the disciplinary code?

2. Can the public make complaints against police officers?

3. Where are the complaints investigated?

4. What categories of people do the police pay special attention to?

Text 3. Police Techniques

I. Read and translate the text.

The police is helped in its work by the Forensic Science Service. The Service provides the police with the results of the investigation of material evidence, such as blood, semen, hair roots or tissue. It is called DNA profiling. Besides, it provides advice on firearms used in the crime. It also offers training to overseas scientists. The Forensic Science Service is computerised and well-equipped.

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