Судебный процесс доклад на английском

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Прокурор : -All Rise! Court is in session.
The judge : All sit down, please. The criminal case is considered on the suit of the Prosecutor from Kuibyshev city in the interests of Mrs. Burton to Mr. Burton about the article of a premeditated murder. Establishes the person of the actors.

Defendant: My name is Mr. Burton. I was born November 23, 1960. I am a private businessman.

Plaintiff: I’m Mrs. Jenny O'Hara Burton, born on June 3, 1985. I’m housewife of Mr. George Burton

The judge: The criminal case is considered by the kujbishev court of Novosibirsk region in the staff of the judge John Klinton. Do the plaintiff, the prosecutor and the defendant have the objections to the staff of the court?
The public prosecutor : No, your honor.
The defendant: No, there is no.

Plaintiff: No, I don’t have.

Judge: The rights and responsibilities are being explained of the persons involving in the case. Individuals involved in the case have the right to examine the records of the case, make extracts from them, make copies, to challenge, to present evidence and to participate in their research, ask questions of other parties involved in the case, to give explanations to the court orally and in writing; appeal the court ruling. Are the Rights and obligations clear to all?
Prosecutor: Understandable, Your Honor.
Defendant : Yes, of course.

Judge: preparatory part of the trial is over. The Court will now consider the merits of the case. The prosecutor, gives your claim to the Court.

Прокурор : On ten April, 2013 in the Kuibyshev’ s river Om was found corpse a young man. Later, his identity was established. He turned out to Mr. George Burton, born in 1980. The cause of death was drowning. He had a dissolute life, played a lot of cards, he did not have anything of his own. He could not commit cuiside. Mr. Burton drove him to murder, for this I have solid evidence. This is a witness for the plaintiff, to whom Mr. Burton told a very interesting story. Dear Court, I ask to hear the witness.

Judge: Mr. Burton, you can explain the requirements presented by the prosecutor to you?
Defendant: I don’t agree with this prosecution.

Judge: The Court proceeds to examine witnesses. Called witness Tom Jonson.

Judge: Appear, please!
Witness: I’m Tom Jonson, born in 1972. I’m the doctor.
Judge: Warned about the responsibility to art. 307-308 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation, provided for the giving of false testimony. Tell the court, all that you know about this case.
Witness: I know Burton very well. He was a very nice guy, always well-dressed, well-off men. He spent a lot of time playing poker. I have information that a young Burton repeatedly played poker with the defendan and often beat him. He drank very much last time. Because of this, he was fired . Soon he lost all his money, got into debt, his wife left him. To find a job, he began to ask his friends to give him a job, but all is ineffectually. He came to the accused Burton to ask for help, there was a dispute between them and the defendant offered him a bet: if he swims around the tower, he will give him a job. But the young Burton was drawn. I think it was incitement to suicide.

Judge: Defendant, do you agree with the testimony of the witness?
Defendant: No, this is lie.
Judge: Questions to the witness are no more, you can be free.

( пауза )

The judge: I declare consideration of a case on its merits complete. The court goes to the judicial debate. The Prosecutor, are you ready to speak in the debate?
The Prosecutor (standing): Yes, Your honor. Today we considered the criminal case, which left at the heart of each of the heavy sediment. I insist that Burton received criminal punishment in the amount of imprisonment for 7 years.

Judge: Defendant, the court gives you the last word.

Defendant: What I want to say?And what I do not consider myself guilty of this terrible crime because I Burton sign long ago, we were playing with him in the cards, but I lost, Yes he began to drink a lot..but I have never had in the thoughts of revenge against him. Why do I need it? He came himself to me at work, I offered him the cross, as I knew, Yes he himself said, he knows how to swim, I'm just joking, just wanted to check in the form he still or not. And that's it!No selfish goals I had no, comrade judge. Believe me, please! I myself its not dragged, did not call for the job, he himself came.And it is true and I have nothing more to tell you.

The judge: The Court is removed in the conference room for decision-making.
The announcement of the decision:

Prosecutor: All Rise! Court is in session.
The judge: By Name of the Russian Federation proclaims the decision. 11.05.20__ year Kuibyshev city court in the composition of the presiding judge John Klinton, with the participation of the Prosecutor Ashton Smith, a lawyer ____, examined the criminal case of Mr. Burton in the Commission of a willful murder and decided to appoint punishment Mr. Burton in the amount of deprivation of liberty for a term to 7 years of age, born in 1960, in respect of the plaintiff Mrs. Burton.
To collect from Mr. Burton material damage in the amount of 1 million rubles.
The decision may be appealed in the Novosibirsk regional court within 10 days.

После ознакомления с содержанием Топика ( Сочинения ) по теме " США " Советуем каждому из вас обратить внимание на дополнительные материалы. Большинство из наших топиков содержат дополнительные вопросы по тексту и наиболее интересные слова текста. Отвечая на не сложные вопросы по тексту вы сможете максимально осмыслить содержание Топика ( Сочинения ) и если вам необходимо написать собственное Сочинение по теме " США " у вас возникнет минимум сложностей.

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Administration. The Judicial Branch of the Government

The judicial branch of the federal government is headed by the U.S. Supreme Court, which interprets the meaning of the Constitution and of federal laws. It consists of nine justices appointed for life by the president with the consent of the Senate.
It has appellate jurisdiction for the lower federal courts and from state courts of last resort if a federal question is involved. The court has original jurisdiction over cases involving foreign ambassadors, ministers, consuls and cases to which a state is a party.
Three types of cases commonly reach the Supreme Court: cases involving litigants of different states, cases involving the interpretation of federal law and cases involving the interpretation of the Constitution. The court can take official action with as few as six judges joining in deliberation, and a majority vote of the entire court is decisive; a tie vote sustains a lower-court decision. Often the minority judges write a dissenting report.
The Supreme Court has often been criticised for its decisions. In the 1930s, for example, a conservative court overturned much of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation. In the area of civil rights it has received criticism from various groups at different times.
After a 1954 ruling against school segregation, Southern political leaders attacked it harshly. Later, they were joined by Northern conservatives. A number of decisions involving the pre-trial rights of prisoners also came under attack on the ground that the court had made it difficult to convict criminals.
Below the Supreme Court are the U.S. courts of appeals. Special courts handle property and contract damage suits against the United States, review customs rulings, and apply the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Each state has at least one federal district court and at least one federal judge. District judges are appointed for life by the president with Senate consent. Appeals from district-court decisions are carried to the courts of appeals.

Государственное управление. Судебная власть

Мы с удовлетворением принимаем к сведению, что в этом году доклад Суда был опубликован раньше обычного.

Ежегодный доклад Суда наглядно свидетельствует о том, что теперь Международный уголовный суд функционирует в полном масштабе.

The annual report of the Court clearly demonstrates that the International Criminal Court is now fully operational.

Одним из аспектов такого сотрудничества является доклад Суда, который сегодня находится на рассмотрении Ассамблеи.

Фактически, как напоминает нам доклад Суда, восемь лиц, в отношении которых были выданы ордеры на арест, еще не арестованы.

Indeed, as the Court's report reminds us, eight individuals against whom arrest warrants are outstanding have yet to be arrested.

The first annual report of the Court was submitted to the Assembly at its twenty-third session, in 1968.

Мы неизменно считаем доклад Суда важным средством представления более широкому членскому составу Организации Объединенных Наций важной информации о его деятельности.

We have always viewed the report of the Court as a significant conduit for providing vital information on its activities to the wider membership of the United Nations.

Поскольку делегатам представлен доклад Суда (см. А/65/313), я сосредоточусь в своем выступлении на ряде ключевых областей.

Since members have the Court's report (see A/65/313) before them, I will focus my remarks on a few key areas.

Моя страна признательна за предоставление еще одной возможности рассмотреть в Генеральной Ассамблее доклад Суда в целях подтверждения его полномочий в сфере обеспечения верховенства и всестороннего соблюдения норм международного права.

My country is grateful for the renewed opportunity for the General Assembly to consider the report of the Court in order to reconfirm its authority in promoting the primacy of, and ensuring full respect for, international law.

Мы также хотели бы поблагодарить Председателя Международного уголовного суда (МУС) судью Филиппа Кирша за представленный им доклад Суда (см. А/63/323) и воздать ему должное за результаты, достигнутые МУС в прошедшем году.

Similarly, we would like to thank Judge Philippe Kirsch, President of the International Criminal Court (ICC), for his introduction of the report of the Court (see A/63/323) and to commend him on the results achieved by the ICC in the past year.

Г-н ТЕЛЛО (Мексика) (говорит по-испански): Г-н Председатель, моя делегация попросила сделать заявление до того, как Генеральная Ассамблея примет к сведению доклад Суда.

Mr. TELLO (Mexico) (interpretation from Spanish): Mr. President, my delegation had asked to make a statement before the General Assembly took note of the report of the Court.

Поэтому Европейский союз с большим удовлетворением отмечает пятый ежегодный доклад Суда (см. А/64/356), в котором четко говорится о том, что мы добились успехов в создании такого суда.

The European Union therefore warmly welcomes the fifth annual report of the Court (see A/64/356), which clearly demonstrates that we have been successful in creating such a court.

Я хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью и выразить признательность Председателю Международного уголовного суда (МУС) за доклад Суда (см. А/65/313), в котором содержится полезная информация по данному пункту повестки дня.

Let me take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the President of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the report of the Court (see A/65/313), which contains useful information on this agenda item.

Для меня является честью и привилегией возможность во второй раз выступить в Генеральной Ассамблее в качестве Председателя Международного Суда и представить доклад Суда за период с 1 августа 2009 года по 31 июля 2010 года (А/65/4).

It is an honour and privilege for me to address the General Assembly for the second time as the President of the International Court of Justice and to present the report of the Court for the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 (A/65/4).

Документы, непосредственно не касающиеся судебной деятельности Суда (материалы для общего распространения, выступления Председателя, отчеты о закрытых заседаниях Суда, доклад Суда)

Documents not directly related to the Court's judicial activities (general distributions, speeches of the President, private meetings of the Court, report of the Court

Представленный сегодня на рассмотрение Ассамблеи доклад Суда напомнил нам о том, что Международный Суд является не только органом Организации Объединенных Наций - по сути, ее главным судебным органом, - но и единственным международным судом, обладающим общей юрисдикцией универсального характера.

The report of the Court before the Assembly today reminds us that the International Court of Justice is not only an organ of the United Nations - its principal judicial organ for that matter - but also the only international court of a universal character with general jurisdiction.

Доклад Суда позволяет нам понять развитие международного права через его применение в конкретных случаях.

The report of the Court allows us to understand the development of international law through its application to real cases.

The report of the Court gives a clear, disquieting picture of this unprecedented situation beginning in paragraph 184.

Доклад Суда ясно свидетельствует о доверии государств к Суду, доказательством чего служит количество и объем передаваемых ему дел и рост специализации Суда в рассмотрении сложных аспектов международного публичного права.

The report of the Court clearly illustrates the confidence States put in the Court, as shown by the number and scope of cases entrusted to it and the Court's growing specialization in complex aspects of public international law.

В следующий доклад Суда Ассамблее будут включены решения, которые будут приняты в ходе Обзорной конференции в Кампале, в самом сердце Африки.

The Court's next report to the Assembly will include the decisions to be adopted at the Review Conference in Kampala, in the heart of Africa.

Наша делегация благодарит Председателя Международного уголовного суда за представленный Генеральной Ассамблее шестой доклад Суда, охватывающий период с 1 августа 2009 года по 31 июля 2010 года (см. А/65/313).

My delegation thanks the President of the International Criminal Court for submitting to the General Assembly the Court's sixth report, covering the period 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 (see A/65/313).

law – закон, а также система законодательства в целом, а также право, юриспруденция – как профессия или учебный предмет
law of the land – законодательство страны
civil law – гражданское право
economic law – хозяйственное/экономическое право
industrial /labor law, law of employment – трудовое право
maritime law – морское право
family law, law of domestic relations – семейное право
criminal law – уголовное право
law of procedure – процессуальное право
adjective law – процессуальное право
code of laws, code – кодекс, свод законов
civil/economic/criminal code – гражданский/хозяйственный/уголовный кодекс
civil/economic/criminal code of practice/procedure – гражданский/хозяйственный/уголовный процессуальный кодекс

court – суд
court of the first/second/third instance – суд первой/второй/третьей инстанции
court of appeal – апелляционный суд
court of review, court of cassation – кассационный суд
court of the last resort – суд последней инстанции
Supreme Court – Верховный суд
court of common pleas – суд по гражданским делам
civil court – гражданский суд
criminal court – уголовный суд
jury trial, trial by jury – суд присяжных
court/tribunal of arbitration/arbitrage – арбитражный суд
divorce court – суд по бракоразводным процессам
juvenile court – суд по делам несовершеннолетних

litigation – судебный процесс, тяжба
lawsuit – судебное разбирательство
court hearing – слушание в суде, судебное заседание
sitting of the court – судебное заседание

lawyer – юрист, также адвокат, также правовед
attorney – поверенный в делах, также адвокат в США
barrister – адвокат, выступающий в суде (брит )
the bar – профессия адвоката (брит )
counsel, counselor – адвокат, поверенный в делах, советник
judge – судья
Justice of the Peace – мировой судья
juror, juryman, jurywoman – присяжный
bailiff – судебный пристав

prosecutor – обвинитель, прокурор
public prosecutor – государственный обвинитель, прокурор
public prosecutor's office — прокуратура

plaintiff/claimant/petitioner – истец
defendant/respondent – ответчик
injured/aggrieved party – потерпевшая сторона (в судебном процессе)
accused, charged offender – обвиняемый

application/petition – заявление
claim – заявление о взыскании убытков; подавать заявление о взыскании убытков
to lodge a petition/claim – подавать заявление/требование о взыскании убытков
petition of appeal – апелляционная жалоба
appeal – апелляция, подавать апелляцию
charge – обвинение, обвинять
accuse – обвинять
accusation, recrimination – обвинение
imputation of a crime – обвинение в преступлении
plead guilty – признавать себя виновным
plead not guilty – признавать себя виновным
indemnity – компенсация убытков
cassation, cassational appeal, appeal, reversal – кассация, кассационная жалоба
writ/court order/ court decision/court ruling – решение/постановление суда

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