Собор василия блаженного доклад на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Now I am going to say a few words about St. Basil’s Cathedral. It was made in 1561.

The cathedral has 11 domes (купола). Its height is 65 meters and it is very beautiful.

First of all I will give you a few historical facts about it. History of this church began in 1552, when Ivan the 4 owned The khanate of Kazan (ханство)

An ancient legend says that during the battle with The khanate of Kazan, Ivan went in the field Church and began to pray. And then a powerful impetus (удар) threw all the enemies and troops of Ivan won. When Ivan returned to Moscow, he decided to thank God and built St. Basil’s Cathedral. However, the author of this masterpiece is unknown, because according to the legend, Ivan ordered to put out the architect’s eyes so he could not build anything else for anybody.

Now a little about the style of the Cathedral. It is made in a mixture of hipped (шатровый) and cross-dome (крестово-купольный) style. The main dome representing God, executed in tent-style, but the rest of the part belongs to the cross-dome style. Inside a large number of pillars. They serve both as decoration and as a fastener for domes. Also on the walls are many images of saints.

These two styles of architecture are the most famous. you can see them at almost every russian church

the mystery of the Temple. The main puzzle of St. Basil’s Cathedral is that at each of the 10 domes located the mother of God, and on the main dome is God, although the dome signify more.

The temple is rectangular in shape with four poles is divided into longitudinal (продольный) parts, called naves. 4 the Central column are connected by arches supporting the dome. (For example the dome mentioned above).The Central space forms a cross(so called).In the East of the church is placed an altar and apse.

hipped style was borrowed from the wooden architecture, and the point was the lack of columns. The dome held only by the base. Such domeы were small so as not to break through the roof and there were usually a few domes.

Теперь я скажу несколько слов о Соборе Василия Блаженного. Построен в 1561 году.
Собор имеет 11 куполов (купола). Его высота составляет 65 метров, и это очень красиво.
Прежде всего, я расскажу вам несколько исторических фактов. История этой церкви началась в 1552 году, когда Ивана 4 принадлежал ханство Казанское (ханство)
Древняя легенда гласит, что во время битвы с Казанским ханством Иван пошел в полевую церковь и начал молиться. А затем мощный толчок (удар) бросил всех врагов и солдат Ивана. Когда Иван вернулся в Москву, он решил поблагодарить Бога и построить собор Василия Блаженного. Однако автор этого шедевра неизвестен, потому что, согласно легенде, Иван приказал выколоть глаза архитектора, чтобы он не мог построить ничего другого для кого-либо.
Теперь немного о стиле Собора. Он выполнен в виде смешаного (шатровый) и крестово-купольного (крестово-купольный) стиля. Главный купол, представляющий Бога, выполненный в стиле палатки, но остальная часть принадлежит крестово-куполообразному стилю. Внутри большого количества столбов. Они служат как украшением, так и опорой для куполов. Также на стенах много изображений святых.
Эти два стиля архитектуры являются самыми известными. вы можете видеть их почти в каждой русской церкви тайна Храма. Основная головоломка Собора Василия Блаженного — это то, что на каждом из 10 куполов находится мать Бога, а на главном куполе — Бог, хотя купол означает больше.
Храм прямоугольной формы с четырьмя полюсами делится на продольные (продольные) части, называемые нефами. 4 Центральный столбец соединены арками, поддерживающими купол. (Например, упомянутый выше купол). Центральное пространство образует крест (так называемый). На востоке церкви находится алтарь и апсида.
Хвойный стиль был заимствован из деревянной архитектуры, и дело было в отсутствии колонн. Купол держится только у основания. Такие купола были маленькими, чтобы не пробивать крышу, и обычно было несколько куполов.

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One of the most popular monuments of Russia is St. Basil’s Cathedral Fefilova.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

One of the most popular monuments of Russia is St. Basil’s Cathedral Fefilova.

One of the most popular monuments of Russia is St. Basil’s Cathedral Fefilova Polina 9 A

St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral

 It is located next to Red Square in the city of Moscow, Russia.

It is located next to Red Square in the city of Moscow, Russia.

St Basil’s Cathedral was built in 1555 by Ivan the Terrible. It was built in.

St Basil’s Cathedral was built in 1555 by Ivan the Terrible. It was built in honour of Ivan the Terrible‘s victory in the war against the Tartar Mongols in the city of Kazan.

Although the cathedral is now a museum and is visited by thousands of tourist.

Although the cathedral is now a museum and is visited by thousands of tourist every year, religious ceremonies are still held there every Sunday.

St Basil’s is one of the most recognised Russian monuments due to its unique.

St Basil’s is one of the most recognised Russian monuments due to its unique architecture of onion-shaped domes.

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The most famous sight of the city is Red Square. It has witnessed many important events in the life of the Russian people. In the southern part of Red Square near the Spassky Gates the Cathedral of St. Basil is situated. It is easily distinguished by its coloured cupolas. Centuries of Russian architectural development are represented in Red Square and this remarkable building.
It was built as a monument to a historical Russian victory, as a result of which the Khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan were annexed to Russia in October 1552. It is a masterpiece of Russian architectural art.
Building of St. Basil Cathedral began in 1555 on the orders of Ivan the Terrible and it was completed in 1561.
Not far from the Cathedral of St. Basil there is a monument to Minin and Pozharski, the heroes of the national Uberation struggle against the Polish and Lithuanian invaders in the early XVII century.
This was the first monument in Moscow, erected to civilians
One of the most significant sights of Moscow is the Kremlin.
It is the heart of Moscow and the heart of the whole country. It is the seat of the government and the place where the most significant events are held. It is also the cradle of Moscow.
The Kremlin is the place from where the ancient Russian capital grew and developed and its walls have looked down on the most important events in the history of the old Russian state, the world's first socialist country, its decline, and the birth of the new Russian state.
There is a great collection of art treasures on the Kremlin territory. The ancient Kremlin is still a great mystery. There is a legend that a considerable part of the treasures lies hidden.

Москва: Красная площадь, собор Василия Блаженного и Кремль

Самая главная достопримечательность города — это Красная площадь. Она была свидетельницей многих важных событий в жизни россиян.
В южной части Красной площади, неподалеку от Спасских ворот, находится собор святого Василия. Его легко узнать по разноцветным куполам. Столетия архитектурного развития России представлены на Красной площади и в этом замечательном строении. Храм был построен в честь исторической победы России, в результате которой в октябре 1552 г. ханства Казани и Астрахани были присоединены к России. Это шедевр русского архитектурного искусства. Строительство собора Василия Блаженного началось в 1555 г. по приказу Ивана Грозного и было закончено в 1561 г.
Неподалеку от собора Василия Блаженного находится памятник Минину и Пожарскому, героям национально-освободительной борьбы России против польских и литовских захватчиков в начале XVII в. Это первый памятник в Москве, воздвигнутый в честь его граждан.
Также одной из самых главных достопримечательностей Москвы является Кремль. Это сердце Москвы и сердце целой страны. Он является резиденцией правительства и местом, где проводятся самые знаменательные события. Также он — колыбель Москвы. Кремль — это место, откуда начала расти и развиваться древняя российская столица, и его стены с высоты смотрели на важнейшие события в истории старого русского государства, первой в мире страны социализма, ее падение, рождение нового российского государства. На территории Кремля находится огромная коллекция бесценных произведений искусства. Древний Кремль все еще представляет собой великую тайну. Есть легенда, что значительная часть сокровищ спрятана в неизвестном месте.

1. What has Red Square witnessed?
2. What is in the southern part of Red Square near the Spassky Gates?
3. What is the Cathedral distinguished by?
4. Why was it built?
5. What was the result of the great historical Russian victory in 1552?
6. When did the building of St. Basil Cathedral begin?
7. Who ordered to build the cathedral?
8. When was it completed?
9. Where is the monument to Minin and Pozharski?
10. Who were these men?
11. Who invaded Russian state in the early XVII century?
12. What is the heart of Moscow and the whole country?
13. Can the Kremlin be called the cradle of Moscow?
14. What is there on the Kremlin territory?
15. Have you heard the legend about hidden treasures?

witness свидетель
the Spassky Gates Спасские ворота
easily легко, без труда, непринужденно
distinguished различимый, узнаваемый; характерный
particoloured пестрый, разноцветный
cupola купол
remarkable замечательный, примечательный
to be annexed to быть присоединенным к
masterpiece шедевр
Ivan the Terrible Иван Грозный
civilian гражданин
whole целый
significant значительный
event событие
to be held проводиться, иметь место
cradle колыбель
to grow (grew, grown) расти
to look down смотреть свысока, презрительно
decline падение, упадок
birth рождение
treasure сокровище
mystery тайна
hidden скрытый, спрятанный от
to hide прятать, скрывать

St. Basil's Cathedral-under this name we see the greatest building of extraordinary beauty, which is located on the red square in Moscow. The full name of the temple - the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God on the Moat, which was built in 1555-1561 years.

In the 19th century, on the very place where the Church is now located, there was a stone Trinity Church. In 1552, St. Basil the blessed was buried at this Church, who was endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and predicted the trouble, a strong fire in Moscow in 1547. Tsar Ivan the terrible himself honored the fool and was even a little afraid of him. Soon they began to build a new Cathedral, where later the relics of St. Basil were transferred. A long and interesting history is connected with the construction of the temple. Its construction took place during the great Kazan campaign, which was given great importance. In 1552 Ivan the terrible personally, who led the army, made a promise that if the campaign ends in victory, he will build on the main square of Moscow's greatest temple. And after a significant event, a new temple was built. It caused delight not only among citizens, but also among foreigners: "and all merchants and ambassadors who looked at this temple, said that we did not see in any kingdoms, neither in others, nor in the, such beauty, and glory and force great".

By right, this temple was considered not only a great symbol of the capital of Russian cities, but also throughout Russia. And it is not only that it was built in the Center of Moscow in honor of a significant event, but also that the St. Basil's Cathedral itself is great and very good.

At first glance, the architecture of the Cathedral seems very complex. Unusual and the composition of the temple. The Cathedral consists of nine churches built on the same Foundation. The Central tower is hipped, with a magnificent "fire" decor. It is the axis of the whole composition. Eight other buildings are located on the sides of the world. They are made in the form of towers and crowned with domes similar to bulbs.

All baths are different and not one of the domes is not like the other. The pattern of each dome is different. But the main thing that distinguishes the temple is the lack of a pronounced facade. The shape of the tiered tower-pillar is dominant in the architecture of the Cathedral. She would tell him upward aspiration.

Between the pillars are extended chapels, decorated with three tiers of kokoshniks, which seem to raise the"head". Much attention is paid to the external decoration of the temple. The decor weaves it from the top to the bottom. As an architectural monument, St. Basil's Cathedral became the pinnacle of Moscow architecture of the 19th century.

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