My country at a glance доклад

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

нам по англ. (8 класс) задали проект о России сделать "my country at a glance"(моя страна на первый взгляд) там три темы про саму Россию, про Москву и про людей. осталось написать о людях России. тоесть о населеннии нашей страны. Помогите мне, пожалуйста.

Иван, спасибо, конечно, большое, но я это уже написала, мне нужно про людей написать!!

The Russian Federation (1)
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres.
The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Byelorussia and Ukraine. It also has a sea-border with the USA.
There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east.
There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.
There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers — the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena — flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into Pacific Ocean.
Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake (1600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.
Russia has one-sixth of the world's forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East.
On the vast territory of the country there are various types of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country the climate is temperate and continental.
Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.
Russia is a parliamentary republic. The Head of the State is the President. The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial centre. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.
At present, the political and economic situation in the country is rather complicated. There are a lot of problems in the national economy of the Russian Federation.
But in spite of the problems Russia is facing at present, there are a lot of opportunities for this country to become one of the leading countries in the world.

My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №1
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №2
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №3
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №4
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №5
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №6
My country at a glance. The Russian Federation, слайд №7

 My project

Слайд 1

 The title of my project is My country at a glance. My country, the Russian Federation, is the largest state in the world. Its territory is over 17 million square kilometers, the population being more than 150 million. Russia is rich in natural resources including vast areas of fertile (arable) lands and forests, deep lakes and wide rivers.

Слайд 2

The title of my project is My country at a glance. My country, the Russian Federation, is the largest state in the world. Its territory is over 17 million square kilometers, the population being more than 150 million. Russia is rich in natural resources including vast areas of fertile (arable) lands and forests, deep lakes and wide rivers.

 Kremlin and Red Square One can see the Kremlin and Red Square in the centre of the city. There are many fine buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares, churches and monuments in Moscow

Слайд 3

Kremlin and Red Square One can see the Kremlin and Red Square in the centre of the city. There are many fine buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares, churches and monuments in Moscow

 Moscow is a modern city now

Слайд 4

 Monuments Yuri Dolgoruky

Слайд 5

 Bolshoi Theatre

Слайд 6

 I am proud of this city!

Слайд 7

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The Russian Federation Выполнила: Белякова В.А.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The Russian Federation Выполнила: Белякова В.А.

The Russian Federation Выполнила: Белякова В.А.

Area The Russian Federation is the biggest country in the world. It occupies.

Area The Russian Federation is the biggest country in the world. It occupies eastern part of Europe and northern part of Asia. The total area of the country is more than 17 million square kilometers. Russia borders with 18 countries. Russia is the country with the largest population in the world.

Population The population of Russia is 145 million people (the 9th place). Th.

Population The population of Russia is 145 million people (the 9th place). There are more than 200 nationalities in our country.

Capital The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s the city in the centre of the E.

Capital The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s the city in the centre of the East European Plain. Moscow is the tourist centre of Russia.

Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. It.

Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. It was the capital of the Russian Empire till 1918. Now it’s the cultural capital of Russia.

The largest sea The larges sea is the Caspian Sea (near 371000 square kilomet.

The largest sea The larges sea is the Caspian Sea (near 371000 square kilometers). It’s located at the junction of Europe and Asia. The depth of the Caspian Sea is 1025 m.

The deepest lake Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world. The depth of the la.

The deepest lake Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world. The depth of the lake is 1620m. It’s located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia.

The longest river The Lena is the longest river in Russia (4400 km). It’s loc.

The longest river The Lena is the longest river in Russia (4400 km). It’s located in the Eastern Siberia.

The highest mountain Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. It’s located i.

The highest mountain Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. It’s located in the Caucasus. The high of Elbrus is 5642 m.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему my country at a glance. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 6 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


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Tetris invented in Russia. The most famous computer game - Tetris - was created by Russian programmer Alexei Pazhitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the Soviet Union, then, in 1986, in the West. Learn to pronounce

Helicopter golf A new sport has appeared in Russia - helicopter golf. Two helicopters equipped with 4-meter clubs play with two balls with a diameter of one meter. Each team has five people. One is piloting a helicopter, the second is hitting the ball, the third is coordinating the actions of the first two, two more are in reserve. They replace the one with the stick when he is exhausted.

Презентация на тему My Country at a Glance, предмет презентации: Английский язык. Этот материал в формате pptx (PowerPoint) содержит 60 слайдов, для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях! Презентации взяты из открытого доступа или загружены их авторами, администрация сайта не отвечает за достоверность информации в них, все права принадлежат авторам презентаций и могут быть удалены по их требованию.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

According to Golden Ring of Russia. Holy places

Sergiev PosadNumerous architectural structures of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra built the best architects in the country XV-XIX centuries.

Numerous architectural structures of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra built the best architects in the country XV-XIX centuries. Ensemble of the monastery includes more than 50 buildings of various purposes. Around Trinity Cathedral gradually formed an architectural ensemble of Lavra. Built successor of the founder of the Monastery of Nikon "in honor and praise of" St. Sergius of Radonezh, and laid in the last year of the glorification of the saints.

План территории лавры с достопримечательностями

План территории лавры с достопримечательностями

Икона Сергию Радонежскому

Икона Сергию Радонежскому

Сергиев Посад. Троицкий собор Троице-Сергиевой лавры

Сергиев Посад. Троицкий собор Троице-Сергиевой лавры

On the iconostasis of the Cathedral of the famous Russian icon painters worked Andrei Rublev and Daniil

On the iconostasis of the Cathedral of the famous Russian icon painters worked Andrei Rublev and Daniil Black; for the iconostasis was written Rublev icon of the "Holy Trinity". Notably picturesque tiered completion of the cathedral. From the south to the Trinity Cathedral adjoins Nikon Church (1552). Go to the western half of the south wall of the cathedral, on the site where, according to legend, was keliya St. Sergius, was attached Serapionovskaya tent (present - built in 1783) - over the relics of Novgorod Archbishop Serapion, who died in the monastery; are also buried Metropolitan Joasaphus (Skripitsyn) and Dionysius of Radonezh († 1633).

The second oldest Lavra church - Dukhovsky (or the temple of Holy Spirit upon the Apostles) -

The second oldest Lavra church - Dukhovsky (or the temple of Holy Spirit upon the Apostles) - built in 1476. Difficult it of brick and is a classic example of Pskov architecture. It ends with a low sinekupolnoy Belltower (type of church - "ilk under the bells"). The largest structure of the monastery - Uspensky Cathedral - erected 1559-1585 on the model of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In work on the iconostasis participated Simon Ushakov. Frescoes executed in 1684 Dmitry Grigoriev and others. To the north-western edge of the cathedral adjacent to the tomb of Boris Godunov and his family, over which was built in 1780 hipped tent (not preserved). From the south-western side of the Cathedral of the Assumption adjacent so-called Nadkladeznaya chapel, built in the style of the Naryshkin (end of XVII century.).

В городе — шесть монастырей, четыре действуют:
Горицкий монастырь (закрыт в 1744 году, музей)
Никитский монастырь
Никольский монастырь
Свято-Троицкий Данилов монастырь
Сретенский Новодевичий монастырь (закрыт в 1764 году)
Фёдоровский монастырь

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