Камчатка доклад на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Образовательная: активизировать лексику по теме, повторить материал о географическом положении Камчатки, познакомить с легендой о вулканах.

Развивающая: совершенствовать навыки и умения практического владения английским языком по данной теме по аудированию, говорению, чтению; развивать умение сравнивать, делать выводы и отстаивать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательная: воспитывать чувство патриотизма, учить заботиться об окружающей среде, повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: магнитофон, интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор.

Good morning, my dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson. Our lesson is called “Kamchatka is a wonderland”.

We’ll revise some facts about geography of Kamchatka, learn and repeat the words. You will guess the quizzes, learn an interesting legend.

  • Peninsula.
  • Protected nature territories.
  • State nature preserve.
  • Reserve.
  • Extinct volcano.
  • Thermal and mineral springs.
  • Valley of Geysers.
  • The Red Data Book.

Make the word combinations or sentences with these words.

What is Kamchatka for you? As for me Kamchatka is my Motherland. I was born here, live, work, have friends.

Географическое положение Камчатки

I want to invite you to travel around Kamchatka. It will be a travel with some quizzes.

  • Where is Kamchatka situated?
  • What seas and oceans is it washed by?
  • What is the main river? What other rivers do you know?
  • What are the special sights of Kamchatka?

Pupils answer the questions, guess some quizzes, using the presentation.

Kamchatka is a home of volcanoes. There are about 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka, 30 of them are active. Do you know how the volcanoes appeared in Kamchatka? I’ll tell you an interesting legend.

There are a lot of legends and tales about the origin of volcanoes. I’ll tell you one of them.

Long, long ago there were no volcanoes in Kamchatka. It was a vast lowland. The groups of deer grazed in this plain. The brave young men grazed them. They lived in harmony. But one day a beautiful girl appeared among them. The young men loved the girl, everybody wanted to be her husband. The men began to quarrel.

The shaman woman threatened that she would turn the men into the stone mountains if they didn’t stop to quarrel. But the young men didn’t pay attention to her words. The shaman woman kept the word. She turned them into the mountains. But the love of the men was so hot that the hearts of the mountains melt and lava splashed as blood.

The shaman woman could not turn their hearts into the stone. The fire of the young hearts was stronger than her witchcraft.

So volcanoes originated in Kamchatka.

How good do you know the names of our volcanoes?

The teacher shows the presentation. The pupils guess the names of volcanoes, make sentences about them.

The Avacha Volcano (2751)

The Vilyuchinsky Volcano (2173)

The Koryak Volcano (3456)

The Kozelsky Volcano (2189)

The Klyuchevskoy Volcano (4750 )

The Tolbachik Volcano (2346)

The Kizimen Volcano (2485)

There is one of the world’s wonder in Kamchatka. What is this? Of course, it’s the famous Valley of Geysers. What do you know about this place? Who opened the Valley of Geysers?

Pupils make a report about the Valley of Geysers, show the pictures.

The Valley of Geysers is a geyser field in Russia, and has the second largest concentration of geysers in the world. This 6 km long basin with approximately ninety geysers and many hot springs is situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, predominantly on the left bank of the ever-deepening Geysernaya River, into which geothermal waters flow from a relatively young stratovolcano, Kikhpinych. Temperatures have been found to be 250 °C, 500 m below the caldera ground. It is part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, which, in turn, is incorporated into the World Heritage Site "Volcanoes of Kamchatka". The valley is difficult to reach, with helicopters providing the only feasible means of transport.

The "pulsating" geysers of Kamchatka were discovered by a local scientist, Tatyana Ustinova, in 1941.She published her findings fourteen years later, but there was little exploration of the area until 1972. A systematic survey was undertaken in the mid-1970s, and an automatic monitoring system was introduced in 1990. Over thirty geysers were given names; among these was the Giant geyser (Velikan), capable of producing a jet of water reaching up to 40 meters. From the 1980s, the area was promoted across the USSR as one of the tourist magnets of Kamchatka and the Russian Far East. Foreign tourists were allowed into the valley in 1991. About 3,000 tourists visited the site annually.

The nature of Kamchatka is unique and beautiful. But it can be destroyed if people don’t take care of it.

What can we do to protect our motherland?

Our lesson will be over soon. I hope it was interesting and useful for you. To my mind each of you try to do the best during the lesson. We live in the wonderful place and we should do everything we can to save this land for other generations.

My native city is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is a city in the far East of Russia with a population of about 179 thousand people. The city is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The main branch of the city's economy is fishing and fish processing. There are also mining companies.

I hope that the tourism industry will also develop more actively in the city. As the nature of our region is so beautiful. Of course, nowadays we already have some tourists. They travel to volcanoes, to the Valley of Geysers and admire the ocean.

There are some attractions within city limits as well. Among them are various museums, including the Museum of Salmon and Vulcanarium. One can visit the Theatre of Drama and Comedy, and Puppet Theatre. There are several exhibition halls. Right in the city there is a rookery of sea lions.

Our city has rather good sports infrastructure. The most popular sports are alpine skiing, karate and swimming. There is a large and modern sports complex Zvezdny.

Living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky has some disadvantages. Summer is short here. The architectural appearance of the city is actually pretty dull. The prices for food and utilities are quite high, as well as the prices for the tickets to the southern regions of Russia.

And yet, I love my native city on the ocean.

Мой родной город - Петропавловск-Камчатский. Это город на Дальнем Востоке России с населением около 179 тысяч человек. Город расположен на полуострове Камчатка.

Основная отрасль экономики города - это добыча и переработка рыбы. Также есть предприятия горнодобывающей промышленности.

Надеюсь, что в городе будет более активно развиваться и туристическая отрасль. Ведь природа нашего края так красива. Конечно, и сейчас к нам приезжают туристы. Они отправляются на экскурсии к вулканам, в Долину Гейзеров и любуются океаном.

На территории города тоже есть достопримечательности. Здесь есть различные музеи, например, Музей Лосося и Вулканариум. Можно посетить Театр Драмы и Комедии, а также Театр Кукол. Есть несколько выставочных залов. Прямо в черте города есть лежбище сивучей.

В городе достаточно хорошая спортивная инфраструктура. Наибольшей популярностью пользуется горнолыжный спорт, карате и плавание. Есть большой и современный физкультурно-оздоровительный комплекс Звездный.

Проживание в Петропавловске-Камчатском имеет и некоторые минусы. Лето здесь короткое. Архитектурный облик города не отличается оригинальностью. Цены на продукты и коммунальные услуги - достаточно высокие, как и цены на авиабилеты до южных регионов России.

Топик Камчатка рассказывает о полуострове в северо-восточной части Евразии на территории России. Омывается с запада Охотским морем, с востока — Беринговым морем и Тихим океаном. Полуостров вытянут с севера на юг на 1200 км. Соединяется с материком узким перешейком. Общая площадь полуострова в 10 раз больше площади Крымского полуострова. Восточный берег полуострова сильно изрезан, образует крупные заливы и бухты. Далеко выступают в море скалистые полуострова. Центральную часть полуострова пересекают два параллельных хребта, между ними находится Центральнокамчатская низменность, по которой протекает река Камчатка. Самая южная точка полуострова — мыс Лопатка. На территории полуострова расположен Камчатский край, знаменитый своими вулканами, гейзерами, полезными ископаемыми и природными ресурсами.

Kamchatka, peninsula, 104,200 sq mi (269,878 sq km), Russian Far East, separating the Sea of Okhotsk in the west from the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean in the east. Extending from lat. 51°N to lat. 61°N, it is 750 mi (1,207 km) long and terminates in the south in Cape Lopatka, beyond which lie the Kuril Islands. Petropavlovsk is the chief city. There are many rivers and lakes, and the eastern shore is deeply indented by gulfs and bays. The peninsula's central valley, drained by the Kamchatka River, is enclosed by two parallel volcanic ranges that extend north-south; there are about 120 volcanoes. The highest point is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (15,600 ft/4,755 m), itself an active volcano. Kamchatka is covered with mountain vegetation, except in the central valley and on the west coast, which has peat marshes and tundra like moss. The climate is cold and humid. There are numerous forests, mineral springs and geysers.

Kamchatka's mineral resources include coal, gold, mica, pyrites, sulfur, and tufa. Fishing, sealing, hunting, and lumbering are the main occupations. The seas surrounding the peninsula are a rich Russian fishing area (notably for crabs, which are exported worldwide), and fur trapping on the peninsula yields most of the furs of the Russian Far East. Some cattle raising is carried on in the south and farming (rye, oats, potatoes, vegetables) in the Kamchatka valley and around Petropavlovsk. Reindeer are also raised on the peninsula. Industries include fish processing, shipbuilding, and woodworking. Russia's only geothermal power station is on the peninsula. There is some tourism, particularly in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, noted for its geysers.

The majority of the population is Russian, with large minorities of Koryak peoples. The northern part of the peninsula is administered as the Koryak Autonomous Area. Its capital is Palana.

The Russian explorer Atlasov visited Kamchatka in 1697. The region's exploration and development continued in the early 18th cent. under Czar Peter I, and Russian conquest was complete by 1732. Heavy Russian colonization occurred in the early 19th cent. From 1926 to 1938, Kamchatka formed part of the Far Eastern Territory. The peninsula is now part of the larger Kamchatka oblast [region], which includes offshore islands and areas of the mainland bordering the penisula. Petropavlovsk is the oblast's capital.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Камчатский Государственный Технический Университет КОЛЛЕДЖ Презентация На тем.

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Камчатский Государственный Технический Университет КОЛЛЕДЖ Презентация На тем.

Камчатский Государственный Технический Университет КОЛЛЕДЖ Презентация На тему: Камчатка. Выполнил: Кокорин Д.И.

Kamchatka is a wonderful land which has been opened by the Russian Cossacks m.

Kamchatka is a wonderful land which has been opened by the Russian Cossacks more then 300 years ago. Up to 1990 foreigners could not step into the Kamchatka area, and even to Russians the special admission was required. But those who wished to see the magic world of Kamchatka with their own eyes, went there, despite all barriers. Today Kamchatka is opened to everybody : to the tourists, and the scientists, and the businessmen.

The Kamchatka area was formed on the 20th of October in 1932 as a part of Kh.

The Kamchatka area was formed on the 20th of October in 1932 as a part of Khabarovsk territory. In January, 23rd, 1956 it was allocated to an independent area.

In the west the peninsula is washed by the waters of the cold sea of Okhotsk.

In the west the peninsula is washed by the waters of the cold sea of Okhotsk, in the east by the Bering sea and the Pacific ocean. The northern point of the area is located almost at the Arctic circle, the southern point cape Lopatka towers over the First Kuril passage.

Kamchatka, basically, is the highland. Along the peninsula for many hundred k.

Kamchatka, basically, is the highland. Along the peninsula for many hundred kilometers two basic ridges are stretched: the Sredinniy and the Vostochniy. The central Kamchatka lowland, with the Kamchatka river, is situated between them.

In a southern part of the peninsula there are no strong frosts in winter and.

In a southern part of the peninsula there are no strong frosts in winter and hot days in summer. Summer here is cool with large amount of foggy and rainy days. In the north of the peninsula the climate is more continental.

Kamchatka is the highland. The mountains divide it into16 climatic zones. Th.

Kamchatka is the highland. The mountains divide it into16 climatic zones. Therefore each place has its own special climate.

Kamchatka and its shelf possess considerable and various natural-resource pot.

Kamchatka and its shelf possess considerable and various natural-resource potential which makes this part of Russia unique.

Natural resources of the Western Kamchatka are various, but the biological ri.

Natural resources of the Western Kamchatka are various, but the biological riches including 227 kinds of fishes, are the most valuable. 15 species of crustacean, more than 30 species of mollusks, almost 200 species of sea seaweed, 18 species of sea animals are very important too.

The region has the richest stocks of a mineral resources : gas, coal, native.

The region has the richest stocks of a mineral resources : gas, coal, native sulphur, thermal waters, gold and silver, nickel, copper, platinum, tin, lead, zinc.

Wood and land resources, which can satisfy completely local requirements in f.

Wood and land resources, which can satisfy completely local requirements in forest products, fire wood, the major kinds of agricultural production are important.

Cones of "Big fissure the Тolbachik eruption". 1n the background, one can see.

Cones of "Big fissure the Тolbachik eruption". 1n the background, one can see the Ostryi Tolbachik and the Ploskii Tolbachik Volcanoes.

Mutnovskaya Sopka Volcano. Mutnovskaya Sopka is an active volcano located som.

Mutnovskaya Sopka Volcano. Mutnovskaya Sopka is an active volcano located some 85 km south of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy.

View to the north from the slopes of Mutnovskaya Sopka Volcano. 1n the foreg.

View to the north from the slopes of Mutnovskaya Sopka Volcano. 1n the foreground, one can see tuffs, structuring the outer slope of Мutnovskaya Sopka Volcano, severely demolished as a result of chemical weathering.

Bear traces in the Uzon Volcano caldera The Uzon caldera, like the entire Кro.

Bear traces in the Uzon Volcano caldera The Uzon caldera, like the entire Кronotskiy Reserve, is inhabited by bears. Plant shoots browsed by Kamchatka bears appear on warm thermal grounds and near thermal springs early in spring.

During the spawning of the salmon, bears head for the rivers and hunt the fis.

During the spawning of the salmon, bears head for the rivers and hunt the fishes with fervor, but when the mass run of the fishes is over, the bears return to their grasslands.

The Kamchatka bear is curious, not aggressive, it has tremendous strength and.

The Kamchatka bear is curious, not aggressive, it has tremendous strength and power of endurance, excellent reaction and remarkable coordination of movements.

Кostakan creek valley is extremely picturesque thanks to numerous volcanic do.

Кostakan creek valley is extremely picturesque thanks to numerous volcanic domes around the lake, confined to abyssal tectonic fault intersection zones. Кostakan cone is of most recent formation, it took shape around 600 years ago. The slag barren lands around the cone are gradually overgrown with white reindeer moss and cedar elfin wood.

There is a lake of a unique turquoise color filled with sulfuric acid in Тroi.

There is a lake of a unique turquoise color filled with sulfuric acid in Тroitskogo Crater of Мalyi Semyachik Volcano. Lake depth reaches 150 meters. Bubbles and sulfuric foam rise to the surface of the lake. Кarymskiy Volcano can be seen in the background.

Кostakan Lake. The lake is dammed by slag cones and a lava stream. The water.

Кostakan Lake. The lake is dammed by slag cones and a lava stream. The water gets into the lake in portions during floods and freshets on the tributaries, and flows out uniformly, seeping via system of crevasses in lava and filtering through slag.

One of the craters of Gorelyi Volcano. In the crater wall, an alternation of.

One of the craters of Gorelyi Volcano. In the crater wall, an alternation of igneous rocks, structuring the volcanic dome, is uncovered. The unique bright color of the lake is due to the unusually high acidity of the water.

Hybrid of a tiny mud volcano and fumarole. Thermal fields of Вurlyashchii ('Boiling') Volcano A small volcano every now and then splashes out liquid mud or releases vapor with a low hissing. White depositions of salts may be seen on the slopes of the volcano. This is a miniature geyser with splashes of slurry instead of water.

Презентация: Камчатка на английском

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Презентационная работа по английскому языку, посвященного Камчатке. С помощью этой работы ребята чуть ближе познакомятся с этим удивительно-красивым краем, его природой и достопримечательностями. Стоит отметить, что вся работа написана на английском языке.

Краткое содержание

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Презентация: Камчатка на английском


Слайд 2

Volcanoes of Kamchatka are one of the wonders of the world and one of the main attractions of our country. Kamchatka is the regions where nature is preserved in its natural, wild state.This country is called a land of contrasts, a country of ice and fire.

Слайд 3


The geographical position of the Kamchatka region is the extreme northeast of Russia. It covers the area of 472.3 square kilometers. The relief is mountainous.The most beautiful bay is Avacha Bay.

Слайд 4

Avacha Bay

Слайд 5

Native people of Kamchatka

Слайд 6

Слайд 7


Officially there are 12 religions in the Kamchatka region

Слайд 8

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the oldest city in the Russian Far East.

Слайд 9

Way of life

Native people enjoy fishing and hunting animals.

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Plant life

Many plants of Kamchatka are among endangered species. They are recorded in the Red Book

Слайд 12

Animal world

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Слайд 16


On the peninsula, there are 28 active volcanoes, and about 160 dormant volcanoes.

Слайд 17


Klyuchevskaya sopca is the largest active volcano in Eurasia.

Слайд 18


In the XX century, there were 23 volcano eruptions.

Слайд 19

The Valley of Geysers is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. The unique nature of the Valley attracts tourists from around the world

Слайд 20

Kamchatka is a wonderful and beautiful region. This is the place worth visiting.

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