Информационные технологии на английском доклад

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

10 текстов на английском + перевод для специальности ЭВМ

  • №1
  • 28,90 КБ
  • добавлен 25.02.2012 09:46
  • изменен 14.03.2012 17:36

20000 слов. тема Internet

  • №2
  • 29,01 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 21.05.2009 19:28

2739 знаков - Computers

The use of computers. Computers in medicine. Computers that can be learn. Computers at school. Словарик. Перевод.

  • №3
  • 8,45 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 08.02.2011 11:51

3D Graphics Come

3D Graphics Come. A personal computer. 17680 знаков. Computer. 16171 знаков. How computers work. Internet. 9502 знаков. Input/output 8519 знаков.

  • №4
  • 2,22 МБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 22.06.2008 13:03

4600 знаков - The devices of a computer

С переводом. Разделы: Computer. Memory. PC memory categories: ROM, RAM, cache, virtual, flash memory. Read Only Memory (ROM). Random Access Memory. Virtual Memory. Modems.

  • №5
  • 13,47 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 08.02.2011 12:08

5 тысяч знаков. Windows XP

Текст для перевода по английскому языку. Тема - Operating system "Windows XP" Кол-во знаков - около 5 тыс.

  • №6
  • 9,82 КБ
  • добавлен 10.11.2014 00:30
  • изменен 10.11.2014 00:42

5000 знаков - Web Browsers

Browser Applications. Browser Functions and Components. Render Engine. Cache. Bookmarks and Shortcuts. Plug-Ins. Перевод.

  • №7
  • 14,78 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 08.02.2011 11:56

A history of Windows

  • №8
  • 23,60 КБ
  • добавлен 23.12.2015 11:12
  • изменен 23.12.2015 13:50

A modem

  • №9
  • 15,82 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 03.01.2009 19:20

A Typical Personal Computer

A Typical Personal Computer типичный персональный компьютер, этот текст часто попадается на экзамене по английскому языку на последних курсах вуза. в то время как изучается этот текст на 1 курсе

  • №10
  • 4,05 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 18.01.2016 12:49

Architecture (computer science)

  • №11
  • 21,27 КБ
  • добавлен 30.10.2016 21:01
  • изменен 31.10.2016 00:04

Characteristics of Microprocessors

  • №12
  • 12,53 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 30.01.2008 20:04


Plan: What is a computer? Base configuration of the computer system System unit Monitor Keyboard Mouse nternal devices of the system unit Motherboard Hard drive Floppy dick drive and CD-ROM deo card Sound card Systems of the mother board RAM (Random Access Memory) Processor Chip of ROM and system of BIOS olatile memory Peripheral devices of the PC Data input.

  • №13
  • 29,13 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 26.02.2009 21:25

Computer Memory

  • №14
  • 28,90 КБ
  • добавлен 20.11.2016 15:18
  • изменен 21.11.2016 21:33

Computer Program

  • №15
  • 34,85 КБ
  • добавлен 07.11.2016 13:26
  • изменен 03.02.2018 04:04

Computer. 15 000 знаков. Перевод текста

  • №16
  • 42,52 КБ
  • добавлен 09.06.2013 23:57
  • изменен 28.09.2018 04:45


  • №17
  • 4,25 КБ
  • добавлен 09.05.2014 22:01
  • изменен 10.05.2014 10:03

Data Processing

  • №18
  • 25,39 КБ
  • добавлен 02.11.2016 22:58
  • изменен 02.11.2016 23:08

Development of Computers

  • №19
  • 5,74 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 24.02.2009 13:04


Текст Hardware, в переводе с английского-"Железо", в смысле компьютера с устройствами ввода, вывода, и различных устройств хранения. Текст часто попадается на экзамене по английскому языку на последних курсах вуза, в то время как изучается этот текст на 1 курсе

  • №20
  • 3,36 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 04.12.2010 20:38

History Of Laptops. 15 000 знаков

  • №21
  • 11,62 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 28.09.2018 04:59


  • №22
  • 102,83 МБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 06.04.2009 01:07

Internet Текст с переводом

Текст с переводом на тему The internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be.

  • №23
  • 13,41 КБ
  • добавлен 07.05.2016 10:47
  • изменен 07.05.2016 11:20

Laptops. 17000 знаков

  • №24
  • 29,46 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 08.12.2009 00:03

Modern computers

  • №25
  • 24,17 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 29.12.2008 19:27

Operating systems

  • №26
  • 24,03 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 29.03.2008 18:57

Parallel Processing

  • №27
  • 21,08 КБ
  • добавлен 18.03.2017 09:44
  • изменен 29.03.2017 01:21


Текст Software в переводе "Программное обеспечение". В тексте раскрывается понятие программного обеспечения, виды программного обеспечения, его функции и возможности. Текст изучается как на первом курсе, так и вспоминается на втором, но ко второму курсу у студентов текст теряется, и найти бывает его очень сложно.

  • №28
  • 2,87 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 04.12.2010 20:45

The Modern History of Computing

  • №29
  • 681,98 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 30.10.2008 18:14

The World Of Botnets

10900 знаков. Разделён на две части с переводом. Bot-Herding How To. Maintenance. The Money Game. The Problems. Мир Botnet. Как управлять ботами. Поддержка. Денежная Игра. Проблемы.

  • №30
  • 28,19 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 08.02.2011 12:16

Trojan Horses

  • №31
  • 6,02 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 30.10.2008 10:15

Trojan Horses

  • №32
  • 7,17 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 30.10.2008 10:16

Types of Computer Attacks

2 стр. (Автор и выходные данные не указаны). Active Types of Computer Attacks Virus Root Kit Trojan Worm Passive Types of Computer Attacks Eavesdropping Password Based Attacks Identity Spoofing Application Layer Attack

  • №33
  • 4,60 КБ
  • добавлен 22.04.2014 17:50
  • изменен 22.04.2014 19:57

Virtual Reality

Топик - Виртуальная реальность (с переводом). Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our everyday life. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body. The Virtual Reality system is still in the early stages of.

  • №34
  • 12,62 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 25.04.2011 14:05

What is Wi-Fi? 6000 знаков

  • №35
  • 79,00 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 02.05.2007 22:58

Все работы по компьютерным технологиям (английский язык)

Компьютерные технологии в лингвистических исследованиях Работы за 2 семестра (3 курс) Самара. МИР. Преподаватели Кузнецова Д. Д. -1 семестр, Кожин А. Б. - 2 семестр

  • №36
  • 101,20 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 22.06.2011 19:29


10000 знаков по английскому. Тема прекрасно подойдет для тех, у кого специальность связана с компьютерами. Текст довольно легкий.

  • №37
  • 24,27 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 18.12.2008 23:03

Зачетная работа по практикуму профессионально-ориентированного перевода

83 c. 21426 слов Зачетная работа по практикуму профессионально-ориентированного перевода по специальности Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации Основная специальность: информатика и вычислительная техника 10 reasons customers might resist windows Game programming. Algorithms and techniques: overview. Evolution of video game programming Creating a very simple.

  • №38
  • 388,78 КБ
  • добавлен 03.09.2015 22:42
  • изменен 03.09.2015 23:29


  • №39
  • 25,83 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 03.12.2008 16:23

История первых вычислительных машин. Элементы электронных устройств

  • №40
  • 22,97 КБ
  • дата добавления неизвестна
  • изменен 24.11.2010 21:54

Камера ТВ, Из истории телевидения, ПК

Представлены след англ. тексты с их переводом на русский язык: Камера ТВ, Из истории телевидения, Радиоактивные вещества, Общие сведения о IBM PC, Цветное телевидение, Компьютер как он есть, Микроэлектроника, Из каких же основных элементов состоит современный ПК, Персональные компьютеры в медицинской практике. Так называемые "Тысячи"

Just as television has extended human sight across the barriers of time and distance, so the computers extend the power of the human mind across the existing barriers.

They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It’s much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library.

In the last 10 years or so, most large businesses have become completely depended on computers for storing and looking an information, for writing and calculating financial and mathematical information.

Computers within a single office or building may be connected, and they there fore form a network. Users of computers on a network can send messages to each other utilizing the same collections of data or information. In many offices and organizations computer message have replaced messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or electronic mail.

E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.

E-mail saves paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can send and receive e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. But computers have some disadvantages. Computers can get viruses. Sometimes the wrong people can make use of the information available in the wrong way. Computers become out of date very quickly, they need to be replaced.

Words and word combinations:

to extend- продлевать, расширять

to utilize-использовать, перерабатывать

to replace-ставить, заменять

Give the English equivalents for:

Answer the questions:

1.What advantages of computer do you know?

2.Why have most large businesses become completely depended on computers?

3.How do we use the e-mail?

4.What disadvantages of computers do you know?

Computers at school

Information science with the ideas and message of processing and storing information is of great importance today. That’s why computer technology must be told in secondary school. The new subject “basic information science”, and “computing machine” was introduсed for the siner forms at schools. The pupils teach computers to resolve school problems. Contact with the machine increases the interest in learning, makes them more serious about studying new subject. School computers are used not only for studying information science, but also examinations purposes. Young people who finish the school must be trained to operate computers.

Words and word combinations:

a message of processing- средство обработки

a storing of information-собрание информации

a purpose-намерение, цель

Give the English equivalents for:

Информационная наука, средство развития, компьютерная технология, стимулировать интерес к обучению, делать более серьезным обучение новым предметам, для изучения информатики.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is information science very important today?

2. Why do the pupils teach the computers at school?

3. What increases the interest of learning?

4. Where are school computers used?

Computers in medicine

Computers are one of great importance in modern hospital. The chief use of computers is the storing and sorting the medical knowledge which has been enquired in the last 50 years. No doctor can possible keep up with all discoveries. The only solution of the problem is store medical knowledge in a computer. Today there are medical computer centers were all existing knowledge of symptoms of various diseases and of their treatment is stored. Doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer and get the necessary information on correct diagnostics and treatment.

Words and word combinations:

a chief use-основная цель использования

to discovery – открытие

a solutio n – решение

an existing knowledge – существующие решения

a symptom – симптом

the various diseases – различные болезни

a treatment – лечение

to feed – подавать, нагнетать

Give the English equivalents for:

в современной больнице, накопление медицинских знаний, хранить открытия, решение проблемы, существующие знания о симптомах различных болезней, лечение болезней, подавать данные о симптомах в компьютер, получить необходимую информацию, правильная диагностика и лечение.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the chief use of computers in modern hospital?

2. What is the only solution of the medical problem?

3. What are there in the medical computer centers today?

4. Why do doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer?


The Internet

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them.

This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was the Iraq computer network, which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

Most Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairy accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet. There are millions and their number is growing by thousands each month world-wide.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of people, who have access to the Internet, use the networks only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading news, using the World Wide Web, telnet etc.

Words and word combinations:

a network-нейронная сеть

a nuclear war-ядерная война

a single route-единственный маршрут

a packet switching-пакетная коммутация

owing to-вследствие, благодаря

a nuclear explosion-ядерный взрыв

to knock out-выключать

a fairy accurately-сказочно точно

a reliable alternative-надежная альтернатива

the wireless station-радиостанция

to conduct transaction-вести дела

Give the English equivalents for:

Answer the questions:

1.What is the Internet?

2.Where did the Internet begin?

3.Why was the Internet designed?

4.What is the most popular Internet service?

5.How do people use the Internet?

6.How can the commercial users communicate over the Internet?

The Internet as a source of information

Computers play a very important part in our life. They help people in their work and studies. They save us a lot of time. While at school I often made use of the Internet to collect information for my test papers and compositions. Computers give access to a lot of information. It is possible to find data and descriptions, chapters from necessary books… to make a long story short, everything you need. The Internet, a global computer network, which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive in a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet. There are millions and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide. Users of computers on a network can send messages to each other, utilizing the same collections of data or information. In many offices and organizations computer messages have replaced messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or electronic mail. E-mail is not only fast and easy (if you understand how to use the computer), but it also saves paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can send and receive e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. The Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication systems of their communities. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world and can do it very cheaply. But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from the Internet, they increase the commercial use of this network. For example, some American banks and companies conduct transactions over the Internet. So, you see that the Internet is an inseparable part of our life.

Words and word combinations:

to keep up-быть в курсе

Give the English equivalents for:

Answer the questions:

1.How does the computer help pupils at school?

2.Is it comfortable to send messages to each other?

3. How do the commercial users use the Internet?

4.How do the American banks use the Internet?

5.Why does the American bank use the Internet?

Scientific and Technological Progress

It's difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature. Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people.

Let's compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the 'beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn't the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not. They would seem miracle to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, aeroplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can't imagine our life without them.

A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it's rather rapid. Millions of investigations, the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.

But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a scientist.

But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.

We live in the era of high technologies, and we use modern inventions in our everyday life because they have brought us much comfort. New technologies have spread on every field over the past 15 years. Moreover, they are rapidly changing. For example, video-recorders, DVD-players or compact disks have already become obsolete and have been replaced by more up-to-date devices. Today we can hardly imagine our life without such modern mobile devices as cell phones or laptops. Our offices are fully equipped with computers, printers, scanners, air-conditioners, interactive whiteboards and Wi-Fi modems. Household appliances (vacuum-cleaners, coffee-machines, dish-washers, food processors and others) help us to save our time and energy.

However, we should realize that digital and electronic inventions have both negative and positive impact on our daily life.

I am absolutely positive that new technologies or gadgets are making things faster, easier, more comfortable and interesting. For instance, if you install a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car you’ll never get lost again. And could we imagine just 15 years ago all the things we can do on the wireless Internet nowadays: connecting with friends from all over the world, online shopping and banking, distance online learning, finding virtual relationships and even working from home? Isn’t that awesome?! Our parents used to go to post-offices to send letters or pay bills, they went to libraries to find a good book and they used telephone-booths for phone-calls.

On the other hand, I know some people who are strongly against some modern inventions because they really miss those days when they talked to each other face to face in reality, and not virtually. I partially agree with that as I really believe that people are becoming anti-social and too dependent on their gadgets. Some of my friends also spend half of the time occupying their shiny gadgets (smart-phones or i-pads) even when we go out together. Besides, people who use various social networks a lot (such as Facebook or Instagram) should worry more about their privacy.

Summing up, I could say that there are serious arguments both for and against the use of new technologies but anyway it’s really difficult to imagine our life without them today.

Новые технологии в нашей жизни

Мы живем в эпоху высоких технологий и пользуемся современными изобретениями в повседневной жизни, поскольку они принесли нам много комфорта. Новые технологии распространились в каждой области за последние 15 лет. Более того, они стремительно меняются. Например, видеомагнитофоны, DVD-плееры или компакт-диски стали уже устаревшими, и им на смену пришли более современные устройства. Сегодня мы с трудом можем представить нашу жизнь без таких современных мобильных приборов, как сотовые телефоны или ноутбуки. Наши офисы полностью оборудованы компьютерами, принтерами, сканерами, кондиционерами, интерактивными досками и wi-fi модемами. Бытовые приборы (пылесосы, кофе-машины, посудомоечные машины, кухонные комбайны и другие) помогают нам экономить время и энергию.

Однако, нам следует понимать, что цифровые и электронные изобретения имеют как отрицательное, так и положительное влияние на нашу повседневную жизнь.

Я полностью согласен с тем, что новые технологии или гаджеты делают многие вещи быстрее, легче, удобнее и интереснее. К примеру, если вы устанавливаете в своем автомобиле GPS (Глобальную Навигационную Систему), вы больше никогда не заблудитесь. А могли ли мы представить всего лишь 15 лет назад все то, что можем делать сегодня по беспроводному интернету: связь с друзьями по всему миру, онлайн покупки и банковские операции, дистанционное онлайн обучение, поиск виртуальных знакомств и даже работу из дома? Разве это не здорово?! Наши родители раньше отправлялись в почтовое отделение для того, чтобы отсылать письма или оплачивать счета, они ходили в библиотеки для того, чтобы найти хорошую книгу и пользовались телефонными будками для того, чтобы позвонить.

С другой стороны, я знаю людей, которые категорически против некоторых современных изобретений, так как им очень не хватает тех дней, когда они общались друг с другом, лицом к лицу в реальности, а не виртуально. Частично я согласен с этим, потому что я считаю, что люди становятся анти-социальными и слишком зависимыми от своих гаджетов. Некоторые мои друзья также посвящают половину времени своим блестящим гаджетам (смартфонам или ай-пэдам), даже когда мы выходим вместе погулять. Кроме того, людям, которые много пользуются социальными сетями (такими, как Фэйсбук или Инстарграм), нужно побеспокоиться о защите своей личной информации.

Подводя итог, я бы сказал, что существуют серьезные аргументы за и против использования новых технологий, но, в любом случае, в наши дни уже будет очень сложно представить жизнь без них.

Английский язык с репетиторами онлайн

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To begin with, I would like to tell about technological progress, because I consider that it is rather important problem of modern society. Nothing to say that to some of people’s mind the technological progress is bad way of our society and others have different point of view. In other words we can allocate pluses and minuses of this fact.

On my opinion, we have a lot of pluses of computerization. First of all, in this regard development, the productivity of personal computers increased in some thousand times in last ten years, besides their cost decreased. That is way a great number of different organizations and private users found possibility to brag of the powerful computer. Computers became the working tool of millions people. I wonder the world was to be entangled by worldwide network. And information, which was saved the millennium, began to be available to any person who only wish. Undoubtedly, this fact was the huge plus for the society.

Above all, Network technologies pulled together the world.

Nowdays, any child can sit at the computer and communicate with his friend. They can be in other cities or countries. Needles to say such network communication provoked youth learning of foreign languages. After all, it’s rather interesting to talk to the friend in his native language.

I want to add, that speed of distribution of information reached unknown heights. Now the events, which have occurred in one world’s end become to be renowned every where in only some minutes. For this reason the XXI century have to be called “The information eyelid”. Now, you can send messages for two or three minutes with the help of e-mail or read newspapers and different articles, without postman.

Certainly, a lot of people prefer to make purchases in the Internet Shops. So, it allows them not to leave their houses. It’s clear, this way is so easy and comfortable.

People can listen new fresh music, watch various films and read new interesting books through the Internet. Today, it’s hard to meet student who not to use the Internet resources for preparation for seminars or exams. And it’s good that the cost of such pleasures are not high.

But now, I would like to tell about the huge minus of computers. Each of us know about social networks in the Internet. With their help, young people get acquainted communicate and express the emotions. The computer became a main part in some number of people. And imperceptibly for people around, the computer began to substitute for itself everything.

Just for the record, psychologists and psychiatrists had even a special term – “computer dependence”, like alcoholism and drug addiction.

Unfortunately, computer dependence strikes more and more young people and quite adults who is spending free time in front of the monitor, sitting in chats, thoughtlessly reading messages and printing answers to people absolutely unfamiliar to them. Besides, the huge number of people plays computer games days without a break, confusing, eventually, the virtual world to reality. So, as you see, the computer began to turn into enemy of the person.

To sum up, I want to add, that I described pluses and minuses of the computerizing. But I hope, in spite of short comings, computer technologies brought a lot of good things to people, having facilitated their work, having presented mass of new possibilities.

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