Доклад про кирпич на английском

Обновлено: 15.07.2024

В английский кирпич означает: brick, tile, clinker (мы нашли 11 переводов). Есть не менее 241 примеров предложений с кирпич . Среди прочего: Сами обвинил Лейлу в том, что она бросила в его окно кирпич. ↔ Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window. .


переводы кирпич


en electronic device

Сами обвинил Лейлу в том, что она бросила в его окно кирпич.

Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window.

Были построены и производственные объекты, в том числе: хлебопекарня, завод по производству соевого молока, швейное ателье и завод по производству керамического кирпича.

Production centres for bread, soy milk, dressmaking, ceramic tiles and other products have been established.


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She reached for the sheepskin blanket and was surprised to discover that it was wrapped around hot bricks.

Магоупорные кирпичи используются для управления отоплением в отелях, эта техника разработана на основе той же методики.

The magic-resistant bricks used for managing the hotel's heating were developed from a technique similar to this.

Храм находился в узком ничем не примечательном трехэтажном доме из кирпича, стоявшем среди дюжины таких же.

The temple was located in a narrow, nondescript three-story brick building crowded between a dozen others just like it.

Гробницы заделывались кирпичами, мраморными плитами или керамическими плитками, скрепленными известковым раствором.

— Но если все станут такими, как вы, — сказал я, — то позвольте заметить вам, что некому будет бросать для вас кирпичи.

"""But if we all became like you,"" I said, ""allow me to point out that there'd be nobody to toss bricks for you."""

And he became a contractor, like any ordinary contractor, building ordinary houses with ordinary bricks.

Восемь с половиной лет спустя Эммет Блоковски, который работает обычным строителем в городе под названием Кирпич-град встречает таинственную девушку, в которую влюбляется.

Eight-and-a-half years later, in the city of Bricksburg, ordinary construction worker Emmet Brickowski notices a mysterious woman at his construction site.

Большинство кирпичей идентичны, и если два кирпича поменять местами, никакого влияния на постройку это не окажет.

The policemen took the brick of heroin and Paula’s notebook with the photos and told me to pack my bag.

The earthquake of 1627 forced them to buy the neighboring buildings that, because of their age, were rebuilt in stone and brick.

“It's your uncle Bennett,” said her father, quickly slamming back into place the bricks he had moved.

Я пришел к такому выводу в тот самый момент, когда этот кирпич пролетел через наше окно прошлой ночью.

Этой схемой охвачено более 11 500 энергоемких объектов, включая установки для сжигания, нефтеперерабатывающие заводы, коксовые печи, заводы черной металлургии, предприятия, производящие цемент, стекло, известь, кирпич, керамические изделия, целлюлозу и бумагу в ЕС, на долю которых приходится около половины выбросов CO2 в Европе.

The scheme covers over 11,500 energy-intensive installations, including combustion plants, oil refineries, coke ovens, iron and steel plants, and factories making cement, glass, lime, brick, ceramics, pulp and paper across the EU, accounting for about half of Europe’s CO2 emissions.

Слайд 1" Brick"
Слайд 2Brick - artificial stone the correct form is used as a building material made from mineral materials with the properties of stone, strength, water resistance, frost resistance. The best known are four types (type) of brick: herself - from clay and filler ; ceramic (clay, red) - from baked clay; silicate consisting of sand and lime ; hyperpressed. Normal format has dimensions 250x120x65 mm.
Слайд 3History The word "brick" is borrowed from the Turkic languages ​​.Before bricks used plinfa. "Plinth" - thin and wide clay plate with a thickness of about 2.5 cm. They are made in special wooden forms. Plinfa dried 10-14 days, then it was calcined in a furnace. Many plinfy find stamps that are considered hallmarks of the manufacturer. Although up to this time it had the widest distribution in many countries, mud brick, raw, often with the addition of chopped straw into the clay. Standard Burnt bricks used in Russia since the end of the XV century. A striking example was the construction of walls and temples of the Moscow Kremlin in the time of John III, which was headed by Italian masters.
Слайд 4Types of bricks and their benefits Brick is divided into two groups: red and white. A red brick consists mainly of clay, white - of sand and lime. A mixture of the latter was called "silicate" and hence the calcium silicate bricks.
Слайд 5Production technology Until the XIX century engineering bricks remained primitive and labor-intensive. Moulded bricks by hand, dried only in summer, and fired in a kiln-floor temporary shelters, built of dried mud brick. In the middle of the XIX century was built kiln ring and belt press that led to a revolution in production techniques. At the end of the XIX century began to build the dryer. At the same time, there were machines : runners, rollers, pug-mill. Nowadays more than 80% of the bricks produced year-round enterprise, among which there are large mechanized factories, output of 200 million pieces. in year.

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Brick - artificial stone the correct form is used as a building material made.

Brick - artificial stone the correct form is used as a building material made from mineral materials with the properties of stone, strength, water resistance, frost resistance. The best known are four types (type) of brick: herself - from clay and filler; ceramic (clay, red) - from baked clay; silicate consisting of sand and lime; hyperpressed. Normal format has dimensions 250x120x65 mm.

History The word "brick" is borrowed from the Turkic languages ​​.Before bric.

History The word "brick" is borrowed from the Turkic languages ​​.Before bricks used plinfa. "Plinth" - thin and wide clay plate with a thickness of about 2.5 cm. They are made in special wooden forms. Plinfa dried 10-14 days, then it was calcined in a furnace. Many plinfy find stamps that are considered hallmarks of the manufacturer. Although up to this time it had the widest distribution in many countries, mud brick, raw, often with the addition of chopped straw into the clay. Standard Burnt bricks used in Russia since the end of the XV century. A striking example was the construction of walls and temples of the Moscow Kremlin in the time of John III, which was headed by Italian masters.

Types of bricks and their benefits Brick is divided into two groups: red and.

Types of bricks and their benefits Brick is divided into two groups: red and white. A red brick consists mainly of clay, white - of sand and lime. A mixture of the latter was called "silicate" and hence the calcium silicate bricks.

Production technology Until the XIX century engineering bricks remained prim.

Production technology Until the XIX century engineering bricks remained primitive and labor-intensive. Moulded bricks by hand, dried only in summer, and fired in a kiln-floor temporary shelters, built of dried mud brick. In the middle of the XIX century was built kiln ring and belt press that led to a revolution in production techniques. At the end of the XIX century began to build the dryer. At the same time, there were machines: runners, rollers, pug-mill. Nowadays more than 80% of the bricks produced year-round enterprise, among which there are large mechanized factories, output of 200 million pieces. in year.

Презентация к уроку английского языка

A brick is best described as a “building unit”. It may be made of burnt clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials; in shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 61/2 to 9 lb. The shape and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence and, because of this, brick building has been popular for many hundreds of years. The hand of an average man is large enough to take a brick and he is able to handle more than 500 bricks in an eight-hour working day. It is necessary, therefore, for the “would be” bricklayer to practice handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position. By placing the hand over the surface of the upper of a brick and by placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the joints of the fingers on the opposite face, the brick may be securely handled. It is necessary to protect the thumb and the fingers s leather pads which also prevent the skin from rough bricks.It is necessary, therefore, for the “would be” bricklayer to practice handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position. By placing the hand over the surface of the upper of a brick and by placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the joints of the fingers on the opposite face, the brick may be securely handled. It is necessary to protect the thumb and the fingers s leather pads which also prevent the skin from rough bricks.

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Building materials. Brick."

Презентация к уроку английского языка

Brick The project has been done by the student from the group 11C-22 Savina Tatyana checked up by Kolesnikova E.N.

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Building materials. Brick."

Презентация к уроку английского языка

A brick is best described as a “building unit”. It may be made of burnt clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials; in shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 61/2 to 9 lb. The shape and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence and, because of this, brick building has been popular for many hundreds of years. The hand of an average man is large enough to take a brick and he is able to handle more than 500 bricks in an eight-hour working day. It is necessary, therefore, for the “would be” bricklayer to practice handling a brick until he can control it with complete mastery and until he is able to place it into any desired position. By placing the hand over the surface of the upper of a brick and by placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the joints of the fingers on the opposite face, the brick may be securely handled. It is necessary to protect the thumb and the fingers s leather pads which also prevent the skin from rough bricks.

Прошу, туда, в тот угол, вон кирпич. Приведите в порядок. Мы пытаемся сохранить это в приличном состоянии.

Please, there, in that corner, on that brick. spruce it up. we're trying to make it look decent, after all, .

Большие красные средневековые кирпичи использовались всё чаще и чаще, в особенности для готических пристроек.

какой-то чёрный пробегает вперёд тебя, ударяет тебя кирпичом по голове, роняет тебя на пол, заезжает тебе в лицо:

and right before you walk into Toys R Us, some black person runs up beside you, smacks you in the head with a brick, knocks you to the ground, stomps you in the face,

кирпич — loose brick

I, I was just coming down the hall and I tripped on the loose brick, and I fell and I found myself right here in front of your door and I found this.

Now, I remember that the Sons of Liberty would use a secret drop to pass messages to each other and that was hidden under a loose brick in an old wall.

кирпич — blocks

Там Лонни вытаскивает паренька из машины, кладет его лицом на землю, кладет его руку между двумя кирпичами и говорит мне: "Прыгни сверху.

So Lonnie grabs the kid out of the back of the car, puts him down on the ground face-up, pulls out his arm, right, between two cinder blocks, and he tells me, "Jump on it.

кирпич — threw a brick

How do you think Corporate would feel if-— for the sake of argument, someone threw a brick through your window?

Помнишь, когда ты сидела со мной, а я закрылся в доме, и тебе пришлось разбить кирпичом окно в подвале, чтобы попасть внутрь?

Remember when you sat for me and I locked you out of the house and you threw a brick through the basement window to get back in?

Слушайте, думаю, у нас есть кое-что на некоторых людей, причастных к поджогу вольфсангела и кирпичу, брошенному в окно.

Listen, I think we've got a line on some of the people involved in burning the wolfsangel and throwing the brick through the window.

кирпич — masonry

А стены сделаны из непрочного кирпича, за которыМ лишь Мягкий суглинистый грунт, векаМи приносиМый сюда СтарикоМ — извилистой рекой Миссисипи, ведь река пробивала себе путь через обширную наносную равнину, оставляя после себя зеМлю.

But the walls. the walls are but humble masonry behind which is only the soft, loamy soil deposited over centuries by the Old Man, the meandering' Mississippi, as it fanned its way back and forth across the great alluvial plain, leaving earth.

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