Доклад про британский музей на английском языке с переводом

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

London is visited by millions of tourists every year. They come there to see the sights of London and to visit London’s museums. There is quite a number of museums and art galleries in London which are world-famous.

The National Gallery is situated in Trafalgar Square and is one of the best-known art galleries in the world. It was founded in 1824 and houses one of the most important collections of Italian paintings outside Italy. It is also famous for its Dutch collection, particularly for paintings by Rembrandt. The National Portrait Gallery is situated near the National Gallery. It is Britain’s leading art gallery of portraits of famous people in British history. The National Portrait Gallery is noted for representing various kinds of portraits - from traditional oil paintings to photographs. Founded in 1856, in 1984 it contained over 800 original portraits and more than 500 000 photographs.

The famous Tate Gallery was opened in 1897 with the financial support of Sir Henry Tate. He also gave a collection of 65 paintings. The Gallery contains a unique collection of British painting from the 16th century to the present day. Turner and Blake are particularly well represented in the collections. The Gallery also has many drawings and modern sculpture.

Victoria and Albert Museum is a collection of fine and applied arts. It contains a great collection of miniature, too. It was opened in 1857 and was named after Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert.

The British Museum was founded in 1753. It contains one of the world’s richest collections of antiquities. It also houses the main collection covering the history of plants, minerals and the animal world. There is also the Reading room of the British Library in the museum.

There is a number of museums in London which are neither art museums or galleries. Nevertheless, they attract tourists from different parts of Great Britain and of the world. You are sure to know about Madame Tusseau’s Museum. It contains hundreds of wax figures which are sculpture portraits of famous personalities - political figures, painters, musicians, sportsmen and even criminals. The Museum of London represents the history of the city from its foundation to its present day. The Museum of Moving Image illustrates the history of cinema.

In other words, any visitor can find a museum to his taste in London.

The British Museum is one of the greatest and bestknown museums in the world, both in the diversity of its collections and in their wide range and high quality. It was founded in 1753 by a decision of t he Parliament.

The British Museum occupying a splendid great building, in the neoclassical or Grecian style, was erected between 1823 and 1847.

Of the 11 major departments into which the museum is divided, the most outstanding are the Assyrian and Babylonian, the Egyptian, and the Greek and Roman Antiquities. The last makes a particular contribution to the glory of the museum with its collection of sculptures from the Parthenon.

There are also extremely important ethnological collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (such as ancient Polynesian idols), and America (such as the Aztec sculptures). African civilization is also notably well represented.

There is a notable and priceless collection of medieval objects of art from all the countries of Europe. But the first thing which is associated with the British Museum it is Library.

The Library which is contemporary with the museum, consisted initially of the collection of books belonging to the Sir Hans Sloane. To this library the other collections of manuscripts and books as well were added as the royal library, which provided the foundations of what was to become one of the largest and most important libraries in the world.

The British Museum Library came into world prominence under its most remarkable librarian – Sir Antonio Panizzi, an Italian by birth, who had to leave his country because of revolutionary activities. Under his direction the library took on its present character. During the thirtyfive years of service with the British Museum he formulated the rules and started the general catalogue.

The British Museum Library is a reading — room and a reference library, but not a lending library. The famous circular Reading Room of the Museum, planned by Sir Antonio Panizzi, offers unique research facilities to scholars. The collection of books is being systematically increased. Today there are millions of volumes in the library store — room.

Vocabulary diversity

contributi on to вклад в

to represent представлять

object of art произведение искусства

come into world prom i nence получить всемирную известность

catalog ue каталог

reference library библиотека без выдачи книг на дом, читальный зал

lending library библиотека с выдачей книг на дом, абонемент

facilities оборудование, условия, удобства

store — room хранилище, запасник

(1 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

There are many museums in London. One of them is the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which presents modern masters of England and France. There are some fine examples of modern sculpture. Its collection of French Impressionists is marvellous. There is the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road. It has an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods.

The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world. It has the most valuable display of French paintings from the early of the Impressionists, and, of course, the finest English painting, with Turner, Gainsborough, Constable and others. It shows the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also has a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There are great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen's collection is the most valuable among them.

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Британские музеи

В Лондоне много музеев. Один из них - Тэйт галерея в Милманке, в которой представлены современные художники Англии и Франции. Здесь есть несколько прекрасных образцов современной скульптуры. Коллекция французских импрессионистов - потрясающая. На Бромптон Роад находится музей Виктории и Альберта. Там хранится выдающаяся коллекция прикладного искусства всех стран и периодов.

Национальная галерея в Трафальгар-сквере имеет самую лучшую в мире коллекцию картин. В ней находится очень ценная выставка французских полотен ранних имп­рессионистов и, конечно, прекрасная английская живопись Тернера, Гейнсборо, Констебла и других. Она демонстрирует развитие итальянской живописи со времен средневековья до Ренессанса, некоторые выдающиеся картины древних римских художников. В ней широко представлены голландские и фламандские мастера и есть большой перечень работ испанских художников. Многие шедевры разбросаны в частных коллекциях по всему миру. Королевская коллекция наиболее ценная среди них.

Вопросы к топику:
1. Name British Museums you know?
2. Are there many museums in London?
3. Tell about the Victoria and Albert Museum?
4. The Queen's collection is the most valuable, isn't it?
5. What is the National Gallery famous for?

display - выставка
medieval - средневековый
outstanding - выдающийся
picture - картина, рисунок
sculpture - скульптура

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The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753. It contains one of the world's richest collections of antiquities and (until 1997) one of the largest libraries in the world: British Library.

The British Museum's collection of seven million objects representing the rich history of human cultures mirrors the city of London's global variety. It includes monuments of primitive and antique culture, Ancient East culture, the richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, coins.

The British Museum library is now named the British national library. It was formed in 1973 from the British Museum library and other national collections. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily. The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of 'David Copperfield', 'Oliver Twist', 'Dombey and Son' and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.

In no other museum can the visitor see so clearly the history of what it is to be human.

Британский музей является музеем в Лондоне, основанный в 1753 г. Он содержит один из богатейших в мире коллекций древностей и (до 1997 года) одна из крупнейших библиотек в мире:. Британская библиотека

коллекции Британского музея семи миллионов объектов , представляющих богатая история человеческих культур отражает город глобального разнообразия Лондона. Она включает в себя памятники первобытной и античной культуры, культуры Древнего Востока, самая богатая коллекция гравюр, картин, керамики, монет.

Ни в одном другом музее можно посетителю увидеть так ясно история о том, что он должен быть человеком.

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