Доклад на английском про маргарет тэтчер

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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English writer

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in 1925. Her father had a grocer's shop but he was also very interest­ed in local politics. Margaret was a good student and won a scholarship to Oxford to study chemistry. Then she worked as a research chemist until she met and married Denis Thatch­er, a successful businessman. Then she decided to study law. She was already involved in politics and gave up law when she was elected to the Parliament in 1959. From 1970 to 1974 she was Secretary of State for Education. In 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party which was the Oppo­sition. In 1979 she beat the Labour Party and took office as Prime Minister, Britain's first woman Prime Minister.

Thatcher privatized publicly-owned industries and made cuts in state education, hospitals, and welfare benefits. In early 1980's, Britain was facing unemployment, inflation, problems of Northern Ireland. In 1982, Britain became in­volved in an undeclared war against Argentina in the Falk­land Islands. After the victory in the Falklands, she had an image of a strong, authoritative leader. In the 1983 election campaign, she won with a large majority of votes. In 1987 she won her third term as Prime Minister defeating the Labour Party which suffered from loss of votes due to the newly formed alliance with Liberal.

On November 22,1990, Mrs.Thatcher resigned. The "Iron Lady" who believed it was her destiny to reshape the British nation shed tears as she made the historic announcement. Three men were candidates for the post of Prime Minister. John Major was to win. Questions:

1. When was Margaret Thatcher born?

2. What did she study at the university?

3. What were the major steps on her way to the post of Prime Minister?

4 What policy did Margaret Thatcher conduct?

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Тема по английскому языку: Маргарет Тэтчер


Маргарет Робертс, дочь бакалейщика, родилась в Грантам, графство Линкольншир 13 октября 1925.Она поступила в Оксфордский университет, а затем стала химиком-исследователем. Позже она изучала юриспруденцию и, в конечном итоге, стала адвокатом. В 1951 она вышла замуж за состоятельного бизнесмена, Дениса Тэтчера, с которым у них было двое детей.

Продвижение по службе

Будучи членом Консервативной партии Маргарет Тэтчер была избрана представлять Финчли в октябре 1959 года. Два года спустя она заняла пост младшего министра по пенсиям в правительстве Гарольда Макмиллана. С 1964 по 1970, когда лейбористская партия была у власти, она занимала ряд должностей в теневом кабинете Эдуарда Хита. Хит стал премьер-министром в 1970 и Тэтчер была назначена государственным секретарем по вопросам образования и науки.

Тэтчер – премьер-министр

После того как консерваторы потерпели поражение в 1974 году, Тэтчер оспорила лидерство Хита в партии и выиграла. На всеобщих выборах в 1979 консерваторы пришли к власти, и Тэтчер стала премьер-министром. Хотя политика Тэтчер была успешна в снижении инфляции, безработица все же резко возросла.

Война за Фолклендские острова

Победа в войне за Фолклендские острова в 1982 году и разделенная оппозиция помогли Тэтчер одержать победу на всеобщих выборах в 1983. В 1984 году она чудом избежала смерти, когда ИРА заложила бомбу на конференции Консервативной партии в Брайтоне.

Железная леди

Третий срок

На всеобщих выборах в 1987 Тэтчер выиграла беспрецедентный третий срок. Однако ее популярность была серьезно подорвана, когда в 1989 в Шотландии был введен подушный налог, а остальная часть Великобритании должна была последовать этому на следующий год. Новый налог был крайне непопулярным и привел к публичным демонстрациям.


В ноябре 1990 года Тэтчер согласилась уйти в отставку, и в качестве лидера партии и премьер-министра ее обошел Джон Мейджор. В 1992 году Тэтчер покинула Палату общин, уйдя в Палату лордов как баронесса Тэтчер Кестевена.

Margaret Thatcher


Margaret Roberts, the daughter of a grocer, was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on 13th October, 1925. She went to Oxford University and then became a research chemist. Later she studied law and eventually became a barrister. In 1951, she married a wealthy businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children.


A member of the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher was elected to represent Finchley in October 1959. Two years later she took the post of junior minister for pensions in Harold Macmillan’s government. From 1964 to 1970, when Labour were in power, she served in a number of positions in Edward Heath’s shadow cabinet. Heath became prime minister in 1970 and Thatcher was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Science.

Prime minister

After the Conservatives were defeated in 1974, Thatcher challenged Heath for the leadership of the party and won. In the 1979 general election, the Conservatives came to power and Thatcher became Prime minister. Although Thatcher’s policies succeeded in reducing inflation, unemployment still dramatically increased.

Falklands War

Victory in the Falklands War in 1982 and a divided opposition helped Thatcher win in the 1983 general election. In 1984, she narrowly escaped death when the IRA planted a bomb at the Conservative party conference in Brighton.

Iron Lady

In foreign affairs, Thatcher cultivated a close political and personal relationship with US president Ronald Reagan. Soviet people called her “Iron Lady”.

Third term

In the 1987 general election, Thatcher won an unprecedented third term in office. However, her popularity was severely damaged when the Poll Tax was introduced in Scotland in 1989 and the rest of Britain was to follow a year later. The new tax was extremely unpopular and led to public demonstrations.


In November 1990, Thatcher agreed to resign and was succeeded as party leader and prime minister by John Major. In 1992, Thatcher left the House of Commons for the House of Lords as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in 1925. Her fat had a grocer’s shop but he was also very interested in local politics. Margaret was a good student and won a schoolarship to Oxford to study chemistry. Then she worked as a research chemist until she met and married Denis Thatcher, a successful businessman. Then she decided to study law. She was already involved in politics and gave up law when she was elected to the Parliament in 1959. From 1970 to 1974 she was Secretary of State for Education. In 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party which was the Opposition. In 1979 she beat the Labour Party and took office as Prime Minister, Britain’s first woman Prime Minister.

Thatcher privatized publicly-owned industries and made cuts in state education, hospitals and welfare benef ts. In early ‘s, Britain was facingunemployment, inflation, problems of Northern Ireland. In 1982, Britain became involved in an undeclared war against Argentina in the Falkland Islands. After the victory in the Falklands, she had an image of a strong, authoritative leader. In the 1983 election campaign, she won with a large majority of votes. In 19i she won her third term as Prime Minister defeating the Labour Party which suffered from loss of votes due to the newly formed alliance with Liberal.

Маргарет Тэтчер (перевод)

Маргарет Тэтчер (Маргарет Робине) родилась в .1925 году. Ее отец владел бакалейной лавкой, однако он интересовался местной политикой. Маргарет была хоро­шей студенткой и получила государственную стипендию для учебы в Оксфордском университете по специальности химия. Потом она работала химиком-исследователем, пока не встретила и не вышла замуж за Дениса Тэтчера, преус­певающего бизнесмена. Затем она решила изучать юрис­пруденцию. Она уже занималась политикой и оставила карьеру юриста, когда ее выбрали в парламент в 1959 году. С 1970 по 1974 год она была министром образования. В 1975 году она стала лидером консервативной партии, ко­торая тогда находилась в оппозиции. В 1979 году она победила на выборах лейбористскую партию и заняла дол­жность премьер-министра, она была первой женшиной пре­мьер-министром Великобритании.

Тэтчер разрешила приватизацию отраслей промышлен­ности, находящихся в государственной собственности. В начале 80-х годов Британия столкнулась с проблемами безработицы, инфляции и проблемами в Северной Ирлан­дии. В 1982 году Британия была вовлечена в необъявлен­ную войну против Аргентины на Фолклендских островах. После победы на Фолклендских островах у Тэтчер был имидж сильного, обладающего авторитетом лидера. На выборах 1983 года она одержала победу с большим пре-имуществом. , В 1S87 она была переизбрана премьер-мини­стром на третий срок, одержав победу над лейбористской партией, которая испытывала недостаток в голосах из-за недавно заключенного блока с либеральной партией.

Margaret Thatcher, Great Britain's first woman prime minister, was born in 1925. Thatcher served longer than any other British prime minister in the 20th century. She initiated social and economic changes in many aspects of Britain's postwar state. She was famous for her 'strong arm' policy.

Margaret Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford and later became a lawyer. She was elected to Parliament as a Conservative in 1959. In 1970 she became Secretary of State for education and science. The Conservative party elected her its first woman leader in 1975. Thatcher led the Conservatives to an electoral victory in 1979 and became prime minister.

Thatcher tried to reduce the influence of the trade unions and fight inflation. Her economic policy rested on changes along free-market lines. She reduced government spending and taxes for higher-income individuals. In 1982, when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a British colony, Britain started a war which was successful. Thatcher's government privatized national industries, including British Gas and British Telecommunications. Her policies forced coal miners to return to work after a year on strike. In foreign affairs, Thatcher was an ally of President Ronald Reagan and opposed the Communist countries. She allowed the United States to station (1980) nuclear cruise missiles in Britain and to use its air bases to bomb Libya.

In 1987 Thatcher led the Conservatives to a third electoral victory. She proposed free-market changes to the national health and education systems and introduced a new tax to pay for local government. After that, she was criticized for having no compassion for the poor.

Thatcher refused to support a common European currency and integrated economic policies. She resigned as prime minister, and John Major became her successor. In 1992 Thatcher left the House of Commons and became Baroness Thatcher.

1. Margaret Thatcher was Great Britain's first woman prime minister and served longer that any other British prime minister in the 20th century; she was famous for her 'strong arm policy'.
2. Thatcher was elected to Parliament as a Conservative, then became secretary of state for education and science, led the Conservatives to an electoral victory in 1979 and became prime minister.
3. She tried to reduce the influence of trade unions and fight inflation; she reduced government spending and taxes for higher income individuals.
4. Her government privatised national industries and forced coal miners to return to work after a year on strike.
5. In her foreign policy she was an ally of the USA and allowed to station nuclear cruise missiles in Britain and use British air bases to bomb Libya.
6. She led the Conservatives to a third electoral victory, proposed free market changes to the national health and education systems.
7. She introduced a new tax to pay for local government and was criticized for having no compassion for the poor.
8. She refused to support a common European currency and integrated economic policy, and had to resign as prime minister.
9. Her successor in the position of prime minister was John Major.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part two . Additional topics.

When Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979, Britain was a dump and on the brink of total economic collapse. When she left power in 1990, it was the one of the financial capitals of the world. She is associated with her political philosophy of Thatcherism, based on low taxation, low public spending, free markets and mass privatization. A lot of people love Margaret Thatcher for her honesty, bluntness and strength of character. Many others hate her and believe that she destroyed workers rights and slashed public spending. During her tenure she had to deal with mass unemployment, inflation, endless strikes and a war with the Falklands. In February 2007, she became the first British Prime Minister to be honoured with a statue in the House of Commons while still alive.

After winning three elections, Thatcher was forced out of office by her own party after she refused to compromise either on her policies towards Europe or on a property tax that had led to mass non-payment and violent riots.

Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on October 13, 1925, in Grantham, a town in the east of England. She said her father's small business was a seminal influence on her views, including her emphasis on prudent economic management.

During World War II, she graduated with a chemistry degree from Somerville College at the University of Oxford and worked as a research chemist.

In 1951, she married businessman Denis Thatcher and gave birth to twins, Carol and Mark, two years later. During the decade she trained as a tax lawyer while looking for a chance to get into parliament. Denis Thatcher died in 2003, at the age of 88.

She predicted in the early 1970s that no woman would lead the country in her lifetime. Before the decade ended, she had become the country's first – and so far only – female prime minister.

Margaret Thatcher is to receive a ceremonial funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral – the same level given to the Queen Mother and Princess Diana.

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