Доклад на английском про город тамбов

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Tambov is an ancient city, founded in 1636 as additional military support for the southern borders of the Moscow state.There was built a wooden fortress with 6-meter walls, reinforced from below with moats and water.Such an impressive strengthening was not in vain.After all for all history the Tambov fortress could sustain about hundred enemy attacks and was never captured.Today, Tambov is quite modern, but at the same time it is romantic provincial.Tambov is famous for its famous Tambov wolf. But in fact he knows how to enchant not only this.

She isn`t brave and strong
Is she brave and strong ?
She can`t count and play chess
Can she count and play chess ?
She doesn`t like bananas
Does she like bananas?
Wo don`t go to school together
Do we go to school together ?

The name of my club is “Colours”. It offers to everybody to draw or paint everything you want. I attend my club twice a week on Monday and Friday. My classmates and other students of our school are the members of our club. The main demand for members of the club are to be polite and friendly. The reason I have chosen the club “Colours” is my willing to learn to draw and paint well.

Название моего клуба "Краски". Он предлагает каждому рисовать все, что хочется. Я посещаю мой клуб два раза в неделю по понедельникам и пятницам. Mои одноклассники и другие ученики нашей школы являются членами нашего клуба. Основное требование к членам - быть вежливы и доброжелательными. Причина, по которой я выбрал клуб "Краски" - я хочу научиться рисовать хорошо.

1. Иногда бывает сложно сделать правильный диагноз (в ранних стадиях) некоторых заболеваний. 2. (Потеря аппетита) - очень важный симптом, на который врач должен всегда уделять особое внимание. 3. (Повышение температуры) сохраняется в течение нескольких месяцев, поскольку это была пневмоническая форма туберкулеза. 4. Тупость в легких, ускоренное дыхание, сухое или влажное хриплое и крепирование могут быть (доказательством) лобулярной пневмонии. (Резкое увеличение) количества лейкоцитов часто является свидетельством определенного воспалительного процесса в организме человека.

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В этом году мой родной город отмечает 380-летие. Это прекрасный русский город, славящийся своей историей, людьми, живущими и работающими в нем, культурой и традициями. Расположенный на берегу тихой реки Цны, он прекрасен во все времена года.

My hometown

What will survive of us is love.

Philip Larkin

Tambov is my hometown. I live in it and love it greatly. Why do I love my native town? This question is simple and difficult at the same time. I'll try to answer it and express my point of view.

It is often said that Tambov has nothing in common with a modem town, that it seems to be rather provincial because it has no "skyline" of highrises, its architecture is modest. I suppose that the people who have such opinion still remember Lermontov's words about three straight streets from "Tambovskaya Kaznacheisha". Perhaps, they are right. But as for me, I always bear in mind William Shakespeare's words, "There's nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". That's why I am absolutely sure that I live in a very good town, though I know that there are a lot of beautiful places on our planet.

First of all, Tambov is the town where I was born. The dearest people to me, my parents, live here. Tambov is the town of my ancestors. They lived and died in Tambov and I hold their graves sacred.

I live in Astrakhanskaya Street. It is short and noisy all year round, dusty in summer and muddy in autumn. But it's the street along which I have been going to school for many years. My school is the place, where everyone gets along with. So I enjoy its atmosphere. What warms my heart is that some years ago I planted some small trees in the street to make it greener. And I must say my trees grow in my street now. Frankly speaking, I watch and greet my birches every time I go past them.

No wonder that one of the first things I am writing about is the past of the town. If you are rich in time, you may be interested in some historical facts. It seems that every place in the town has its history. The streets of Tambov saw Lermontov, Derzhavin, Verstovskiy, Sergeev-Tsenskiy, Shatrov, Rakhmaninov, and Agapkin. On the corner of Gorkiy Street there is an old wooden building of two storeys which Lermontov described in his poem. A great Russian diplomat Chicherin lived in one of the houses in Sovetskaya Street. It's a mansion museum now. Across the road you can see the house of Naryshkin, one of the richest noblemen of the 19 century. Aseev's house, a sanatorium today, situated in a picturesque place on the bank of the river, the residence of the Mayor, which belonged to the leader of nobility Kondoidy are unique buildings and worth seeing too.

Every time I cross the bridge over the Studenets I can't help thinking about those ancient times when the fortress was laid there among the forests and swamps. I think about those brave people who came here to guard the place from the Crimean Tatars, about Roman Boborykin, who is considered to be the founder of Tambov.

The Great Patriotic War was a dramatic page in the history of mankind, my country and my town. Thousands of my countrymen took part in it. They were awarded orders and medals, 262 of them are Heroes of the Soviet Union. By tradition we come to the memorial complex and the Eternal Flame located in the middle of Sobornaya, the former Octyabrskaya Square, to commemorate the heroism of our people during the Great Patriotic War. We also remember those who lost their lives in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Founded in 1636, Tambov at present has a population of about 300,000 people. It's an administrative, educational, cultural and industrial center. The town has a lot of schools, two universities and other educational establishments.

Our Drama Theatre, the Concert Hall are places where concerts and musical festivals take place. I believe our Picture Gallery ranks with the best ones in Russia. When leaving the theatres, galleries, libraries and museums I have an impression that their doors are always wide open. I cannot but visit them again and again.

Many factories and plants produce different goods for our population and for the country. New economic relations have changed our life. The people of Tambov try to survive in spite of all the economic hardships of this period. I hope they'll overcome some day.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that my town begins with a railway station. It's the first place I see when I come to Tambov by train. And to tell you the truth, when I go anywhere, I usually start missing Tambov when the train leaves the platform. I can't but add that Agapkin's march "The farewell to slavyanka" performed during the train's departure touches my heart greatly and fills it with the pride in the composer and the town.

Tambov is an old Russian town with its own character. Its ancient houses with lovely gardens built in the 18 and the 19 centuries are a great attraction for both citizens and visitors. In designing new houses our architects try to follow the style of old Tambov. If they succeed in doing it, my town with more than 375 years of history will preserve its unique beauty.

There is one more important aspect that I love about Tambov. I mean our marvelous nature. It's majestic with varied landscapes. The river Tsna, the forests surrounding the town, the freshness of wild flowers, the sweet smells of summer meadows are unforgettable. How beautiful our glorious sunrises and golden sunsets are! Have you ever admired the shining domes of our churches? Sometimes I think the beauty of our nature is a kind of reward for toilsome everyday work. No doubt, our nature helps me to understand myself and the essence of my life.

What is more. The songs of our kindhearted people are so simple and sincere, so warm, so Russian. They give a fantastic feeling of rest to your heart and fill you with new love towards both the people you live with and the nature. I am grateful to the people of my native town, to those who lived many years ago and live today.

Every day I love being in Tambov, an old town, situated in the heart of Russia. I have come to the general conclusion that the town’s prosperity depends on our generation, our knowledge and our desire to live in a new world. I have no plans to ever leave Tambov. I think I'll spend my life here working to make my hometown more beautiful, to keep its treasures and history for our descendants.

… I see the train leaving the railway station. I hear the exciting melody of Agapkin's march. The train is taking people away from my native town in order to bring them back some day. As the saying goes, "East or West, home is best".

Тамбов – старинный город, основанный в 1636 году в качестве дополнительной военной поддержки южных границ Московского государства.

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Tambov is an ancient city, founded in 1636 as additional military support for the southern borders of the Moscow state.

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Здесь была выстроена деревянная крепость с 6-метровыми стенами, укрепленная снизу рвами с водой.

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There was built a wooden fortress with 6-meter walls, reinforced from below with moats and water.

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Столь внушительное укрепление не было напрасным.

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Such an impressive strengthening was not in vain.

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Ведь за всю историю тамбовская крепость смогла выдержать около сотни вражеских атак и ни разу не была захвачена.

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After all for all history the Tambov fortress could sustain about hundred enemy attacks and was never captured.

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Сегодня, Тамбов вполне современен, но при этом романтично провинциален.

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Today, Tambov is quite modern, but at the same time it is romantic provincial.

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Тамбов знаменит благодаря всем известному тамбовскому волку.

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Tambov is famous for its famous Tambov wolf.

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Но на самом деле умеет обворожить не только этим.

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But in fact he knows how to enchant not only this.

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Город полон старинных достопримечательностей, которые прекрасно сохранились до наших дней.

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The city is full of old sights, which are perfectly preserved to our days.

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Чудом все войны и пожары обходили Старый центр Тамбова.

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Miraculously, all the wars and fires went around the Old Center of Tambov.

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Здесь можно найти восхитительные храмы, уютные и величественные особняки и красивую природу долины реки Цны.

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Here you can find delightful temples, cozy and majestic mansions and the beautiful nature of the valley of the Tsna River.

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– Соборная площадь. Старейшая площадь города. Именно на этом месте ранее располагались ворота деревянной крепости Тамбова. В одном из проектов, ширина Соборной площади Тамбова была увеличена до 287 м, что по превосходило даже Дворцовую площадь Санкт Петербурга.

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– Cathedral Square. The oldest square in the city. It was at this place that the gate of the wooden fortress of Tambov used to be located earlier. In one of the projects, the width of Tambov’s Cathedral Square was increased to 287 m, which exceeded even the Palace Square of St. Petersburg.

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– Спасо-Преображенский кафедральный собор. Является самым старым из всех православных храмов Тамбовской земли. Большую известность храму принесло распространение сведений о чудодейственных исцелениях, происходивших с прихожанами.

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– The Transfiguration Cathedral. It is the oldest of all Orthodox churches in Tambov. Great popularity to the temple was the spread of information about the miraculous healings that occurred with the parishioners.

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– Усадьба Асеевых. Одна из главнейших достопримечательностей города. Усадьба построена в начале XX века в стилистике барокко, классицизма и модерна одновременно. По сей день воздушный бисквитный белый дворец ловит на себе восторженные взгляды.

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– Manor of the Aseevs. One of the main sights of the city. The farmstead was built in the beginning of the 20th century in the style of baroque, classicism and modernism at the same time. To this day, the airy biscuit white palace catches rapturous looks.

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– Пешеходная улица Тамбова (Тамбовский Арбат).

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– Pedestrian street of Tambov (Tambov Arbat).

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– Улица Советская. Одна из самых старых и протяженных улиц Тамбова с огромным количеством достопримечательностей. Существует интересная легенда о появлении Советской улицы. После очередного пожара, уничтожившего всю центральную часть Тамбова, губернатор достал свою саблю, приложил к плану города, и провел по контуру сабли линию, так и появилась слегка изогнутая улица Советская.

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– Sovetskaya Street. One of the oldest and longest streets of Tambov with a huge number of attractions. There is an interesting legend about the appearance of the Soviet street. After another fire that destroyed the entire central part of Tambov, the governor took out his sword, attached it to the town’s plan, and ran a line along the saber’s contour, and a slightly curved Sovetskaya Street appeared.

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– Набережная Тамбова. Двухуровневая прогулочная зона с аллеями и памятниками тянется вдоль берега Цны на целых 2,5 км.

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– The embankment of Tambov. A two-level walking zone with alleys and monuments stretches along the coast of Tsna for as much as 2.5 km.

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– Памятник тамбовскому мужику. Он стоит босой с крестом на шее на клочке своей земли и с тоской смотрит в небо. Для аграрной Тамбовской области образ мужика олицетворяет собой труженика, хранителя веры отцов и дедов, стоящего над всякой политикой.

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– Monument to the Tambov muzhik. He stands barefooted with a cross on his neck on a patch of his land and looks angrily at the sky. For the agrarian Tambov region, the image of the peasant personifies a worker, the guardian of the faith of fathers and grandfathers, who stands above all politics.

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– Вознесенский собор. Храм очень необычен и красочен, своим видом он немного напоминает сказочный терем, а его яркая колокольня привлекает внимание.

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– Ascension Cathedral. The temple is very unusual and colorful, its appearance somewhat resembles a fairy tale, and its bright bell tower attracts attention.

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– Памятник тамбовскому волку. Выполнен из ствола огромного дуба, возраст которого превышает 200 лет.

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– Monument to the Tambov wolf. Made from the trunk of a huge oak tree, whose age exceeds 200 years.

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Красивую природу и умиротворение подарит парк культуры и отдыха.Это прекрасный зеленый уголок, находящийся в центре города, который вместил в себя массу веселых аттракционов, танцплощадку и летние эстрады.

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The park of culture and rest will give a beautiful nature and peace. It is a beautiful green corner, located in the center of the city, which contained a lot of fun attractions, a dance floor and summer stage.

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Еще одной важной достопримечательностью является озеро Рамза, играющее огромную экологическую роль, становясь зимой приютом для сотен видов птиц.

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Another important attraction is the Ramza lake, which plays a huge ecological role, becoming a shelter for hundreds of bird species in the winter.

Материал может быть использован на уроках, внеклассных мероприятиях, факультативных занятиях по английскому языку. В настоящее время у учащихся часто возникают ситуации реального общения с носителями английского языка, когда появляется естественная потребность рассказать о местах, где ты родился и живёшь.

lobanovasl_museums.zip 865.78 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

“ Tambov Region Museum Complex”

Tambov Region is a Russian Federation subject, a part of Central Federal District. The provincial capital of the region is Tambov. Our goal is to give an idea about it's museums, supplied with the illustrated materials.

There is an idiom in the Russian language: "Tambov wolf is comrade for you". It is tied with history of the region.

There is a Wolf museum in Tambov, appeared because of the mentioned idiom. The concept of the museum is an attempt to create a model for modern mythology, being worked out from the bottom of the mind, representing kind of syncretism, which includes elements of artistic and analytic, narrative and ritual, psychological and ethnical, cognitive and recreational. All the discource of the museum is based on the image of the wolf, which is very rich in meanings and associations. Museum includes biological exposition (all wolves of the world), historic and culturological one (image and theme of the wolf in the history, ethnography, mythology of the different peoples of the world), art show of the works, where a wolf as a main character and exposition of the Tambov Wolf, including everything tied with this idiom.

Tambov Museum of Regional Studies

Tambov Museum of Regional Studies is one of the oldest Russian museums. It was established in 1879 and based on several donated private collections. Today there are more than 72 thousands of exhibits in the museum archive. Among others there are unique collections of ceramics (including amazing porcelain collection), archeology, ethnography. The museum has an interesting collection of drawings and oil pictures. The prioruty of the museum work is popularizing of the Tambov history. Several exhibitions are thematically bound with the names of famous people, who visited or livid in Tambov region (e. g. "Friendship of Pushkin and Baratinsky"). At the contemporary moment the museum scientific staff is succesfully developing several new exhibition projects.

The museum includes archive, departaments of history, nature, metodic, restoration, scientific library, photo lab, planetarium and also four branch-museums (among them Rachmaninov's). Yearly more than 70 thousands of visitors experience the unique histori of Tambov and local museum.

The Tambov Regional Art Gallery

The Tambov Regional Art Gallery was opened for viewers on April 30, 1961. However, the museum collections in Tambov have longstanding traditions. The first museum in Tambov was founded in 1879 in honour of the 100th anniversary of governor-general institution in the region. The first Tambov museum didn't have its own premises. Five years later (in 1884) the regional scientific archives commission was founded on the initiative of N.V.Kalachov (1819 -1885). It was founded among the first four ones (in the towns of Orel, Tambov, Ryasan and Tver) and it didn't have its own place either. It was decided to locate those two organizations in one place. In the State Archives of the Tambov region there is a document called "Historic Document on the Premises of the Tambov scientific Archives Commission" (1914), where it is written that the Committee of the Tambov Public library decided to build the third floor in the building of the Public library for the Historical Archives, the Archive Commission, the library and the museum to be placed there. Lately the gallery funds have been stocked with the pieces of arts bought by the All-Union and Russian Ministries of Culture, the regional department of culture or by the gallery. The items endowed to the gallery are rather rare now. Now the gallery keeps about 4 thousand pieces of arts.

Tambov postal history museum

Last on my list of Tambov museums is the post museum. This is, in a nutshell, a museum that looks at the history of the Tambov postal service. It starts right at the beginning and finishes with the latest developments. Huge interest is caused by the real objects related to Tambov post activity, submitted at museum expositions – postal bells, real sledge driven by coachmen, gas lanterns, chests and trunks for mail transportation, letter boxes, postman’s uniform.

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