Доклад higher education in britain

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Выполнила: Стреляева М.В.

Education in Great Britain

The general policy for education throughout the United Kingdom is much the same with some national variations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Education in Britain is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. Over 90 % of all schoolchildren attend state schools, which are free. Besides this state system of education there are also private schools, or independent, when parents pay fees .

The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education.

In England and Wales, the government introduced a National Curriculum in 1988. This provides a framework for education between the ages of 5 - 18. All state schools are required to follow it. Independent schools are not required to follow the National Curriculum in all its details.

The National Curriculum is constructed in five Key Stages:

Early Years Foundation Stage – for children aged between 3 and 5 years old

Key Stage 1 - Years 1 to 2 - for pupils aged between 5 and 7 years old

Key Stage 2 - Years 3 to 6 - for pupils aged between 8 and 11 years old

Key Stage 3 - Years 7 to 9 - for pupils aged between 12 and 14 years old,

Key Stage 4 - Years 10 to 11 - for pupils aged between 15 and 16 years old,

Key Stage 5 - Years 12 to 13 - for pupils aged between 17 and 18 years old.

In state schools each year that a pupil studies is given a number. Primary education starts in Year 1.

Early Years Education

Some children between 2 and 5 years old receive education in nursery classes or infant classes in Primary School. Many children attend informal pre-school play-grounds organised by parents in private homes. Children start at 9 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m., they have their lunch at school and usually a rest in the afternoon. They play, paint, dance and sing. For day nurseries the parents pay according to their income. The local education authority’s nurseries are free. But only about 3 children in 100 can go to them: there aren’t enough places, and the waiting lists are rather long.

Primary Education

Most children start school at the age of 5 in a primary school. A Primary School is divided into Infant and Junior ones. At Infant School (Key Stage 1) reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. Much time is spent in modeling from clay and drawing, reading or singing. There are usually about 35 children in a class and, in the infant school, as well as a teacher, there is a teacher´s assistant. Also mothers (and occasionally fathers) often go into the Infant School to help with painting, reading and practical lessons. Children have the same teacher for one year and she teaches nearly all of the lessons in the class. Perhaps another teacher has them once a week for music or P.E.

At the age of 7 children go to the Junior School (Key Stage 2). The children have set periods of arithmetic, reading and composition which are all “Eleven Plus” subjects. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable. Pupils are streamed, according to their ability to learn, into A-, B-, C- and D-stream. Until the 1960s most children took an examination at the end of primary school – the Eleven Plus: those who passed it successfully went to grammar school while those who did not went ro secondary modern school. A few areas especially in the south of England still have selective exams at the age of eleven, but about 90 % of secondary schools are now comprehensive.

Secondary Education

Children transfer from the primary school at 11. Secondary education takes from 5 to 7 years.
8% of British children go to Private Schools which are have to be paid. Most other children receive secondary education in Grammar, Secondary modern and very few Secondary Technical Schools. Another 4% don´t go to school at all. By law parents have the right to educate their children at home, if they can show they can do it properly. The rest go to the Comprehensive School . Comprehensive Schools introduced in 1965. The idea of comprehensive education, supported by the Labour Party, was to give all children of whatever background the same opportunity in education. Children study the National Curriculum that is: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, Technology, Religious Education, Physical Education (P.E.) and a foreign language (usually French or German). At the age of 16 pupils take the main state examinations, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (G.C.S.E.) , „O“ level (Ordinary).

Some pupils take 7 or 8 G.C.S.E.s but most pass 4 or 5 exams and then they may decide to stay on at school. About 66% of children stay on at school after the age of 16. At 18 there are much harder exams called „A“ Levels (Advanced).

Everyone in the country do the same exams on the same days in May and June and then they have to wait until August to find out the results. All universities require the G.C.S.E. „A“ Level qualifications. Cheating is very rare in Britain. If someone is found cheating, he will fail his exam and be in serious trouble. Exams are very closely supervised and rules about talking, looking at someone else´s work and taking papers into the exam are very strictly kept.

Grammar schools are state secondary schools that select their pupils by means of an examination taken by children at age 11, known as the "11-plus". These schools called Grammar because in earlier times children studied Latin and Greek grammar there.

Secondary Modern Schools give a general education with a practical bias. Students study handicrafts, domestic sciences and other practical activities. Foreign languages are not taught there.

Secondary Technical Schools offer a general education related to industry commerce and agriculture.

Further Education

Most schools in the UK have what is called a "6th Form" (Key Stage 5) for students to enter after they have taken their GCSE's. sixth form represents the final 1-3 years of secondary education , where students prepare for their A-level examinations. As an alternative, there are many "6th Form Colleges" that will offer the same courses from students at schools that do not have a 6th form. Here students typically study A-levels, further academic qualifications required of students before they enter higher education and a degree program.

Higher Education

The system of higher education includes universities and colleges of higher education. Universities offer 3- and 4-years degree courses, though a number of subjects take longer, including medicine, architecture and foreign languages (where courses include a year abroad). Colleges of higher education offer both 2-year Higher National Diploma courses.

Undergraduate courses take 3 years of full-time study and lead in most cases to a Bachelor degree in Arts, Science or Education.

There are various postgraduate 1- or 2-year research courses leading to degree of Master of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy is awarded for some original research in Art or Science on completion of a 3-year period of work.

Only 25% of the population go on to higher education. Students usually need three A-levels with high grades to go to university.

The University of Oxford is a collegiate research university located in Oxford, England. It has no known date of foundation, but there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096, making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world.

The University of Cambridge is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England, often regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Founded in 1209 and given royal charter status by King Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.

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Education in the United Kingdom

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The system of education in the United Kingdom is based on a well-developed approach that allows children to gain knowledge stepwise. There are four stages of education in this country: primary education (from 4 or 5 up to 11 years old), secondary education (from 11 up to 16 years old), further education, and higher education. Children are obliged to attend primary (or elementary) and secondary schools to develop the proper communication and learning abilities, organizational skills, self-discipline, and enthusiasm. Further education and higher education are not compulsory.

The primary school divides students into two levels: infants, aged 5-7, and juniors, aged 7-11. At this stage, the major goal is to give children the very basics of education. Kids learn to read, write, and do sums.

The secondary school differs from the primary school as its program is more complicated. Several subjects should be studied by all students, including English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Modern Languages and Literature. Moreover, there are optional subjects for every student depending on their interests. They include various Arts and Sciences categories of studies.

In this country, both free and paid schools are available. State schools are financed by the government, and students do not pay for their education. Independent schools require parents to pay for their children’s classes.

One can find certain differences in the overall functioning of the system of education in England, Scotland and Wales, because of different schooling policies that affect this scheme.

Children should pass a standard exam after high school graduation. The results of the examination will show their eligibility to continue their education in universities.

Further education includes all types of college-level programs and courses chosen by a student after the completion of the period of compulsory education. At this stage, students are offered basic skills training options, and vocational education necessary for employment in a selected occupation. The key goal is to prepare young people both for their future job and for their application for a higher education institution if they wish to.

The higher level of education incorporates university courses that give students a chance to get their diplomas and national certificates. There are different levels of courses related to the study in universities, namely, postgraduate (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees) and undergraduate courses.

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Higher Education in Great Britain

Высшее образование в Великобритании

It is generally known that British education is one of the best in the world. The United Kingdom has ancient educational traditions: the famous Oxford University worked already in the 11 th century. Nowadays, the universities of Cambridge, London, Edinburgh, etc. are very prestigious and take the highest positions in various international rankings.

Общеизвестно, что британское образование является одним из лучших в мире. Соединённое Королевство имеет древние образовательные традиции: знаменитый Оксфордский университет работал уже в XI веке. В наши дни университеты Кембриджа, Лондона, Эдинбурга и др. очень престижны и занимают высочайшие позиции в различных международных рейтингах.

Of course, the UK educational system is strong not only because of universities: a student learns to be responsible and hardworking since primary and secondary school. Final exams require serious preparation. Then, students can enter a college to get a practical profession or stay at school for another two years and study profile subjects in depth. This stage called Advanced Level allows entering the university.

Конечно, образовательная система Соединённого Королевства сильна не только благодаря университетам: студент учится быть ответственным и трудолюбивым с начальной и средней школы. Итоговые экзамены требуют серьёзной подготовки. Затем учащийся может поступить в колледж, чтобы получить практическую профессию, или остаться в школе ещё на два года и углубленно изучать профильные предметы. Этот этап, называемый Advanced Level, позволяет поступить в университет.

Higher education includes several levels. It is necessary to study for three or four years (it depends on the specialty) to get Bachelor’s Degree. Two additional years finish with Master’s Degree of research or professional type. If a person wants to do science, he or she continues research (publishes articles, participates in conferences, and writes a thesis) to become a Ph.D.

Высшее образование включает несколько уровней. Необходимо учиться три или четыре года (это зависит от специальности), чтобы получить степень бакалавра. Два дополнительных года завершаются степенью магистра исследовательского либо профессионального типа. Если человек хочет заниматься наукой, он или она продолжает исследование (публикует статьи, участвует в конференциях и пишет диссертацию), для того чтобы стать доктором наук.

British university students enjoy a great variety of kinds of work (theoretical and practical, individual and team), faculties, and educational programs. For example, Oxford University offers numerous classical and new directions of training: from history, philosophy, and zoology to experimental psychology, management, studies of Africa, etc. Qualified professors, deep knowledge with strict standards, and the possibility to vary the academic plan in accordance with personal interests attract many foreign students to Great Britain.

Студенты британских университетов пользуются огромным разнообразием видов работы (теоретической и практической, индивидуальной и командной), факультетов и образовательных программ. Например, Оксфордский университет предлагает многочисленные классические и новые направления подготовки: от истории, философии, зоологии до экспериментальной психологии, менеджмента, изучения Африки и т.д. Квалифицированные профессора, глубокие знания со строгими стандартами и возможность варьировать учебный план в соответствии с личными интересами привлекают в Великобританию многих иностранных студентов.

education / образование

education / образование

compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsərɪ] — обязательно;
considerable [kənˈsɪdərəb(ə)l] — значительный;
receive [rɪˈsiːv] — получать;
Authorities [ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪs] — органы, власть;
loan [ləʊn] — взаймы;

Educational system in Britain has compulsory character. All children must study between aged 5 to 16.

There is a considerable choice of post-school education in Britain. The higher education system in the UK include universities, colleges and courses at various colleges.

Students may receive grants and loans from their Local Educational Authorities to help pay for books, accommodation, transport and food. However, most students should pay these loans back after they get a job.

Most students in Great Britain live away from home, in flats or halls of residence. To pay for education, many students have to work in the evening and during their summer vacations.

University usually consists of college. Department of colleges organized into faculties. The university students have a number of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory sessions. Lecturers are large groups of students, while the workshops are much smaller than the lecture. Lectures and seminars are all one hour in length, labs, the last 2 or 3 chasa.Uchebny year is divided into three trimesters. The first two terms of the last 24 weeks, the third term is reserved for classes and exams and lasts for six weeks.

After three years of teaching university graduate will leave with a Bachelor of Arts or Science. A student may continue to take a master’s degree, and then a doctor.

There are more than 44 universities in the UK. But not all universities are equal. They differ from each other in history and tradition. The oldest and internationally renowned universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Топик по английскому языку по теме: Higher Education in Great Britain / Высшее образование в Великобритании

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