Crime доклад по английскому

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Crime and Punishment: Is There or is There Not Such a Thing as Crime?

For this question, I have chosen to discuss the following three works of

Morrison, and Utopia, by Sir Thomas More.

To begin with an omniscient and philosophical frame of reference, crime

is only defined as crime by the society defining it. When a mass of human

beings coagulate to? gether and form a civilized society, they are bound to make

rules and laws to follow and bide by; for laws are one of the cornerstones of a

civilized society. If there were no laws, society would be uncivilized and in a

chaotic state of anarchy. These laws are decided and administered usually by

elected officials who act as leaders in the society. From the input of the

citizens, they make laws to run the society by. And when a person breaks the

law, that is defined as a ?crime’. For example, purposeful and alleged

manslaughter is a crime, because it is a law to not kill others; people are not

allowed to go cavorting around killing whomever they please, if they did,

civilization would fall. Laws and rules hold us to civilization.

Another way to define crime is through ethics and morals. Each person

on this Earth possesses a conscience; when we do something wrong, our conscience

makes us feel guilty, although some people feel less or more guilt than others

about certain acts; it varies individually. Based on this, one can define a

crime as the things that make us feel guilty, although some crimes do not make

us feel guilty. Some people do not feel any guilt when committing immoral acts;

these people are deemed psychopaths or sociopaths by society. For example, most

people do not feel guilty when they break the law by speeding, its just a way of

life these days, but with complex ideologies (stealing, killing), we feel guilt

if they are committed. Our consciences also hold us to civilization.

In Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, the laws are already defined in

Early Nineteenth century St. Petersburg, Russia. Henceforth, when one breaks a

law they have committed a crime and are eligible for arrest and punishment by

the upholders of law in society, the police. A particular act that is defined

as criminal is that of murder. Raskolnikov knows of this very well, for he has

committed two murders, both of them ille? gal and in cold blood. Obviously,

this act is defined as criminal because of the moral and legal implications one

faces when committing it. Most, if not all people in Russia at that time would

agree that murder is defined as a crime.

But Raskolnikov has other ideas about his crime. At first, he committed

the mur? der of the old moneylender only for his monetary gain, and her daughter

was a totally unintentional murder. After the murder, once Raskolnikov has

thought the implications of it over, he matures intellectually and sides with

his extraordinary man theory. Using this view, Raskolnikov feels he has

The particular act of murder is defined as a moral crime by most

people’s con? sciences, and also by the authorities. This is such a simple

concept, it is just difficult to put into words. Murder is illegal and very

wrong, as seen by the people of ?civilized’ civilizations, God, and the police.

In Morrison’s Beloved, the laws are again defined and well established

in Early Nineteenth century rural Ohio, although they are skewed toward white

people; black people have almost no rights at all. Various acts that occurred

in this book can be consid? ered criminal acts. The acts of infanticide and

segregation were definitely criminal acts, due to the morals involved. We as

humans were raised by our parents and environment to learn that murder

[infanticide] is ethically evil. So, using this knowledge we automati? cally

process this information as wrong! That is why it is difficult to extrapolate

in writing on the subject of why particular acts are defined as ?criminal’.

Murder and especially infanticide is low-down dirty wrong, as seen by the

majority of this Earth’s population. There may be exceptions to this rule when

infanticide and murder seem justifiable, but then again, there are exceptions to

any and every rule.

Now, on segregation, why would any race on God’s green Earth think of

the segre? gation and the abusive utilization of a different race as just. I

think it was just the views of the time. Most of the Americans in this era

thought of these views as acceptable, although a handful questioned the

integrity of these acts with literature and propaganda.

The writing of Beloved constituted sort of a memorial memorandum to

these acts unjustly committed on the African-American people. These people were

repressed and they definitely felt this was a crime. It was not until the

1950’s that Segregation actually legally became a crime.

In More’s Utopia, the laws are strictly established and enforced. Since

this was a ?perfect’ society, there were definitely a plethora of laws. Any

acts that defied these insti? tuted laws were frowned upon as a crime. The

decisions as to which acts are crimes was ultimately up to the maker(s) of the

laws. In the land of Utopia, everybody agreed on the integrity of the laws that

were enacted. (Although this was a Utopian community, I am sure there were a

few free-thinkers who questioned the laws, although specific laws and protests

are unavailable.) The interests of the community were served when laws were

made and certain activities are considered criminal when they break these laws.

But activi? ties are also considered criminal in people’s minds and consciences,

as they learn the rights and wrongs of life.

This book and the previous books do in totality does seem to assert an

absolute definition of what constitues the act of a crime. The laws established,

the way people thought, and God’s influence all presented reasons to why crimes

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Crime vocabulary

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Crime vocabulary

Robbery The crime of stealing from someone or somewhere E.g. He was charged w.

Robbery The crime of stealing from someone or somewhere E.g. He was charged with robbery

burglary The crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things E.g.

burglary The crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things E.g. Many people in the neighborhood have been victims of burglary

theft The act of dishonestly taking something that belongs to someone else an.

theft The act of dishonestly taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it E.g. Unfortunately we have had several thefts in our building.

Picking pockets (pickpocketing) The act of stealing things out of pockets or.

Picking pockets (pickpocketing) The act of stealing things out of pockets or bags esp in the crowds. E.g. He was pickpocketed at the carnival

shoplifting The illegal act of taking goods from a shop without paying for th.

shoplifting The illegal act of taking goods from a shop without paying for them E.g. He was charged with shoplifting

mugging The act of attacking someone and stealing their money E.g. “Mugging i.

mugging The act of attacking someone and stealing their money E.g. “Mugging is on the increase”, police said

Drug dealing The activity of selling illegal drugs E.g. Drug dealing has beco.

Drug dealing The activity of selling illegal drugs E.g. Drug dealing has become more common in this region.

murder The crime of intentionally killing the person E.g. There were three mu.

murder The crime of intentionally killing the person E.g. There were three murders in the town last year

Safety rules at home Lock the doors and windows Look through a peephole Insta.

Safety rules at home Lock the doors and windows Look through a peephole Install an alarm system Children shouldn’t tell anyone at the door that they are on their own Make sure your doors, windows and locks are strong Don’t enter your home if there is a sign it has been burglared

illegally identification protective information especially financial careful.

illegally identification protective information especially financial careful certificate security memorise

Краткое описание документа:

Презентация содержит лексические единицы по теме "Преступление. Виды преступлений", где объяснение слова дается через картинку и ситуацию. Например, материал раскрывает значение таких слов как burglary, robbery, theft, picking pockets, shoplifting, mugging, drug dealing, murder и другие. Также, в презентацию включены правила безопасности, сформулированные на английском языке, и упражнение на словообразование (формат ЕГЭ) в рамках данной темы.

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There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris­ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete­ly solve the problem of crime. In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison.

The way I see it, imprisonment works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.

To my mind, kind treatment, such as sending abroad with a social worker, on the contrary involves the positive side of human nature. Young criminals have someone to talk to about their attitudes, values and behaviour. It goes without saying that imprisonment does not help criminals to realize what positive values in life are. All in all criminals who passed through soft measures of punishment are less likely to re-offend.

Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major­ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.

In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi­nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan­gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu­nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.

There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris­ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete­ly solve the problem of crime. In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison.

The way I see it, imprisonment works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.

To my mind, kind treatment, such as sending abroad with a social worker, on the contrary involves the positive side of human nature. Young criminals have someone to talk to about their attitudes, values and behaviour. It goes without saying that imprisonment does not help criminals to realize what positive values in life are. All in all criminals who passed through soft measures of punishment are less likely to re-offend.

Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major­ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.

In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi­nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan­gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu­nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.

Crime is a part of public law – the law regulating the relations between citizens and the state. Crimes are acts which the state considers to be wrong and which can be punished by the state. There are some acts which are crimes in one country but not in another. For example, it is a crime to drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia, but not in Egypt. It is a crime to smoke marijuana in England, but not (in prescribed places) in the Netherlands. It is a crime to have more than one wife at the same time in France. But not in Indonesia. In general, however, there is quite a lot of agreement among states as to which acts are criminal. A visitor to a foreign country can be sure that stealing, physically attacking someone or damaging their property will be unlawful. But the way of dealing with people suspected of crime may be different from his own country.

Elements of proof.

In many legal systems it is an important principle that a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until the state proves he committed it. The suspect himself need not prove anything, although he will of course help himself if he can show evidence of his innocence. The state must prove his guilt according to high standards and there are elements that must be proved. In codified systems, these elements are usually recorded in statutes. In common law systems, the elements of some crimes are detailed in statutes; others, known as “common law crimes”, are still described mostly in case law. There are usually two important elements to a crime: 1) the criminal act itself; and 2) the criminal state of mind of the person, when he committed the act. In Anglo-American law these are known by the Latin terms 1) Actus Reus and 2) Mens Rea.


Actus Reus – виновное действие

Mens Rea– состояние воли при совершении преступления

Criminal law – Уголовное право

criminal – преступник, преступный

the guilty виновный

to find guilty – признать виновным

common law – общее право

public law – публичное право

case law – прецедентное право

statute– законодательный акт

to consider – считать, полагать

to suspect – подозревать

2. Read the text again to answer the following questions:

1. How can you define a crime?

2. How does the state consider crimes?

3. What are the examples of some acts which are considered to be crimes in one country but not in another?

4. Is it an important principle that a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until the state proves he committed it?

5. Can the suspect himself show evidence of his innocence?

6. What are two important elements to a crime?

7. Do you think there are laws for the rich and different laws for the poor?

8. What international law should be applied all over the world?

9. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian:

to commit a crime, to consider, to prescribe, to damage smb`s property, agreement, to deal with, to suspect, to smoke marijuana, to show evidence, physically, unlawful, responsibility, legal system, codified system, important principle, innocence, defense lawyer, codified systems.

4. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

доказательство, виновное действие, законодательный акт, виновный, уголовное право, состояние воли при совершении преступления, публичное право, признать виновным, прецедентное право, общее право, преступник, важный элемент, невиновность, опасность, факты правонарушения.

Crime is a part of public law – the law regulating the relations between citizens and the state. Crimes are acts which the state considers to be wrong and which can be punished by the state. There are some acts which are crimes in one country but not in another. For example, it is a crime to drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia, but not in Egypt. It is a crime to smoke marijuana in England, but not (in prescribed places) in the Netherlands. It is a crime to have more than one wife at the same time in France. But not in Indonesia. In general, however, there is quite a lot of agreement among states as to which acts are criminal. A visitor to a foreign country can be sure that stealing, physically attacking someone or damaging their property will be unlawful. But the way of dealing with people suspected of crime may be different from his own country.

Elements of proof.

In many legal systems it is an important principle that a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until the state proves he committed it. The suspect himself need not prove anything, although he will of course help himself if he can show evidence of his innocence. The state must prove his guilt according to high standards and there are elements that must be proved. In codified systems, these elements are usually recorded in statutes. In common law systems, the elements of some crimes are detailed in statutes; others, known as “common law crimes”, are still described mostly in case law. There are usually two important elements to a crime: 1) the criminal act itself; and 2) the criminal state of mind of the person, when he committed the act. In Anglo-American law these are known by the Latin terms 1) Actus Reus and 2) Mens Rea.


Actus Reus – виновное действие

Mens Rea– состояние воли при совершении преступления

Criminal law – Уголовное право

criminal – преступник, преступный

the guilty виновный

to find guilty – признать виновным

common law – общее право

public law – публичное право

case law – прецедентное право

statute– законодательный акт

to consider – считать, полагать

to suspect – подозревать

2. Read the text again to answer the following questions:

1. How can you define a crime?

2. How does the state consider crimes?

3. What are the examples of some acts which are considered to be crimes in one country but not in another?

4. Is it an important principle that a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until the state proves he committed it?

5. Can the suspect himself show evidence of his innocence?

6. What are two important elements to a crime?

7. Do you think there are laws for the rich and different laws for the poor?

8. What international law should be applied all over the world?

9. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian:

to commit a crime, to consider, to prescribe, to damage smb`s property, agreement, to deal with, to suspect, to smoke marijuana, to show evidence, physically, unlawful, responsibility, legal system, codified system, important principle, innocence, defense lawyer, codified systems.

4. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

доказательство, виновное действие, законодательный акт, виновный, уголовное право, состояние воли при совершении преступления, публичное право, признать виновным, прецедентное право, общее право, преступник, важный элемент, невиновность, опасность, факты правонарушения.

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