Американский футбол доклад на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Sport is an integral part of education in American schools and universities. Students usually learn two or more ball games, like football, rugby or basketball.

Then at high school the best players in every school form teams. Every team has its own symbol and a supporting group which is called cheerleaders. Girls who are cheerleaders usually wear clothes in the same colours as the students of their team. They learn different dances, jumps, acrobatic stunts and cheers. It takes a lot of time, practice and energy to be good at cheerleading. But today the world of cheerleaders no longer means sideline squads that exist just to support other teams. They are teams enjoying full rights, teams of the same importance as those football and basketball ones which they traditionally cheer. College and high school cheerleaders compete at national championships.

The most popular spectacular sports in the United States are football, baseball, basketball and hockey. As for the top mass sports, they are swimming, cycling and callisthenics.

American football derives from the English game — rugby. It isn't similar to soccer except some details, like the number of players and the size of the field. It is a far more violent game which requires great physical power and endurance.

Baseball is one of the most popular American team games. The first American baseball match was held in 1839 in New York. Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played by two teams of nine players each. The aim is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square. American children of 8 years old can join certain leagues where they are taught by coaches. Every player and coach must wear a particular uniform: a shirt, pants, baseball cleats (specific shoes worn by the player for better traction with the earth) and a baseball cap designed to shade the eyes from the sun. Nowadays baseball caps are widespread in our everyday life. Catchers have to wear protective helmets with face masks and a special catcher's mitt.

Basketball is a game which was invented in America in 1891. It is a team sport in which two teams of five players each try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the world's most widely viewed games nowadays. In 1946 the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed. Three years later the BAA merged with the National Basketball League to form the National Basketball Association (NBA). The NBA is famous for many outstanding players, including Larry Bird, Earvin Johnson and Michael Jordan.

A healthy way of life is in fashion now everywhere around the world. There are also many other sports that attract millions of the Americans. Such sports as swimming, track-and-field, skiing, skating, rowing and sailing enjoy great popularity in the USA.

Спорт в США (4)

Спорт в Соединённых Штатах Америки является неотъемлемой частью обучения в школе или университете. Наиболее популярные спортивные командные игры — американский футбол, регби, баскетбол и волейбол.

Бейсбол — одна из самых популярных командных спортивных игр в Америке. Первый матч по бейсболу был проведён в 1839 г. в Нью-Йорке. Бейсбол — это игра с мячом и битой, в которой участвуют две команды. В каждой команде — 9 игроков. Цель игры — набрать наибольшее количество очков, отбивая брошенный мяч битой и касаясь четырёх баз, расположенных по углам площадки размером 175 х 125 метров. В США дети в возрасте 8 лет могут войти в состав лиги, где будут обучаться игре под руководством тренера. Все игроки и тренеры должны носить специальную форму — рубашку, бриджи, бейсбольные ботинки, которые создают дополнительное сцепление с землёй, и кепку-бейсболку, защищающую глаза от солнечных лучей. (Многие стали носить бейсболки и в повседневной жизни.) Игроки, которые ловят мяч, должны надевать на игру защитные шлемы с масками и специальную бейсбольную перчатку.

Баскетбол — игра, придуманная в Америке в 1891 г. Это игра между двумя командами из пяти игроков, которые набирают очки путём забрасывания мяча в баскетбольное кольцо, следуя определённым правилам. Баскетбол — одна из наиболее любимых зрителями игр современности. В 1946 г. была сформирована Американская баскетбольная ассоциация (АБА). Спустя 3 года она объединилась с Национальной баскетбольной лигой и стала называться Национальной баскетбольной ассоциацией (НБА). НБА прославили многие знаменитые игроки, среди которых особо выделялись Ларри Бёрд, Ирвин Джонсон и Майкл Джордан.

Здоровый образ жизни вошёл в моду во всём мире. Миллионы американцев занимаются самыми различными видами спорта. Наибольшей популярностью пользуются плавание, лёгкая атлетика, гребля, конькобежный, лыжный и парусный спорт.

1. Have you seen any films about American cheerleading? If not, I advise you to see a wonderful comedy "Bring It On" with Kirsten Dunst.
2. What can you say about American cheerleaders?
3. What are the most spectacular sports in the USA?
4. What is special about American football?
5. When was the first American baseball match held?
6. Describe the way of playing baseball.
7. When was basketball invented?
8. Do you know any famous American basketball players?
9. How many players are there in a basketball team?
10. Name some other sports popular in the USA.

Without question, football is the most popular sport in America. Football is also a sport that is enjoyed all over the world by people of all ages. Football is also an activity that the family can all enjoy as in example dad can play with his son on a Sunday team. Mom and sister can watch, or the whole family can go out on Saturday to watch college football or on Sunday for the big pro games. Football can bring people together if all of them love the game. However example above is just the fan s point of view; there are a lot more than just the game of football helped to form the leagues and build today is football. College and professional football had developed so much that by the turn of the century; football became one of the most popular sports in America.

Football had been form for more than 100 years but during that time it was just a fun games where everyone could play.

Professional football is more than 100 years old, but for its first 50-odd years the sport was the sad-sack cousin of college football. (Peterson 3)

Football developed from rugby and soccer began 1820 at Princeton University which first football was known as ballown . The football s rule at the time was totally different from the modern day football. During that time football was such a brutal sport because it has no set rules; the only rule was to be set by the home team. Football started to get serious was when the colleges began to play them competitively in 1880s. That was also the time that football rules has a major changes by the Yale undergraduate, Walter Camp. Walter provided the new set of organized rules in football; which is a lot safer than before. He has also introduced quarterback position, which is now one of the most important position in football. (History of American football 1)

The field of play was 110 yards apart from each goal line. The field has no end zone. There are one line on each side at the end of the field called in goal lines. There was no forward past allowing in the game. The goal posts were located at the end of each side; it about 18 and half feet apart the cross bar was 10 feet high on the goal line. At the time the game was still similar to rugby. When the game later got popular and more fans came in to see the game, each clubs and universities began to build their own stands and stadiums. (Peterson 16)

College football began to get more serious than before as the rivalry between colleges grew bigger. Colleges that were into the seriousness football were Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Rutgers, Columbia, Pennsylvania and McGill University of Montreal. (Peterson 13) Later many colleges began to join in to Ivy League in which all the team members were student athletes. In 1890 college football began to expand westward to schools such as Washington and Jefferson, Ohio State, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and many of colleges there began to play football that year. Notre Dame started in 1887, and the University of Southern California in 1888. (Peterson 14) There were a lot of different between the new form teams and the one that was already there.

But quality football first rate football IMPORTANT football was the exclusive preserve of four schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a school that was just coming up to football par with the first three, Pennsylvania. It was not sectional chauvinism at work when 129 out of 132 All- America berths between 1889 and 1900 were filled by players from those four schools. The best players were really there. (PFRA Research 8)

This Ivy League idea was the starting point of the professional Football league but people had not yet realizing. As the games were being, played there was little support from the local fans. At the time, baseball was by far the most popular sport in town. People would rather go and see baseball than a football game. That was long before the formation of National Football League (NFL) which formed in 1920. (Peterson 3)

Starting around 1892 the only way for a man to play football professionally was to go to college or join Athletics club. In colleges the players were needed to study as well as play football, and for some people it was quite difficult to get into the colleges. The other way was that if scouts of had spotted players while the players were in their high school. If they were good enough the players will get recruited to joined the colleges. (Peterson 16)

Athletic clubs were at the bottom of the social clubs ranking. During that time if a person gain a place into a social club that was the starting point of moving up in to higher places in society.

Infancy of professional football: Membership in them was generally the first step toward gaining admission in the more exclusive Union Leagues and University Clubs or the top-level Metropolitan Men s Clubs (Peterson 23)

Later the social event became more of an issue for athletic clubs so the restriction of getting except in to the clubs was even more difficult. As the result the clubs were losing a lot of matches in the sport events. The clubs realizes that they would not be able to get good players in to the club and people would prefer to talk to winners than to the losers. If the clubs still kept the old routine the club would not go far at all. As the result they changed the rules by recruit in the players as a second- class citizens in the club which mean that players would not be able to hold office or vote in club elections but could used the club facility.

Professional football began by the illegal payment to the players in Ivy League of 1889. During the season, when there were big news about a couple of players were taking some money to play matches; which this money was not existing in the original program of the college. Those colleges were Princeton and Harvard who later admitted have given money to some players to play in some matches and their excuses were those players was professional. (Peterson 27) Clearly the era of football was growing, as professionalism became more of an issue than the love of the game itself.

The first pro-player to play professional game was Pudge Heffelfinger who used to played at Yale. The real first even of pro-football came about when the rivalry between Pittsburgh Athletic Club (PAC) and Allegheny Athletic Association (AAA) got stronger in 1892 than ever because both team were from Pittsburgh and both wanted to prove who was the best in town. After the regular season game both teams were tied at 6 to 6 as a result both team had arranged a match to play each other again. When the rematch date had been fixed both teams started their preparations. (Peterson 27) First the PAC approached Heffelfiger for $250 to play for them. When the match day arrived, the PAC players were surprised as they saw three new players in the AAA line up. One was Heffelfiger with Ben Donnelly from Princeton and Ed Malley from Michigan. All of these players were considered dangerous. According to the AAA s expense sheet, Heffelfiger was paid $500 as a performance bonus ; he has also received $75 for expenses. During the time these wages were very high for a football player. The other two received $25 each, which was considered a basic wage for a player during the turn of the century. (Peterson 29)

Number of Football s fans began to increase after 1891 as the baseball s second major league went out of business that year. The situation was very bad for everyone such as the fans, clubs owners and the players. When the football season in Pittsburgh started the three newspapers refused to print the news about the local clubs teams because the athletic clubs need to pay them money for advertising. As a result football s fans took more noticed of the sport because they had to be alert of when their team were playing and also where the team was playing at. (The A s have it. PFRA Research 1)

The first professional League was called The Amateur Athletic Union, AAU formed in 1888. Many teams in the league was from east coast such as Manhattan Athletic Club, the Orange Athletic Club in Jersey, the Crescent Club in Brooklyn, the Staten Island Club and the Knickerbocker all from New York. (Peterson 24) In Pittsburgh there were the rivalry of Allegheny Athletic Association, AAA and Pittsburgh Athletic Club. There were other teams like a local prep school named Shadyside academy, Western University of Pennsylvania, Altoona Athletic club, Greensburg Athletic Association and Johnstown Athletic club. However even the best team in this league was the AAA but it was no match to any teams in the Ivy League at that time. (Peterson 25)

Games of football were not always friendly especially for color players; they were the victims of harassment on and off the fields. Black players were not really welcome in the big football league but they were involved in many minor leagues. When the NFL was formed in 1920 there were few black players but 1933 had somehow excluded them. (Peterson 169) Ever since 1884 black players were always being treated as second class citizen. The summary here was what white people thought of the black players during that time.

: One-third of all big leaguers was Southerners who would not take the field with a black player.

: Black players could not travel with a big-league club because hotels and restaurants would not accommodate them.

: The clubs trained in the South, where black and whites were forbidden by law to play together.

: Fans might riot in the stands if there were trouble on the field between white and black players.

: Blacks were not good enough to play in the big leagues anyway. (Peterson 171).

That was very much clear of the reason there weren t many black players playing in major sports events except their own. Racist is the main issue but because at that time some white players could not bare to see black players or as their former slaves to do better than them in sport. The other main reason was that during the play black players seem to get more blows than the white players got both before and after the whistle. So that was the reason why black players get injured a lot more than the white players. (Peterson 171)

In the 1880s players did not wear a lot of protective gear. They only wear stiff canvas outfits laced up the front, called Smocks . That uniform was not very protective for the players at all. Later in 1890, many teams had changed their gear into soft felt Moleskin trousers and turtleneck sweaters. The players did not even have body pads and helmets but Yale seen to have different ideas.

Pads of any kind were rare, and helmets were in the future. The Yale team some what compensated for this in 1890 by appearing crowned by extra long hair, a kind of natural headgear. The idea soon spread, and throughout the 90s football players could be recognized on campuses by their shoulder- length locks. The protection offered by long hair was questionable, but it certainly added a new dimension to tackling. (PFRA Research 7)

Later another padding appeared at Princeton by Edgar A.Poe.

Edgar A. Poe (a reputed descendant of the poet), showed up for the Yale game wearing a nose guard, a piece of molded rubber covering the Poe proboscis. After much discussion over the novel device, he was allowed to play with protected beak. By 1898, some schools were equipping every player with a nose guard, usually with mouthpiece attached. (PFRA Research 7)

All of this padding was necessary as the play got even more brutal than ever with the introduction of low tackling, because players who left the field with injuries were normally out for good. So it was best to protect players as well as goal. During the time there were not many reserve players available. For example, the 1888 Yale team played thirteen games with eleven players and one reserve; which was really magnificent as nobody was injured during that thirteen games. (PEFRA Research 7)

Football had made a lot of different at the turn of the century. It has given people a lot of opportunity like money, chance to move up in social classes, or to get in to big name colleges and more. In some cases football ended the racist between color and white players. At 1900 football still developing and moving there were new talented players being born everyday. In the future I believe football will developed even more and it will have more fan than any other sport in America.

Football is the most popular game in the world and it is played nearly in all countries. Football is played on a field and two teams compete there.

Football team is composed of 11 players: a goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and forwards. Each team has a captain who is usually the best player. During the match every team tries to score as many goals as they can. Players are allowed to use only legs during the game. Only the goalkeeper can use his hands to catch the ball.

Despite being so popular today, football appeared hundreds years ago. It was played even by ancient people. However, football wasn’t famous until mid-1900s. The modern version of the game came from England and became the most favourite one.

Today there are many football competitions and championships. Every year Europe houses FIFA Cup competitions and every four years – the World Cup. Football is also played in the Olympics. Anyway, football is loved by millions of people who watch games on TV, go to see them on stadiums and even play football with friends and peers during their leisure time.

Moreover, there are such crazy fans that travel all over the world with their favourite teams and support them all the time. Manchester United, Liverpool, the Arsenal, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Chelsea and some others are considered to be the best and most famous clubs in the world.


Футбол – самая популярная игра в мире, в которую играют почти во всех странах. В футбол играют на специальном поле, где состязаются две команды.

Футбольная команда состоит из 11 игроков: вратаря, защитников, полузащитников и нападающих. У каждой команды есть капитан, который обычно является лучшим игроком. Во время матча каждая команда пытается забить как можно больше голов. Игрокам во время игры разрешено касаться мяча лишь ногами. Лишь вратарь может ловить мяч руками.

Несмотря на свою популярность в настоящее время, футбол появился еще несколько сотен лет назад. В него играли еще в древности. Однако футбол не был известен до средины 20 века. Современная версия игры зародилась в Англии и стала самой любимой.

Сегодня существует множество футбольных соревнований и чемпионатов. Ежегодно в Европе проводится кубок УЕФА, а каждые четыре года – Кубок Мира. Футбол также относится к олимпийским играм. Так или иначе, футбол любят миллионы людей. Они смотрят матчи по телевизору или на стадионах и даже играют в него со своими друзьями и сверстниками в свободное время.

Более того, есть и сумасшедшие фанаты, которые путешествуют по всему миру со своими любимыми командами и болеют за них постоянно. Manchester United, Liverpool, the Arsenal, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Chelsea и некоторые другие считаются лучшими и самым популярными футбольными клубами в мире.

Американский футбол – командная контактная спортивная игра, в которой соревнуются две команды по одиннадцать человек. Игра ведется на прямоугольном поле специальным овальным мячом. Включает в себя элементы регби и футбола.

американский футбол

Международная федерация IFAF, создана в 1999 году, штаб-квартира находится во французском городе Ла Курнове. На сегодняшний день членство в IFAF подтверждено двадцатью четырьмя национальными федерациями из Азии, Океании, Европы, США. Первым победителем чемпионата мира, проводимого IFAF, стала команда Японии.

  • История возникновения и развития американского футбола
  • Правила игры в американский футбол
  • Поле и ворота для игры
  • Экипировка игроков
  • Мяч для американского футбола
  • Судейство

История возникновения и развития американского футбола

Весь двадцатый век совершенствовались правила игры: изменилась длина поля, уменьшилось количество членов команд, сократилось время матча, появился шестиочковый тачдаун. Из общей массы выделялись профессиональные футболисты, создавались частные школы. В 1920 году несколько команд создали собственный профсоюз, а затем Национальную футбольную лигу, которая позже была объединена с независимой американской. Слияние НФЛ и АФЛ ознаменовалось чемпионатом мира по американскому футболу, а финальная игра между чемпионами получила название Супер Боул I. Она стала наиболее престижным и дорогостоящим явлением в спортивной жизни.

Правила игры в американский футбол

Главная цель данного вида спорта – заработать наибольшее количество очков, продвигая мяч всеми разрешенными способами в конечную зону на стороне поля соперников. Общая продолжительность матча – три часа. В каждой из команд по одиннадцать участников – нападающие, защитники и особые игроки. Баллы начисляются за:

  • пас в зачетную (очковую) зону;
  • занос мяча в зачетную зону;
  • заброс мяча между штангами ворот соперника.

В начале розыгрыша мяча семеро нападающих каждой команды располагаются практически неподвижно возле линии, где лежит мяч. Центровой передает пас между ног игроку своей команды, тот и начинает атаку на поле соперников. Мяч доносится до цели двумя методами – либо игрок держит его в руках и бежит в нужном направлении, в случае необходимости передавая мяч из рук в руки коллегам, либо пасует мяч в броске (один раз). Забитый над перекладиной между штангами мяч считается голом.

правила американского футбола

Игровой час в американском футболе делится на четверти по пятнадцать минут. Начало каждого игрового момента начинается там, где был завершен предыдущий. Игровой момент заканчивается когда:

  • игрока с мячом повалили на поле;
  • игрок с мячом забегает за границы поля;
  • мяч касается земли за границей поля;
  • игрок упустил передачу паса и мяч упал на поле;
  • команда успела заработать нужное количество баллов;
  • во время нарушения правил игры.

Любая из команд имеет возможность четырежды попытаться продвинуть мяч чуть более чем на девять метров в зачетную зону. Если попытки реализуются, команда получает еще четыре таких автоматически, если нет – право переходит к соперникам. Равный счет в конце игры дает право судье назначить дополнительные пятнадцать минут на выявление окончательного победителя.

Поле и ворота для игры

Поле для американского футбола представляет собой прямоугольник 110/49 метров (или 120/53,1/3 ярдов). На каждом конце поля находятся goal lines (линии цели) на расстоянии 91 метра (или 100 ярдов) одна от другой. Девятиметровая (или десятиярдовая) зачетная зона расположена между goal lines и границей поля. Через каждые 4,5 метра (или 5 ярдов) нанесены поперечные линии. Каждые 9 метров (или 10 ярдов) нумеруются от десяти до пятидесяти, начиная с границ зачетных (очковых) зон к центру, чтобы было понятно, сколько еще нужно пройти с мячом для получения тачдауна.

поле для американского футбола

Ворота – две высокие штанги с перекладиной, расположены на двух концах поля. Их размеры 3/5,7 метра (или 10/18,6 футов) почти такие же, как и в регби. Где 3 – высота, а 5,7 – расстояние от стойки до стойки. Стадионы, принимающие исключительно игроков американского футбола, устанавливают ворота на одной-единственной опоре.

Экипировка игроков

Игрок команды по американскому футболу выглядит довольно громоздко, но такая экипировка оправдана агрессивной и травмоопасной манерой игры. Профессиональное снаряжение запрещено модифицировать. В комплект входят:

  • мягкие наколенники под бриджи единого для всей команды цвета;
  • шлем и маска с ремешком, закрепляемым на подбородке;
  • каркасы и накладки на бедра и поясничный отдел;
  • капа на зубы;
  • футболка с рукавами, закрывающая каркас с нумерацией;
  • гетры или носки, яркого цвета.

Шлемы должны быть снабжены информацией, предупреждающей риск травм и соответствовать стандартам Национального рабочего комитета по стандартам спортивного снаряжения.

Мяч для американского футбола

Мяч должен быть новым или не подвергшимся изменениям после предыдущей игры и снабженным кожаным чехлом с галько-зернистым покрытием из четырех частей без неровностей (исключение – швы). Окружность мяча составляет 27,3/4-28,1/2. Помимо того стандартный мяч для американского футбола это:

  • набор восьми шнуров, расположенных на одинаковом расстоянии друг от друга и стягивающих мяч;
  • цвет – натуральная дубленая кожа;
  • две белые полоски по 2,5 см (или 1 дюйму);
  • вес – не менее 396 и не более 424 грамм;
  • давление при накачивании 121,2-131,2 фунта на квадратный дюйм;
  • отсутствие логотипов и рекламных рисунков.

Судьи тестируют перед началом игры все мячи и подтверждают их соответствие требованиям и стандартам.


Судейство начинается за час до кик-оффа (времени установочной встречи) и кончается с объявлением окончательного счета. Матч по американскому футболу проходит при наблюдении судей количеством от четырех до семи со следующими обязанностями:

Главный судья (рефери)

  • ведет общий контроль игры;
  • обладает исключительными правами касаемо счета и правил игры;
  • контролирует исполнение штрафных санкций;
  • инспектирует зону игры;
  • уведомляет главных тренеров о дисквалификациях;
  • отмечает положения мяча по линии цели;
  • отвечает за тайм-ауты команд, их количество.


  • отслеживает экипировку игроков;
  • отвечает за игру на линии по двум сторонам от нейтральной зоны;
  • отвечает за легальность присутствия линейных игроков на поле впереди;
  • отслеживает сигналы стороны защиты и пересечение мячом нейтральной зоны;
  • является ответственным за правильное проведение снэпа;
  • подсчитывает количество нападающих;
  • следит за правильным назначением и исполнением штрафных санкций;
  • напоминает об оставшемся времени каждого периода рефери.

Линейный судья

  • отвечает за установление индикаторов дауна и линии цели;
  • отслеживает построение в линии схватки и нейтральную зону;
  • сообщает о движении игроков вперед рефери или судье;
  • ведет счет даунов;
  • определяет со своей стороны поля легальность игры, когда мяч проходит нейтральную зону.

Судья на линии

  • отслеживает построение в линии схватки и нейтральную зону;
  • сообщает о движении игроков вперед рефери или судье;
  • отмечает положение мяча индикатором;
  • ведет хронометраж игры;
  • считает количество игроков защиты;
  • определяет со своей стороны поля легальность игры, когда мяч проходит нейтральную зону.

Задний судья

  • подсчитывает количество игроков защиты;
  • контролирует 40/25 – секундный отсчет;
  • определяет легальность длинных пасов, ударов по мячу ногами;
  • определяет статус мяча, расположенного в своей зоне;
  • наблюдает за покидающими нейтральную зону имеющими право ресиверами;
  • отвечает за помощников, которые подносят мяч.

Полевой судья

  • ведет наблюдение за ресиверами, имеющими право;
  • наблюдает за пасами и ударами ногами по мячу со своей стороны поля;
  • определяет статус мяча в своей зоне;
  • считает количество игроков защиты.

Боковой судья

  • ведет хронометраж игры;
  • определяет статус мяча в своей зоне;
  • наблюдает за имеющими право ресиверами;
  • следит за пасами и выбиванием мяча в своей зоне;
  • определяет статус мяча в своей зоне;
  • отвечает за помощников, которые подносят мяч со стороны поля в его зоне.

судейство в американском футболе

Участие в судейской бригаде трех последних судей не является обязательным и зависит от конкретного матча, его значимости и решения судейской организации. Каждый из судей отвечает за знание того, сколько ярдов надо завоевать команде, сколько сыграно даунов, взято тайм-аутов.

Также они должны знать, когда мяч объявляется мертвым, счет в любой момент игры, какие сигналы нужно подавать в тот или иной момент игры, когда включают обратный отсчет при свободном ударе. Экипировка судей – предписанная униформа и плюс к ней: маркеры фола и важных полевых точек, игровые карточки для записей фолов и даунов, а также свисток.

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