What a wonderful place план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Урок разработан для учащихся 6 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. Данная методическая разработка урока может использоваться для повторения изученных ранее достопримечательностей Лондона, а также для изучения новых лингвострановедческих реалий. Воспитывает уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

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Управление образования и науки Липецкой области

Департамент образования администрации города Липецка

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

гимназия №19 им. Н.З. Поповичевой

Конспект урока по английскому языку

Автор: Парахина Елизавета Александровна,

учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназии №19

им. Н.З. Поповичевой города Липецка

Тип урока – комбинированный.

Учебная: Совершенствовать навыки чтения, развивать навыки аудирования.

Развивающая цель : Расширить знания учащихся по страноведению.

Развивать навыки работы с текстом, речевые умения учащихся. Формировать и развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, самостоятельная работа). Развивать творческие способности и ассоциативное мышление.

Воспитательная: Воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка, к иноязычной культуре.

Познавательная: Познакомить с достопримечательностями Лондона.

Ход урока

Организационный момент .

Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. What is the date today? Who is absent?

Today we’ll speak about one of the biggest cities in the world – London! It is also a very old and beautiful city. A great number of places of interest attract attention of tourists from all over the world. I t has a lot of museums, old markets, clean green parks. There is something for everyone.

Today we’ll try to learn more about this wonderful city.

Речевая зарядка .

First of all I would like to read you a quotation of famous British politician and novelist, Benjamin Disraeli: “London is a modern Babylon”.

(Babylon was one of the greatest cities of the Ancient Times)

What do you think about it?

Do you agree with him?

Why does he compare London with a wonderful city?

Актуализация знаний.

We have already known one English girl, Liza. As you remember, she sent some letters and some postcards for children in Moscow.

I want to surprise you. She also sent us a very interesting thing that can help us to learn more about the capital of Great Britain. It’s the encyclopedia of London. We can find there the most famous and beautiful places of interest in London. We can also have an imaginary travel around this city. But someone has mixed the pages…

Повторение изученного ранее.

And first of all match letters, words that begin with these letters and pictures .

( учитель раздает карточки со словами и буквами, а изображения достопримечательностей учащиеся видят на доске) (Приложение №1)

Write down the words in the alphabetical order.

Now, check yourselves.

I think that we are ready to start our wonderful travel…

We have already known some facts about Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament . Look at the pictures.

What can you tell me about these sights?

(Учащиеся рассказывают информацию о достопримечательностях Лондона, полученную из прошлых уроков)

Ознакомление с новым материалом.

Would you like to continue our travelling? I propose you to add some pages in this encyclopedia.

And now let’s work in groups of 3 or 4. So there are four groups in our class. Every group should take one letter from this box. And I‘ll give you a text about the place that begins with this letter.

(Один представитель от каждой группы вытягивает карточку с буквой, и группа получает текст о достопримечательности Лондона, которая начинается с этой буквы)

You have to choose the most interesting information and to present it to other children in our class.

Текст №1. Trafalgar square

Текст №2.

Not far from the Tower of London there is Tower Bridge – a masterpiece of engineering skill. Tower Bridge was built at the end of the 19 th century. The bridge consists of two towers. It is opened to let big ocean ships move up the Thames from the ocean. The territory between the Tower and the bridge is called the Pool for that reason. Tower Bridge is still a busy and vital crossing of the Thames: it is crossed by over 40,000 people every day.

Текст № 3.

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal family. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on top of Buckingham Palace. It was a residence of the Duke of Buckingham. But in the 19 th century it was rebuilt for King George. The Changing of the Royal Guard is the ceremony you can see in front of Buckingham Palace. It takes place every morning at 11: 30 and lasts for 30 minutes. Buckingham Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and tourist attraction.

Текст №4

The Tate Picture Gallery is a famous museum. This gallery was founded in 1897. The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. Ht was a very rich man and collected paintings. The gallery contains pictures by English masters of the 19 th century and the works of West European classics and modern artists. There are many interesting sculptures there. You can also see many works by the English painter William Turner.

Are you ready? I would like to listen to you. Let’s start. These pictures can help you.

( Желающие из каждой группы рассказывают про достопримечательности, показывают их фото)


Now I see that you are a little bit tired. Let's relax and do some exercises.
Stand up!
Please, swim.
Please, jump.
Please, run.
Please, fly.
Please, dance.
Please, skip.
Thank you. Sit down.

Первичное закрепление изученного.

I think you’ve learned many interesting things about London at the lesson.

Would you like to visit London?

What places of interest do you like most of all? And why?

Домашняя работа.

Your task will be to read all these four texts and to do 3 exercises. You should use the information from the texts . (Учащиеся получают листики с текстами и заданиями) (Приложение №2)

Итоги урока.

What have you learnt today? Was the lesson interesting or boring?

I think that all sights are very interesting. London is really a wonderful place to be!

Thank you. The lesson is over. Good Bye.

Список использованной литературы:

(ксерокопии фото из данной книги были использованы на уроке)

. Биболетова М. 3. , Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык. Английский с удовольствием (Enjoy English): Учебник – англ.яз. для 5-6 кл. общеобразоват. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2010 год

Приложение №1

Westminster Abbey

Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square

The Tower of London

The Houses of Parliament

The Tate Gallery

Приложение №2

Текст №1. Trafalgar square

Текст №2.

Not far from the Tower of London there is Tower Bridge – a masterpiece of engineering skill. Tower Bridge was built at the end of the 19 th century. The bridge consists of two towers. It is opened to let big ocean ships move up the Thames from the ocean. The territory between the Tower and the bridge is called the Pool for that reason. Tower Bridge is still a busy and vital crossing of the Thames: it is crossed by over 40,000 people every day.

Текст № 3.

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal family. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on top of Buckingham Palace. It was a residence of the Duke of Buckingham. But in the 19 th century it was rebuilt for King George. The Changing of the Royal Guard is the ceremony you can see in front of Buckingham Palace. It takes place every morning at 11: 30 and lasts for 30 minutes. Buckingham Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and tourist attraction.

Текст №4

The Tate Picture Gallery is a famous museum. This gallery was founded in 1897. The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. Ht was a very rich man and collected paintings. The gallery contains pictures by English masters of the 19 th century and the works of West European classics and modern artists. There are many interesting sculptures there. You can also see many works by the English painter William Turner.

Exercise 1. Match the facts and the sights.

1. a symbol and home of the British monarchy; a) Trafalgar square

2. Admiral Nelson’s victory; b) Buckingham Palace

3. English painter William Turner; c) The Tate Picture Gallery

4. The Thames; d) Tower Bridge

6. West European classics.

1b, 2a, 3c, 4d,5b,6c

Exercise 2. Continue the sentences.

1. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of . .

3. The founder of the Tate Picture Gallery was … .

4. Tower Bridge was built …

5. The Changing of the Royal Guard is …

6. There is … in the centre of square … .

7. The gallery contains …

the Queen and the Royal family

Admiral Nelson’s victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805

Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer

at the end of the 19 th century

the ceremony you can see in front of Buckingham Palace

the monument, known as Nelson’s Column

pictures by English masters of the 19 th century and the works of West European classics and modern artists

To develop their skills in speaking, writing, reading.

To wider their vocabulary.

To bring-up educative person to increase their interests to the English language.

Ход урока.

I) organization moment greeting.

Good afternoon! How are you? Let’s make a “circle of joy”

b) dividing into groups.

Group A: Transport Group.

II) Checking home work show to the pupils a video Family of the Verb” to be”

What about this video? What can you tell about sons of the verb? Give the examples.

Gloss the words dread – read istle - listen.

Speaking about interrogative form of the verb to be.

What a wonderful place (разработка урока)

Track, tram tractor, train tree,

Pictures of tram tractor, train tree.

Pictures of track tram, train, tree.

They are children Are they Children? It is a house is it a house? This is a cat Is this a cat?

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The theme: What a wonderful place

1.Оқушылардың tr қосарланған әріптерінің оқылу ережесімен таныстыстыру.

2.Present Continous-тің сұраулы түрімен таныстыру.

3.Сабақ тақырыбы негізінде тыңдап түсіну білігін дамыту.

4. ”Village and town” әнін жаттау.

The type : Mixed lesson

Materials :Picture,card,computer,disk

Organizational moment :Good afternoon pupils,

Good afternoon teacher.

We are fine thanks

Warm up : Бүгінгі сабақта жаңа қосарланған әріп түрімен танысамыз,сұрақ қойып,оған жауап береуді үйренеміз,сонымен қатар жаңа ән жаттаймыз.

Тақтаға tr қосарланған әріптерін жазамын,ол әріптерді айтуды сұраймын:

t -[ti:] және r-[a:]. Одан әрі бұл екі әріп [tr] деп оқылатынын айтады.Оқушылар мұғалімнен кейін хормен және жеке-жеке қайталайды.

Ex.1,80 (CD № 55)-Listen,point and repeat. ( Тыңда,көрсет және қайтала. )

Мұғалім дискіні қосады,оқушылар сөздерді тыңдай отырып,оқулықтағы суреттерді көрсетті.Одан соң дискіні екінші рет қосып,әрбір сөзден кейін тоқтатып қояды.Ал оқушылар сөздерді қайталайды.Мұғалім сөздерді [^],[i:],[ei:],[au:],[ae:], дауысты дыбыстырына зейін қоя отырып,баған және жол бойынша сұрайды. ( барлығынан сұрауға тырыстым ) .

New words: village,town,bracelet,earrings.

Remember айдары.

Оқушыларымен бірге кестені қарап шығамыз,жалпы сұрақтар құрап,жауаптарын оқиды.

Оқушылар да сұрақтар құрап,бір-біріне ретімен қояды да,оларға жауап береді ( қысқаша ) .

Келесі жаттығуды оқушылар дәптерлеріне жазбаша немесе оқулықтарына қарындашпен орындайды.Бірінші суретті барлығы бірігіп орындайды.


Жаттығудың мақсаты-интонациясы мен екпініне назар аудара отырып сұрақ қойып,оған жауап беру.

Are they wearing trousers and shirts?

No, they aren’t

They are wearing shorts and T-shirts.

Is he wearing boots?

He is wearing shoes.

Is she wearing bracelet?

[/She Is wearing earrings.

Мұғалім соңғы What are you wearing? Сұрағына оқушылардың назарын аударады.Оған жауап:I’m wearing__________.Мұғалім бұл сұрақты балалардың бәріне қояды,жауаптарын тыңдап , қажет жерінде түзетеді.

Ex.6.p.83 (CD №57 )-Listen and sing.( Тыңда және ән сал. )

Оқушылар суреттерді қарап шығып онда не көріп тұрғандарын айтады:Cinema,cafe,theatre.Сүреттегі сөздерді оқиды: mountain,forest,field.Оқушылар ән не жайында екенін айтады.Одан әрі барлығы бірге әнді жаттайды.

Сабақтың соңында мұғалім жұмыс дәптері бойынша үй тапсырмасын өзі түсіндіре отырып береді (үзіліске дейін).

Методическая разработка фрагмента урока аудирования, уровень 5-6 класс.

ispolzovanie_autentichnyh_angliyskih_pesen.docx 945.13 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Использование аутентичных английских песен

Методическая разработка фрагмента урока аудирования, уровень 5-6 класс.

Цель/Aim: развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением детальной информации / the learners will be able to choose the appropriate words in the text, to understand the context of the song.

Техники/Techniques: сопоставление, упорядочивание, выбор / matching, ordering, choosing.

Оборудование/Equipment: листы с заданиями 1, 2, 3 для каждого учащегося, аудиозапись песни, музыкальный центр или компьютер для воспроизведения песни, листы бумаги, цветные карандаши, проектор или интерактивная доска для проецирования картинок и текста песни (на этапе контроля).

Этапы аудирования
Дотекстовый этап/Pre-listening:

  1. Выберите слово, которое может быть использовано с выделенными существительными / Choose the words which can be used with the following nouns:

green trees brown roses

yellow night old babies

Текстовый этап (слушание)/Listening:

    Расставьте картинки в порядке, соответствующему тексту песни / Order the pictures as Louis Armstrong sings about them:

a) ________ b) _________ c) _________

d) ________ e) _________ f) _________

g) ________
2) Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово / Choose the appropriate word:

^ I see trees/this of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself/yourself what a wonderful world.

I see skies/eyes of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day/may , the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colours of the rainbow/eyebrow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces/races of people going by
I see friends/ends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

  1. Исполнение песни с учащимися / Let’s sing the song together.
  2. Создание картинки к песне / Draw the picture about the song.

Цель/Aim: развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением детальной информации и пониманием настроения песни / the learners will be able to feel the mood of the song and to recognize and point out the appropriate words in the song.

Техники/Techniques: matching, gap-filling / сопоставление, заполнение пропусков

Оборудование/Equipment: листы с заданиями 1, 2, 3 для каждого учащегося, аудиозапись песни, музыкальный центр или компьютер для воспроизведения песни, листы бумаги, цветные карандаши, проектор или интерактивная доска для проецирования картинок и текста песни (на этапе контроля).

Этапы аудирования
Дотекстовый этап/Pre-listening:

  1. Do you know who Britney Spears is?
  2. Which songs of her do you know?

Текстовый этап (слушание)/Listening:

  1. Прослушайте песню и скажите,какие картинки лучше всего подходят к ней/ Listen to the song and say which pictures fit to this song better:
  1. Прослушайте песню еще раз и впишите пропущенные слова из таблицы/ Listen to this song again and fill in the gaps using the words:

Hollywood, morning, girl (2 times), stops, dream, smile, star, world, life (2 times)

This is the story about a _____ named Lucky.

Early ________
She wakes up
Knock, knock, knock on the _____

It's time for makeup
Perfect _____
It's you they're all waiting for

Isn't she lovely
This ________ girl

And they say..
She's so Lucky
She's a _____
But she cry cry cries in her lonely heart
Thinking, if there's nothing missing in my ____
Then why do these tears come at night?

Lost in an image, in a ______
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the ______ is spinning and she keeps on winning
But tell me, what happens when it ______

Isn't she lovely?
This Hollywood _____

She's so lucky
But why does she cry?
If there is nothing missing in her _____
Why do tears come at night?

  1. Давайте разделимся на 3 группы. Первая группа выписывает слова в Present Simple Tense, вторая группа - в Present Continuous Tense , третья - в Past Simple Tense / Let me divide you into three groups. The first group is to find all the verbs in Present Simple Tense, the second group – in Present Continuous Tense, the third – in Past Simple Tense.
  2. Исполнение песни с учащимися / Let’s sing the song together!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Данный разработка поможет творческим учителям использовать такой замечательный языковой материал, как песни, на своих уроках.

Использование аутентичных прагматических материалов на уроках английского языка

Использование аутентичных текстов повышает мотивацию ученика к изучению иностранного языка и способствует формированию иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

Упражнение на развитие аудитивных умений.

Организация учебного процесса по формированию социокультурной компетенции на уроках английского языка на основе использования аутентичных текстов и видеоматериалов.

аттестационная работа по формированию социокультурной компетенции на уроках английского языка на основе использования аутентичных текстов и видеоматериалов.

Использование аутентичных материалов в обучении английскому языку

Использование оригинальных (произведенных в стране изучаемого языка) текстов, учебников, песен, фильмов, газет в обучении английскому языку.

Использование аутентичных материалов на уроках английского языка.

Статья содержит материал, как использовать аутинтичный материал на уроках английского языка.

Технология использования аутентичных песен для изучения грамматики английского языка.

Для того, чтобы работа с песней на уроке не носила формальный характер, необходим определенный алгоритм работы. В статье представлены этапы работы с песенным материалом с целью изучения английской гра.

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