Tv programms план урока

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

- предоставлять информацию по изучаемой тематике в устной форме;

- понимать основное содержание услышанной информации;

- использовать в речи Present Simple;

- работать в сотрудничестве.

— воспитывать национальное самосознание в сочетании с уважением и толерантностью к другим культурам;

- формирование готовности и способности вести диалог с другими людьми и достигать в нём взаимопонимания.

научиться развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения, слушать собеседника и уважительно относиться к его точке зрения, организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность в паре и группе;

- формирование навыка использования личного опыта для аргументации;

- расширение словарного запаса по изучаемой теме;

- развитие грамматических навыков употребления Present Simple;

Приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку и проблематизация (подведение к теме урока)

Greetings. A brief talk about the pupils’ TV programs preferences.

Teacher (T): Now watch a short video and guess what problem we are going to discuss today. (The pupils watch the video)

Контрольное задание: What are we going to speak about? Do you all agree? (фронтальный опрос) Время на выполнение задания: 3 минуты

Введение и первичное закрепление нового языкового материала (новая лексика и глагол should).

Today we are going to talk about TV programs.

a) T: What sitcoms do you like watching? Ученик (P1): (I like “’Wizards of Waverly Pace”.)

T: What about Science Fiction? (P2): (I like some of them. T think they’re enjoyable, interesting.)

T: What is your favourite TV program? (P3, 4… As for me, I enjoy watching TV very much, especially different quizzes. That’s why my favourite TV program is “ Who wants to be a millionaire?” It is a game show where the player is asked different questions. I find this program clever and informative and try not to miss it.)

T: Let’s sum up your ideas and name the words you’ve mentioned: Sitcoms, drama, music show, news, reality show, etc. Критерии на экране, ученики, следуя образцу учителя, произносят их хором – фонетическая зарядка.

b. Look at the smart board and use the following words to express your opinion. Share with your partner.

Choosing TV viewing habits. T: Work in 2’s and explain your choice. (работа в парах)

T: What TV viewing habits have you chosen and why?

Задание на активизацию внимания учащихся и аргументирование:

Т: We have to make our final common choice. Listen carefully to your friends and name 3 most popular TV programs. Explain why.

Формирование умений извлечения основной информации из прочитанного диалога

T: Now we can start selecting the best UK TV program. Let's read the dialogue between UK teens. Read it and say which of the TV program described places corresponds to yours? You’ve got one minute for that.

Контрольное задание: What TV programme have you chosen and why?

Задание на активизацию внимания учащихся: Listen and say if your choice is the same. Prove that your decision is right. Which programs are the best? Время на выполнение задания: 5 минут.

Формирование умений извлечения основной информации из прослушанного текста

T: Let’s make questions for the survey about TV viewing habits of your classmates. (Ученики записывают вопросы, например: Do you like music shows? Do you like watch reality shows every day?)После этого учитель объясняет, как написать краткий отчёт о результатах опроса, и делает на доске запись.)

Далее ученики сравнивают полученные результаты.

100%= all of my classmates…

Most of my classmates …

Some of my classmates …

A few of my classmates …

0%= None of my classmates …

T: T. You’ve learnt a lot about different sitcoms. Make your own sitcom. To show your TV program you should: - introduce the name , characterize its; - speak about why people should to watch it. You’ve got 3 minutes to get ready.

T: T: Present your TV program in such a way that everybody wants to watch it.

Задание на активизацию внимания учащихся. T. Listen to your partners’ ad very carefully and say what sitcom you’d like to watch and why. Время на выполнение задания: 15 минут.

Подведение итогов урока: объяснение домашнего задания, оценивание, выводы по уроку (чему научились).

T: Thank you for the most interesting adverts. I believe you can start up a café now. To sum up the results of our work today study the questionnaire, tick what you’ve learnt today good and what you could better. (Ученики заполняют анкету)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Theme: TV program and Movies

The Aim of the Lesson: to develop speaking skills of pupils with tasks solving the problem.

The objectives of the Lesson: using new words to describe movies and TV programm , understanding words and their definitions, to develop understanding and speaking skills of pupil, using the grammar structures,making up questions or interviewing

Bringing up: to bring up the children to know what is good or what is bad things in their life.

The type of the Lesson: non-traditional, new knowledge getting lesson.

Method: group work.

Visual aids: interactive board and slides, pictures

Procedure of the Lesson:

1. Organization moment

-Hello! Are you ready today's lesson? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What is the weather like today? What was yesterday?

- Today we have an unusuall lesson. We have many quests. Please, be active!

Let's begin our lesson!

2. Brainstorming.

- You must quess the theme of today's lesson yourselves. That's why, you should quess the what word is it. Pay attention! Listen yo me carefully!

The right answer will be on the screen. All look at the screen!

What word is it?

1. Movement with music. (dance)

2.Soap opera, thrillers, adventures, western in the box or on the screen. ( movie)

3.Playing, hiking, running, swimming, boxing, whrestling news or games. (sport)

4. The sound with seven notes. ( music)

5. Pictures, masterpiece with paint ( painting)

Dance, movie ,music , sport, painting are comprised the ART.

3. Presentation.

-Please, all open the book page number 137. Unit six. It is called Art. Today you are presented one of the kind of Art ''TV program and Movies”

a) Warm-up. Before discussing task.

1.Do you watch TV every day?

2. What kind of TV program or movie do you watch?

3.What is your favourite movie?

4. Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?

5.Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it.

b)Vocabulary task.

To group the words into three.

-Look at the book page 137 Ex 1 (b). At first read the text. You should do it in oral.

c) Writing task.

To fill the blanks with the words.

( frightening, comedy, boring, action, western, exciting, cartoon)

1. An -------------------- movie is a movie which with a lot of fighting and it can be violent.

2. A ------------------ is a movie which is funny and it make us laugh.

6. ----------------------------- is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses quickly and wearing hats.

7. ----------------------------- is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.

d) Giving the definition of the pictures.

-Teacher: All look at the screen. Here you can see some pictures and you should give the definitions of them.

news - 1.Information about what is happening in the world.

quiz show- 2. People try to win prizes by answering questions or quessing the questions get education

soap opera - 3. Story of the daily life of a family

educational programm- 4. Information for pupils and students. Developing pupils' and students' scope

couch potato- 5.A person who spends much time sitting or lying down,usually watching television

adventure- 6.Adventure Films are exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales

cartoon - 7.A cartoon is a illustrated, animated visual art. Specially for children

talk show- 8. A program where a group of people come together to discuss different problems or topics put forth by a host.

e) Discussing task. Solving the problem.

-Teacher:Today you should discuss and solve the problems about good and bad effects of watching TV programm or movies. As a role of teachers, parents and pupils you should demonstrate the talk show ''It is easy to say. ".

Pupils are taken red sticker you are teachers, green sticker you are pupils and yellow sticker you are parents.

- Teacher: Please , all imagine that you are at TV studio "Айтуға оңай" . We 'll invite the quest of studio, the pupil of the 11 th grade Abusar Erasyl. Now Erasyl will share his misunderstanding question with you. And you should give your opinion.

-Erasyl: " Good morning, quests!" Can you help me? I know lots of people can't imagine their lives without television. It is as essential part of our life. But other consider watching TV programm or movies are wasting time. Who is right? Can you tell me the advantage and disadvantage of watching TV programm and movies in our life?

- Teacher: To think or to prepare the answer of this question I give you only

3 minutes. Please, discuss at the group. When you are ready, you 'll give your opinion. You may use the word combination at the book or on the screen. Page 139, ex . 8

( During the discussion I'll show opinion of other people)

Pupils opinions: -I disagree with . . Because we'll be coach potato and lazy person.

- I agree with . . Many films as soup operas make our life boring. Sometimes we adidcted on TV and soap operas.

-Watching TV for a long time it is harmful for our health, damage eye sight.

-One of the reason watching TV is it plays important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. But more positive and negative sights.

- I agree with . . At the first place television is an entertainment. We don't go to cinema, don't spent money.

-I think. We can see plays, films, sport events, news, music programm, talk shows, science programm.

Teacher: We know your opinions. Please, let 's ask other quests or groups what they think. You should make up questions and interview our quests or each others.

Pupils questions:

1. What kind of TV programm do you watch?

2. Do you think of much violence on TV?

3.How often do you watch TV?

4.Do you think it is educational?

5. Conclusion.

Teacher: Each should write down your conclusion word and read it.

Finally I want to say the word of famous Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaiev:

Beware of five evil

And be closer to five in good deeds

If you want to be a good person


Finally what can be said about the impact of TV is that it can be both good and bad. Most of the time it all depends on who is watching. Similar to what was mentioned in the arguments above it has been proven that the television is not all bad or all good, but both.

6.Giving the home task. To write an essay about '' TV in my life''

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план-конспект урока в 6 классе по учебнику "Английский в фокусе",предназначенно для общеобразовательных классов.Цель - снятие лексических, грамматических и фонетических трудностей, которые могут вызвать сложности при усвоении учащимися нового материала. 10% урока.)Актуализация и мотивация знаний.Цель – сфокусировать внимание обучающихся на проблеме и вызвать интерес к обсуждаемой теме. Это может быть вопрос, цитата, короткая история, проблемная ситуация, небольшое задание, разминка, и т.д. Обычно занимает не более 5% времени урока).Формирование знаний учащихся
(Цель – дать обучающимся достаточно информации, для того, чтобы на ее основе выполнять практические задачи. Это может быть мини-лекция, чтение раздаточного материала, выполнение домашнего задания. Для экономии времени на уроке и для максимального эффекта урока можно давать информацию в письменном виде для предварительного (домашнего) изучения (опережающее задание. Примерно 10% времени занятия).

План-конспект урока в 6-м классе по формированию социокультурной компетенции

Кручинкина Елена Сергеевна, учитель английского языка

Отработать в речи лексику и фразы по теме .

Закрепить правила употребления настоящего простого времени.

Научить учащихся составлять диалоги по теме на основе образца.

Научить учащихся выражать свое мнение по отношению к еде, спорту и времяпровождению.

Научить учащихся составлять общие вопросы и кратко отвечать на них.

а) для учителя:

Учебник “Spotlight”-6 (авт. Ваулина Ю. и др.);

Таблица времен английского глагола;

Мультимедиапроектор и компьютер;

Магнитофон, диск (CD);

Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику;

Структура урока


Организационный момент.

Приветствие учителя . Hello! Glad to see you. How are you?
I’m fine. Thank you. Sit down.

Приветствие учащихся. Hello! Fine?, thanks and you?

Проверка усвоения учащимися знаний материала прошлого занятия
(Цель - снятие лексических, грамматических и фонетических трудностей, которые могут вызвать сложности при усвоении учащимися нового материала. 10% урока.)

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, используя материал прошлого урока:
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Актуализация и мотивация знаний.
(Цель – сфокусировать внимание обучающихся на проблеме и вызвать интерес к обсуждаемой теме. Это может быть вопрос, цитата, короткая история, проблемная ситуация, небольшое задание, разминка, и т.д. Обычно занимает не более 5% времени урока).

1. Read these words after me:
Music shows
Reality shows
Science fiction
Talk shows
2.Ex.1, p.38

Учащиеся повторяют хором за учителем, затем вполголоса, по цепочке и по одному.

Учащиеся называют программы, которые существуют в России.

Постановка целей и задач урока.
(Цель – обеспечить понимание учащимися смысла их деятельности, т.е. того, чего они должны достичь в ходе урока и что от них ожидает учитель.(Примерно 5% времени).

Today we are going to listen, to read and to speak about TV programmes which teenagers like to watch on TV. You’ll learn to express your opinion about TV programmes and to invite your friend to watch TV together.

Учащиеся переводят сказанное учителем. (Проверка понимания поставленных перед ними задач).

Формирование знаний учащихся
(Цель – дать обучающимся достаточно информации, для того, чтобы на ее основе выполнять практические задачи. Это может быть мини-лекция, чтение раздаточного материала, выполнение домашнего задания. Для экономии времени на уроке и для максимального эффекта урока можно давать информацию в письменном виде для предварительного (домашнего) изучения (опережающее задание. Примерно 10% времени занятия).

1.Фразы, выражающие отношение к еде, спорту и времяпровождению.
Упр. 3, с.38
2. Составление диалога по образцу-Упр.4, с.38

3. Учимся делать предложения.
Упр.5, с 38

Учащиеся повторяют за учителем прилагательные из таблицы учебника.
1 пара зачитывает образец из учебника.
2 пара-образец о спорте (см экран)
-What’s your favourite sport?
-I love football. I think it’s exciting. What about you?
-I like windsurfing. It’s great.
3 пара
-What’s your favourite pastime?
-I love eating out. I think it’s enjoyable. What about you?
- I like going to the cinema. It is interesting.

Учащиеся выбирают предложения из пункта b, а затем проверяют на основе аудирования.


Выполнение практической работы

(Цель – практическое освоение материала, достижение поставленных целей урока. Последовательность проведения этого элемента может быть следующей:

Инструктирование – учитель рассказывает учащимся о целях упражнения, о правилах, о последовательности действий и времени на выполнение заданий; спрашивает, все ли понятно участникам.

Разделение на группы и/или распределение ролей и заданий.

Выполнение задания, при котором учитель выступает как организатор, как помощник, как ведущий дискуссии, стараясь предоставить участникам максимум возможностей для самостоятельной работы и обучения в сотрудничестве друг с другом.

Презентация результатов выполнения упражнения.

Интерактивная часть занятия занимает обычно около 60% его времени.)

Учащиеся читают первые реплики и высказывают свое предположение, затем читают весь диалог вполголоса.
Аудирование диалога и чтение про себя для заполнения пропусков.

Учащиеся проверяют работы по записям на экране или на доске.
Учащиеся составляют вопросы и отвечают на них. (Вопросы записывают в тетради).

Подведение итогов занятия.
(Цель – рефлексия, осознание того, что было сделано на уроке), достигнуты ли поставленные цели, как можно применить полученное на уроке в будущем. Подведение итогов желательно проводить не самим учителем (Ну, а сейчас я подведу итоги…), а в форме вопросов обучающимся: что нового узнали, каким навыкам научились, как это может пригодиться в жизни. Кроме того, можно задать вопросы и по ведению самого занятия: что было наиболее удачным, что еще понравилось, что нужно изменить в будущем. Важно, чтобы сами обучающиеся смогли сформулировать ответы на все эти вопросы. Для подведения итогов желательно оставлять до 20% времени занятия (мероприятия).

Задание на дом с пояснением:
1. С.39, упр7 –в парах,
2. с.39, упр.11-изучить мнение одноклассников,
3. упр. по РТ
Подведение итогов урока:
How can we make a survey?
What questions can we ask?

Выставление оценок. Благодарность за работу.

We can ask general questions.
Do you like to watch… Sitcoms
Music shows
Reality shows
Science fiction
Talk shows

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открытый урок по английскому языку на тему масс медия. использовано разные методы и активити.

Short- term plan

Lesson plan

Long-term plan: Unit 3.Entertainment and Media

School : Secondary school №45

Date: 14.11.19

Teacher name: Yelekenova Laura Khanasovna

Number present:

Lesson title: TV programme

Learning objectives use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

name target vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support

identify most specific information from the task

describe the pictures and share idea

Answer the simple questions according to the theme

generalize all information about the topic and express their own opinion

make up and present the dialogue

give constructive feedback to each other

Assessment criteria

-activate topical vocabulary

-reply the question

-complete the sentences

-make up and present dialogue

- express an opinion

Value links

Benefits of learning a foreign language. Learners will be able to understand how every school subject is important for them

Common history, culture and language (‘Mangilik Yel’ 6)

Cross curricular links

ICT, Kazakh, Russian

Active board, internet, CD

Previous learning

vocabulary for school

Planned timings

Planned activities

(W,I, f) Brainstorming “Puzzle”

5Ws Learners answer the question.

How many hours a day do you watch TV?

What TV programmes do you prefer?

Do you watch TV before or after you have done your homework?

What is your favourite TV programme?

When does your favourite TV programme begin?

Do your relatives watch the programme with you?

What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?

What is you favourite cartoon?

Why do you like it?

What is you favourite film?

What was the last film or cartoon you have watched?

After that divided pupils in to two groups trough the pictures.

1 st group – TV

2 nd group – Media

Place: Cabaret style

This simple activity can activate topical vocabulary which is with TV programmes and develop speaking skills

Assessment teacher assesses pupils orally (Super, well done, smart)

(W, f) Presentation of the theme and objectives of the theme

Think and tell what the lesson’s theme is today? Give some variants

Pupils predict the theme of lesson ‘TV programmes.BBC’

Speaking. Game. “Basketball”

Teacher gives instruction to choose one of the items

Look at the screen

Assessment by points

(W, f) Pre- Listening and Speaking

Strategy ‘5Wh’

Elicit what, if anything, learners know about the BBC. Then elicit questions from various learners around the class and write two of them on the board. Learners listen and read the text and check if their questions are answered.

- When was it founded? (1922)?

- What does it do? (It broadcasts on radio, TV and online and produces a wide range of programmes including dramas, sitcoms and educational documentaries.)

Ask the question

expresses their opinions

Assessment teacher assesses pupils orally (Super, well done, smart)

Differentiation by tasks and by resources

(G, I, f) While- Listening and Speaking

Learners read the text again and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements.

BBC broadcasts all over the world………

Everyone knew from the beginning that television would be really popular……

The BBC only produces current affair programmes. ……..

Find true or false

Correct the false statements.

Group ‘Media’

Learners complete the sentences

1)The BBC was founded in 1922, almost 100 years ago, and it is the. ( oldest national ) broadcast in the world.

2) The first BBC broadcast were . (on the radio), but after World War II it started broadcasting . (on television).

3) The BBC is . (well-known) for its news reports and its current affairs programming.

fill in the sentences

Group assessment by displaying the slide

Work in pairs. Make up and act out the dialogue according to the theme.

1.make up the dialogue

Group ‘Media’

Learners work in small groups and think of ideas and create a TV guide. Then they present their TV guide to the class.

1. to create a TV guide

2. to resent it to the class.

Group Assessment criteria

Learners spoke clearly and understandable.

Learners use topical vocabulary

Learners find the information from different various sources

(G, f)Post-Listening and Speaking

Learners listen and match the people (0-5)to their favourite TV programmes

match the people to their programmes

Assessment by points

Excel 8 Express Publishing, Virgin Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee p.6

Feedback. ‘Pickers’

Conclusion Feedback

Good morning dear audience. I am Jane from BBC channel. I am holding live broadcast at the 8 th form. Here they are discussing about “TV prorammes”. I am going to ask some questions to pupils.

1. Do you like today’s lesson?

2. What new things have you learnt today?

3. What new skills have you acquired today?

4. What was difficult for you?

5. What was easy for you?

Thank you for your answers

Evaluation. In what stage are you?

-I know to recognize all the TV programmes

-I understand the talk about the TV and media

-I can tell about my favourite TV programmes and films

-I can describe the pictures of TV programmes

-I can describe my favourite TV programmes

and make up short topic

-I can express own idea after listening

-I can make a dialogue

All learners put stickers into three groups according their understanding of the lesson

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

to give children additionаl materials constructions

to wоrk individually with some learners

support less able learners and develop the progress of more able learners

to give the task dеpending on learners’ abilities

time is used flеxibly

Group, peer and self assessment and group assessment criteria.

Health saving technologies.

Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes

I’m getting there

I need help

I can do this

How many hours a day do you watch TV?

What TV programmes do you prefer?

Do you watch TV before or after you have done your homework?

What is your favourite TV programme?

When does your favourite TV programme begin?

Do your relatives watch the programme with you?

What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?

What is you favourite cartoon?

Why do you like it?

What is you favourite film?

What was the last film or cartoon you have watched?

T: What is your favourite TV programme?

Р: As for me, I enjoy watching TV very much, especially different quizzes. That’s why my favourite TV programme is “ Who wants to be a millionaire?” It is a game show where the player is asked different questions. I find this programme clever and informative and try not to miss it.

Т: When does your favourite TV programme begin?

Р: At 8 p.m. on Fridays.

Т: Do your relatives watch the programme with you?

Т: What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?

Р: I like to watch cartoons, because they help us to relax after hard day at school. I think cartoons make people kinder and more sympathetic.

Целью урока является совершенствование навыков устной речи, развитие умений учащихся излагать материал в пределах изученной тематики.

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

1. Закреплять и развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования, развивать умение излагать свои мысли и применять знания, умения и навыки в пределах изученного материала.

2. Развивать познавательную деятельность учащихся: внимание и память, мыслительную активность, творческое воображение.

3. Расширять кругозор учащихся, вызывать интерес к учению и воспитывать потребность в знаниях.

Тип урока: урок закрепления и применения знаний, умений и навыков.

Методы обучения: репродуктивный, объяснительно- иллюстративный, частично-поисковый.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Оснащение: картинки, творческие работы учащихся, магнитофон.

План урока.

2. Закрепление знаний, необходимых для формирования умений

3. Упражнения в применении знаний и умений в измененных условиях

4. Творческое применение знаний и умений

5. Домашнее задание

6. Подведение итогов

Ход урока.

1. Оргмомент.

Hello, everybody! Today's lesson is devoted to TV and TV programmes. We'll speak about the role of TV in our life and of course about TV programmes. First of all let's refresh the vocabulary. All the words and expressions will help you in your further work.

2. Этап закрепления знаний, необходимых для формирования умений.

1.Give me the English equivalents

фильм, кинокартина– film, movie, picture

документальный фильм– documentary

дублированный– dubbed film

худ. фильм– feature film

научно-популярный– popular science

короткометражный– short film

научно-фантастический– a science-fiction film

TV and TV programmes (план-конспект урока)

географический фильм– a travelogue

учебный фильм– an educational film

приключенческий– an adventure film

детектив– a crime film

фильм ужасов– a horror film

приключенческий фильм с острыми ситуациями– a thriller

снимать фильм– to shoot a film

играть главную роль– to be in the title role

счастливый(несчастливый) конец– a happy(unhappy) ending

иметь большой успех– to be a hit

банальный, избитый сюжет– a hackneyed plot

актеры, занятые в главных ролях(на второстепенных) – leading(supporting) actors

Фильм захватывающий– The film is thrilling.

Содержание интригующее– The plot is exciting.

производить глубокое и незабываемое впечатление на– to leave a deep and lasting impression upon

создавать правдивый(жизненный) образ– to create a true-to life image

соответствовать ч/л вкусу– to be in one's line

быть глубоко взволнованным– to be deeply moved

В этом фильме сильнее всего меня поразило– While watching the screen I was most impressed by

Этот фильм стоит посмотреть–This film is worth seeing.

Фильм имеет большое воспитательное значение–The film is of great educational value.

Чувствовать себя духовно обогащенным– to arouse a feeling of spiritual enrichment

2. Ask your friend and your friend will answer the question.

– if she likes to watch TV

– what she prefers: to go to the pictures or to watch TV

– what her favourite TV programme is

– what types of films she prefers

– if popular science films are to her taste

– who her favourite actor(actress) is

– how often she goes to the cinema

– which films she isn't interested in

– how often she watches TV

– if she likes to watch News in the evening

3. Ask questions so that sentences could serve as answers.

1. The film is on at our local cinema-house.

2. Many famous film-stars were in the cast.

3. The feature film ran for an hour and a half.

4. I like travelogues best of all.

5. The news-reel showed the latest events in the country.

6. Animated cartoons are very popular because they are funny and amusing.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока: “Television and TV programmes.”

1. Закреплять и развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования, развивать умение излагать свои мысли

и применять знания, умения и навыки в пределах изученного материала.

2. Развивать познавательную деятельность учащихся: внимание и память, мыслительную активность,

3. Расширять кругозор учащихся, вызывать интерес к учению и воспитывать потребность в знаниях.

Тип урока: урок закрепления и применения знаний, умений и навыков.

Методы обучения: репродуктивный, объяснительно- иллюстративный, частично-поисковый.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Оснащение: картинки, творческие работы учащихся, магнитофон.

2. Закрепление знаний, необходимых для формирования умений

3. Упражнения в применении знаний и умений в измененных условиях

4. Творческое применение знаний и умений

5. Домашнее задание

6. Подведение итогов

Hello, everybody! Today's lesson is devoted to TV and TV programmes. We'll speak about the role of TV

in our life and of course about TV programmes. First of all let's refresh the vocabulary. All the words

and expressions will help you in your further work.

2. Этап закрепления знаний, необходимых для формирования умений.

1.Give me the English equivalents

фильм, кинокартина– film, movie, picture

документальный фильм– documentary

дублированный– dubbed film

худ. фильм– feature film

научно-популярный– popular science

короткометражный– short film

научно-фантастический– a science-fiction film

географический фильм– a travelogue

учебный фильм– an educational film

приключенческий– an adventure film

детектив– a crime film

фильм ужасов– a horror film

приключенческий фильм с острыми ситуациями– a thriller

снимать фильм– to shoot a film

играть главную роль– to be in the title role

счастливый(несчастливый) конец– a happy(unhappy) ending

иметь большой успех– to be a hit

банальный, избитый сюжет– a hackneyed plot

актеры, занятые в главных ролях(на второстепенных)– leading(supporting) actors

Фильм захватывающий– The film is thrilling.

Содержание интригующее– The plot is exciting.

производить глубокое и незабываемое впечатление на– to leave a deep and lasting impression upon

создавать правдивый(жизненный) образ– to create a true-to life image

соответствовать ч/л вкусу– to be in one's line

быть глубоко взволнованным– to be deeply moved

В этом фильме сильнее всего меня поразило– While watching the screen I was most impressed by

Этот фильм стоит посмотреть–This film is worth seeing.

Фильм имеет большое воспитательное значение–The film is of great educational value.

Чувствовать себя духовно обогащенным– to arouse a feeling of spiritual enrichment

2. Ask your friend and your friend will answer the question

– if she likes to watch TV

– what she prefers: to go to the pictures or to watch TV

– what her favourite TV programme is

– what types of films she prefers

– if popular science films are to her taste

– who her favourite actor(actress) is

– how often she goes to the cinema

– which films she isn't interested in

– how often she watches TV

– if she likes to watch News in the evening

3. Ask questions so that sentences could serve as answers

1. The film is on at our local cinema-house.

2. Many famous film-stars were in the cast.

3. The feature film ran for an hour and a half.

4. I like travelogues best of all.

5. The news-reel showed the latest events in the country.

6. Animated cartoons are very popular because they are funny and amusing.

3. Этап применения знаний и умений в измененных условиях.

4. Here are some situations for you. I'll give you 2-3 minutes to make up short dialogues.

1) Two friends saw a wonderful comedy on TV. They exchange their opinions.

2) Two friends speak about musical. One of them likes the music and the plot, another friend likes the acting.

3) You want to see a western on TV on the other channel. Your husband says that he wants to see

a football match.

4) Your friend thinks that horror films are amusing. You are surprised.

5) You haven't seen your friend for a long time. You meet her in the street and you know that she is an actress.

-Well, what do you think of the film?

-I enjoyed every minute of it. What about you?

-I think it is splendid. I haven't laughed so much for a long time, though normally I don't very much like comedies.

-Neither do I, but they have chosen the best actors for the film and that did it. Besides, the music is

wonderful, don't you think so?

-Yes, the music and the acting and the whole thing was first-class from beginning to end.

-Did you watch the musical yesterday?

-Yes, I did. It's very different from what I had seen before.

-The music was fascinating and the plot was thrilling, but frankly speaking I didn't like the acting.

-On the contrary, what I liked most was the acting.

-Is there anything worth watching on the other channel?

-I think it's a western.

-Do you mind if we switch over?

-Well, I rather wanted to see the football match.

-What are you doing tonight?

-I am staying in.There's a good horror film on TV.

-”The Blood of Frankenstein.”

-Oh, that sounds frightening.

-Not really. I think horror films are amusing.

-Amusing? Horror films?

Yes, I went with Ann to see “Dracula” last week. I was very amused. I laughed from beginning to end.

-Oh, she was terrified. I hadn't expected she would be.

-Hello! Haven't seen you for ages. How are you?

-I am fine, thank you! And what about you?

-Fine too! Has your dream come true?

-Yes, I am an actress at a drama theatre, besides I sometimes play small roles in films.

-I am happy for you.

5.Now try to comment on the following statements.

1. Educational programmes are necessary on TV.

2. Cinema and theatre are not popular because of TV.

3. Thrillers and horror films are bad for children.

4. TV is terribly bad for people's eyes.

5. Our TV programmes have become much more interesting now.

6. TV advertisements are very interesting.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я редко хожу в кино. Я предпочитаю смотреть фильмы по телевидению.

I seldom go to the pictures.I prefer to watch films on TV.

2. Последний фильм, который я видела-”Унесенные ветром”

The last film I saw was “Gone with the Wind.”

3. В главных ролях снимались Вивьен Ли и Кларк Гейбл.

Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable were in the title roles.

4. Поистине было замечательно следить за их игрой на экране.

Really it was a wonderful experience to watch their acting on the screen.

5. Я считаю, что это самая замечательная и самая захватывающая кинокартина, которая

когда-либо была выпущена.

I think this is the most wonderful and most exciting picture that has ever come out of.

6. Этот фильм произвел глубокое и незабываемое впечатление на меня.

This film left a deep and lasting impression upon me.

7. Этот фильм по моему вкусу.

This film is in my line.

7. Your hometask was to prepare advertisements. Now let's listen to them.Advertise films you have chosen.

8. Let's do the following task. You will divide into two groups. For two or three minutes the first group

will prepare arguments for TV, the second one-against it.

Arguments for TV.

1. TV brings the world into our living room. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions, problems.

2. We get a great amount of information. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programmes, discussions.

3. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. We see great events which will pass into history. We can see

4. We become more cultured people by learning more in the arts.

5. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances.

6. Television helps us to relax after a day's hard work.

Arguments against TV.

1. TV is doing a lot of harm. Some pupils do their homework in front of the television set.Others rush

(выполнять поспешно) through their homework so they can watch television.Some pupils are so attracted

to television that they do not do their homework at all.

2. Many people do not concentrate when viewing-so their time is largely wasted.

3. Some children have made TV their main leisure activity.We begin to forget other ways to occupy our

4. Television may lead to poor health through lack of exercise, eyestrain (напряжение для глаз).

5. People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit in front of their television sets instead of

visiting their friends and relatives.

6. We get so lazy, that we choose to spend a fine day glued (не отрывая взгляда) to our TV sets.

4. Этап творческого применения знаний и умений.

9. Imagine that you have switched on TV. You see a beautiful lady on the screen. She is a popular

filmstar. She is always very busy but now you have a chance to interview her. You will be journalists

and reporters. First of all listen to the filmstar.

I am a movie star. I can afford to give no thought to such things as rent, electric light, food or clothes.

When I first tried to get into the movies, I was worried and scared (боялась). I had just come from India

and I didn't know anyone in Wilmington, where I was trying to get a job. I saw a few producers but none

of them hired me. But I did my best and now my career is at its peak. I am married, with two children, I need

only six hours sleep per night and I am working harder than ever. I am going to star in a new film. I also

have plans for records, tours and TV work.

1. What is your present state of mind?

2. What is your favourite quotation?

Anyone can blame, it takes a specialist to praise ( Konstantin Stanislavsky)

3. Where would you like to live?

In Florida because the climate is mild there.

4. Which living man do you most admire?

5. What objects do you always carry with you?

6. What bores you?

Speeches of politicians

7. Who are your favourite musicians?

8. Which talent would you most like to have?

9. What would your motto be?

Enjoy life as it is.

10. Another TV programme is the musical one. Our musical editor will tell you about Sting. It will be very


Gordon Sumner ( Sting )

In 1996 there was an unusual event noticed and appreciated by fans with remarkable enthusiasm-Sting

began his world-wide tour featuring songs from a new”Mercury Falling” album in Moscow. Two concerts

took place in the Kremlin Congress Palace. Not a single seat stayed vacant.

Sting is an artistic pseudonymous of English composer, singer and musician Gordon Sumner. During

his young years he was an informal leader in the British movement of modes.They were alternative to late

60s hippies and early 70s punks. They rode their all-mirrored and flamboyantly painted motor rollers

from London to Briton and other places having good time. As they were tending to be independant and

free they often were caught by police and enjoyed a lot of street fighting. They were another

“angry generation”of the XXth century.Later Sting became a musician and took part in the new

wave group”Police.”He was a lead vocal and played guitar there.

During three years of its existence the group produced several hits and most famous “Russians”among them.

Sometimes he looked and felt much more wise than he could really be in these years. Sting left “Police”that

by the timewas quite small for his developing gift. He was no longer an angry youth, he was a wise man on

his own.His first albums proved his independence and the scale of his abilities.No matter if he played

reggae or rock'n'roll–any style became only a see-through cover for the author's personality.

“Englishman in New York”,”Sister Moon,””Bourbon Street”and”Fragile”became world hits. They were

not a week's charted hits, they became people's hope and thoughts.

Sting was getting richer year by year, but did not pay much attention on himself a star. One of his

accounting team members managed to steal about 10 million pounds out of his bank account.Sting just

fired him without even taking the accountant to the court. He bought an island in the Pacific and

made friends with an Indian tribe. He helped much his friends Indians and organized a lot of charity

concerts. In 1986 Harry Belafonte opening a charity concert in favour of Nelson Mandela claimed

thirty years aged Sting “a greatest musician of all times” at Wembley Stadium. Since then Sting wrote

more songs and most of his fans see him not a pop star but a troubled soul understanding the sorrows and

joy of the existence in the modern contradictory world, more a philosopher, less a musician.

I like Sting's songs very much and I dare say I experienced the irresistible influence of his charisma

Listen to one of his most famous song “Fragile.”

5.Домашнее задание.

Your hometask for the next lesson will be to write about your favourite TV programme(10-12 sentences)

6. Подведение итогов.

You worked hard at the lesson and took an active part in it. You have good knowledge on the theme.

I think that the theme of our lesson is interesting and I am sure everything you know will help you.

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