Third conditional план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

магнитофон, аудиокассета с записанной беседой, тематические картинки, доска, таблица, тесты.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Речевая зарядка.
  3. Монологическая речь.
  4. Аудирование:
  • ознакомление с вопросами для контроля восприятия на слух;
  • двукратное прослушивание беседы, записанной на аудиокассете;
  • контроль понимания прослушанной записи по вопросам;
  • пересказ прослушанного текста.
  1. Развитие грамматических навыков по теме “Условные предложения”. (Работа над тестом, задания 1 - 10).
  2. Домашнее задание.
  3. Подведение итогов урока.

I. Good morning, children. Sit down, please! Get ready for the lesson.

II. What nasty weather we are having today! If the weather is bad tomorrow, I won’t go to the country. And what about you? What are you going to do? Think of your own sentences. Start with “if”. Do it in turns.

(Pupils give their own sentences)

III. Well, that’s enough. Today we are going to speak about… By the way, it would be better if you told me the grammar theme of our lesson. What are we going to speak about?

(Pupils’ answers: Conditionals. The Subjunctive Mood)

1) That’s right. Let’s revise Conditionals. Start with the First Conditional. Do exercise 3A. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make first conditional sentences.

1. If it ………. (snow) at the weekend, we ………. (make) a snowman.

2. Nina ………. (marry) Steve if he ………. (ask) her on Valentine’s Day.

3. If we ………. (win) the match today, we ………. (play) in the final next week.

4. If Jack ………. (not work) harder, he ………. (fail) the exam.

5. Paul ………. (be) really angry if you (not tell) him the truth.

6. You ………. (not pass) the exam if you ………. (not work) a bit harder.

7. If they (not come) to see us today, ………. they (come) tomorrow?

8. If Jim ………. (be) late home tonight, we …….(not go) to the funfair in town.

2) The second conditional. Do exercise 4A. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the second conditional.

1. If I …….. the car, I …….. drive very fast. (buy/be able to)

2. If I …….. very fast, the police ……. me. (drive/stop)

3. If the police …….. me, I …….. my driving licence. (stop/lose)

4. If I …….. my driving licence, I …….. a car. (lose/not need)

Exercise 4B. Make sentences in the second conditional. Use these prompts and words of your own.


Win $1,000 / spend…

If I won $1000, I’d spend it on clothes.

1. meet a famous pop star/ask him/her…

2. be a singer / sing with…

3. can have any job in the world/be…

4. see a robbery/tell …

5. have a video camera/film…

6. win the lottery/buy…

3) Look at the structure “I wish”.

I wish I had done
would do

When do we use Past Simple? - We regret about a present situation.

When do we use Past Perfect? - We regret about the past.

When do we use would plus a verb? - We use this structure to express irritation about a present situation, to change something in the future or when we want somebody to do something.

Do this test. Choose the correct variant.

  • A had not done
  • B didn’t do
  • C haven’t done
  • A are staying
  • B will stay
  • C would stay
  • A know, was
  • B knew, were
  • C had known, was
  • D have known, had been
  • A be
  • B would be
  • C are
  • D must be

4) Ex.3 Look at the comics and complete the third conditional sentence chain. Use the phrases in brackets. The beginning of the chain has been done for you.

1. If the man’s friend hadn’t given him the book, he wouldn’t have gone jogging.

2. (go jogging) ____________________________________________________

(take the book with him) ___________________________________________

3. (rain) __________________________________________________________

(сover his head with the book) _______________________________________

4. (cover his head with it) ____________________________________________

(brick / kill him) __________________________________________________

5. (brick / kill him) __________________________________________________

(continue jogging) ________________________________________________

6. (continue jogging) ________________________________________________

(slip on a banana peel) _____________________________________________

7. (slip on a banana peel) _____________________________________________

(be taken to hospital) ______________________________________________

8. (be taken to hospital) ______________________________________________

(nurse / see the book) ______________________________________________

9. (nurse / see the book) ______________________________________________

(invite her to a restaurant)__________________________________________

10. (invite her to a restaurant) _________________________________________

5) Ex.4 Solve this maths problem created by Grigory Oster. What article (a, the,zero article) will you use with the underlined nouns when translating the problems into English? What type of conditional will you use in text1 and text 2? Translate the texts. Mind articles, tenses and conditionals.

1. __ Боксер, каратист (karateka) и штангист гонятся (run after) за велосипедистом со скоростью (at the speed of) 12 км в час. Догнали бы (саtch up with) они велосипедиста, если бы тот проехал (ride) 45 км со скоростью 15 км в час, а потом прилег отдохнуть на часок (lie down for an hour to have some rest)?

2. Боксер, каратист и штангист погнались за велосипедистом со скоростью 12 км в час. Через 5 часов они прекратили погоню (chase). Сколько километров пробежали бы штангист, боксер и каратист, если бы они бежали 8 часов? Что сказали бы велосипедисту боксер, каратист и штангист, если бы они его догнали?

6) Now be ready to listen to the tape. There are two questions on the blackboard. What is a Cockney? What is Cockney rhyming slang? Does any of you know the answers to these questions? Nobody knows. Then listen to the text. You will hear it twice. Your task is to understand the contents of it and answer some extra questions. Listen to the tape for the first time.

Man So, what exactly is a ‘Cockney’, then?
Woman Well, to be a true Londoner – a Cockney – you have to be born close enough to hear the bells of St. Mary le Bow church in the City of London. The Bow Bells rang to tell people to put out their fires before going to bed. This was quite a common thing in Medieval Europe.
Man Yes, but does the word itself mean anything?
Woman It’s quite a funny story, actually! The word ‘cockney’ originally meant a cock’s egg, which was a misshapen egg sometimes laid by young hens. These eggs were weaker than normal eggs, so country people used the nickname ‘cockney’ for people who lived in towns, because they thought they were wicker than country people! By the 17-th century, the word ‘cockney’ was used to describe a Londoner.
Man OK – but what about Cockney rhyming slang? What actually is that?
Woman Over the years, Cockneys developed a set of secret cord words which only other Cockneys could understand – for example, if a Cockney says he’s on the dog and bone’, he really means that he’s on the phone!
Man Cockney rhyming slang was originally invented so people could talk in secret?
Woman Yes, that’s right. If you spoke in Cockney rhyming slang, people in authority, such as policemen, or anybody trying to overhear you, wouldn’t be able to understand – so in fact, Cockney rhyming slang is a way of protecting yourself.
Man Whatever the reason, Cockney rhyming slang is still a closed language to those who don’t know it. But its famous humour is too good to be missed!

Listen to the tape for the second time.

  1. What is a Cockney?
  2. Why did the Bow Bells ring?
  3. What did the word ‘cockney’ originally mean?
  4. Why did country people think that people who lived in towns were weaker?
  5. What is Cockney rhyming slang?
  6. What was Cockney rhyming slang originally invented for?

Who can retell the text in brief?

Your homework was to read the text “Castaway 2000”. Start reading.

In the year 2000, a television company did an experiment called Castaway 2000. The idea was to learn about how people live together. Thirty six people became ‘castaways’ on a Scottish island for a year. They had no television, radio, computers, transport or shops and only two small buildings. For the whole year, they lived as a closed community. They grew and made everything they needed. They weren’t real castaways, however, because a television camera filmed them. The details of their lives were on television every week.

One of the ‘castaways’ was Roger Stephenson. He was there with his wife, Rosemary, and their two young sons. They taught the seven children on the island themselves. Roger says, “I’ve never lived like this before. It was fantastic. The freedom really helped our children to develop. We’ve already decided that we want to continue to teach them ourselves. I’d like to live like this again. But I wouldn’t like to be controlled by a television company again.” Rosemary adds, “I’ve just seen some of the programmes of us, and I didn’t like them. The editing of the programmes made us look like very difficult people – it was very unfair.”

Two other castaways were a couple, Dez and Liz. Both of them are hard-working people and they learned a lot about themselves. Liz says, “The practical things were easy for me. But living with 30 other people was hard work.” In the end, however, they were both positive. “We haven’t decided where yet, but we’d like to continue to live a self-sufficient way of life,” says Dez.

For the questions below choose the correct answer A, B, C, D.

  • A to create a ‘fantasy’ holiday
  • B to find out more about society and communities
  • C to employ people to build accommodation on the island
  • D to look after the animals on the island
  • A to teach the people how to use television cameras
  • B to give the people something to do
  • C to make films about the animals living there
  • D to make films about the people living there
  • A He liked everything about it
  • B It was good for his children, but not for him
  • C He liked the life, but he didn’t like the television company being in charge
  • D He liked it at first, but not at the end
  • A being in a community with lots of other people
  • B leaving the island at the end of the year
  • C the physical work on the island
  • D learning about herself

Imagine that you were stranded on a desert island. What would you do if you found yourselves there?

(Students’ own answers)

Finally do this test, please. Choose the correct answer. Your time limit is five minutes.

  • A would spend
  • B would have spent
  • C had spent
  • D will spend
  • A had she been driving
  • B was she driving
  • C she had driven
  • D she drove

3. “Can I borrow your car for this evening?”

  • A brought
  • B would bring
  • C will bring
  • D brings
  • A Had I known
  • B Did I know
  • C If I know
  • D If I would know
  • A is
  • B will be
  • C were
  • D would be
  • A might have won
  • B won
  • C had won
  • D will win
  • A hadn’t brought
  • B didn’t bring
  • C wouldn’t have brought
  • D won’t bring
  • A had been lecturing
  • B was lecturing
  • C would lecture
  • D lectured
  • A listen
  • B will listen
  • C had listened
  • D listened
  • A Were I
  • B Should I
  • C I was
  • D If I am

Give yourself a score. Divide your pluses by 10, multiply by 100 and you get your score. Calculate your percent. What’s your score?

Урок разработан для совершенствования и систематизации грамматических навыков устной речи по теме '"Conditional sentences" посредством различных видов упражнений, а также повторению видо-временных форм английского глагола

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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 10 классе

Lesson: Conditional Sentences

Тип урока : урок обобщения и систематизирования грамматических навыков

3. Воспитание творческих способностей учащихся на материале темы.

Грамматический материал: Conditional Sentences I, II, III, The Present Simple Tense, The Past Simple Tense, The Future Simple Tense, The Present Perfect Tense.

1) Организационный момент

2) Беседа с классом о настроении, погоде, дежурстве в классе

II. Постановка темы и целей урока

III. Речевая зарядка

1) Повторение грамматического правила Conditional Sentences

IV. Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме урока

1) Выполнение упражнений с помощью презентации на интерактивной доске

2) Задание на карточках в группах по 2 человека

VI. Контроль грамматических навыков. Инсценирование сказки.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Обобщение изученного материала.

- Good morning, children. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2. Беседа с классом о настроении, погоде, дежурстве в классе

- It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

- How are you? – I am fine, thank you.

- Who is on duty today? – I am on duty today.

- What date is it today? - Today is the …

- What is the weather today? - The weather is good. It is snowy and cold .

II. Постановка темы и целей урока

- So, I think we are ready to start our lesson.

- The topic of our lesson is Conditional Sentences and our main aim is to repeat and practice such sentences in different exercises. (Слайд 1)

1. Повторение грамматического правила Conditional Sentences

- Well, now let’s remember the rules. Look at our board, please.

- This is the structure of Conditional Sentence. (Слайд 2)

There are 2 clauses: If – clause and result (main) clause.

-How many types of Conditional Sentences do you know? - There are 4 types of Conditionals: zero, I, II, III. (Слайд 3)

- What is zero conditional? (Слайд 4)

- Zero Conditional expresses the situations that are always true if something happens. Zero Conditional is formed by the use of the present simple in the if - clause and the present simple in the result clause. (Слайд 5)

Example: If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (It is general true) (Если вы нагрееваете воду до 100 градусов, она кипит.)

- Conditional 1, what do you know about this type? (Слайд 6)

- Conditional 1 is real, because it is used for real - or possible - situations.

Conditional 1 is formed by the use of the present simple in the if - clause and future simple in the result clause. (Слайд 7)

Example: If it rains, I will stay at home. (It is real situation) (Если идет дождь, я останусь дома.)

- Conditional 2, what do you know about this type? (Слайд 8)

- Conditional 2 is often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal оr impossible situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation.

Conditional 2 is formed by the use of the past simple in the if - clause and would + infinitive in the result clause. (Слайд 9)

Example: If I were rich, I would help the poor animals. (It is an imaginary result) (Если бы я был богат, я бы помог бедным животным.)

- And tell me, please, what do you know about the Conditional 3? (Слайд 10)

- Conditional 3 often called the "past" conditional because it expresses only past situations with unreal results.

Conditional 3 is formed by the use of the past perfect in the if clause and would + the present perfect in the result clause. (Слайд 11)

Example: If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many animals would have lived. (It is an unreal result) (Если бы люди не загрязняли планету, многие животные были бы живы.)

IV.Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме урока

1. Выполнение упражнений с помощью презентации на интерактивной доске

- Well, I see you know the grammar rules and now let’s practice them together.

Look at our board again and do some tasks. (выполняют упражнения на интерактивной доске, переводят предложения, объясняют какого типа условное предложение)

2. Задание на карточках в группах по 2 человека

I have some cards for you. Let’s work in pairs. The task: read the situation and complete the sentences using the correct form of the conditional sentences. (работа в парах с карточками) (Приложение 1)

V. Физкультминутка Работа по цепочке (T – P1 – P2 – P…)

- Well, pupils, now let’s have some fun and dream about some unreal situations in your life. Work in change, please. Use the right form of conditional sentences.

- For example, If I had 1million $, I would go abroad. And you?

- If I went abroad, I would visit many interesting places. And you?

VI. Контроль грамматических навыков. Инсценирование сказки.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Обобщение изученного материала. (2 min.)

- Thank you pupils.

-Наш урок подходит к своему завершению. Давайте вспомним, и еще раз назовем все типы условных предложений, и какие действия они выражают.

Приложение 1: Complete the sentence for each situation

1) You are standing very close to the edge of a swimming pool. You are wearing all your clothes. A friend says:

If you (fall in) ………. , your clothes (get) ………. wet!

2) You are sitting in the classroom on a hot day. You are day-dreaming about going to the beach. You think:

If today (be) ………. a holiday, I (go) ………. to the beach.

3) You are walking towards the bus-stop with a friend. Suddenly the bus arrives. The bus-stop is far away, but you think there is a chance of catching the bus. You say:

If we (run) ………. , we (catch) ………. It!

4) You are discussing the idea of underwater cities. People are describing the advantages and disadvantages of living under the sea. You say:

If we (live) ………. Under the sea, we (eat) fish all the time!

5) I didn’t realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk.

6) The Romans didn’t sail across the Atlantic, so they didn’t reach America.

6) The Romans didn’t sail across the Atlantic, so they didn’t reach America.

7 ) Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in bold .

Being an only child

I’m an only child. People often say to me:” Wouldn’t you be a lot happier if you 1 ( have )…………… brothers or sisters?’ but I don’t see it like that.

It’s true that if I had a brother or sister, I 2 ( have )…………… someone closer to my own age to talk to and play with at home, but I don’t think that’s very important 3 ( provide )………. that you have close friends, which I do. If my parents had more children, they 4 ( not be able )……………… to spend so much time with me. And we have great fun together! Also, if I had a brother or sister, I 5 ( have to ) ……………. share a bedroom with them. That might be fun, but what would happen if I 6 ( want )……………. to play my CDs and he or she had to study? No – I don’t want a brother or sister, unless it 7 ( happen ) ……………. of course. In that case, I’ll think it’s the best thing in the world!

Wizard: Well, your bag, your car and your money, dear. (Дочери получают подарки и начинают плакать).

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Let’s look at those four example sentences again in this chart. They represent the four types of conditional sentences you’ll study & practice in this tutorial. These four types have a variety of names. The 1 st type is called the Zero Conditional or Present Real Conditional. It‘s used to describe facts & habits, or real situations. The present tense is used in both clauses. The next type is called the 1 st Conditional, or Future Real Conditional. It is also used to describe real situations. The present tense is used in the if-clause, but the future tense is used in the main clause. The third type is called the 2 nd Conditional, or Present & Future Unreal Conditional. It is used to describe imaginary situations, situations that aren’t really truly happening now and that probably won’t happen in the future. Notice that even though you use this type of conditional sentence to talk about the present or future, we use the simple past tense in the if-clause. Strange, isn’t it? We also use the modal verb would plus the simple form of the main verb in the independent clause. The final type is called the 3 rd Conditional, or Past Unreal Conditional. It’s used to talk about past situations that did not actually happen. We’re just imagining a different situation from what really did happen in the past. The past perfect is used in the if-clause, and would have plus the past participle is used in the main clause. That’s a quick summary. Now, are you ready to learn more about each of these 4 types of conditional? When you’re ready to start part 1, please click on the words “Part 1” in the navigation menu to the left of this screen.

If I had drunk coffee last night,

I wouldn’t have slept well.

Third Conditional -

used for past unreal , imaginary situations

1. If a sranger had come through the door,_____ 3. Would Mrs Jones have told her husband____ 2. The maId would have told Mrs Jones____ 5. If little Jim Jones hadn’t looked in the bird’s nest______ 4. If Mr Jones had needed the insurance money,_____

1. If a sranger had come through the door,_____

3. Would Mrs Jones have told

her husband____

2. The maId would have told Mrs Jones____

5. If little Jim Jones hadn’t looked in the bird’s nest______

4. If Mr Jones had needed the insurance money,_____

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

заведующий отделением

Солодовников А.Б.


Subject : Foreign language

Date : 14.04.2020

Theme : Third Conditional

Aim : To form understanding about third conditional

1) educational - extended knowledge of third conditional

2) developing – to promote the development of speech, memory and cognitive interest

3) teaching - to increase the motivation to learn English

Visual aids : active board, text book, cards.

Methods: visual, speaking, practical.

Type of lesson : The lesson of learning new words.

Result : the students must know new grammar material, may use it in speech, may translate the sentences from Russian into English, may translate from English into Russian

Procedure of lesson:

Good morning, children!

I am very glad to see you.

Good morning, teacher!

Who is on duty today?

What is the date today?

What is the day of the week today?

What season is it now ?

What was your home task for today?

2. Checking of home task

To learn the words

3. Phonetic drill

I have prepared some proverbs where 3 type of conditional sentences

4. Introduction of new words

Условные предложения третьего типа

Условные предложения этого типа выражают нереальные условия, так как в них речь идет о событиях, которые уже произошли или не произошли в прошлом. Говорящий употребляет эту модель тогда, когда хочет сообщить об упущенной возможности.

Действие главного предложения также относится к прошлому. На русский язык переводятся сослагательным наклонением (формой прошедшего времени с частицей бы).

В придаточном предложении используется глагол в форме Past Perfect, а в главном предложении – вспомогательный глагол would и смысловой глагол в форме перфектного инфинитива (совпадает с образованием Present Perfect).

If you had called me, I would have come. – Если бы ты позвонил мне, я бы пришёл (но ты не позвонил).

He would have succeeded if I had helped him . – Он бы справился, если бы я ему помог (но я не помог).

If I had made more money , I would have bought a better house . – Если бы я заработал больше денег, я бы купил дом получше (но я не заработал).

Также третий тип условных предложений используется, когда мы критикуем какие-то действия, которые произошли в прошлом и которые мы не можем уже изменить.

If you had listened carefully , you wouldn ’ t have made so many mistakes . – Если бы ты внимательно слушал, ты бы не допустил так много ошибок.

If you hadn ’ t left your car open, it wouldn ’ t have been stolen . – Если бы ты не оставил машину открытой, ее бы не украли.

Третий тип показывает не только негативное прошлое. Мы также используем его, когда хотим сообщить о хороших событиях, которые произошли в прошлом и положительно повлияли на наше настоящее.

He wouldn ’ t have made this discovery if he hadn ’ t done precise calculations. – Он не совершил бы это открытие, если бы не сделал очень точные расчеты.

I f I hadn ’ t taken the wrong way, I wouldn ’ t have met you. – Если бы я не пошел по неправильной дороге, я бы не встретил тебя.

В условных предложениях третьего типа также может употребляться оборот but for + существительное или местоимение. Оборот с but for соответствует по значению придаточному предложению, вводимому оборотом " If it had not been for …".

But for the storm, I’d have been home before eight. Если бы не буря, я был бы дома раньше восьми.

But for your help, I wouldn’t have passed the exam. Если бы не твоя помощь, я бы не сдал экзамены.

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3. Воспитание творческих способностей учащихся на материале темы.

Грамматический материал: Conditional Sentences I, II, III, The Present Simple Tense, The Past Simple Tense, The Future Simple Tense, The Present Perfect Tense.

I. Начало урока

1) Организационный момент

2) Беседа с классом о настроении, погоде, дежурстве в классе

II. Постановка темы и целей урока

III. Речевая зарядка

1) Повторение грамматического правила Conditional Sentences

IV. Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме урока

1) Выполнение упражнений с помощью презентации на интерактивной доске

2) Задание на карточках в группах по 2 человека

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Контроль грамматических навыков. Инсценирование сказки.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Обобщение изученного материала.

- Good morning, children. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2. Беседа с классом о настроении, погоде, дежурстве в классе

- It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

- How are you? – I am fine, thank you.

- Who is on duty today? – I am on duty today.

- What date is it today? - Today is the …

- What is the weather today? - The weather is good. It is snowy and cold.

II. Постановка темы и целей урока

- So, I think we are ready to start our lesson.

- The topic of our lesson is Conditional Sentences and our main aim is to repeat and practice such sentences in different exercises. (Слайд 1)

1. Повторение грамматического правила Conditional Sentences

- Well, now let’s remember the rules. Look at our board, please.

- This is the structure of Conditional Sentence. (Слайд 2)

There are 2 clauses: If – clause and result (main) clause.

-How many types of Conditional Sentences do you know? - There are 4 types of Conditionals: zero, I, II, III. (Слайд 3)

- What is zero conditional? (Слайд 4)

- Zero Conditional expresses the situations that are always true if something happens. Zero Conditional is formed by the use of the present simple in the if - clause and the present simple in the result clause. (Слайд 5)

Example: If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (It is general true) (Если вы нагрееваете воду до 100 градусов, она кипит.)

- Conditional 1, what do you know about this type? (Слайд 6)

- Conditional 1 is real, because it is used for real - or possible - situations.

Conditional 1 is formed by the use of the present simple in the if - clause and future simple in the result clause. (Слайд 7)

Example: If it rains, I will stay at home. (It is real situation) (Если идет дождь, я останусь дома.)

- Conditional 2, what do you know about this type? (Слайд 8)

- Conditional 2 is often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal оr impossible situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation.

Conditional 2 is formed by the use of the past simple in the if - clause and would + infinitive in the result clause. (Слайд 9)

Example: If I were rich, I would help the poor animals. (It is an imaginary result) (Если бы я был богат, я бы помог бедным животным.)

- And tell me, please, what do you know about the Conditional 3? (Слайд 10)

- Conditional 3 often called the "past" conditional because it expresses only past situations with unreal results.

Conditional 3 is formed by the use of the past perfect in the if clause and would + the present perfect in the result clause. (Слайд 11)

Example: If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many animals would have lived. (It is an unreal result) (Если бы люди не загрязняли планету, многие животные были бы живы.)

IV.Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме урока

1. Выполнение упражнений с помощью презентации на интерактивной доске

- Well, I see you know the grammar rules and now let’s practice them together.

Look at our board again and do some tasks. (выполняют упражнения на интерактивной доске, переводят предложения, объясняют какого типа условное предложение)

2. Задание на карточках в группах по 2 человека

I have some cards for you. Let’s work in pairs. The task: read the situation and complete the sentences using the correct form of the conditional sentences. (работа в парах с карточками) (Приложение 1)

V. Физкультминутка Работа по цепочке (T – P1 – P2 – P…)

- Well, pupils, now let’s have some fun and dream about some unreal situations in your life. Work in change, please. Use the right form of conditional sentences.

- For example, If I had 1million $, I would go abroad. And you?

- If I went abroad, I would visit many interesting places. And you?

VI. Контроль грамматических навыков. Инсценирование сказки.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Обобщение изученного материала. (2 min.)

- Thank you pupils.

-Наш урок подходит к своему завершению. Давайте вспомним, и еще раз назовем все типы условных предложений, и какие действия они выражают.

Приложение 1: Complete the sentence for each situation

1) You are standing very close to the edge of a swimming pool. You are wearing all your clothes. A friend says:

If you (fall in) ………. , your clothes (get) ………. wet!

2) You are sitting in the classroom on a hot day. You are day-dreaming about going to the beach. You think:

If today (be) ………. a holiday, I (go) ………. to the beach.

3) You are walking towards the bus-stop with a friend. Suddenly the bus arrives. The bus-stop is far away, but you think there is a chance of catching the bus. You say:

If we (run) ………. , we (catch) ………. It!

4) You are discussing the idea of underwater cities. People are describing the advantages and disadvantages of living under the sea. You say:

If we (live) ………. Under the sea, we (eat) fish all the time!

5) I didn’t realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk.

6) The Romans didn’t sail across the Atlantic, so they didn’t reach America.

6) The Romans didn’t sail across the Atlantic, so they didn’t reach America.

7) Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in bold.

Being an only child

I’m an only child. People often say to me:” Wouldn’t you be a lot happier if you 1(have)…………… brothers or sisters?’ but I don’t see it like that.

It’s true that if I had a brother or sister, I 2(have)…………… someone closer to my own age to talk to and play with at home, but I don’t think that’s very important 3(provide)………. that you have close friends, which I do. If my parents had more children, they 4( not be able)……………… to spend so much time with me. And we have great fun together! Also, if I had a brother or sister, I 5(have to) ……………. share a bedroom with them. That might be fun, but what would happen if I 6(want)……………. to play my CDs and he or she had to study? No – I don’t want a brother or sister, unless it 7(happen) ……………. of course. In that case, I’ll think it’s the best thing in the world!

Wizard: Well, your bag, your car and your money, dear. (Дочери получают подарки и начинают плакать).

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